by dcoles
Added Forum application along with unmodifed version of phpBB3 "Olympus" 3.0.0 |
1 |
<!-- BEGIN dropdown -->
2 |
<select name="{dropdown.FIELD_IDENT}" id="{dropdown.FIELD_IDENT}"> |
3 |
<!-- BEGIN options --><option value="{dropdown.options.OPTION_ID}"{dropdown.options.SELECTED}>{dropdown.options.VALUE}</option><!-- END options --> |
4 |
</select> |
5 |
<!-- END dropdown -->
6 |
7 |
<!-- BEGIN text -->
8 |
<textarea name="{text.FIELD_IDENT}" id="{text.FIELD_IDENT}" rows="{text.FIELD_ROWS}" cols="{text.FIELD_COLS}" class="inputbox autowidth">{text.FIELD_VALUE}</textarea> |
9 |
<!-- END text -->
10 |
11 |
<!-- BEGIN string -->
12 |
<input type="text" class="inputbox autowidth" name="{string.FIELD_IDENT}" id="{string.FIELD_IDENT}" size="{string.FIELD_LENGTH}" maxlength="{string.FIELD_MAXLEN}" value="{string.FIELD_VALUE}" /> |
13 |
<!-- END string -->
14 |
15 |
<!-- BEGIN bool -->
16 |
<!-- IF bool.FIELD_LENGTH eq 1 -->
17 |
<!-- BEGIN options --><label for="{bool.FIELD_IDENT}_{bool.options.OPTION_ID}"><input type="radio" class="radio" name="{bool.FIELD_IDENT}" id="{bool.FIELD_IDENT}_{bool.options.OPTION_ID}" value="{bool.options.OPTION_ID}"{bool.options.CHECKED} /> {bool.options.VALUE}</label> <!-- END options --> |
18 |
<!-- ELSE -->
19 |
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" name="{bool.FIELD_IDENT}" id="{bool.FIELD_IDENT}"<!-- IF bool.FIELD_VALUE --> checked="checked"<!-- ENDIF --> /> |
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<!-- ENDIF -->
21 |
<!-- END bool -->
22 |
23 |
<!-- BEGIN int -->
24 |
<input type="text" class="inputbox autowidth" name="{int.FIELD_IDENT}" id="{int.FIELD_IDENT}" size="{int.FIELD_LENGTH}" value="{int.FIELD_VALUE}" /> |
25 |
<!-- END int -->
26 |
27 |
<!-- BEGIN date -->
28 |
<label for="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_day">{L_DAY}: <select name="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_day" id="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_day">{date.S_DAY_OPTIONS}</select></label> |
29 |
<label for="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_month">{L_MONTH}: <select name="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_month" id="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_month">{date.S_MONTH_OPTIONS}</select></label> |
30 |
<label for="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_year">{L_YEAR}: <select name="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_year" id="{date.FIELD_IDENT}_year">{date.S_YEAR_OPTIONS}</select></label> |
31 |
<!-- END date -->