Submit project

Error: IVLE could not find a valid offering to submit to, from ${path} in your repository. the repository for ${principal.display_name}. This may have one of the following causes:

  • You are not in a subject directory. You can only submit files from a subject directory. For example, you cannot submit a file from your "stuff" directory.
  • You are not enrolled in the subject of that name. You can only submit files to a subject you are enrolled in.
  • You are enrolled in a past (or even future) offering of the subject. You can only submit files to a current offering of a subject.

You are submitting ${path} from your repository. the repository for ${principal.display_name}.

You may submit to any open project in ${}. Which project do you wish to submit this for?

Ensure that you have committed all changes - only changes in the repository will be submitted.

You may resubmit a project again at any time, but a new submission will overwrite any made earlier, and submissions after the deadline may incur a penalty.

Help submitting a project