by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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.. IVLE - Informatics Virtual Learning Environment
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Copyright (C) 2007-2009 The University of Melbourne
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.. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
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(at your option) any later version.
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.. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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GNU General Public License for more details.
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.. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
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by Matt Giuca
Added a script ivle-loadsampledata. |
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.. _sample-data: |
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by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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Sample data
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IVLE comes with supplied sample data to give a quick overview of the system. |
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This sample data may be installed by an administrative script. It should not |
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be installed in a production environment. |
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The sample data consists of database entries, for populating sample subjects, |
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offerings, users, projects, groups and worksheets, as well as some sample |
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files in users' Subversion repositories. |
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Installing the sample data
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The data is stored in an SQL dump file, in ``examples/db/sample.sql``.
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by Matt Giuca
Added a script ivle-loadsampledata. |
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You must import this data into a **fresh** IVLE database. If you already have
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a working IVLE install, it will have to be erased. A script is provided |
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which performs the following tasks: |
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* Unmounts all users with accounts in the current database,
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* Drops the IVLE database if it already exists (prompting first),
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* Creates and initialises a new IVLE database, as per :ref:`database-setup`, |
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* Populates the database with the sample data,
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* Creates data directories and subversion repositories for all users, backing
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up directories for any existing users. |
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by Matt Giuca
Docs: Clarified the process of refreshing the sample data. |
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The script is executed with the following command from the IVLE source |
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by Matt Giuca
Added a script ivle-loadsampledata. |
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sudo ivle-loadsampledata examples/db/sample.sql
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.. warning:: This script essentially destroys all contents in an existing IVLE |
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installation. Be sure you wish to do this. |
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.. note:: The script may fail at the "dropping database" phase if Apache or |
by Matt Giuca
Docs: Clarified the process of refreshing the sample data. |
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another process are using the database. It is best to *restart* (not stop)
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Apache before executing the script (``sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart``).
by Matt Giuca
Added a script ivle-loadsampledata. |
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If the database exists, but is not properly initialised, then the script |
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may fail. In this case, you should manually run ``ivle-mountallusers -u``,
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then drop the database, to ensure a clean build. |
by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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by Matt Giuca
ivle-loadsampledata: Runs ivle-refreshfilesystem both before and after loading sample data into the database, so that existing sample users are moved out of the way. This is explained in the docs. |
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If there are any existing users (including sample users from previous runs |
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of the script), their files and subversion repos will be moved out of the |
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way to a backup location, ``/var/lib/ivle/jails-removed-<date>/``.
by Matt Giuca
doc/man/sample: Little extra note about removing the jail backups. |
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If you run this script regularly, your ``/var/lib/ivle/`` will become full
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of these backups, so you may wish to remove them often. However, they are |
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typically fairly small (a few hundred kilobytes each), because they only |
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contain user content, not the full jail image. |
by Matt Giuca
ivle-loadsampledata: Runs ivle-refreshfilesystem both before and after loading sample data into the database, so that existing sample users are moved out of the way. This is explained in the docs. |
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by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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What is included
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Subjects, semesters and offerings
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There are four semesters in the database: 2009 semesters 1 and 2, and 2010 |
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semesters 1 and 2. |
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.. note:: We pretend that we are in 2009 semester 2 (even if that doesn't |
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agree with the system clock). Therefore, 2009 semester 1 is a "past |
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semester", 2009 semester 2 is the "current semester", and the 2010 |
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semesters are "future semesters." |
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There are four subjects in the database, with subject short names ivle-101, |
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ivle-102, ivle-201 and ivle-202. |
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The subjects have offerings for some of the semesters, as shown in this table: |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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| Year | Semester | Subject |
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+======+==========+===========+ |
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| 2009 | 1 | ivle-101 |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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| 2009 | 2 | ivle-102 |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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| 2010 | 1 | ivle-101 |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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| 2010 | 1 | ivle-201 |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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| 2010 | 2 | ivle-102 |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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| 2010 | 2 | ivle-202 |
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+------+----------+-----------+ |
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by Matt Giuca
doc: Minor. |
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There are five users (username/password). Note that in all cases, the password |
by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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is "password". |
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* admin/password: This user has administrative rights over the entire system.
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* lecturer/password: This is a normal user, but is enrolled as a lecturer in
by Matt Giuca
doc/dev/sample.rst: Refer to subjects by short name, not subj code. |
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ivle-101 (2009 semester 1) and ivle-102 (2009 semester 2). |
by Matt Giuca
Sample data: Added a new user, Terry Tutor, enrolled as a tutor in one of the subject, to test tutor permissions as distinct from lecturer permissions. |
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* tutor/password: This is a normal user, but is enrolled as a tutor in
by Matt Giuca
doc/dev/sample.rst: Refer to subjects by short name, not subj code. |
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ivle-102 (2009 semester 2). |
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* studenta/password: This is a normal user, enrolled in ivle-101 (2009
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semester 1) and ivle-102 (2009 semester 2). |
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* studentb/password: This is a normal user, enrolled in ivle-102 (2009
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semester 2). This student has not yet accepted the Terms of Service, so does |
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not have a jail created, etc. |
by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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.. note:: For the first three users, the Subversion password is also |
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"password". This means it is possible to access their SVN repository |
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with a stand-alone SVN client with that password. This is somewhat |
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unrealistic, as the SVN password in IVLE is usually a randomly-generated |
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string, not related to the user's IVLE login password. |
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When studentb logs in for the first time, his SVN repository is created, |
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and given a random password. |
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by Matt Giuca
doc/man/sample: Describe the new sample data we put in today (files, worksheets, exercises). |
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The repository for user "studenta" has a few sample files. All of the |
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directories must be checked out (using the Checkout button) before the files |
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can be seen from the IVLE application. |
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by Matt Giuca
doc/dev/sample.rst: Describe all of the new sample files. |
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* :file:`stuff/Welcome to IVLE.html`: A simple web page, which can be |
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displayed with the "Serve" command. |
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* :file:`stuff/hello.py`: A simple Python script, which can be executed with |
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the "Serve" command. This file has a few edits in its revision history. |
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* :file:`ivle-102/mywork/phase1.html`: A file for a student's project |
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submission. |
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* :file:`group1/phase2.html`: A file for a group project submission. This |
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contains edits by both studenta and studentb, and is also accessible if |
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logged in as studentb. |
by Matt Giuca
doc/man/sample: Describe the new sample data we put in today (files, worksheets, exercises). |
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by Matt Giuca
docs/sample data: Describe sample project sets, projects and groups. |
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by Matt Giuca
Sample database: Added a sample worksheet. |
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The subject ivle-102 (2009 semester 2) has two project sets and three |
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projects. This demonstrates the relationship between project sets and |
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projects. |
by Matt Giuca
docs/sample data: Describe sample project sets, projects and groups. |
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The first project set is a solo project set (every student works by |
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themselves on all projects). It has one project in it. |
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The second project set is a group project set, for groups of 3. That means |
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students work in the *same* group of 3 for every project in the set. It has
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two projects in it, demonstrating that the students get to keep their group |
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(including all of the group files) across the two projects in this set. |
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by Matt Giuca
Sample data: Projects 1 and 2 now due in 3009, not 2009, so they won't appear closed when someone in the (not-too-distant) future tries to submit them. Updated corresponding documentation. |
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Projects 1 and 2 have their due date set in the year 3009, so they will always |
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be submittable. Project 3 was due in 2009, so it has already closed. |
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by Matt Giuca
docs/sample data: Describe sample project sets, projects and groups. |
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Finally, there is a single group for projects 2 and 3, which has the students |
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studenta and studentb enlisted. |
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by Matt Giuca
doc/man/sample: Describe the new sample data we put in today (files, worksheets, exercises). |
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There is currently a single exercise, ``factorial``, which prompts the user to
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write a factorial function and tests its correctness. |
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by Matt Giuca
Sample database: Added a sample worksheet. |
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There is currently a single worksheet in the subject ivle-102 (2009 semester |
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2). It embeds the exercise ``factorial``.
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by Matt Giuca
Added sample data infrastructure, with a little bit of sample data. The sample data is in examples/db/sample.sql. Documentation in doc/man/sample.rst details the infrastructure for importing and exporting sample data. |
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Updating the sample data
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For developers: If you need to update the sample data, follow this procedure. |
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Run the following command::
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pg_dump --schema=public --disable-triggers --data-only --column-inserts \
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--inserts --no-owner ivle > examples/db/sample.sql
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Then check the diff. You may hand-edit the SQL file, but only for the purpose |
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of fixing up unsightly data -- it should be possible to reload from the script |
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and re-export with no diff. |