/* Copyright (c) 2009 PrimeBase Technologies GmbH, Germany * * PrimeBase Media Stream for MySQL * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Barry Leslie * * 2009-05-29 * * H&G2JCtL * * Repository backup. * */ #ifndef _BACKUP_MS_H_ #define _BACKUP_MS_H_ #include class MSDatabase; class MSBackupInfo : public CSRefObject { private: static uint32_t gMaxInfoRef; static CSSyncSparseArray *gBackupInfo; friend class MSBackupTable; friend class MSBackup; private: uint32_t backupRefId; CSString *db_name; uint32_t db_id; time_t startTime; time_t completionTime; bool dump; bool isRunning; CSString *backupLocation; uint32_t cloudRef; uint32_t cloudBackupNo; public: static void startUp() { new_(gBackupInfo, CSSyncSparseArray(5)); gMaxInfoRef = 0; } static void shutDown() { if (gBackupInfo) { gBackupInfo->clear(); gBackupInfo->release(); gBackupInfo = NULL; } } static MSBackupInfo *findBackupInfo(uint32_t backupRefId) { MSBackupInfo *info; enter_(); lock_(gBackupInfo); info = (MSBackupInfo *) gBackupInfo->get(backupRefId); if (info) info->retain(); unlock_(gBackupInfo); return_(info); } static MSBackupInfo *getBackupInfo(uint32_t backupRefId) { MSBackupInfo *info = findBackupInfo(backupRefId); if (!info) { enter_(); char msg[80]; snprintf(msg, 80, "Backup info with reference ID %"PRIu32" not found", backupRefId); CSException::throwException(CS_CONTEXT, CS_ERR_GENERIC_ERROR, msg); outer_(); } return info; } MSBackupInfo(uint32_t id, const char *name, uint32_t db_id, time_t start, time_t end, bool isDump, const char *location, uint32_t cloudRef_arg, uint32_t cloudBackupNo_arg ); ~MSBackupInfo(); uint32_t getBackupRefId() { return backupRefId;} const char *getName(){ return db_name->getCString(); } uint32_t getDatabaseId() { return db_id;} time_t getStart(){ return startTime;} time_t getEnd(){ return completionTime;} bool isDump(){ return dump;} bool isBackupRunning(){ return isRunning;} const char *getLocation() { return (backupLocation)?backupLocation->getCString():NULL; } uint32_t getcloudRef(){ return cloudRef;} void setcloudRef(uint32_t no){ cloudRef = no;} uint32_t getcloudBackupNo(){ return cloudBackupNo;} void setcloudBackupNo(uint32_t no){ cloudBackupNo = no;} static MSBackupInfo *startDump(MSDatabase *db, uint32_t cloud_ref, uint32_t backup_no); void startBackup(MSDatabase *pbms_db); void backupCompleted(MSDatabase *db); void backupTerminated(MSDatabase *db); }; class MSDatabase; class MSOpenSystemTable; class MSBackup :public CSDaemon { public: MSBackup(); ~MSBackup(){} // Do nothing here because 'self' will no longer be valid, use completeWork(). virtual bool doWork(); virtual void *completeWork(); void startBackup(MSDatabase *src_db); uint64_t getBackupSize() { return bu_size;} uint64_t getBackupCompletedSize() { return bu_completed;} bool isRunning() { return bu_BackupRunning;} int getStatus() { return (bu_BackupRunning)?0:bu_State;} uint32_t backupID() { return bu_ID;} static MSBackup* newMSBackup(MSBackupInfo *backup_info); private: void completeBackup(); MSBackupInfo *bu_info; CSVector *bu_BackupList; CSDaemon *bu_Compactor; bool bu_BackupRunning; enum {BU_RUNNING = -1, BU_COMPLETED = 0, BU_TERMINATED = 1} bu_State; MSDatabase *bu_SourceDatabase; // The source database. MSDatabase *bu_Database; // The destination database. MSOpenSystemTable *bu_dst_dump; // The source database's pbms_dump. MSOpenSystemTable *bu_src_dump; // The source database's pbms_dump. uint64_t bu_size; // The total size of the data to be backed up. uint64_t bu_completed; // The amount of data that has been backed up so far. uint32_t bu_ID; uint32_t bu_start_time; bool bu_TransactionManagerSuspended; }; #endif // _BACKUP_MS_H_