browser.js: Adjusted condition for enabling "Commit" action; now allowed if no files are selected AND current directory is versioned (as well as if all selected files are versioned). Committing with 0 files selected will commit the current directory. ivle.fileservice_lib.action: Fixed to allow commit to contain 0 paths. This will commit the current directory instead. This fixes Launchpad bug #526161.
<py:when test="True">There are no groups assigned to submit this project. Do you want to <a href="${req.publisher.generate(project.project_set, GroupsView)}">create some</a>?</py:when>
<py:otherwise>There are no students assigned to submit this project. Do you want to <a href="${req.publisher.generate(project.project_set.offering, EnrolView)}">enrol some</a>?</py:otherwise>