by Stewart Smith
fix CREATE statements in show_check test. Add new (broken) frm test for use in future frm work. |
1 |
2 |
# Random crappy tests that are frm related. Stewart should check these out |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
# Test for BUG#93: 4.1 protocl crash on corupted frm and SHOW TABLE STATUS |
7 |
8 |
flush tables; |
9 |
by Stewart Smith
remove need to write table proto to disk in .dfe if engine can handle it (new StorageEngine flag). Also fix up delete_table_proto code paths to work properly with engines handling their own protos. This commit breaks SHOW TABLES for ARCHIVE, hence the drizzledump test. Will be fixed in future commit |
10 |
# Create a junk proto dfe file on disk |
by Stewart Smith
move table proto parsing off into own function. Handle errors in reading and parsing table proto, returning correct error to user. fix tests. |
11 |
system echo "this is a junk file for test" >> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1.dfe ; |
by Stewart Smith
fix CREATE statements in show_check test. Add new (broken) frm test for use in future frm work. |
12 |
--replace_column 6 # 7 # 8 # 9 #
13 |
SHOW TABLE STATUS like 't1'; |
by Brian Aker
Innodb is now in the house (aka... it handls its own DFE). |
14 |
--error 1693
by Stewart Smith
fix CREATE statements in show_check test. Add new (broken) frm test for use in future frm work. |
15 |
show create table t1; |
by Brian Aker
Innodb is now in the house (aka... it handls its own DFE). |
16 |
--error 1693
by Stewart Smith
fix CREATE statements in show_check test. Add new (broken) frm test for use in future frm work. |
17 |
drop table if exists t1; |
by Brian Aker
Merge of show work (updates, a bit faster) |
18 |
system rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1.dfe; |
by Stewart Smith
fix CREATE statements in show_check test. Add new (broken) frm test for use in future frm work. |
19 |
by Brian Aker
Fix for FRM. |
20 |
#end bug 93 |