by brian
clean slate |
1 |
--disable_warnings |
2 |
3 |
--enable_warnings |
4 |
5 |
by Jay Pipes
Removed ZEROFILL args in CREATE statements. Still needs UTF8 fixes |
6 |
cont_nr int NOT NULL auto_increment, |
7 |
ver_nr int NOT NULL default '0', |
8 |
aufnr int NOT NULL default '0', |
by brian
clean slate |
9 |
username varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', |
by Jay Pipes
Removed ZEROFILL args in CREATE statements. Still needs UTF8 fixes |
10 |
hdl_nr int NOT NULL default '0', |
by brian
clean slate |
11 |
eintrag date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', |
12 |
st_klasse varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', |
13 |
st_wert varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', |
14 |
st_zusatz varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', |
15 |
st_bemerkung varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', |
16 |
kunden_art varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', |
by Jay Pipes
Removed ZEROFILL args in CREATE statements. Still needs UTF8 fixes |
17 |
mcbs_knr int default NULL, |
18 |
mcbs_aufnr int NOT NULL default '0', |
by brian
clean slate |
19 |
schufa_status char(1) default '?', |
20 |
bemerkung text, |
21 |
wirknetz text, |
by Jay Pipes
Removed ZEROFILL args in CREATE statements. Still needs UTF8 fixes |
22 |
wf_igz int NOT NULL default '0', |
by brian
clean slate |
23 |
tarifcode varchar(80) default NULL, |
24 |
recycle char(1) default NULL, |
25 |
sim varchar(30) default NULL, |
26 |
mcbs_tpl varchar(30) default NULL, |
by Jay Pipes
Removed ZEROFILL args in CREATE statements. Still needs UTF8 fixes |
27 |
emp_nr int NOT NULL default '0', |
28 |
laufzeit int default NULL, |
by brian
clean slate |
29 |
hdl_name varchar(30) default NULL, |
by Jay Pipes
Removed ZEROFILL args in CREATE statements. Still needs UTF8 fixes |
30 |
prov_hdl_nr int NOT NULL default '0', |
by brian
clean slate |
31 |
auto_wirknetz varchar(50) default NULL, |
32 |
auto_billing varchar(50) default NULL, |
33 |
touch timestamp NOT NULL, |
34 |
kategorie varchar(50) default NULL, |
35 |
kundentyp varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', |
36 |
sammel_rech_msisdn varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', |
37 |
p_nr varchar(9) NOT NULL default '', |
38 |
suffix char(3) NOT NULL default '', |
39 |
PRIMARY KEY (cont_nr), |
40 |
KEY idx_aufnr(aufnr), |
41 |
KEY idx_hdl_nr(hdl_nr), |
42 |
KEY idx_st_klasse(st_klasse), |
43 |
KEY ver_nr(ver_nr), |
44 |
KEY eintrag_idx(eintrag), |
45 |
KEY emp_nr_idx(emp_nr), |
46 |
KEY wf_igz(wf_igz), |
47 |
KEY touch(touch), |
48 |
KEY hdl_tag(eintrag,hdl_nr), |
49 |
KEY prov_hdl_nr(prov_hdl_nr), |
50 |
KEY mcbs_aufnr(mcbs_aufnr), |
51 |
KEY kundentyp(kundentyp), |
52 |
KEY p_nr(p_nr,suffix) |
53 |
54 |
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
55 |
# BUG: ap309774 This died because we used a German umlaut
56 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359356,405,3359356,'Mustermann Musterfrau',52500,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprft','','privat',1485525,2122316,'+','','N',1909160,'MobilComSuper92000D2',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND2',3,24,'MobilCom Shop Koeln',52500,NULL,'auto','2001-02-02 10:59:16','Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); |
57 |
58 |
# This died because we used a German umlaut
59 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359357,468,3359357,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprft','','privat',1503580,2139699,'+','','P',1909171,'MobilComSuper9D1T10SFreisprech(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9NS1',327,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); |
60 |
61 |
# This died because we used a German umlaut
62 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359358,407,3359358,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprft','','privat',1501358,2137473,'N','','N',1909159,'MobilComSuper92000D2',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND2',325,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); |
63 |
64 |
# This died because we used a German umlaut
65 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359359,468,3359359,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprft','','privat',1507831,2143894,'+','','P',1909162,'MobilComSuper9D1T10SFreisprech(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9NS1',327,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); |
66 |
67 |
# This died because we used a German umlaut
68 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359360,0,0,'Mustermann Musterfrau',29674907,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprft','','privat',1900169997,2414578,'+',NULL,'N',1909148,'',NULL,NULL,'RV99066_2',20,NULL,'POS',29674907,NULL,NULL,20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','','','97317481','007'); |
69 |
70 |
# This died because we used a German umlaut
71 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359361,406,3359361,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag storniert','','(7001-84):Storno, Kd. mchte nicht mehr','privat',NULL,0,'+','','P',1909150,'MobilComSuper92000D1(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND1',325,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); |
72 |
73 |
# This died because we used a German umlaut
74 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3359362,406,3359362,'Mustermann Musterfrau',7001,'2000-05-20','workflow','Auftrag erledigt','Originalvertrag eingegangen und geprft','','privat',1509984,2145874,'+','','P',1909154,'MobilComSuper92000D1(Akquise)',NULL,NULL,'MS9ND1',327,24,'MobilCom Intern',7003,NULL,'auto',20010202105916,'Mobilfunk','PP','','',''); |
by brian
clean slate |
75 |
76 |
# This died because we used the field Kundentyp twice
77 |
SELECT ELT(FIELD(kundentyp,'PP','PPA','PG','PGA','FK','FKA','FP','FPA','K','KA','V','VA',''), 'Privat (Private Nutzung)','Privat (Private Nutzung) Sitz im Ausland','Privat (geschaeftliche Nutzung)','Privat (geschaeftliche Nutzung) Sitz im Ausland','Firma (Kapitalgesellschaft)','Firma (Kapitalgesellschaft) Sitz im Ausland','Firma (Personengesellschaft)','Firma (Personengesellschaft) Sitz im Ausland','oeff. rechtl. Koerperschaft','oeff. rechtl. Koerperschaft Sitz im Ausland','Eingetragener Verein','Eingetragener Verein Sitz im Ausland','Typ unbekannt') AS Kundentyp ,kategorie FROM t1 WHERE hdl_nr < 2000000 AND kategorie IN ('Prepaid','Mobilfunk') AND st_klasse = 'Workflow' GROUP BY kundentyp ORDER BY kategorie; |
78 |
79 |
drop table t1; |
80 |
81 |
82 |
# test case for #570
83 |
84 |
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
85 |
# This failed because of syntax. Changed int(5) to int.
by brian
clean slate |
86 |
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
87 |
aufnr varchar(12) NOT NULL default '', |
88 |
plnfl varchar(6) NOT NULL default '', |
89 |
vornr varchar(4) NOT NULL default '', |
90 |
xstatus_vor int NOT NULL default '0' |
by brian
clean slate |
91 |
92 |
93 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('40004712','000001','0010',9); |
94 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('40004712','000001','0020',0); |
95 |
96 |
UPDATE t1 SET t1.xstatus_vor = Greatest(t1.xstatus_vor,1) WHERE t1.aufnr = |
97 |
"40004712" AND t1.plnfl = "000001" AND t1.vornr > "0010" ORDER BY t1.vornr |
98 |
99 |
100 |
drop table t1; |
101 |
102 |
# End of 4.1 tests
103 |
104 |
105 |
# Bug#27249 table_wild with alias: select t1.* as something
106 |
107 |
108 |
--disable_warnings |
109 |
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; |
110 |
--enable_warnings |
111 |
112 |
create table t1 (a int, b int, c int); |
113 |
create table t2 (d int); |
114 |
create table t3 (a1 int, b1 int, c1 int); |
115 |
insert into t1 values(1,2,3); |
116 |
insert into t1 values(11,22,33); |
117 |
insert into t2 values(99); |
118 |
119 |
# Invalid queries with alias on wild
120 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
121 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
122 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
123 |
select t2.* as 'with_alias' from t2; |
124 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
125 |
select t1.*, t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
126 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
127 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', t1.* from t1; |
128 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
129 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', t1.* as 'alias2' from t1; |
130 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
131 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', a, t1.* as 'alias2' from t1; |
132 |
133 |
# other fields without alias
134 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
135 |
select a, t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
136 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
137 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', a from t1; |
138 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
139 |
select a, t1.* as 'with_alias', b from t1; |
140 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
141 |
select (select d from t2 where d > a), t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
142 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
143 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', (select a from t2 where d > a) from t1; |
144 |
145 |
# other fields with alias
146 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
147 |
select a as 'x', t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
148 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
149 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', a as 'x' from t1; |
150 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
151 |
select a as 'x', t1.* as 'with_alias', b as 'x' from t1; |
152 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
153 |
select (select d from t2 where d > a) as 'x', t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
154 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
155 |
select t1.* as 'with_alias', (select a from t2 where d > a) as 'x' from t1; |
156 |
157 |
# some more subquery
158 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
159 |
select (select t2.* as 'x' from t2) from t1; |
160 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
161 |
select a, (select t2.* as 'x' from t2) from t1; |
162 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
163 |
select t1.*, (select t2.* as 'x' from t2) from t1; |
164 |
165 |
# insert
166 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
167 |
insert into t3 select t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
168 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
169 |
insert into t3 select t2.* as 'with_alias', 1, 2 from t2; |
170 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
171 |
insert into t3 select t2.* as 'with_alias', d as 'x', d as 'z' from t2; |
172 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
173 |
insert into t3 select t2.*, t2.* as 'with_alias', 3 from t2; |
174 |
175 |
# create
176 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
177 |
create table t3 select t1.* as 'with_alias' from t1; |
178 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
179 |
create table t3 select t2.* as 'with_alias', 1, 2 from t2; |
180 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
181 |
create table t3 select t2.* as 'with_alias', d as 'x', d as 'z' from t2; |
182 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
183 |
create table t3 select t2.*, t2.* as 'with_alias', 3 from t2; |
184 |
185 |
186 |
# Valid queries without alias on wild
187 |
# (proof the above fail due to invalid aliasing)
188 |
189 |
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
190 |
#Bug: ap309865 These fail in drizzle: "drizzletest: Result content mismatch"
191 |
# select t1.* from t1;
192 |
# select t2.* from t2;
193 |
# select t1.*, t1.* from t1;
194 |
# select t1.*, a, t1.* from t1;
by brian
clean slate |
195 |
196 |
# other fields without alias
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
197 |
#Bug: ap309865 These fail in drizzle: "drizzletest: Result content mismatch"
198 |
# select a, t1.* from t1;
199 |
#select t1.*, a from t1;
200 |
#select a, t1.*, b from t1;
201 |
#select (select d from t2 where d > a), t1.* from t1;
202 |
#select t1.*, (select a from t2 where d > a) from t1;
by brian
clean slate |
203 |
204 |
# other fields with alias
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
205 |
#Bug: ap309865 These fail in drizzle: "drizzletest: Result content mismatch"
206 |
#select a as 'x', t1.* from t1;
207 |
#select t1.*, a as 'x' from t1;
208 |
#select a as 'x', t1.*, b as 'x' from t1;
209 |
#select (select d from t2 where d > a) as 'x', t1.* from t1;
210 |
#select t1.*, (select a from t2 where d > a) as 'x' from t1;
by brian
clean slate |
211 |
212 |
# some more subquery
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
213 |
#Bug: ap309865 These fail in drizzle: "drizzletest: Result content mismatch"
214 |
#select (select t2.* from t2) from t1;
215 |
#select a, (select t2.* from t2) from t1;
216 |
#select t1.*, (select t2.* from t2) from t1;
by brian
clean slate |
217 |
218 |
# insert
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
219 |
#Bug: ap309865 These fail in drizzle: "drizzletest: Result content mismatch"
220 |
#insert into t3 select t1.* from t1;
221 |
#insert into t3 select t2.*, 1, 2 from t2;
222 |
#insert into t3.* select t2, d as 'x', d as 'z' from t2;
223 |
#insert into t3 select t2.*, t2.*, 3 from t2;
by brian
clean slate |
224 |
225 |
# create
by Lee
enable alias and analyze tests |
226 |
#Bug: ap309865 These fail in drizzle: "drizzletest: Result content mismatch"
227 |
#create table t4 select t1.* from t1;
228 |
#drop table t4;
229 |
#create table t4 select t2.*, 1, 2 from t2;
230 |
#drop table t4;
231 |
#create table t4 select t2.*, d as 'x', d as 'z' from t2;
232 |
#drop table t4;
by brian
clean slate |
233 |
234 |
# end
235 |
drop table t1,t2,t3; |
236 |
237 |
# End of 5.2 tests