by William Grant
Add basic (ie. pretty much empty) offering index. |
1 |
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" |
2 |
xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/"> |
3 |
4 |
<title>${context.subject.name} (${context.semester.year} semester ${context.semester.semester})</title> |
5 |
</head> |
6 |
7 |
<h1>${context.subject.name}</h1> |
8 |
<div id="ivle_padding"> |
9 |
<div class="contextactions"> |
by William Grant
Add a 'Change details' link on the offering index, pointing to +edit. |
10 |
<a py:if="'edit' in permissions" |
11 |
class="editaction" |
12 |
href="${req.publisher.generate(context, OfferingEdit)}"> |
13 |
Change details |
14 |
</a> |
by William Grant
Improve worksheet management experience from the offering index. |
15 |
<a py:if="'enrol' in permissions" |
by William Grant
Enrolment is now a groupaction, and project management a manageaction. |
16 |
class="groupaction" |
by William Grant
Add basic (ie. pretty much empty) offering index. |
17 |
href="${req.publisher.generate(context, None, ('+enrolments', '+new'))}"> |
18 |
Enrol users |
19 |
</a> |
by William Grant
Add an empty projects section. |
20 |
</div> |
21 |
by William Grant
Move Subject.url to Offering, and add Offering.description. Show these on the offering index. |
22 |
<div py:if="context.description" style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> |
23 |
<div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">${context.description}</div> |
24 |
<a py:if="context.url" class="webaction" href="${context.url}">Home page</a> |
25 |
</div> |
26 |
by William Grant
Add some extra margin between the projects and worksheets sections. |
27 |
<div py:if="'edit' in permissions or context.projects.count() > 0" |
28 |
class="majorsection"> |
by William Grant
Add an empty projects section. |
29 |
<h2>Projects</h2> |
30 |
<py:choose test="context.projects.count()"> |
31 |
<p py:when="0"> |
32 |
There are no projects for this offering. |
33 |
</p> |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
34 |
35 |
<ul class="paddedlist"> |
36 |
<li py:for="project in context.projects" |
37 |
py:attrs="{'class': 'project closed'} |
38 |
if project.has_deadline_passed(req.user) |
39 |
else {'class': 'project'}" |
40 |
py:with="principal = project.project_set.get_submission_principal(req.user)"> |
by William Grant
Don't render an offering's projects as <a>s unless they actually have a URL. |
41 |
<py:choose test="project.url not in (None, '')"> |
42 |
<a py:when="True" href="${project.url}">${project.name}</a> |
43 |
<span py:otherwise="">${project.name}</span> |
44 |
</py:choose> |
45 |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
46 |
<span py:content="format_submission_principal(req.user, principal)" /> – |
by Matt Giuca
All checks if a project deadline has passed call Project.has_deadline_passed, rather than manually checking with the current time. Important if the abstracted function changes to respect extensions. |
47 |
<!-- XXX This deadline does not take the student's extensions into account. -->
by Matt Giuca
Subject page: The tooltips on project due/submitted times, added the text 'Due', 'Closed' or 'Submitted', so it's clear what time you are looking at. |
48 |
<span title="${'Closed' if project.has_deadline_passed(req.user) else 'Due'}: ${format_datetime(project.deadline)}"> |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
49 |
${'closed' if project.has_deadline_passed(req.user) else 'due'} ${format_datetime_short(project.deadline)} |
50 |
</span> |
51 |
<py:if test="principal is not None" |
52 |
py:with="submissions = project.get_submissions_for_principal(principal)"> |
53 |
54 |
<py:choose test="submissions.count()"> |
55 |
<span py:when="0"> |
56 |
not yet submitted |
57 |
</span> |
58 |
<span py:otherwise="" |
59 |
py:with="latest = submissions.last()" |
by Matt Giuca
Subject page: The tooltips on project due/submitted times, added the text 'Due', 'Closed' or 'Submitted', so it's clear what time you are looking at. |
60 |
title="Submitted: ${format_datetime(latest.date_submitted)}"> |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
61 |
last submitted ${format_datetime_short(latest.date_submitted)} |
by Matt Giuca
Subject page: Added Verify links on the subject pages to any projects with |
62 |
<a class="verifyaction" href="${latest.get_verify_url(req.user)}">Verify</a> |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
63 |
</span> |
64 |
</py:choose> |
65 |
</py:if> |
66 |
<br /> |
67 |
${project.synopsis} |
by William Grant
Display a link on the offering index to view each project's submissions. |
68 |
<py:if test="'view_project_submissions' in permissions"> |
69 |
<br /> |
70 |
<a class="verifyaction" href="${req.publisher.generate(project)}">View submissions</a> |
by William Grant
Allow tutors to manage groups. |
71 |
<a py:if="project.project_set.is_group" class="manageaction" |
72 |
href="${req.publisher.generate(project.project_set, GroupsView)}">Manage groups</a> |
by William Grant
Display a link on the offering index to view each project's submissions. |
73 |
</py:if> |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
74 |
</li> |
75 |
</ul> |
by Matt Giuca
Removed submission advice from the subjects page, instead linking to the help page (which contained the same text). Also linked to this page from the submit page. Minor tweaks to the text relating to the submission advice. Fixes Launchpad Bug #520284. |
76 |
<p py:if="context.get_open_projects_for_user(req.user).count() > 0"> |
77 |
<a class="helpaction" href="/+help/Submitting%20a%20project">Help submitting a project</a> |
78 |
</p> |
by William Grant
Add submission instructions under the list of projects. |
79 |
</py:otherwise> |
by William Grant
Add an empty projects section. |
80 |
</py:choose> |
81 |
by William Grant
Improve worksheet management experience from the offering index. |
82 |
<a py:if="'edit' in permissions" |
by William Grant
Enrolment is now a groupaction, and project management a manageaction. |
83 |
class="manageaction" |
by William Grant
Add basic (ie. pretty much empty) offering index. |
84 |
href="${req.publisher.generate(context, None, '+projects')}"> |
85 |
Manage projects |
86 |
</a> |
by William Grant
Improve worksheet management experience from the offering index. |
87 |
</div> |
by William Grant
Add an empty projects section. |
88 |
by Matt Giuca
Tutors can now (once again) edit worksheets. |
89 |
<div py:if="'edit_worksheets' in permissions or context.worksheets.count() > 0" |
by William Grant
Add some extra margin between the projects and worksheets sections. |
90 |
class="majorsection"> |
by William Grant
Improve worksheet management experience from the offering index. |
91 |
<h2>Worksheets</h2> |
92 |
<py:choose test="context.worksheets.count()"> |
93 |
<p py:when="0"> |
94 |
There are no worksheets for this offering. |
95 |
<a class="addaction" href="${req.publisher.generate(context, None, ('+worksheets', '+new'))}">Create one now</a> |
96 |
</p> |
97 |
<div py:otherwise=""> |
by William Grant
Show the worksheet listing with marks and schtuff on the offering index. |
98 |
<ul id="tutorial-toc"> |
99 |
<py:for each="worksheet in worksheets"> |
100 |
101 |
<!-- Can't generate a URL directly to the worksheet, since this is a fake worksheet. -->
by William Grant
Fix worksheet links. |
102 |
<a href="${req.publisher.generate(context)}/+worksheets/${worksheet.id}">${worksheet.name}</a> |
by William Grant
Show the worksheet listing with marks and schtuff on the offering index. |
103 |
<py:if test="worksheet.assessable"> |
104 |
105 |
<li class="${worksheet.complete_class}"> |
106 |
Completed ${worksheet.mand_done}/${worksheet.total}${worksheet.optional_message} |
107 |
</li> |
108 |
</ul> |
109 |
</py:if> |
110 |
</li> |
111 |
</py:for> |
112 |
</ul> |
113 |
<py:if test="exercises_total > 0"> |
114 |
115 |
<li class="${worksheets_complete_class}"> |
116 |
Total exercises completed: ${exercises_done}/${exercises_total} (${exercises_pct}%) |
117 |
</li> |
118 |
</ul> |
119 |
120 |
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Mark:</span> ${worksheet_mark}/${worksheet_max_mark} |
121 |
</p> |
122 |
</py:if> |
by Matt Giuca
Tutors can now (once again) edit worksheets. |
123 |
<span py:if="'edit_worksheets' in permissions"> |
by Matt Giuca
offering.html: Minor change to manages buttons. A bit neater, and avoids a stray <br /> if you aren't a tutor. |
124 |
<a class="manageaction" href="${req.publisher.generate(context, None, ('+worksheets', '+edit'))}"> Manage worksheets</a> |
125 |
<br /> |
126 |
<a class="manageaction" href="/+exercises">Manage exercises</a> |
127 |
</span> |
by William Grant
Improve worksheet management experience from the offering index. |
128 |
</div> |
129 |
</py:choose> |
by William Grant
Add basic (ie. pretty much empty) offering index. |
130 |
</div> |
131 |
</div> |
132 |
</body> |
133 |
</html> |
134 |
135 |