.. -*- mode: rst -*- .. ifndef:: definitions .. def:: definitions .. |version| replace:: 2.0b4 .. |copyrightinfo| replace:: 2001-2009 the authors .. |license| replace:: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License .. CAP abbreviations (map to small caps in LaTeX) .. |CFG| replace:: CFG .. |DRT| replace:: DRT .. |DRS| replace:: DRS .. |CoNLL| replace:: CoNLL .. |CYK| replace:: CYK .. |FOL| replace:: first-order logic .. |FSRL| replace:: FSRL .. |HTML| replace:: HTML .. |IDLE| replace:: IDLE .. |LF| replace:: LF .. |NE| replace:: NE .. |NLP| replace:: NLP .. |NLTK| replace:: NLTK .. |URL| replace:: URL .. |WFST| replace:: WFST .. |XML| replace:: XML .. Other candidates for global consistency .. |fol| replace:: first-order logic .. |Fol| replace:: First-order logic .. PTB removed since it must be indexed .. WN removed since it must be indexed .. |TRY| replace:: **Your Turn:** .. |IMPORTANT| replace:: **Important:** .. misc & punctuation .. cdots was unicode U+22EF but not working .. |dots| unicode:: U+2026 .. horizontal dots, ellipsis .. |copy| unicode:: 0xA9 .. copyright sign .. |dot| unicode:: U+2022 .. bullet .. |mdash| unicode:: U+02014 .. em dash (for between words) .. |ndash| unicode:: U+02013 .. en dash (for numeric ranges) .. |tilde| unicode:: U+007E .. exercise meta-tags .. |easy| unicode:: U+263C .. sun .. |soso| unicode:: U+25D1 .. "moon" .. |hard| unicode:: U+2605 .. black star .. |talk| unicode:: U+263A .. smiley face .. |blackstar| unicode:: U+2605 .. |whitestar| unicode:: U+2606 .. |blacksmiley| unicode:: U+263B .. |blackdiamond| unicode:: U+25C6 .. Unicode tests .. |test0| unicode:: U+2690 .. |test1| unicode:: U+2691 .. |test2| unicode:: U+2692 .. |test3| unicode:: U+2693 .. |test4| unicode:: U+2694 .. |test5| unicode:: U+2695 .. |test6| unicode:: U+2696 .. |test7| unicode:: U+2697 .. |test8| unicode:: U+2698 .. |test9| unicode:: U+2699 .. |testa| unicode:: U+269A .. |testb| unicode:: U+269B .. |testc| unicode:: U+269C .. |testd| unicode:: U+269D .. |teste| unicode:: U+269E .. |testf| unicode:: U+269F .. phonetic .. |ae| unicode:: U+00E6 .. small ae digraph .. |schwa| unicode:: U+0259 .. schwa .. |eth| unicode:: U+00F0 .. eth .. |length| unicode:: U+02D0 .. length .. misc .. |aumlaut| unicode:: U+00E4 .. a umlaut .. |eacute| unicode:: U+00E9 .. e acute .. |eogonek| unicode:: U+1119 .. e ogonek .. |ncaron| unicode:: U+0148 .. n caron .. |ntilde| unicode:: U+00F1 .. n tilde .. |odacute| unicode:: U+0151 .. o double acute .. |oslash| unicode:: U+00F8 .. o slash .. |uumlaut| unicode:: U+00FC .. u umlaut .. |ecircumflex| unicode:: U+00EA .. e circumflex .. |space| unicode:: U+23E1 .. bottom tortoise shell bracket .. used in Unicode section .. |nacute| unicode:: U+0144 .. |oacute| unicode:: U+00f3 .. |sacute| unicode:: U+015b .. |Sacute| unicode:: U+015a .. |aogonek| unicode:: U+0105 .. |lstroke| unicode:: U+0142 .. |CJK-4EBA| unicode:: U+4eba .. |CJK-4EE5| unicode:: U+4ee5 .. |CJK-732B| unicode:: U+732b .. |CJK-751A| unicode:: U+751a .. |CJK-81F3| unicode:: U+81f3 .. |CJK-8D35| unicode:: U+8d35 .. arrows .. |DoubleRightArrow| unicode:: U+021D2 .. rightwards double arrow .. |rarr| unicode:: U+2192 .. right arrow .. |rdarr| unicode:: U+21D2 .. right double arrow .. |reduce| unicode:: U+219D .. curly right arrow .. |lrarr| unicode:: U+2194 .. left-right arrow .. |larr| unicode:: U+2190 .. left arrow .. unification stuff .. |SquareIntersectionX| unicode:: U+02293 .. square cap .. |SquareSubsetEqual| unicode:: U+02291 .. square image of or equal to .. |SquareSubset| unicode:: U+0228F .. square image of .. |SquareSupersetEqual| unicode:: U+02292 .. square original of or equal to .. |SquareSuperset| unicode:: U+02290 .. square original of .. |SquareUnion| unicode:: U+02294 .. square cup .. Math & Logic .. |tf| replace:: {*True*, *False*} .. |exists| unicode:: U+2203 .. existential quantifier .. |forall| unicode:: U+2200 .. universal quantifier .. |geq| unicode:: U+2265 .. greater than or equal .. |iff| unicode:: U+2261 .. triple bars .. |langle| unicode:: U+02329 .. left angle-bracket .. |leq| unicode:: U+2264 .. less than or equals .. |l| unicode:: U+00AB .. left chevron .. |neg| unicode:: U+00AC .. negation symbol .. |rangle| unicode:: U+0232A .. right angle-bracket .. |r| unicode:: U+00BB .. right chevron .. |times| unicode:: U+00D7 .. multiplication .. |vee| unicode:: U+2228 .. or .. |wedge| unicode:: U+2227 .. and .. |prod| replace:: Prod .. sets .. |cup| unicode:: U+0222A .. union .. |diff| unicode:: U+2212 .. set-theoretical complement .. |element| unicode:: U+2208 .. set-theoretical membership .. |empty| unicode:: U+2205 .. empty set .. |intersect| unicode:: U+2229 .. set-theoretical intersection .. |in| unicode:: U+2208 .. element of .. |mapsto| unicode:: U+2192 .. maps to .. |nelement| unicode:: U+2209 .. set-theoretical membership .. |pipe| unicode:: U+2223 .. vertical pipe .. |power| unicode:: U+2118 .. powerset .. |propsubset| unicode:: U+2282 .. proper subset .. |subset| unicode:: U+2286 .. subset .. |union| unicode:: U+222A .. set-theoretical union .. Greek .. |alpha| unicode:: U+03B1 .. |beta| unicode:: U+03B2 .. |gamma| unicode:: U+03B3 .. |Gamma| unicode:: U+0393 .. |kappaX| unicode:: U+03BA .. |kappa| replace:: K .. |lambda| unicode:: U+03BB .. |mu| unicode:: U+03BC .. |pi| unicode:: U+03C0 .. |phi| unicode:: U+03C6 .. |psi| unicode:: U+03C8 .. |sigma| unicode:: U+03C3 .. |tau| unicode:: U+03C4 .. |rho| unicode:: U+03C1 .. |Sigma| unicode:: U+03A3 .. |sum| unicode:: U+03A3 .. |Omega| unicode:: U+03A9 .. Chinese .. |ai4| unicode:: U+7231 .. zh ai (love) .. |guo3| unicode:: U+56FD .. zh guo (country) .. |ren2| unicode:: U+4EBA .. zh ren (person) .. URLs .. |StevenBird| replace:: `Steven Bird `__ .. |EwanKlein| replace:: `Ewan Klein `__ .. |EdwardLoper| replace:: `Edward Loper `__ .. |PYTHON-URL| replace:: ``http://python.org/`` .. |PYTHON-DOCS| replace:: ``http://docs.python.org/`` .. |NLTK-URL| replace:: ``http://www.nltk.org/`` .. |NLTK-HOWTO-URL| replace:: ``http://www.nltk.org/howto`` .. |OLAC-URL| replace:: ``http://www.language-archives.org/`` .. Python example - a snippet of code in running text .. role:: py :class: python .. PlaceHolder example - something that should be replaced by actual code .. role:: ph :class: placeholder .. Linguistic eXample - cited form in running text .. role:: lx :class: example .. Emphasized (more declarative than just using *) .. role:: em :class: emphasis .. Grammatical Category - e.g. NP and verb as technical terms .. role:: gc :class: category .. Math expression - e.g. especially for variables .. role:: math :class: math .. Textual Math expression - for words 'inside' a math environment .. role:: mathit :class: mathit .. Feature (or attribute) .. role:: feat :class: feature .. Raw LaTeX .. role:: raw-latex(raw) :format: latex .. Raw HTML .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html .. Feature-value .. role:: fval :class: fval .. Lexemes .. role:: lex :class: lex .. Replacements that rely on previous definitions :-) .. |nopar| replace:: :raw-latex:`{\noindent}` .. |seef| replace:: `see`:mathit:\ :sub:`f` .. |seeR| replace:: `see`:mathit:\ :sub:`R` .. |walkf| replace:: `walk`:mathit:\ :sub:`f` .. |walkR| replace:: `walk`:mathit:\ :sub:`R` .. |SquareIntersection| replace:: :raw-latex:`$\sqcap$`:raw-html:`⊓`