by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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IVLE - System Architecture |
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========================== |
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Author: Matt Giuca |
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Date: 10/12/2007 |
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This document describes the high-level system architecture of IVLE, |
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specifically with respect to the "pluggable clients" interface. |
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Users and authorization |
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----------------------- |
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We need some way to authenticate users and store information about a logged-in |
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user. Whether they are stored in a database local to our system remains to be |
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seen. |
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Importantly, we need some way to send user information to the clients. This is |
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discussed in the "pluggable clients" section. |
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Pluggable clients |
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----------------- |
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The IVLE system is largely just a collection of various components, called |
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"clients", such as the file browser, text editor, console, tutorial sheets, |
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etc. |
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The architecture provides a common interface in which clients can be plugged |
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in. |
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Firstly, we want all HTML pages on the site to be generated with a common |
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header. The easiest way to do this is to write our own Python handler which |
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is common to the entire application (this replaces the standard handlers such |
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as Publisher). |
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by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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This top-level handler handles all authentication (for instance, |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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checking the session to see if a user is logged in properly and if not, |
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redirecting to the login page). It then outputs the header, and calls the |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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appropriate client based on the URL. The test of "whether the student is an |
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Informatics student" is considered part of the authentication layer. (So |
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students who are not enrolled in Informatics are treated the same way as a |
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garbage username). |
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Note that some clients ("login" and "exec") do not require authentication. |
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This will be one of the properties of the client in the global clients file. |
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Note that the handler does *not* perform authorization - that is left up to |
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the clients. |
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One special feature of the handler will be the ability to write an XHTML |
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header (which includes the user's name and links to profile page, IVLE logo, |
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and tabs for all the clients). This is important to keep a consistent |
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interface between the clients. This header will be available upon request from |
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the client. It is up to the client to NOT request a header for non-HTML |
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content (or it will be ruined), and also not to request a header when |
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executing student's code (ie. the exec module will never request a header). |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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### Plugin interface ### |
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The top-level handler will keep a Python file (or a text, JSON, etc file) |
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containing a list of valid clients. This is a dictionary mapping clients' |
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internal names (the top-level directories, as described below in "URLs" and |
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the "planned clients") to some other date about the clients (such as a |
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friendly name to display in the tabs, and a boolean as to whether or not to |
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display the client in the tabs). |
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Part of the HTML header which the handler generates is a set of tabs linking |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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to all of the clients in this list, or at least the ones with "show in tabs" |
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turned on. Clients such as "exec" and "admin" will not have a tab. |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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Each client will be located physically in a directory "clients", in a |
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subdirectory of the client's name. (eg. the console is located in |
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"clients/console"). There *must* be a file in this directory called |
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**client.py**. This file is called by the handler for most requests. |
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by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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All requests will go through the handler. Note that there is some media (such |
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as CSS, JavaScript and image files which are directly part of the application |
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itself), which we do not want to pass through the handler. These will be |
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placed in a special top-level directory, which Apache will be told to serve |
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directly. (eg. "/media"). |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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This means that the contents of each client directory is a Python program |
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*only*, and contains no files accessible by the browser. It consists of |
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client.py, plus any Python files imported by client.py (but none of these |
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files will directly serve web content). |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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Inside client.py, there is a fixed interface which all clients must follow. |
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Firstly, there is a set of information which the handler must pass to the |
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client in numerous calls - such as username, URL, and nicely split up parts of |
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the URL such as the path, the GET variables, and also the POST data, as well |
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as mod_python's low-level Request object. |
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This information is encapsulated into an object and passed as a single |
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argument to the client handling functions. |
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Note that as stated above, the handler may need to insert HTML contents into |
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the output stream. Instead of having two separate function calls (a call to |
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find the mime type and a call to get content), we'll simply provide a wrapper |
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object to the client where the client can make callbacks to. |
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To this end, the client receives an object containing all of the information, |
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as well as an object with some methods to call. The handler passes this to a |
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function in client.py, `handle`. The callback object contains the following |
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methods: |
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* set_mime_type(string) - Sets the output mime type. May be called any number |
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of times (including 0, will default to HTML), but may not be called after |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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any writing has been done. |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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* set_status(string) - Sets the HTTP response status. The string is a numeric |
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code followed by a description, for example "404 File Not Found". May not be |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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called after any writing has been done. |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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* set_location(string) - Sets the Location field of the HTTP response to a new |
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URL. For use with 300-level HTTP response codes. May not be called after any |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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writing has been done. |
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* write_html_headers() - Writes the general site headers to the output stream. |
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May not be called after any writing has been done. |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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* write(string) - Writes raw data to the output. |
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Note that this is very similar to the CGI interface, but much higher level (we |
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have functions to call instead of writing strings, and we send the GET and |
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POST data in a packaged object instead of environment variables and stdin). |
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Note that, as with CGI, there is a "cutoff point" during the processing |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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(immediately when the first call to `write` or `write_html_headers` is made) - |
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in which the response headers are written to the server. |
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### Application directory hierarchy ### |
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Due to the handler, we have a nice property that the application directory |
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hierarchy is completely removed from the apparent hierarchy on the web. This |
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has two opportunities: we can call the applications (in their directory |
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hierarchy) a different name than the URL suggests, and also we can lay out the |
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directory hierarchy with developers interests in mind. |
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We capitalise on the first issue by mapping the "action" (url name) of a |
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client to the actual name. (Clients are indexed by url-name so they can |
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be looked up when a URL is requested). |
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The proposed application directory hierarchy is: |
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/ |
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/clients - All clients go in here |
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/clients/myclient - "actual" names of the clients |
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/dispatch - Code files for the top-level dispatch |
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/dispatch.py - Entrypoint for the top-level dispatch |
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/media - Publically viewable files |
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(Note that this directory hierarchy maps onto the web site) |
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/media/myclient - media files specific to each client go in a subdir |
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/media/dispatch - media files for the top-level dispatch |
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/conf - Special .py files which hold configuration info (for the admin to |
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edit, not the programmers). |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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URLs |
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---- |
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It would be good if we had full control of URLs and were able to make them |
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"nice" at all times. The criteria for "nice" URLs are as follows: |
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* The paths in the URLs reflect a sensible hierarchy of where you are in the |
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program at the current time. |
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* The URLs do not contain any file extensions for the pages (no .html or |
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.py), although linked files such as CSS, JavaScript and image files should |
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have appropriate file extensions. |
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* The URLs do not contain unnecessary garbage arguments, and preferably no GET |
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arguments at all (for instance, the file browser will specify the path to |
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browse in the actual URL path, not the GET arguments. |
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* The URL does not contain the student's login name. This is implicit in the |
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browser session. (This requirement allows for us to link to URLs in |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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documentation which will work for any student). (Note that URLs may contain |
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other students login names for browsing their work - this is determined by |
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the individual clients). |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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The top-level directory given in the URL determines the client which the |
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handler will pass off to. For instance, |
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http://www.example.com/ivle/console |
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Since IVLE is located at `http://www.example.com/ivle`, it will consider the |
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"top-level directory" to be "console", and therefore will call the client |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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whose action is "console". This may not be the actual name of the client. For |
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example, the "edit" action maps onto the "editor" client, while the "serve" |
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action maps onto the "exec" client. (Perhaps it is best for simplicity if |
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these do in fact correspond). |
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For another example, consider the file browser (action name "files"). The URL |
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may have subdirectories after it which indicate the path to explore. This will |
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be detailed in the clients section below. An example of a browse URL is: |
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http://www.example.com/ivle/files/jdoe/151/proj1/ |
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In this instance, the handler will see the top-level directory as "files", and |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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will therefore link to the file browser client. The file browser client will |
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then receive the additional arguments passed to it in some way, which in this |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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case are "jdoe/151/proj1/". The file browser client will then handle this path |
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and serve up the correct directory. |
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### Relative URLs inside HTML content ### |
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It is a requirement that the application can be placed anywhere in a web |
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server's directory hierarchy, not just at the top level. This means HTML |
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should never contain absolute URLs (beginning with, eg, "/browse"). Then it |
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would need to be in the site root. |
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To solve the problem of how to generate URLs, one of the fields the handler |
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will pass into the clients (which it will read from a config file somewhere) |
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will be the "site root". This may be "/ivle", for instance. Therefore all |
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absolute URLs generated by the applications must be prepended with the "site |
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root". (In our case the site root will probably be "/", but it's a good |
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feature to have). |
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### Student's directory hierarchy, common code ### |
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Many clients share the concept of exploring the student's directory hierarchy, |
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as explained above for the browser module. The common code for handling the |
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student id or group name (etc) and authorization will be available as a |
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separate module for all such clients (browser, editor, exec) to use. |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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Planned Clients |
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--------------- |
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by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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### File Browser, Text Editor and Executor ### |
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Three of the most important clients are the file browser ("browser"), text |
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editor ("editor") and executor ("exec"). These three share a commonality in |
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that they all access the student's directory hierarchy and files. They all |
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share a lot of code in common, and in particular, there is a common |
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server-side handler for file access, directory listings and subversion. |
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Firstly, every file and directory is classified into one of the following |
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categories (based on its inferred MIME type and possibly whether it contains |
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invalid Unicode characters): |
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1. Directory |
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2. Image |
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3. Audio |
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4. Text file (unless it fits the above, eg, SVG files) |
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5. Any other binary file |
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How each of these is handled depends on which of the 3 clients is accessing |
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the file. |
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#### File Browser #### |
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Name: `browser` |
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Action name: `files` |
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Tab name: "Files" |
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1. Directory - Displays a directory listing (this is its primary purpose). |
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2. Image - Displays the image inside the main navigation interface. |
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3. Audio - (non-core) Provides a streaming audio player within the main |
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navigation interface. |
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4. Text file - Redirect to edit. |
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5. Binary file - Provides a download link within the main navigation |
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interface. |
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Note that no matter what, using browser will remain within the navigation |
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interface so you will never be "lost" inside a raw image or something. It also |
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will not throw binary files as downloads directly to you. |
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Note that the src of the image tag in (2) and the href of the download link in |
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(5) will simply be links to the exec version of the same file. |
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File browser will include the Python file which serves up JSON responses to |
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requests for directory hierarchies, and performs SVN and file access commands. |
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This file will be used by the text editor (at least) and possibly exec. |
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#### Text Editor #### |
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Name: `editor` |
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Action name: `edit` |
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Tab name: "Edit" |
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No matter what, editor provides a text area (with advanced editing |
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capabilities and syntax highlighting) for any file, even if it is binary. The |
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only exception is directories, which redirect to browser. |
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Note that it will not be possible to click into the editor for a binary file |
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(the browser will not offer an edit link). However, it will still be possible |
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to manually nav there, and then you handle the shock yourself. |
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#### Executor #### |
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Name: `exec` |
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Action name: `serve` |
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Tab name: (not shown) |
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The executor is used to directly serve files out of a student's directory, as |
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if it was a standard web server. (It can be thought of as a little web server |
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inside IVLE). This means that: |
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* A whitelist of file types is kept which simply are served up raw. This |
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includes HTML, JavaScript, CSS, all reasonable image and audio formats, etc. |
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* Special "executable" file types (.py, .psp). Exec will call popen on a |
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Python process which loads a mod_python handler, cgihandler or psphandler on |
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the given file. |
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* HTTP errors for banned files. |
by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Figured out what to do with directories within |
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* When presented with a directory, it first tries to execute `__init__.py` |
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(the default item for the directory). It could also look for `index.html` or |
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`index.psp` if that failed. Failing that, it returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden |
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error. |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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### Console ### |
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by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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Name: `console` |
303 |
Action name: `console` |
304 |
Tab name: "Console" |
by mattgiuca
design/notes: Added architecture (describing client plugin interface). |
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### Tutorial Pages ### |
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by mattgiuca
design notes/architecture.txt: Reworked and added sections following |
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Name: `tutorial` |
309 |
Action name: `tutorial` |
310 |
Tab name: "Tutorial" |
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### Administration ### |
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314 |
Name: `admin` |
315 |
Action name: `admin` |
316 |
Tab name: (not shown) |
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Client checks authorization for admin status. Tab is not shown so students |
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will not normally know about this (but even if they find it they will be |
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denied access). |
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### Login ### |
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Name: `login` |
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Action name: `login` |
326 |
Tab name: (not shown) |
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Authentication not required. Presents a login box. |
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Other similar clients are "logout" (which just immediately logs the current |
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user out and redirects to the main page), and "profile" (user settings). |