IVLE submissions are made through the File Browser. Before making a submission, you must perform the following tasks:
To submit to a project, use the file browser to navigate to the file or directory that you wish to submit, click "More actions...", "Submit", and then select the correct project.
If the project to which you intend to submit is not listed, ensure that you are in the correct directory, or a subdirectory thereof. For solo projects, you must be inside the subject's "mywork" directory. For group projects, you must be inside the directory for the assigned group.
You may resubmit a project again at any time, but a new submission will overwrite any made earlier. You may even submit a project after the deadline, but this may attract a penalty at the discretion of the subject coordinator. IVLE will warn you if you attempt to make a late submission, so that you can decide whether it is worth the penalty.
It is important to verify each submission after you make it. This ensures that the correct files were submitted, and that they contain the right contents.
You can verify any submission by going to the subject page and clicking the verify link. This takes you to a special file view which displays the files as they were submitted.