# Installation Procedure for IVLE # =============================== # Target Platform: Ubuntu 8.04+ # # IMPORTANT: This is NOT a shell script. It has interactive sections and # things that need to be customized. # It is written like a shell script so it can be mostly cut-and-pasted into # the shell, but it can't simply be executed. # While other install guides in this package are generic, this one is very # specific to our intended configuration. It will be very helpful if trying to # set up IVLE on Ubuntu 8.04 or higher; less helpful for other platforms. # This refers to ivle.conf, also included. # # Author: Matt Giuca # Date: 29/1/2008 ########################################################################## # Apt packages ########################################################################## sudo apt-get install rsync subversion build-essential debootstrap \ apache2 libapache2-mod-python libapache2-svn \ python-svn python-cjson python-genshi \ python-configobj postgresql python-routes \ python-docutils python-epydoc \ python-storm python-psycopg2 ########################################################################## # Configure postgres ########################################################################## # Set the postgres user's postgres password # At the prompt type (substituting <***password***> with a real one). sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<***password***>'" ########################################################################## # Installing ivle ########################################################################## # Create a postgres database # (only need the first line if it was previously created and is now changed) sudo -u postgres dropdb ivle sudo -u postgres createdb ivle sudo -u postgres createlang plpgsql ivle sudo -u postgres psql -d ivle < userdb/users.sql # Set up IVLE ./setup.py build sudo ./setup.py install sudo ivle-config sudo ivle-createdatadirs # Create the jail. The mirror option is optional. sudo ivle-buildjail -r -m http://url.to.archive/mirror # Create a user sudo ivle-makeuser [OPTIONS] 'Firstname Lastname' -p # role = guest/student/tutor/lecturer/admin # Configure the Apache HTTP server sudo cp doc/setup/ivle-both.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/ivle # MODIFY the first few lines so it is specific to your server. # * Change ServerAdmin and ServerName (for error reporting). # * Inside the first VirtualHost block, there is a ServerName and ServerAlias # (localhost and public.localhost). You must change these to the domains # for regular IVLE and published-browsing IVLE respectively. # * Inside the second VirtualHost block, there is one ServerName # (svn.localhost). You must change this to the domain for svn access. sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/ivle # Replace the default with the IVLE site. sudo a2dissite default sudo a2ensite ivle # Restart Apache. sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart # Make sure the 3 domains given in Apache conf all lookup to your server. # (By default these are localhost, public.localhost and svn.localhost). # For testing purposes, this can be done by editing /etc/hosts, for example: # svn.localhost public.localhost sudo vim /etc/hosts ########################################################################## # User management server: usrmgt-server ########################################################################## sudo cp doc/setup/usrmgt-server.init /etc/init.d/usrmgt-server sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/usrmgt-server sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/usrmgt-server # To start it now: sudo /etc/init.d/usrmgt-server start # To run it at boot time: sudo update-rc.d usrmgt-server defaults 99 # create symlinks in /etc/rc*.d