Upgrade Procedure for IVLE ========================== Upgrading to a new revision of IVLE SVN is generally fairly painless, but there are several steps involved. Firstly, in the IVLE checkout, bring your codebase up to date: svn update Review the IVLE code changes. The current installed IVLE version can be found in /opt/ivle/version/ivle-revision.txt. eg. run 'svn log -v --limit 20' to get the last 20 checking messages. Look to see whether there have been any changes to the jails or database tables. Then configure and build IVLE. New configuration options may sometimes be added, so the configuration questions should be watched closely. ./setup.py config sudo ./setup.py build Note that this will not perform a full rebuild of the template jail - only the IVLE files inside the jail will be updated. To force a full jail rebuild, give the build command the -j option. Now comes the time to block external access to IVLE. Stopping Apache on each server in the cluster and killing any remaining python-console processes is highly recommended. You should then run any outstanding database migrations. A note of the latest applied migration should probably be kept somewhere to avoid running the same one twice. This command must be run once for each. sudo -u postgres ivle < userdb/migrations/YYYYMMDD-NN.sql Now we can install the new version: sudo ./setup.py install ... and remake the user jails, as this will occasionally be needed: ivle-remakeuser --all --verbose Restart the usrmgt-server and all Apaches, reenable external access, check that everything works, and you're done!