by Barry.Leslie at PrimeBase
Added the PBMS daemon plugin. |
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Media Streaming To-Do List |
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------- 2010-01-13 |
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0047: Make the default port something in the 50,00 -> 60,000 range and add a build config option to set it at build time. |
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------- 2009-08-16 |
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0046: An daemon level default backup location. |
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0045: Better error reporting for daemon level backup. [RESOLVED: RN141] |
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0044: Rewrite/reformat PBMS documentation. [RESOLVED: RN161] |
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0043: Fix the problem where it is possible for data that was commited at the time of the backup not to be included in the backup. |
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0042: Fix BLOB indexing bug. [Feature removed: RN190] |
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0041: Fix transaction errors when a table or database is dropped. [RESOLVED: RN156] |
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0040: Make data stored in the pnms_variable table persistent. [RESOLVED: RN141] |
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0039: Enable cloud storage. [RESOLVED: RN141] |
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0038: Add Drizzle support. |
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0036: Provide a patch to for MySQL to make all engines PBMS enabled. |
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0035: Provide a patch for InnoDB to make it PBMS enabled. |
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0034: Implement incremental backup. |
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0033: Implement remote repositories. |
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0032: Implement daemon level replication. |
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------- 2009-03-11 |
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0030: Implement pbms_keep_alive. This could be done at the socket level. The threads could set a timeout value before beginning a read/write operation. A seperater thread would monitor the workers and interupt them if the timeout expired. |
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------- 2009-01-13 |
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0025: Port to Windows. |
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0024: Add a system table for HTTP meta data fields.[RESOLVED: RN54] |
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0023: Implement index support for all PBMS system tables. |
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0022: Add support for BLOB access via the BLOB alias.[RESOLVED: RN53] [Feature removed: RN190] |
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0021: Add transaction support.[RESOLVED: RN64] |
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------- 2008-09-11 |
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0020: Add built in functions for use in triggers to enable non Media Streaming enabled engines to use PBMS.[RESOLVED: RN45] [Feature removed: RN59] |
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0019: Register a port number to be used as the default HTTP port number used by the daemon. |
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0018: Enable the HTTP server to handle 1000+ connections efficiently. |
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0017: Make the HTTP server more robust so that it can tolerate HTTP connections that do not have the keep-alive set but do not terminate immediately after receiving a reply. |
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0016: Add a connection timeout so that the HTTP server can close idle HTTP connections. |
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------- 2007-07-25 |
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0015: Implement index support for the repository tables. |
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0014: Implement UPDATE/INSERT support for the repository tables.[RESOLVED: RN51, RN52] |
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0013: Implement support for sorting the repository tables.[RESOLVED: RN58] |
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0012: Check limits and formats of given system variable values. |
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0011: Implement built-in functions BLOB_DATA() and/or BLOB_URL(). |
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------- 2007-07-05 |
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0010: Add content types [RESOLVED: RN10]. |
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0009: Add create, access and reference timestamps [RESOLVED: RN9]. |
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0008: Only open one file handle per file under UNIX. |
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0007: Implement RENAME TABLE with Blobs in the repository [RESOLVED: RN8]. |
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0006: Implement DROP TABLE with Blobs in the repository [RESOLVED: RN7]. |
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0005: Implement the MyBS compactor thread [RESOLVED: RN6]. |
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0004: Implement the MyBS virtual tables [RESOLVED: RN11]. |
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0003: Insert reference into a table. Implement reference and dereference BLOB [RESOLVED: RN5]. |
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0002: Implement the file handle pool. |
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0001: Implement the temp BLOB list, including the temp list monitoring thread [RESOLVED: RN4]. |
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------- 2007-06-19 |
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There is still a lot to be done. The first version of the BLOB Streaming daemon only allows download of selected column. The BLOBs must still be INSERTed into the database normally. |
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The next step is add support of the upload of BLOBs. It will then be possible to store BLOBs of any size in the database. |
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The streaming enabled storage daemon will support this by storing BLOBs "out of record". When SELECTing these BLOBs from the server, a URL will be returned instead of the BLOB data. The URL can then be used GET the BLOB via the BLOB Streaming daemon. |
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One of the top priorities is to introduce a security concept for the BLOB Streaming daemon. |
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The current idea is to introduce a database user with a specific name (e.g. "mybs") who's grant profile reflects the columns that can be accessed via the BLOB Streaming daemon. |
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I am still gathering ideas on this and other issue so input is welcome! |
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Barry Leslie |
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PrimeBase Technologies GmbH |
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barry.leslie@primebase.com |
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www.blobstreaming.org |