IVLE's file browser features an integrated Subversion
client. Students are encouraged to place all of their files under revision
control with Subversion. This provides the following functionality:
- Backup of files (protection from accidental deletion or
- Ability to roll back a file to a previous version; sort of a long-term,
"undo" feature,
- Ability to check the difference between previous versions of a file,
- Sharing files among project group members
Subversion in IVLE
IVLE automatically creates Subversion repositories and workspaces, so
Subversion "just works" from the start. All of the default directories you see
in IVLE are Subversion workspaces by default.
The home directory in IVLE is not a Subversion directory. Any
files you create in this directory cannot be committed or reverted, so we
recommend you don't put any files here (if you do create files here, they will
appear under the heading "Junk").
IVLE creates a Subversion workspace for each of the following:
- For each subject you are enrolled in, a workspace called "mywork". This is
where you should place all of your personal files for the subject, including
any solo projects.
- For each project group you are enrolled in, a workspace with your group
name. This workspace is shared among all group members, and you should place
all group project files here.
- A workspace called "stuff". This is where you should place any work not
associated with a subject.
The workspaces are not checked out by default. Therefore, when you first
log into IVLE, you should see all of the aforementioned workspaces with
"(missing)" and a "Checkout" button. Press each of the Checkout buttons to
create the workspaces.
Subversion status icons
IVLE shows the status of each file as an icon to the left. This shows the
status of each file in the working directory with respect to its backed up
state in the repository.
The statuses are:
Temporary file: The file is not committed to the
repository, and Subversion knows nothing about this. You will not be able to
restore this file if it is deleted, and group members cannot see it. Use
"Add", then "Commit" to fix this. Note that files which aren't part of your
project and don't need to be saved, such as ".pyc" files, should be left as
temporary files, and not added to the repository.
- Temporary file (ignored): A temporary file which is
recommended not to be added to the repository. This is automatically
selected based on the file extension. For example, ".pyc" files are ignored
by default.
Added: The file is not committed to the repository, but has
been added with the "Add" command. It will be placed under revision control
if committed.
Permanent file: The file is committed to the repository and
has no local changes. However, it may still be out-of-date with the version
in the repository if you have not run "Update".
Modified: The file is committed, but you have modified it
since the last commit. The changes are not backed up and group members
cannot see them. Commit the file at regular intervals to synchronise the
changes with the repository.
Conflicted: Local changes were made, then you ran
"Update", and the update included conflicting or incompatible changes. You
should edit the file to fix up these conflicts (which should be clearly
visible), then run "Resolve" to set the file back to normal "Modified"
Missing: The file is in the repository, but not in the
workspace. Likely it was deleted without using Subversion commands. You can
"Revert" to get it back.
Deleted: The file is in the repository, but has been
deleted using the "Remove" command. This means it has been deleted from the
workspace, and will be removed from the repository if committed.
Replaced: The file has been deleted and then a new file
has been added in its place.
Past Permanent file (revision): You are browsing the
Subversion history — this reflects the state of the file at some point
in the past, not the current file. This happens if you use the history
browser under "View Log", or if you verify a project submission.
Subversion commands
Within each of the workspaces (and their subdirectories, if versioned), the
Subversion commands will be available. These are available under the "More
actions" drop-down under the "Subversion" heading. Some are available on the
current directory, if no files are selected. Others are available on the
currently selected files.
This section offers only a brief guide to the Subversion commands. For a
complete guide to Subversion, see Version Control with Subversion.
This section is specific to the Subversion integration within IVLE.
Note that none of the commands have any effect on the repository until the
Commit action is applied.
The commands are:
- Svn Cut: This command works similar to the regular file
action, "Cut". It doesn't execute any commands, but the nominated files will
be moved to the new location upon performing the regular directory action,
"Paste". Unlike "Cut", "Svn Cut" will move the files using the
command, so the file will be moved inside the repository too (once
committed). Note that you can't move files between repositories, so you can
cut and paste between your personal workspaces, but not between your personal
and group workspaces.
- Svn Copy: Same as "Svn Cut", but upon pasting, will
svn copy
instead of svn move
- Add: Schedule a temporary (unversioned) file to be added
to the repository. This changes the file's status from
"temporary" to
- Remove: Delete the file from the workspace, and schedule
a permanent file to be deleted from the repository. This changes the file's
status to
"deleted". You will still be able to browse the past versions of this file; it
just won't appear in the repository from now on.
- Diff: Show exactly the lines of the selected files, or
the files in the current directory, that have been changed since the last
commit. This is extremely useful before a commit, so you can see
exactly what you're about to commit.
- Revert: Undo all changes to the selected file since the
last commit, and go back to the most recently committed version. Be very
careful using this command! (Check the "Diff" first, to see what you're going
to delete). Running this on a missing or deleted file will restore the
- Update: Fetch all changes from the repository and
synchronise them with your workspace. This is only useful when working in a
group repository — this updates your workspace with changes made by
other team members. This can create
conflicts, if you
both edited the same part of the same file — see above for advice on
resolving these.
- Commit: Send all of your changes to the repository. This
makes a permanent "snapshot" of the current directory state, and lets your
team members see your changes. You should commit your work often. You will
need to enter a log message, which helps if you need to view a past version.
If you get the error "File or directory is out of date; try updating", it
means a team member has committed changes since your last update. You can't
commit until you run "Update" first, to synchronise your workspace with the
team repository.
- Mark Resolved: Once you have finished dealing with
conflicted files, use Mark resolved to set their status back from
"conflicted" to a
normal status.
You can't commit while you have conflicted files.
- View Log: Show a summary of the history of a file or
directory. This shows all of the log messages from past commits, and lets you
view the "diff" between any two past revisions.
- Cleanup: This attempts to fix problems with your
Subversion workspace. Try this if you are having trouble committing or
updating due to "working copy locked" errors.
Projects and group work
You are required to place all of your projects under Subversion in order to
submit them. See Submitting a
project for help on submissions.
On group projects, it is a little bit trickier, as you don't have any
shared directories — only a shared repository. In general, programmers
find it very difficult to work with others if you are sharing a directory,
constantly writing over each others files! So instead, you each get your own
directory, and share files by committing (that sends changes
out to the team) and updating (that receives changes from the
As stated above, each project group you are in gets one shared repository,
which you can check out from your home screen. Note that if you do several
projects with the same group, you will continue using the same repository
throughout the subject.
Firstly, you should all agree on a Subversion process, and spend some time
practicing committing and updating while you are all in the same room. Your
workflow should go something like this:
- Whenever you start work, run the Update command, ensuring
that your workspace includes all of the latest changes made by team members.
(You may even wish to View Log after updating, to see what
your team members have been up to.)
- Make your changes
. You should make
only small changes at a time, and then make sure your programs and documents
are still valid. Be sure to
add any new files you
create. Random files which aren't part of your project and don't need to be
saved, such as ".pyc" files, should not be added.
- Run Update again, to make sure nobody has committed
anything in the meantime. If they have, it will merge those changes
into your changes, so you end up with the absolute latest version. In very
rare cases, you may see the dreaded
status on some files, meaning that both you and a team mate changed the same
part of the same file, and you will have to manually resolve it. See above for
advice on this issue.
- View the Diff. This gives you a good overview of the
changes you have made, so that a) you know you haven't accidentally changed
something you didn't mean to, and b) you have a good idea of what to write in
the log message.
- Run Commit. Enter a log message which summarises the
changes, so your team mates can quickly find out what you've changed. If all
goes well, the files you are committing will go back to
permanent files, so
you know that the repository is synchronised with your changes.
- Repeat steps 2-5.
With a bit of practice, the whole update-diff-commit process can take less
than one minute. It's important to commit often, and commit small changes with
useful commit logs, so your team mates can follow the changes you are