IVLE phpBB3 integration ======================= IVLE has an optional forum, an integrated instance of phpBB3. It is not installed by default, so this document describes how to do it. These instructions assume that you already have a working IVLE instance on the same server. phpBB requires PHP and a database driver to run. If on a Debian system, install the 'php5' and 'php5-pgsql' packages. You will first need to grab a copy of phpBB3. Extract it somewhere, and make it visible under the IVLE domain. Make sure that you do not conflict with any existing URLs, by using a directory like 'phpbb3'. You also need to tell Apache not to send it through the IVLE dispatcher. Directives in your IVLE Apache virtual host like this should work: SetHandler none Alias /phpbb3 /local/path/to/phpBB3 phpBB uses a different database. We will use PostgreSQL here, but IVLE does not care which you use, as long as phpBB supports it. Create a database: sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF-8 ivle_forum Point your web browser at the phpBB URL, and follow the installation procedure. Once it is installed and working, we need to apply some IVLE-specific patches to achieve authentication integration: patch -p1 -d /local/path/to/phpBB3 < ivle/webapp/forum/phpbb3.diff chown -R www-data: /local/path/to/phpBB3 Choose a secure password with which to sign authentication cookies. Put it in $ivle_secret in phpBB3/config.php. To configure the IVLE side of things, create a new file at /etc/ivle/plugins.d/forum.conf. In it put the following: [ivle.webapp.forum#Plugin] base = phpbb3 # Assuming that you used the same Alias line. secret = # Replace this with your chosen secret. You should now be able to click on the Forum tab in IVLE and be automatically logged in.