by brian
clean slate |
1 |
2 |
# time functions |
3 |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; |
6 |
7 |
8 |
select from_days(to_days("960101")),to_days(960201)-to_days("19960101"),to_days(date_add(curdate(), interval 1 day))-to_days(curdate()),weekday("1997-11-29"); |
9 |
select period_add("9602",-12),period_diff(199505,"9404") ; |
10 |
11 |
select now()-now(),weekday(curdate())-weekday(now()),unix_timestamp()-unix_timestamp(now()); |
12 |
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12")),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"),"%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s"),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12"))+0; |
13 |
select sec_to_time(9001),sec_to_time(9001)+0,time_to_sec("15:12:22"), |
14 |
sec_to_time(time_to_sec("0:30:47")/6.21); |
15 |
select sec_to_time(time_to_sec('-838:59:59')); |
16 |
select now()-curdate()*1000000-curtime(); |
17 |
select strcmp(current_timestamp(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time())); |
18 |
select strcmp(localtime(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time())); |
19 |
select strcmp(localtimestamp(),concat(current_date()," ",current_time())); |
20 |
select date_format("1997-01-02 03:04:05", "%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w"); |
21 |
select date_format("1997-01-02", concat("%M %W %D ","%Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w")); |
22 |
select dayofmonth("1997-01-02"),dayofmonth(19970323); |
23 |
select month("1997-01-02"),year("98-02-03"),dayofyear("1997-12-31"); |
24 |
select month("2001-02-00"),year("2001-00-00"); |
25 |
select DAYOFYEAR("1997-03-03"), WEEK("1998-03-03"), QUARTER(980303); |
26 |
select HOUR("1997-03-03 23:03:22"), MINUTE("23:03:22"), SECOND(230322); |
27 |
28 |
# Test of week and yearweek |
29 |
select week(19980101),week(19970101),week(19980101,1),week(19970101,1); |
30 |
select week(19981231),week(19971231),week(19981231,1),week(19971231,1); |
31 |
select week(19950101),week(19950101,1); |
32 |
select yearweek('1981-12-31',1),yearweek('1982-01-01',1),yearweek('1982-12-31',1),yearweek('1983-01-01',1); |
33 |
select yearweek('1987-01-01',1),yearweek('1987-01-01'); |
34 |
select week("2000-01-01",0) as '2000', week("2001-01-01",0) as '2001', week("2002-01-01",0) as '2002',week("2003-01-01",0) as '2003', week("2004-01-01",0) as '2004', week("2005-01-01",0) as '2005', week("2006-01-01",0) as '2006'; |
35 |
select week("2000-01-06",0) as '2000', week("2001-01-06",0) as '2001', week("2002-01-06",0) as '2002',week("2003-01-06",0) as '2003', week("2004-01-06",0) as '2004', week("2005-01-06",0) as '2005', week("2006-01-06",0) as '2006'; |
36 |
select week("2000-01-01",1) as '2000', week("2001-01-01",1) as '2001', week("2002-01-01",1) as '2002',week("2003-01-01",1) as '2003', week("2004-01-01",1) as '2004', week("2005-01-01",1) as '2005', week("2006-01-01",1) as '2006'; |
37 |
select week("2000-01-06",1) as '2000', week("2001-01-06",1) as '2001', week("2002-01-06",1) as '2002',week("2003-01-06",1) as '2003', week("2004-01-06",1) as '2004', week("2005-01-06",1) as '2005', week("2006-01-06",1) as '2006'; |
38 |
select yearweek("2000-01-01",0) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-01",0) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-01",0) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-01",0) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-01",0) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-01",0) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-01",0) as '2006'; |
39 |
select yearweek("2000-01-06",0) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-06",0) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-06",0) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-06",0) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-06",0) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-06",0) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-06",0) as '2006'; |
40 |
select yearweek("2000-01-01",1) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-01",1) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-01",1) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-01",1) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-01",1) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-01",1) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-01",1) as '2006'; |
41 |
select yearweek("2000-01-06",1) as '2000', yearweek("2001-01-06",1) as '2001', yearweek("2002-01-06",1) as '2002',yearweek("2003-01-06",1) as '2003', yearweek("2004-01-06",1) as '2004', yearweek("2005-01-06",1) as '2005', yearweek("2006-01-06",1) as '2006'; |
42 |
select week(19981231,2), week(19981231,3), week(20000101,2), week(20000101,3); |
43 |
select week(20001231,2),week(20001231,3); |
44 |
45 |
select week(19981231,0) as '0', week(19981231,1) as '1', week(19981231,2) as '2', week(19981231,3) as '3', week(19981231,4) as '4', week(19981231,5) as '5', week(19981231,6) as '6', week(19981231,7) as '7'; |
46 |
select week(20000101,0) as '0', week(20000101,1) as '1', week(20000101,2) as '2', week(20000101,3) as '3', week(20000101,4) as '4', week(20000101,5) as '5', week(20000101,6) as '6', week(20000101,7) as '7'; |
47 |
select week(20000106,0) as '0', week(20000106,1) as '1', week(20000106,2) as '2', week(20000106,3) as '3', week(20000106,4) as '4', week(20000106,5) as '5', week(20000106,6) as '6', week(20000106,7) as '7'; |
48 |
select week(20001231,0) as '0', week(20001231,1) as '1', week(20001231,2) as '2', week(20001231,3) as '3', week(20001231,4) as '4', week(20001231,5) as '5', week(20001231,6) as '6', week(20001231,7) as '7'; |
49 |
select week(20010101,0) as '0', week(20010101,1) as '1', week(20010101,2) as '2', week(20010101,3) as '3', week(20010101,4) as '4', week(20010101,5) as '5', week(20010101,6) as '6', week(20010101,7) as '7'; |
50 |
51 |
select yearweek(20001231,0), yearweek(20001231,1), yearweek(20001231,2), yearweek(20001231,3), yearweek(20001231,4), yearweek(20001231,5), yearweek(20001231,6), yearweek(20001231,7); |
52 |
53 |
set default_week_format = 6; |
54 |
select week(20001231), week(20001231,6); |
55 |
set default_week_format = 0; |
56 |
57 |
set default_week_format = 2; |
58 |
select week(20001231),week(20001231,2),week(20001231,0); |
59 |
set default_week_format = 0; |
60 |
61 |
select date_format('1998-12-31','%x-%v'),date_format('1999-01-01','%x-%v'); |
62 |
select date_format('1999-12-31','%x-%v'),date_format('2000-01-01','%x-%v'); |
63 |
64 |
select dayname("1962-03-03"),dayname("1962-03-03")+0; |
65 |
select monthname("1972-03-04"),monthname("1972-03-04")+0; |
66 |
select time_format(19980131000000,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T'); |
67 |
select time_format(19980131010203,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T'); |
68 |
select time_format(19980131131415,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T'); |
69 |
select time_format(19980131010015,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T'); |
70 |
select date_format(concat('19980131',131415),'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T| %M|%W|%D|%Y|%y|%a|%b|%j|%m|%d|%h|%s|%w'); |
71 |
select date_format(19980021000000,'%H|%I|%k|%l|%i|%p|%r|%S|%T| %M|%W|%D|%Y|%y|%a|%b|%j|%m|%d|%h|%s|%w'); |
72 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
73 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 MINUTE); |
74 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 HOUR); |
75 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
76 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 MONTH); |
77 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 YEAR); |
78 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND); |
79 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE); |
80 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR); |
81 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH); |
82 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND); |
83 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE); |
84 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND); |
85 |
86 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
87 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 MINUTE); |
88 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 HOUR); |
89 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
90 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 MONTH); |
91 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 YEAR); |
92 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND); |
93 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE); |
94 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR); |
95 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH); |
96 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND); |
97 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE); |
98 |
select date_sub("1998-01-01 00:00:00",INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND); |
99 |
100 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 SECOND); |
101 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 MINUTE); |
102 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 HOUR); |
103 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 DAY); |
104 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 100000 MONTH); |
105 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL -100000 YEAR); |
106 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:1" MINUTE_SECOND); |
107 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "-10000:1" HOUR_MINUTE); |
108 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:1" DAY_HOUR); |
109 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "-100 1" YEAR_MONTH); |
110 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000:99:99" HOUR_SECOND); |
111 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL " -10000 99:99" DAY_MINUTE); |
112 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL "10000 99:99:99" DAY_SECOND); |
113 |
select "1997-12-31 23:59:59" + INTERVAL 1 SECOND; |
114 |
select INTERVAL 1 DAY + "1997-12-31"; |
115 |
select "1998-01-01 00:00:00" - INTERVAL 1 SECOND; |
116 |
117 |
select date_sub("1998-01-02",INTERVAL 31 DAY); |
118 |
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
119 |
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
120 |
select date_add(NULL,INTERVAL 100000 SECOND); |
121 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL NULL SECOND); |
122 |
select date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL NULL MINUTE_SECOND); |
123 |
select date_add("9999-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
124 |
select date_sub("0000-00-00 00:00:00",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
125 |
select date_add('1998-01-30',Interval 1 month); |
126 |
select date_add('1998-01-30',Interval '2:1' year_month); |
127 |
select date_add('1996-02-29',Interval '1' year); |
128 |
select extract(YEAR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12"); |
129 |
select extract(YEAR_MONTH FROM "1999-01-02"); |
130 |
select extract(DAY FROM "1999-01-02"); |
131 |
select extract(DAY_HOUR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12"); |
132 |
select extract(DAY_MINUTE FROM "02 10:11:12"); |
133 |
select extract(DAY_SECOND FROM "225 10:11:12"); |
134 |
select extract(HOUR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12"); |
135 |
select extract(HOUR_MINUTE FROM "10:11:12"); |
136 |
select extract(HOUR_SECOND FROM "10:11:12"); |
137 |
select extract(MINUTE FROM "10:11:12"); |
138 |
select extract(MINUTE_SECOND FROM "10:11:12"); |
139 |
select extract(SECOND FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12"); |
140 |
select extract(MONTH FROM "2001-02-00"); |
141 |
142 |
143 |
# test EXTRACT QUARTER (Bug #18100) |
144 |
145 |
146 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-01-15') AS quarter; |
147 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-02-15') AS quarter; |
148 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-03-15') AS quarter; |
149 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-04-15') AS quarter; |
150 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-05-15') AS quarter; |
151 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-06-15') AS quarter; |
152 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-07-15') AS quarter; |
153 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-08-15') AS quarter; |
154 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-09-15') AS quarter; |
155 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-10-15') AS quarter; |
156 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-11-15') AS quarter; |
157 |
SELECT EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM '2004-12-15') AS quarter; |
158 |
159 |
# MySQL Bugs: #12356: DATE_SUB or DATE_ADD incorrectly returns null |
160 |
161 |
SELECT DATE_SUB(str_to_date('9999-12-31 00:01:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE); |
162 |
SELECT DATE_ADD(str_to_date('9999-12-30 23:59:00','%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE); |
163 |
164 |
165 |
# Test big intervals (Bug #3498) |
166 |
167 |
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL 2147483648 SECOND; |
168 |
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "1:2147483647" MINUTE_SECOND; |
by Brian Aker
Added back more tests. |
169 |
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "100000000:214748364700" MINUTE_SECOND; |
by brian
clean slate |
170 |
SELECT "1900-01-01 00:00:00" + INTERVAL "1000000000:214748364700" MINUTE_SECOND; |
171 |
172 |
173 |
# Bug #614 (multiple extracts in where) |
174 |
175 |
176 |
create table t1 (ctime varchar(20)); |
177 |
insert into t1 values ('2001-01-12 12:23:40'); |
178 |
select ctime, hour(ctime) from t1; |
179 |
select ctime from t1 where extract(MONTH FROM ctime) = 1 AND extract(YEAR FROM ctime) = 2001; |
180 |
drop table t1; |
181 |
182 |
183 |
# Test bug with monthname() and NULL |
184 |
185 |
186 |
create table t1 (id int); |
187 |
create table t2 (id int, date date); |
188 |
insert into t1 values (1); |
189 |
insert into t2 values (1, "0000-00-00"); |
190 |
insert into t1 values (2); |
191 |
insert into t2 values (2, "2000-01-01"); |
192 |
select monthname(date) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.id; |
193 |
select monthname(date) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.id order by t1.id; |
194 |
drop table t1,t2; |
195 |
196 |
197 |
# Test bug with month() and year() on text fields with wrong information |
198 |
199 |
CREATE TABLE t1 (updated text) ENGINE=MyISAM; |
200 |
201 |
SELECT month(updated) from t1; |
202 |
SELECT year(updated) from t1; |
203 |
drop table t1; |
204 |
205 |
206 |
# Check that functions work identically on 0000-00-00 as a constant and on a |
207 |
# column |
208 |
209 |
210 |
create table t1 (d date, dt datetime, t timestamp, c char(10)); |
211 |
insert into t1 values ("0000-00-00", "0000-00-00", "0000-00-00", "0000-00-00"); |
212 |
select dayofyear("0000-00-00"),dayofyear(d),dayofyear(dt),dayofyear(t),dayofyear(c) from t1; |
213 |
select dayofmonth("0000-00-00"),dayofmonth(d),dayofmonth(dt),dayofmonth(t),dayofmonth(c) from t1; |
214 |
select month("0000-00-00"),month(d),month(dt),month(t),month(c) from t1; |
215 |
select quarter("0000-00-00"),quarter(d),quarter(dt),quarter(t),quarter(c) from t1; |
216 |
select week("0000-00-00"),week(d),week(dt),week(t),week(c) from t1; |
217 |
select year("0000-00-00"),year(d),year(dt),year(t),year(c) from t1; |
218 |
select yearweek("0000-00-00"),yearweek(d),yearweek(dt),yearweek(t),yearweek(c) from t1; |
219 |
select to_days("0000-00-00"),to_days(d),to_days(dt),to_days(t),to_days(c) from t1; |
220 |
select extract(MONTH FROM "0000-00-00"),extract(MONTH FROM d),extract(MONTH FROM dt),extract(MONTH FROM t),extract(MONTH FROM c) from t1; |
221 |
drop table t1; |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
# Test problem with TIMESTAMP and BETWEEN |
226 |
227 |
228 |
CREATE TABLE t1 ( start datetime default NULL); |
229 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2002-10-21 00:00:00'),('2002-10-28 00:00:00'),('2002-11-04 00:00:00'); |
230 |
CREATE TABLE t2 ( ctime1 timestamp NOT NULL, ctime2 timestamp NOT NULL); |
231 |
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (20021029165106,20021105164731); |
232 |
CREATE TABLE t3 (ctime1 char(19) NOT NULL, ctime2 char(19) NOT NULL); |
233 |
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES ("2002-10-29 16:51:06","2002-11-05 16:47:31"); |
234 |
235 |
# The following statement should be fixed to return a row in 4.1 |
236 |
select * from t1, t2 where t1.start between t2.ctime1 and t2.ctime2; |
237 |
select * from t1, t2 where t1.start >= t2.ctime1 and t1.start <= t2.ctime2; |
238 |
select * from t1, t3 where t1.start between t3.ctime1 and t3.ctime2; |
239 |
drop table t1,t2,t3; |
240 |
241 |
242 |
# Test unix timestamp |
243 |
244 |
select @a:=FROM_UNIXTIME(1); |
245 |
select unix_timestamp(@a); |
246 |
select unix_timestamp('1969-12-01 19:00:01'); |
247 |
248 |
249 |
# Tests for bug #6439 "unix_timestamp() function returns wrong datetime |
250 |
# values for too big argument", bug #7515 "from_unixtime(0) now |
251 |
# returns NULL instead of the epoch" and bug #9191 |
252 |
# "TIMESTAMP/from_unixtime() no longer accepts 2^31-1." |
253 |
# unix_timestamp() should return error for too big or negative argument. |
254 |
# It should return Epoch value for zero argument since it seems that many |
255 |
# users rely on this fact, from_unixtime() should work with values |
256 |
# up to INT_MAX32 because of the same reason. |
257 |
258 |
select from_unixtime(-1); |
259 |
# check for from_unixtime(2^31-1) and from_unixtime(2^31) |
260 |
select from_unixtime(2147483647); |
261 |
select from_unixtime(2147483648); |
262 |
select from_unixtime(0); |
263 |
264 |
265 |
# Some more tests for bug #9191 "TIMESTAMP/from_unixtime() no |
266 |
# longer accepts 2^31-1". Here we test that from_unixtime and |
267 |
# unix_timestamp are consistent, when working with boundary dates. |
268 |
269 |
select unix_timestamp(from_unixtime(2147483647)); |
270 |
select unix_timestamp(from_unixtime(2147483648)); |
271 |
272 |
# check for invalid dates |
273 |
274 |
# bad year |
275 |
select unix_timestamp('2039-01-20 01:00:00'); |
276 |
select unix_timestamp('1968-01-20 01:00:00'); |
277 |
# bad month |
278 |
select unix_timestamp('2038-02-10 01:00:00'); |
279 |
select unix_timestamp('1969-11-20 01:00:00'); |
280 |
# bad day |
281 |
select unix_timestamp('2038-01-20 01:00:00'); |
282 |
select unix_timestamp('1969-12-30 01:00:00'); |
283 |
284 |
285 |
# Check negative shift (we subtract several days for boundary dates during |
286 |
# conversion). |
287 |
select unix_timestamp('2038-01-17 12:00:00'); |
288 |
289 |
290 |
# Check positive shift. (it happens only on |
by Brian Aker
Removed UNSIGNED from parser. |
291 |
# platfroms with time_t, such as QNX) |
by brian
clean slate |
292 |
293 |
select unix_timestamp('1970-01-01 03:00:01'); |
294 |
295 |
# check bad date, close to the boundary (we cut them off in the very end) |
296 |
select unix_timestamp('2038-01-19 07:14:07'); |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
# Test types from + INTERVAL |
301 |
302 |
303 |
CREATE TABLE t1 (datetime datetime, timestamp timestamp, date date, time time); |
304 |
INSERT INTO t1 values ("2001-01-02 03:04:05", "2002-01-02 03:04:05", "2003-01-02", "06:07:08"); |
305 |
SELECT * from t1; |
306 |
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
307 |
select date_add("1997-12-31",INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH); |
308 |
309 |
select date_add(datetime, INTERVAL 1 SECOND) from t1; |
310 |
select date_add(datetime, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) from t1; |
311 |
312 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 SECOND) from t1; |
313 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) from t1; |
314 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 HOUR) from t1; |
315 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 DAY) from t1; |
316 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 MONTH) from t1; |
317 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL 1 YEAR) from t1; |
318 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" MINUTE_SECOND) from t1; |
319 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" HOUR_MINUTE) from t1; |
320 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1" DAY_HOUR) from t1; |
321 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1" YEAR_MONTH) from t1; |
322 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1:1:1" HOUR_SECOND) from t1; |
323 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1:1" DAY_MINUTE) from t1; |
324 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1 1:1:1" DAY_SECOND) from t1; |
325 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1" WEEK) from t1; |
326 |
select date_add(date,INTERVAL "1" QUARTER) from t1; |
327 |
select timestampadd(MINUTE, 1, date) from t1; |
328 |
select timestampadd(WEEK, 1, date) from t1; |
329 |
select timestampadd(SQL_TSI_SECOND, 1, date) from t1; |
330 |
# mysqltest.c discards an expected 'deprecated' warning on prepare stage |
331 |
332 |
select timestampadd(SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, 1, date) from t1; |
333 |
334 |
335 |
select timestampdiff(MONTH, '2001-02-01', '2001-05-01') as a; |
336 |
select timestampdiff(YEAR, '2002-05-01', '2001-01-01') as a; |
337 |
select timestampdiff(QUARTER, '2002-05-01', '2001-01-01') as a; |
338 |
select timestampdiff(MONTH, '2000-03-28', '2000-02-29') as a; |
339 |
select timestampdiff(MONTH, '1991-03-28', '2000-02-29') as a; |
340 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_WEEK, '2001-02-01', '2001-05-01') as a; |
341 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_HOUR, '2001-02-01', '2001-05-01') as a; |
342 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, '2001-02-01', '2001-05-01') as a; |
343 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_MINUTE, '2001-02-01 12:59:59', '2001-05-01 12:58:59') as a; |
344 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_SECOND, '2001-02-01 12:59:59', '2001-05-01 12:58:58') as a; |
345 |
# mysqltest.c discards an expected 'deprecated' warning on prepare stage |
346 |
347 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, '2001-02-01 12:59:59.120000', '2001-05-01 12:58:58.119999') as a; |
348 |
349 |
350 |
select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, '1986-02-01', '1986-03-01') as a1, |
351 |
timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, '1900-02-01', '1900-03-01') as a2, |
352 |
timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, '1996-02-01', '1996-03-01') as a3, |
353 |
timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_DAY, '2000-02-01', '2000-03-01') as a4; |
354 |
355 |
# bug 16226 |
356 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-11 14:30:27'); |
357 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-11 14:30:28'); |
358 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-11 14:30:29'); |
359 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-12 14:30:27'); |
360 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-12 14:30:28'); |
361 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(day,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-12 14:30:29'); |
362 |
363 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(week,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-17 14:30:27'); |
364 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(week,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-17 14:30:28'); |
365 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(week,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-17 14:30:29'); |
366 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(week,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-24 14:30:27'); |
367 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(week,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-24 14:30:28'); |
368 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(week,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-01-24 14:30:29'); |
369 |
370 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(month,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-02-10 14:30:27'); |
371 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(month,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-02-10 14:30:28'); |
372 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(month,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-02-10 14:30:29'); |
373 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(month,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-03-10 14:30:27'); |
374 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(month,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-03-10 14:30:28'); |
375 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(month,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2006-03-10 14:30:29'); |
376 |
377 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2007-01-10 14:30:27'); |
378 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2007-01-10 14:30:28'); |
379 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2007-01-10 14:30:29'); |
380 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2008-01-10 14:30:27'); |
381 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2008-01-10 14:30:28'); |
382 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(year,'2006-01-10 14:30:28','2008-01-10 14:30:29'); |
383 |
384 |
# end of bug |
385 |
386 |
select date_add(time,INTERVAL 1 SECOND) from t1; |
387 |
drop table t1; |
388 |
389 |
# test for last_day |
390 |
select last_day('2000-02-05') as f1, last_day('2002-12-31') as f2, |
391 |
last_day('2003-03-32') as f3, last_day('2003-04-01') as f4, |
392 |
last_day('2001-01-01 01:01:01') as f5, last_day(NULL), |
393 |
last_day('2001-02-12'); |
394 |
395 |
create table t1 select last_day('2000-02-05') as a, |
396 |
from_days(to_days("960101")) as b; |
397 |
describe t1; |
398 |
select * from t1; |
399 |
drop table t1; |
400 |
select last_day('2000-02-05') as a, |
401 |
from_days(to_days("960101")) as b; |
402 |
403 |
select date_add(last_day("1997-12-1"), INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
404 |
select length(last_day("1997-12-1")); |
405 |
select last_day("1997-12-1")+0; |
406 |
select last_day("1997-12-1")+0.0; |
407 |
408 |
# Test SAPDB UTC_% functions. This part is TZ dependant (It is supposed that |
409 |
# TZ variable set to GMT-3 |
410 |
411 |
select strcmp(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour), utc_timestamp())=0; |
412 |
select strcmp(date_format(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour),"%T"), utc_time())=0; |
413 |
select strcmp(date_format(date_sub(localtimestamp(), interval 3 hour),"%Y-%m-%d"), utc_date())=0; |
414 |
select strcmp(date_format(utc_timestamp(),"%T"), utc_time())=0; |
415 |
select strcmp(date_format(utc_timestamp(),"%Y-%m-%d"), utc_date())=0; |
416 |
select strcmp(concat(utc_date(),' ',utc_time()),utc_timestamp())=0; |
417 |
418 |
explain extended select period_add("9602",-12),period_diff(199505,"9404"),from_days(to_days("960101")),dayofmonth("1997-01-02"), month("1997-01-02"), monthname("1972-03-04"),dayofyear("0000-00-00"),HOUR("1997-03-03 23:03:22"),MINUTE("23:03:22"),SECOND(230322),QUARTER(980303),WEEK("1998-03-03"),yearweek("2000-01-01",1),week(19950101,1),year("98-02-03"),weekday(curdate())-weekday(now()),dayname("1962-03-03"),unix_timestamp(),sec_to_time(time_to_sec("0:30:47")/6.21),curtime(),utc_time(),curdate(),utc_date(),utc_timestamp(),date_format("1997-01-02 03:04:05", "%M %W %D %Y %y %m %d %h %i %s %w"),from_unixtime(unix_timestamp("1994-03-02 10:11:12")),"1997-12-31 23:59:59" + INTERVAL 1 SECOND,"1998-01-01 00:00:00" - INTERVAL 1 SECOND,INTERVAL 1 DAY + "1997-12-31", extract(YEAR FROM "1999-01-02 10:11:12"),date_add("1997-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
419 |
420 |
SET @TMP='2007-08-01 12:22:49'; |
421 |
422 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2007-08-01 12:22:59'); |
423 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2007-08-01 12:23:01'); |
424 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2007-08-01 12:23:20'); |
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
# Bug #10568 |
430 |
431 |
432 |
select last_day('2005-00-00'); |
433 |
select last_day('2005-00-01'); |
434 |
select last_day('2005-01-00'); |
435 |
436 |
437 |
# Bug #18501: monthname and NULLs |
438 |
439 |
440 |
select monthname(str_to_date(null, '%m')), monthname(str_to_date(null, '%m')), |
441 |
monthname(str_to_date(1, '%m')), monthname(str_to_date(0, '%m')); |
442 |
443 |
444 |
# Bug#16377 result of DATE/TIME functions were compared as strings which |
445 |
# can lead to a wrong result. |
446 |
# Now wrong dates should be compared only with CAST() |
447 |
create table t1(f1 date, f2 time, f3 datetime); |
448 |
insert into t1 values ("2006-01-01", "12:01:01", "2006-01-01 12:01:01"); |
449 |
insert into t1 values ("2006-01-02", "12:01:02", "2006-01-02 12:01:02"); |
450 |
select f1 from t1 where f1 between CAST("2006-1-1" as date) and CAST(20060101 as date); |
451 |
select f1 from t1 where f1 between cast("2006-1-1" as date) and cast("2006.1.1" as date); |
452 |
select f1 from t1 where date(f1) between cast("2006-1-1" as date) and cast("2006.1.1" as date); |
453 |
select f2 from t1 where f2 between cast("12:1:2" as time) and cast("12:2:2" as time); |
454 |
select f2 from t1 where time(f2) between cast("12:1:2" as time) and cast("12:2:2" as time); |
455 |
select f3 from t1 where f3 between cast("2006-1-1 12:1:1" as datetime) and cast("2006-1-1 12:1:2" as datetime); |
456 |
select f3 from t1 where timestamp(f3) between cast("2006-1-1 12:1:1" as datetime) and cast("2006-1-1 12:1:2" as datetime); |
457 |
select f1 from t1 where cast("2006-1-1" as date) between f1 and f3; |
458 |
select f1 from t1 where cast("2006-1-1" as date) between date(f1) and date(f3); |
459 |
select f1 from t1 where cast("2006-1-1" as date) between f1 and cast('zzz' as date); |
460 |
select f1 from t1 where makedate(2006,1) between date(f1) and date(f3); |
461 |
select f1 from t1 where makedate(2006,2) between date(f1) and date(f3); |
462 |
drop table t1; |
463 |
464 |
465 |
# Bug #16546 |
466 |
467 |
468 |
create table t1 select now() - now(), curtime() - curtime(), |
469 |
sec_to_time(1) + 0, from_unixtime(1) + 0; |
470 |
show create table t1; |
471 |
drop table t1; |
472 |
473 |
474 |
# Bug #11655: Wrong time is returning from nested selects - maximum time exists |
475 |
476 |
# check if SEC_TO_TIME() handles out-of-range values correctly |
477 |
SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(3300000); |
478 |
SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(3300000)+0; |
479 |
SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(3600 * 4294967296); |
480 |
481 |
# check if TIME_TO_SEC() handles out-of-range values correctly |
482 |
SELECT TIME_TO_SEC('916:40:00'); |
483 |
484 |
# check if ADDTIME() handles out-of-range values correctly |
485 |
SELECT ADDTIME('500:00:00', '416:40:00'); |
486 |
SELECT ADDTIME('916:40:00', '416:40:00'); |
487 |
488 |
# check if SUBTIME() handles out-of-range values correctly |
489 |
SELECT SUBTIME('916:40:00', '416:40:00'); |
490 |
SELECT SUBTIME('-916:40:00', '416:40:00'); |
491 |
492 |
# check if MAKETIME() handles out-of-range values correctly |
493 |
494 |
SELECT MAKETIME(4294967296, 0, 0); |
495 |
SELECT MAKETIME(-4294967296, 0, 0); |
496 |
SELECT MAKETIME(0, 4294967296, 0); |
497 |
SELECT MAKETIME(0, 0, 4294967296); |
498 |
499 |
# check if EXTRACT() handles out-of-range values correctly |
500 |
SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR FROM '100000:02:03'); |
501 |
502 |
# check if we get proper warnings if both input string truncation |
503 |
# and out-of-range value occur |
504 |
by Brian Aker
Added back more tests. |
505 |
--error 1292 |
by brian
clean slate |
506 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('916:00:00 a'); |
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
# 21913: DATE_FORMAT() Crashes mysql server if I use it through |
512 |
# mysql-connector-j driver. |
513 |
514 |
515 |
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_results'; |
516 |
by Brian Aker
Added back more tests. |
517 |
CREATE TABLE testBug8868 (field1 DATE, field2 VARCHAR(32)); |
by brian
clean slate |
518 |
INSERT INTO testBug8868 VALUES ('2006-09-04', 'abcd'); |
519 |
520 |
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(field1,'%b-%e %l:%i%p') as fmtddate, field2 FROM testBug8868; |
521 |
522 |
DROP TABLE testBug8868; |
523 |
524 |
525 |
# Bug #31160: MAKETIME() crashes server when returning NULL in ORDER BY using |
526 |
# filesort |
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 |
531 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (now()), (now()); |
532 |
533 |
534 |
535 |
# Bug #19844 time_format in Union truncates values |
536 |
537 |
538 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%H') As H) |
539 |
540 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%H') As H); |
541 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%k') As H) |
542 |
543 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 DAY)),'%k') As H); |
544 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%H') As H) |
545 |
546 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%H') As H); |
547 |
548 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%k') As H) |
549 |
550 |
(select time_format(timediff(now(), DATE_SUB(now(),INTERVAL 5 HOUR)),'%k') As H); |
551 |
552 |
553 |
# Bug #23653: crash if last_day('0000-00-00') |
554 |
555 |
556 |
select last_day('0000-00-00'); |
557 |
558 |
559 |
# Bug 23616: datetime functions with double argumets |
560 |
561 |
562 |
select isnull(week(now() + 0)), isnull(week(now() + 0.2)), |
563 |
week(20061108), week(20061108.01), week(20061108085411.000002); |
564 |
565 |
--echo End of 4.1 tests |
566 |
567 |
explain extended select timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_WEEK, '2001-02-01', '2001-05-01') as a1, |
568 |
timestampdiff(SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, '2001-02-01 12:59:59.120000', '2001-05-01 12:58:58.119999') as a2; |
569 |
570 |
571 |
# Bug #10590: %h, %I, and %l format specifies should all return results in |
572 |
# the 0-11 range |
573 |
574 |
select time_format('100:00:00', '%H %k %h %I %l'); |
575 |
576 |
577 |
# Bug #13534: timestampdiff() returned incorrect results across leap years |
578 |
579 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-09-11','2004-09-11'); |
580 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-09-11','2005-09-11'); |
581 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-09-11','2006-09-11'); |
582 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-09-11','2007-09-11'); |
583 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2005-09-11','2004-09-11'); |
584 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2005-09-11','2003-09-11'); |
585 |
586 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-02-28','2005-02-28'); |
587 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-02-29','2005-02-28'); |
588 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-02-28','2005-02-28'); |
589 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2004-03-29','2005-03-28'); |
590 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2003-02-28','2004-02-29'); |
591 |
select timestampdiff(month,'2003-02-28','2005-02-28'); |
592 |
593 |
select timestampdiff(month,'1999-09-11','2001-10-10'); |
594 |
select timestampdiff(month,'1999-09-11','2001-9-11'); |
595 |
596 |
select timestampdiff(year,'1999-09-11','2001-9-11'); |
597 |
select timestampdiff(year,'2004-02-28','2005-02-28'); |
598 |
select timestampdiff(year,'2004-02-29','2005-02-28'); |
599 |
600 |
601 |
# Bug #18618: BETWEEN for dates with the second argument being a constant |
602 |
# expression and the first and the third arguments being fields |
603 |
604 |
605 |
CREATE TABLE t1 (id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, day date); |
606 |
CREATE TABLE t2 (id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, day date); |
607 |
608 |
609 |
(1, '2005-06-01'), (2, '2005-02-01'), (3, '2005-07-01'); |
610 |
611 |
(1, '2005-08-01'), (2, '2005-06-15'), (3, '2005-07-15'); |
612 |
613 |
SELECT * FROM t1, t2 |
614 |
615 |
'2005.09.01' - INTERVAL 6 MONTH AND t2.day; |
616 |
SELECT * FROM t1, t2 |
617 |
618 |
'2005.09.01' - INTERVAL 6 MONTH AND t2.day; |
619 |
620 |
DROP TABLE t1,t2; |
621 |
622 |
623 |
# Bug #22229: bug in DATE_ADD() |
624 |
625 |
626 |
select str_to_date('10:00 PM', '%h:%i %p') + INTERVAL 10 MINUTE; |
627 |
628 |
629 |
# Bug #21103: DATE column not compared as DATE |
630 |
631 |
632 |
create table t1 (field DATE); |
633 |
insert into t1 values ('2006-11-06'); |
634 |
select * from t1 where field < '2006-11-06 04:08:36.0'; |
635 |
select * from t1 where field = '2006-11-06 04:08:36.0'; |
636 |
select * from t1 where field = '2006-11-06'; |
637 |
select * from t1 where CAST(field as DATETIME) < '2006-11-06 04:08:36.0'; |
638 |
select * from t1 where CAST(field as DATE) < '2006-11-06 04:08:36.0'; |
639 |
drop table t1; |
640 |
641 |
642 |
# Bug #25643: SEC_TO_TIME function problem |
643 |
644 |
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, t1 time, t2 time, d date, PRIMARY KEY (a)); |
645 |
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '10:00:00', NULL, NULL), |
646 |
(2, '11:00:00', '11:15:00', '1972-02-06'); |
647 |
SELECT t1, t2, SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ), QUARTER(d) |
648 |
FROM t1; |
649 |
SELECT t1, t2, SEC_TO_TIME( TIME_TO_SEC( t2 ) - TIME_TO_SEC( t1 ) ), QUARTER(d) |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
654 |
# Bug #20293: group by cuts off value from time_format |
655 |
656 |
# Check if using GROUP BY with TIME_FORMAT() produces correct results |
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 |
661 |
# Bug#32180: DATE_ADD treats datetime numeric argument as DATE |
662 |
# instead of DATETIME |
663 |
664 |
665 |
select DATE_ADD('20071108181000', INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
666 |
select DATE_ADD(20071108181000, INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
667 |
select DATE_ADD('20071108', INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
668 |
select DATE_ADD(20071108, INTERVAL 1 DAY); |
669 |
670 |
671 |
# Bug#32770: LAST_DAY() returns a DATE, but somehow internally keeps |
672 |
# track of the TIME. |
673 |
674 |
675 |
select LAST_DAY('2007-12-06 08:59:19.05') - INTERVAL 1 SECOND; |
676 |
677 |
678 |
# Bug#33834: FRAC_SECOND: Applicability not clear in documentation |
679 |
680 |
# Show that he use of FRAC_SECOND, for anything other than |
681 |
# TIMESTAMPADD / TIMESTAMPDIFF, is a server error. |
682 |
683 |
# mysqltest.c discards an expected 'deprecated' warning on prepare stage |
684 |
685 |
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(FRAC_SECOND, '2008-02-17', '2008-02-18'); |
686 |
687 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
688 |
689 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
690 |
691 |
692 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
693 |
694 |
--error ER_PARSE_ERROR |
695 |
696 |
697 |
--echo End of 5.0 tests |
698 |
699 |
700 |
# Bug #18997 |
701 |
702 |
703 |
select date_sub("0050-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
704 |
select date_sub("0199-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
705 |
select date_add("0199-12-31 23:59:59",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
706 |
select date_sub("0200-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
707 |
select date_sub("0200-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 1 SECOND); |
708 |
select date_sub("0200-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
709 |
select date_add("2001-01-01 23:59:59",INTERVAL -2000 YEAR); |
710 |
select date_sub("50-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
711 |
select date_sub("90-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
712 |
select date_sub("0069-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
713 |
select date_sub("0169-01-01 00:00:01",INTERVAL 2 SECOND); |
714 |
715 |
716 |
--echo End of 5.1 tests |