by brian
clean slate |
1 |
2 |
# Test some warnings
3 |
4 |
--disable_warnings |
5 |
drop table if exists t1, t2; |
6 |
--enable_warnings |
7 |
8 |
9 |
create table t1 (a int); |
10 |
--error 1050 |
11 |
create table t1 (a int); |
12 |
show count(*) errors; |
13 |
show errors; |
14 |
show warnings; |
15 |
--error 1064 |
16 |
create table t (i); |
17 |
show count(*) errors; |
18 |
show errors; |
19 |
insert into t1 values (1); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
20 |
--error 1366 |
by brian
clean slate |
21 |
insert into t1 values ("hej"); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
22 |
--error 1366 |
by brian
clean slate |
23 |
insert into t1 values ("hej"),("då"); |
24 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
25 |
--error 1366 |
by brian
clean slate |
26 |
insert into t1 values ("hej"); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
27 |
--error 1366 |
by brian
clean slate |
28 |
insert into t1 values ("hej"),("då"); |
29 |
drop table t1; |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
# Test other warnings
34 |
35 |
36 |
drop temporary table if exists not_exists; |
37 |
drop table if exists not_exists_table; |
38 |
show warnings limit 1; |
39 |
drop database if exists not_exists_db; |
40 |
show count(*) warnings; |
41 |
create table t1(id int); |
42 |
create table if not exists t1(id int); |
43 |
--disable_ps_protocol |
44 |
select @@warning_count; |
45 |
--enable_ps_protocol |
46 |
drop table t1; |
47 |
48 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
49 |
# Test error for LOAD DATA INFILE
by brian
clean slate |
50 |
51 |
by Brian Aker
Cleanup tiny and small int. |
52 |
create table t1(a int, b int not null, c date, d char(5)); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
53 |
--error 1263 |
by brian
clean slate |
54 |
load data infile '../std_data_ln/warnings_loaddata.dat' into table t1 fields terminated by ','; |
55 |
# PS doesn't work good with @@warning_count
56 |
--disable_ps_protocol |
57 |
select @@warning_count; |
58 |
--enable_ps_protocol |
59 |
drop table t1; |
60 |
61 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
62 |
# Errors and Warnings from basic INSERT, UPDATE and ALTER commands
by brian
clean slate |
63 |
64 |
by Brian Aker
Removed UNSIGNED from parser. |
65 |
create table t1(a int NOT NULL, b int, c char(5)); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
66 |
67 |
# Error data to big for character field
68 |
--error 1406 |
69 |
insert into t1 values(-1,100,'mysql'),(10,-1,'mysql ab'),(500,256,'open source'),(20,NULL,'test'); |
70 |
insert into t1 values(-1,100,'mysql'),(10,-1,'dri '),(500,256,'zzle'),(20,NULL,'test'); |
71 |
72 |
# Error as changing width truncates data
73 |
--error 1265 |
by brian
clean slate |
74 |
alter table t1 modify c char(4); |
75 |
alter table t1 add d char(2); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
76 |
77 |
# Error trying to insert NULL data into NOT NULL field
by brian
clean slate |
78 |
--error 1048 |
79 |
update t1 set a=NULL where a=10; |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
80 |
81 |
# Error data to big for character field
82 |
--error 1406 |
83 |
update t1 set c='drizzle' where c='test'; |
84 |
85 |
# Error data to big for character field
86 |
--error 1406 |
by brian
clean slate |
87 |
update t1 set d=c; |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
88 |
by Brian Aker
Cleanup tiny and small int. |
89 |
create table t2(a int NOT NULL, b char(3)); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
90 |
91 |
# Error data to big for character field
92 |
--error 1406 |
by brian
clean slate |
93 |
insert into t2 select b,c from t1; |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
94 |
95 |
# Error 'a' doesn't have a default value
96 |
--error 1364 |
by brian
clean slate |
97 |
insert into t2(b) values('mysqlab'); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
98 |
insert into t2(a) values(1); |
99 |
by brian
clean slate |
100 |
set sql_warnings=1; |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
101 |
102 |
# Error data to big for character field
103 |
--error 1406 |
104 |
insert into t2(a,b) values(1,'mysqlab'); |
105 |
insert into t2(a,b) values(1,'mys'); |
106 |
by brian
clean slate |
107 |
set sql_warnings=0; |
108 |
drop table t1, t2; |
109 |
110 |
111 |
# Test for max_error_count
112 |
113 |
114 |
create table t1(a char(10)); |
115 |
let $1=50; |
116 |
disable_query_log; |
117 |
while ($1) |
118 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
119 |
eval insert into t1 values('drizzle ab'); |
by brian
clean slate |
120 |
dec $1; |
121 |
122 |
enable_query_log; |
123 |
alter table t1 add b char; |
124 |
set max_error_count=10; |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
125 |
126 |
# Error data to big for character field
127 |
--error 1406 |
128 |
update t1 set b=a; |
129 |
130 |
alter table t1 modify b char(10); |
by brian
clean slate |
131 |
update t1 set b=a; |
132 |
--disable_ps_protocol |
133 |
select @@warning_count; |
134 |
--enable_ps_protocol |
135 |
136 |
# Bug#9072
137 |
set max_error_count=0; |
138 |
show variables like 'max_error_count'; |
139 |
update t1 set b='hi'; |
140 |
--disable_ps_protocol |
141 |
select @@warning_count; |
142 |
--enable_ps_protocol |
143 |
show warnings; |
144 |
set max_error_count=65535; |
145 |
show variables like 'max_error_count'; |
146 |
set max_error_count=10; |
147 |
show variables like 'max_error_count'; |
148 |
149 |
drop table t1; |
150 |
151 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
152 |
# Tests for show errors and warnings limit a, b
by brian
clean slate |
153 |
154 |
create table t1 (a int); |
155 |
insert into t1 (a) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
156 |
# Incorrect integer value abc for column a
157 |
--error 1366 |
by brian
clean slate |
158 |
update t1 set a='abc'; |
159 |
show warnings limit 2, 1; |
160 |
show warnings limit 0, 10; |
161 |
show warnings limit 9, 1; |
162 |
show warnings limit 10, 1; |
163 |
show warnings limit 9, 2; |
164 |
show warnings limit 0, 0; |
165 |
show warnings limit 1; |
166 |
show warnings limit 0; |
167 |
show warnings limit 1, 0; |
168 |
# make sure behaviour is consistent with select ... limit
169 |
select * from t1 limit 0; |
170 |
select * from t1 limit 1, 0; |
171 |
select * from t1 limit 0, 0; |
172 |
drop table t1; |
173 |
174 |
--echo End of 4.1 tests |
175 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
176 |
create table t1 (c_char char(255), c_varchar varchar(255), c_tinytext blob); |
by brian
clean slate |
177 |
set @c = repeat(' ', 256); |
178 |
set @q = repeat('q', 256); |
179 |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
180 |
# BUG, 309791 currently only gives a warning but should give error
181 |
insert into t1 values(@c, @c, @c); |
182 |
show warnings; |
by brian
clean slate |
183 |
--error 1406 |
184 |
insert into t1 values(@q, NULL, NULL); |
185 |
--error 1406 |
186 |
insert into t1 values(NULL, @q, NULL); |
187 |
insert into t1 values(NULL, NULL, @q); |
by Lee
enable warnings test and fix timezone test to comment out the failing test |
188 |
189 |
drop table t1; |
190 |
191 |
--echo End of Drizzle tests |