/* Copyright (C) 2008 PrimeBase Technologies GmbH, Germany * * PrimeBase Media Stream (PBMS) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * 2008-09-10 Barry Leslie * * H&G2JCtL */ #pragma once #ifndef __PBMSLIB_H__ #define __PBMSLIB_H__ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define MS_STANDARD_STORAGE 0 // BLOB data is stored in the repository. #define MS_CLOUD_STORAGE 1 // BLOB data is in S3 cloud storage. /**/ #define MS_CHECKSUM_TAG "PBMS_CHECKSUM" #define MS_ALIAS_TAG "PBMS_BLOB_ALIAS" #define MS_BLOB_INFO_REQUEST "PBMS_RETURN_HEADER_ONLY" #define MS_PING_REQUEST "PBMS_PING_CONNECTION" #define MS_BLOB_SIZE "PBMS_BLOB_SIZE" #define MS_LAST_ACCESS "PBMS_LAST_ACCESS" #define MS_ACCESS_COUNT "PBMS_ACCESS_COUNT" #define MS_CREATION_TIME "PBMS_CREATION_TIME" #define MS_BLOB_TYPE "PBMS_BLOB_TYPE" #define MS_REQUEST_SIZE "PBMS_REQUEST_SIZE" // The number of bytes of BLOB data the client requests. #define MS_REQUEST_OFFSET "PBMS_REQUEST_OFFSET" // The offset into the BLOB that the client requests the data from. #define MS_CLOUD_SERVER "PBMS_CLOUD_SERVER" #define MS_CLOUD_BUCKET "PBMS_CLOUD_BUCKET" #define MS_CLOUD_OBJECT_KEY "PBMS_CLOUD_OBJECT_KEY" #define MS_CLOUD_KEY "PBMS_CLOUD_KEY" #define MS_BLOB_SIGNATURE "PBMS_BLOB_SIGNATURE" #define MS_BLOB_DATE "PBMS_BLOB_DATE" // The date used when creating the signature. #define MS_META_NAME_SIZE 32 #define MS_META_VALUE_SIZE 1024 #define MS_BLOB_ALIAS_SIZE MS_META_VALUE_SIZE #define MS_BLOB_URL_SIZE 200 #ifndef PBMS_PORT #define DEFAULT_PBMS_PORT 8080 #else #define DEFAULT_PBMS_PORT PBMS_PORT #endif /* PBMS handle types. */ typedef void *PBMS; // A connection handle. typedef unsigned char pbms_bool; /* options for pbms_set_option() and pbms_get_option() */ enum pbms_option /*: Parameter type | Information */ { PBMS_OPTION_KEEP_ALIVE, /*: unsigned int* | A boolean value indicating if the keep_alive flag should be set on HTTP requests.(Defalt = false) */ PBMS_OPTION_TRANSMITION_TIMEOUT, /*: unsigned int* | If greater than zero this sets a limit to how long a blob transfer can take. (Defalt = 0) */ PBMS_OPTION_HOST, /*: (const char *)* | The connection's Media Stream server host IP address. (Read Only) */ PBMS_OPTION_PORT, /*: unsigned int* | The connection's Media Stream server host port number. (Read Only) */ PBMS_OPTION_DATABASE /*: (const char *)* | The connection's associated database. */ }; typedef size_t (* PBMS_READ_CALLBACK_FUNC) (void *caller_data, char *buffer, size_t size, pbms_bool reset); typedef size_t (* PBMS_WRITE_CALLBACK_FUNC) (void *caller_data, const char *buffer, size_t size, pbms_bool reset); pbms_bool pbms_library_init(); void pbms_library_end(); PBMS pbms_connect(const char* host, unsigned int port, const char *database); void pbms_close(PBMS pbms); pbms_bool pbms_set_option(PBMS pbms, enum pbms_option option, const void *in_value); pbms_bool pbms_get_option(PBMS pbms, enum pbms_option option, void *out_value); int pbms_errno(PBMS pbms); const char *pbms_error(PBMS pbms); pbms_bool pbms_is_blob_reference(PBMS pbms, const char *ref); pbms_bool pbms_get_blob_size(PBMS pbms, const char *ref, size_t *size); /* Metadata related functions. */ pbms_bool pbms_add_metadata(PBMS pbms, const char *name, const char *value); void pbms_clear_metadata(PBMS pbms, const char *name); //If name is NULL all metadata associaed with the connection is removed. unsigned int pbms_reset_metadata(PBMS pbms); //Resets the metadata cursor for downloaded metadata. pbms_bool pbms_next_metadata(PBMS pbms, char *name, char *value, size_t *v_size); pbms_bool pbms_get_metadata_value(PBMS pbms, const char *name, char *buffer, size_t *size); pbms_bool pbms_get_md5_digest(PBMS pbms, char *md5_digest); pbms_bool pbms_put_data(PBMS pbms, const char *table, const char *checksum, char *ref, size_t size, const unsigned char *buffer); pbms_bool pbms_put_data_cb(PBMS pbms, const char *table, const char *checksum, char *ref, size_t size, PBMS_READ_CALLBACK_FUNC cb, void *caller_data); pbms_bool pbms_get_data(PBMS pbms, const char *ref, unsigned char *buffer, size_t buffer_size); pbms_bool pbms_get_data_cb(PBMS pbms, const char *ref, PBMS_WRITE_CALLBACK_FUNC cb, void *caller_data); pbms_bool pbms_get_data_range(PBMS pbms, const char *ref, size_t start_offset, size_t end_offset, unsigned char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t *data_size); pbms_bool pbms_get_data_range_cb(PBMS pbms, const char *ref, size_t start_offset, size_t end_offset, PBMS_WRITE_CALLBACK_FUNC cb, void *caller_data); pbms_bool pbms_get_info(PBMS pbms, const char *ref); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __PBMSLIB_H__