by brian
clean slate |
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Speciella användbara nya string-rutiner: |
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bcmp(s1, s2, len) returns 0 if the "len" bytes starting at "s1" are |
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identical to the "len" bytes starting at "s2", non-zero if they are |
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different. |
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bfill(dst, len, fill) moves "len" fill characters to "dst". |
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Thus to set a buffer to 80 spaces, do bfill(buff, 80, ' '). |
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bmove(dst, src, len) moves exactly "len" bytes from the source "src" |
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to the destination "dst". It does not check for NUL characters as |
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strncpy() and strnmov() do. |
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bmove_upp(dst, src, len) moves exactly "len" bytes from the source |
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"src-len" to the destination "dst-len" counting downwards. |
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bzero(dst, len) moves "len" 0 bytes to "dst". |
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Thus to clear a disc buffer to 0s do bzero(buffer, BUFSIZ). |
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int2str(dst, radix, val) |
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converts the (long) integer "val" to character form and moves it to |
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the destination string "dst" followed by a terminating NUL. The |
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result is normally a pointer to this NUL character, but if the radix |
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is dud the result will be NullS and nothing will be changed. |
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If radix is -2..-36, val is taken to be SIGNED. |
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If radix is 2.. 36, val is taken to be UNSIGNED. |
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That is, val is signed if and only if radix is. You will normally |
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use radix -10 only through itoa and ltoa, for radix 2, 8, or 16 |
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unsigned is what you generally want. |
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m_ctype.h |
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A better inplementation of the UNIX ctype(3) library. |
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Notes: global.h should be included before ctype.h |
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- Se efter i filen \c\local\include\m_ctype.h |
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- Används istället för ctype.h för att klara internationella karakterer. |
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m_string.h |
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Använd instället för string.h för att supporta snabbare strängfunktioner. |
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strintstr(src, from, pat) looks for an instance of pat in src |
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backwards from pos from. pat is not a regex(3) pattern, it is a literal |
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string which must be matched exactly. |
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The result 0 if the pattern was not found else it is the start char of |
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the pattern counted from the begining of the string. |
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strappend(dest, len, fill) appends fill-characters to a string so that |
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the result length == len. If the string is longer than len it's |
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trunked. The des+len character is allways set to NULL.
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strcat(s, t) concatenates t on the end of s. There had better be
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enough room in the space s points to; strcat has no way to tell.
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Note that strcat has to search for the end of s, so if you are doing
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a lot of concatenating it may be better to use strmov, e.g.
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rather than
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strcat returns the old value of s.
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- Använd inte strcat, använd strmov (se ovan).
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strcend(s, c) returns a pointer to the first place in s where c
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occurs, or a pointer to the end-null of s if c does not occur in s.
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strcont(str, set) if str contanies any character in the string set.
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The result is the position of the first found character in str, or NullS
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if there isn't anything found. |
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strend(s) returns a character pointer to the NUL which ends s. That |
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is, strend(s)-s == strlen(s). This is useful for adding things at |
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the end of strings. It is redundant, because strchr(s,'\0') could |
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strfill(dest, len, fill) makes a string of fill-characters. The result |
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string is of length == len. The des+len character is allways set to NULL. |
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strfill() returns pointer to dest+len; |
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strfind(src, pat) looks for an instance of pat in src. pat is not a |
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regex(3) pattern, it is a literal string which must be matched exactly. |
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The result is a pointer to the first character of the located instance, |
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or NullS if pat does not occur in src. |
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strinstr(src, pat) looks for an instance of pat in src. pat is not a |
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regex(3) pattern, it is a literal string which must be matched exactly. |
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The result 0 if the pattern was not found else it is the start char of |
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the pattern counted from the begining of the string. |
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strmake(dst,src,length) moves length characters, or until end, of src to |
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dst and appends a closing NUL to dst. |
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strmake() returns pointer to closing null; |
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strmov(dst, src) moves all the characters of src (including the |
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closing NUL) to dst, and returns a pointer to the new closing NUL in |
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dst. The similar UNIX routine strcpy returns the old value of dst, |
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which I have never found useful. strmov(strmov(dst,a),b) moves a//b |
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into dst, which seems useful. |
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strnmov(dst,src,length) moves length characters, or until end, of src to |
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dst and appends a closing NUL to dst if src is shorter than length. |
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The result is a pointer to the first NUL in dst, or is dst+n if dst was |
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truncated. |
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strrchr(s, c) returns a pointer to the last place in s where c |
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occurs, or NullS if c does not occur in s. This function is called |
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rindex in V7 and 4.?bsd systems. |
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strrchr looks for single characters, not for sets or strings. |
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strxmov(dst, src1, ..., srcn, NullS) |
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moves the concatenation of src1,...,srcn to dst, terminates it |
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with a NUL character, and returns a pointer to the terminating NUL. |
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It is just like strmov except that it concatenates multiple sources. |
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Beware: the last argument should be the null character pointer. |
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Take VERY great care not to omit it! Also be careful to use NullS |
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and NOT to use 0, as on some machines 0 is not the same size as a |
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character pointer, or not the same bit pattern as NullS. |
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strxnmov(dst, len, src1, ..., srcn, NullS) |
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moves the first len characters of the concatenation of src1,...,srcn |
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to dst. If there aren't that many characters, a NUL character will |
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be added to the end of dst to terminate it properly. This gives the |
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same effect as calling strxcpy(buff, src1, ..., srcn, NullS) with a |
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large enough buffer, and then calling strnmov(dst, buff, len). |
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It is just like strnmov except that it concatenates multiple sources. |
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Beware: the last argument should be the null character pointer. |
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Take VERY great care not to omit it! Also be careful to use NullS |
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and NOT to use 0, as on some machines 0 is not the same size as a |
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character pointer, or not the same bit pattern as NullS. |
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Note: strxnmov is like strnmov in that it always moves EXACTLY len |
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characters; dst will be padded on the right with NUL characters as |
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needed. strxncpy does the same. strxncat, like strncat, does NOT. |
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I mysys: |
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stripp_sp(string str) |
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Strips end-space from string and returns new length. |
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strlength(const string str) |
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Return length of string with end-space:s not counted. |
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void caseup _A((string str,uint length)); |
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void casedn _A((string str,uint length)); |
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void caseup_str _A((string str)); |
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void casedn_str _A((string str)); |
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Converts strings or part of string to upper or lower-case. |
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void case_sort _A((string str,uint length)); |
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Converts string to a string with can be compared with strcmp() to |
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get strings in rigth order. |
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string strcfind(str,search) |
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find string in another with no case_sensivity |
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my_strcasecmp(s,t) |
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Compare strings without regarding to case |
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- For many strings it quicker to forst use case_sort on all strings and |
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then compare them with strcmp(). |