#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 # USA # # This script executes the following sequence # # $ mysql-test-run.pl --start-and-exit with replication # $ gentest.pl --gendata # $ diff master slave # # use lib 'lib'; use lib "$ENV{RQG_HOME}/lib"; use strict; use GenTest; $| = 1; if (osWindows()) { $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE"; } if (defined $ENV{RQG_HOME}) { if (osWindows()) { $ENV{RQG_HOME} = $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'\\'; } else { $ENV{RQG_HOME} = $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'/'; } } use Getopt::Long; use GenTest::Constants; use DBI; use Cwd; my $database = 'test'; my @master_dsns; my ($gendata, @basedirs, @mysqld_options, @vardirs, $rpl_mode, $engine, $help, $debug, $validators, $reporters, $grammar_file, $redefine_file, $seed, $mask, $mask_level, $no_mask, $mem, $rows, $varchar_len, $xml_output, $valgrind, $valgrind_xml, $views, $start_dirty, $filter, $build_thread, $testname, $report_xml_tt, $report_xml_tt_type, $report_xml_tt_dest, $notnull, $sqltrace, $lcov, $transformers, $querytimeout); my $threads = my $default_threads = 10; my $queries = my $default_queries = 1000; my $duration = my $default_duration = 3600; my @ARGV_saved = @ARGV; my $opt_result = GetOptions( 'mysqld=s@' => \$mysqld_options[0], 'mysqld1=s@' => \$mysqld_options[0], 'mysqld2=s@' => \$mysqld_options[1], 'basedir=s' => \$basedirs[0], 'basedir1=s' => \$basedirs[0], 'basedir2=s' => \$basedirs[1], 'vardir=s' => \$vardirs[0], 'vardir1=s' => \$vardirs[0], 'vardir2=s' => \$vardirs[1], 'rpl_mode=s' => \$rpl_mode, 'engine=s' => \$engine, 'grammar=s' => \$grammar_file, 'redefine=s' => \$redefine_file, 'threads=i' => \$threads, 'queries=s' => \$queries, 'duration=i' => \$duration, 'help' => \$help, 'debug' => \$debug, 'validators:s@' => \$validators, 'transformers:s@' =>\$transformers, 'reporters:s@' => \$reporters, 'report-xml-tt' => \$report_xml_tt, 'report-xml-tt-type=s' => \$report_xml_tt_type, 'report-xml-tt-dest=s' => \$report_xml_tt_dest, 'gendata:s' => \$gendata, 'notnull' => \$notnull, 'seed=s' => \$seed, 'mask=i' => \$mask, 'mask-level=i' => \$mask_level, 'no-mask' => \$no_mask, 'mem' => \$mem, 'rows=i' => \$rows, 'varchar-length=i' => \$varchar_len, 'xml-output=s' => \$xml_output, 'valgrind' => \$valgrind, 'valgrind-xml' => \$valgrind_xml, 'views' => \$views, 'sqltrace' => \$sqltrace, 'start-dirty' => \$start_dirty, 'filter=s' => \$filter, 'mtr-build-thread=i' => \$build_thread, 'testname=s' => \$testname, 'lcov' => \$lcov, 'querytimeout=i' => \$querytimeout ); $ENV{RQG_DEBUG} = 1 if defined $debug; $validators = join(',', @$validators) if defined $validators; $reporters = join(',', @$reporters) if defined $reporters; $transformers = join(',', @$transformers) if defined $transformers; if (!$opt_result) { exit(1); } elsif ($help) { help(); exit(0); } elsif ($basedirs[0] eq '') { say("No basedir provided via --basedir."); exit(0); } elsif (not defined $grammar_file) { say("No grammar file provided via --grammar"); exit(0); } say("Copyright (c) 2008,2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms."); say("Please see http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/Category:RandomQueryGenerator for more information on this test framework."); say("Starting: $0 ".join(" ", @ARGV_saved)); # # Calculate master and slave ports based on MTR_BUILD_THREAD (MTR # Version 1 behaviour) # if (not defined $build_thread) { if (defined $ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD}) { $build_thread = $ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD} } else { $build_thread = DEFAULT_MTR_BUILD_THREAD; } } if ( $build_thread eq 'auto' ) { say ("Please set the environment variable MTR_BUILD_THREAD to a value <> 'auto' (recommended) or unset it (will take the value ".DEFAULT_MTR_BUILD_THREAD.") "); exit (STATUS_ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE); } my $master_port = 10000 + 10 * $build_thread; my $slave_port = 10000 + 10 * $build_thread + 2; my @master_ports = ($master_port,$slave_port); say("master_port : $master_port slave_port : $slave_port master_ports : @master_ports MTR_BUILD_THREAD : $build_thread "); $ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD} = $build_thread; # # If the user has provided two vardirs and one basedir, start second # server using the same basedir # if ( ($vardirs[1] ne '') && ($basedirs[1] eq '') ) { $basedirs[1] = $basedirs[0]; } if ( ($mysqld_options[1] ne '') && ($basedirs[1] eq '') ) { $basedirs[1] = $basedirs[0]; } # # If the user has provided identical basedirs and vardirs, warn of a potential overlap. # if ( ($basedirs[0] eq $basedirs[1]) && ($vardirs[0] eq $vardirs[1]) && ($rpl_mode eq '') ) { die("Please specify either different --basedir[12] or different --vardir[12] in order to start two MySQL servers"); } # # If RQG_HOME is set, prepend it to config files if they can not be found without it # $gendata = $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'/'.$gendata if defined $gendata && defined $ENV{RQG_HOME} && ! -e $gendata; $grammar_file = $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'/'.$grammar_file if defined $grammar_file && defined $ENV{RQG_HOME} && ! -e $grammar_file; $redefine_file = $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'/'.$redefine_file if defined $redefine_file && defined $ENV{RQG_HOME} && ! -e $redefine_file; my $cwd = cwd(); if ($lcov) { unlink(tmpdir()."/lcov-rqg.info"); system("lcov --directory $basedirs[0] --zerocounters"); } # # Start servers. Use rpl_alter if replication is needed. # foreach my $server_id (0..1) { next if $basedirs[$server_id] eq ''; if ( ($server_id == 0) || ($rpl_mode eq '') ) { $master_dsns[$server_id] = "dbi:mysql:host=".$master_ports[$server_id].":user=root:database=".$database; } my @mtr_options; push @mtr_options, lc("--mysqld=--$engine") if defined $engine && $engine !~ m{myisam|memory|heap}sio; push @mtr_options, "--mem" if defined $mem; if ((defined $valgrind) || (defined $valgrind_xml)) { push @mtr_options, "--valgrind"; if (defined $valgrind_xml) { push @mtr_options, "--valgrind-option='--xml=yes'"; if (defined $vardirs[$server_id]) { push @mtr_options, "--valgrind-option='--xml-file=".$vardirs[$server_id]."/log/valgrind.xml'"; } else { push @mtr_options, "--valgrind-option='--xml-file=".$basedirs[$server_id]."/mysql-test/var/log/valgrind.xml'"; } } } push @mtr_options, "--skip-ndb"; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--core-file"; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--loose-new"; # push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--default-storage-engine=$engine" if defined $engine; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--sql-mode=no_engine_substitution" if join(' ', @ARGV_saved) !~ m{sql-mode}io; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--relay-log=slave-relay-bin"; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--loose-innodb"; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--loose-falcon-debug-mask=2"; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--secure-file-priv="; # Disable secure-file-priv that mtr enables. push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--max-allowed-packet=16Mb"; # Allow loading bigger blobs push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--loose-innodb-status-file=1"; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--master-retry-count=65535"; push @mtr_options, "--start-dirty" if defined $start_dirty; push @mtr_options, "--gcov" if $lcov; if (($rpl_mode ne '') && ($server_id != 0)) { # If we are running in replication, and we start the slave separately (because it is a different binary) # add a few options that allow the slave and the master to be distinguished and SHOW SLAVE HOSTS to work push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--server-id=".($server_id + 1); push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--report-host="; push @mtr_options, "--mysqld=--report-port=".$master_ports[$server_id]; } my $mtr_path = $basedirs[$server_id].'/mysql-test/'; chdir($mtr_path) or die "unable to chdir() to $mtr_path: $!"; push @mtr_options, "--vardir=$vardirs[$server_id]" if defined $vardirs[$server_id]; push @mtr_options, "--master_port=".$master_ports[$server_id]; if (defined $mysqld_options[$server_id]) { foreach my $mysqld_option (@{$mysqld_options[$server_id]}) { push @mtr_options, '--mysqld="'.$mysqld_option.'"'; } } if ( ($rpl_mode ne '') && ($server_id == 0) && (not defined $vardirs[1]) && (not defined $mysqld_options[1]) ) { push @mtr_options, 'rpl_alter'; push @mtr_options, "--slave_port=".$slave_port; } elsif ($basedirs[$server_id] =~ m{(^|[-/ ])5\.0}sgio) { say("Basedir implies server version 5.0. Will not use --start-and-exit 1st"); # Do nothing, test name "1st" does not exist in 5.0 } else { push @mtr_options, '1st'; } $ENV{MTR_VERSION} = 1; # my $out_file = "/tmp/mtr-".$$."-".$server_id.".out"; my $mtr_command = "perl mysql-test-run.pl --start-and-exit ".join(' ', @mtr_options)." 2>&1"; say("Running $mtr_command ."); my $vardir = $vardirs[$server_id] || $basedirs[$server_id].'/mysql-test/var'; open (MTR_COMMAND, '>'.$mtr_path.'/mtr_command') or say("Unable to open mtr_command: $!"); print MTR_COMMAND $mtr_command; close MTR_COMMAND; my $mtr_status = system($mtr_command); if ($mtr_status != 0) { # system("cat $out_file"); system("cat \"$vardir/log/master.err\""); exit_test(STATUS_ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE); } # unlink($out_file); if ((defined $master_dsns[$server_id]) && (defined $engine)) { my $dbh = DBI->connect($master_dsns[$server_id], undef, undef, { RaiseError => 1 } ); $dbh->do("SET GLOBAL storage_engine = '$engine'"); } } chdir($cwd); my $master_dbh = DBI->connect($master_dsns[0], undef, undef, { RaiseError => 1 } ); if ($rpl_mode) { my $slave_dsn = "dbi:mysql:host=".$slave_port.":user=root:database=".$database; my $slave_dbh = DBI->connect($slave_dsn, undef, undef, { RaiseError => 1 } ); say("Establishing replication, mode $rpl_mode ..."); my ($foo, $master_version) = $master_dbh->selectrow_array("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'"); if (($master_version !~ m{^5\.0}sio) && ($rpl_mode ne 'default')) { $master_dbh->do("SET GLOBAL BINLOG_FORMAT = '$rpl_mode'"); $slave_dbh->do("SET GLOBAL BINLOG_FORMAT = '$rpl_mode'"); } $slave_dbh->do("STOP SLAVE"); $slave_dbh->do("SET GLOBAL storage_engine = '$engine'") if defined $engine; $slave_dbh->do("CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_PORT = $master_ports[0], MASTER_HOST = '', MASTER_USER = 'root', MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY = 1 "); $slave_dbh->do("START SLAVE"); } # # Run actual queries # my @gentest_options; push @gentest_options, "--start-dirty" if defined $start_dirty; push @gentest_options, "--gendata=$gendata"; push @gentest_options, "--notnull" if defined $notnull; push @gentest_options, "--engine=$engine" if defined $engine; push @gentest_options, "--rpl_mode=$rpl_mode" if defined $rpl_mode; push @gentest_options, map {'--validator='.$_} split(/,/,$validators) if defined $validators; push @gentest_options, map {'--reporter='.$_} split(/,/,$reporters) if defined $reporters; push @gentest_options, map {'--transformer='.$_} split(/,/,$transformers) if defined $transformers; push @gentest_options, "--threads=$threads" if defined $threads; push @gentest_options, "--queries=$queries" if defined $queries; push @gentest_options, "--duration=$duration" if defined $duration; push @gentest_options, "--dsn=$master_dsns[0]" if defined $master_dsns[0]; push @gentest_options, "--dsn=$master_dsns[1]" if defined $master_dsns[1]; push @gentest_options, "--grammar=$grammar_file"; push @gentest_options, "--redefine=$redefine_file" if defined $redefine_file; push @gentest_options, "--seed=$seed" if defined $seed; push @gentest_options, "--mask=$mask" if ((defined $mask) && (not defined $no_mask)); push @gentest_options, "--mask-level=$mask_level" if defined $mask_level; push @gentest_options, "--rows=$rows" if defined $rows; push @gentest_options, "--views" if defined $views; push @gentest_options, "--varchar-length=$varchar_len" if defined $varchar_len; push @gentest_options, "--xml-output=$xml_output" if defined $xml_output; push @gentest_options, "--report-xml-tt" if defined $report_xml_tt; push @gentest_options, "--report-xml-tt-type=$report_xml_tt_type" if defined $report_xml_tt_type; push @gentest_options, "--report-xml-tt-dest=$report_xml_tt_dest" if defined $report_xml_tt_dest; push @gentest_options, "--debug" if defined $debug; push @gentest_options, "--filter=$filter" if defined $filter; push @gentest_options, "--valgrind" if defined $valgrind; push @gentest_options, "--valgrind-xml" if defined $valgrind_xml; push @gentest_options, "--testname=$testname" if defined $testname; push @gentest_options, "--sqltrace" if defined $sqltrace; push @gentest_options, "--querytimeout=$querytimeout" if defined $querytimeout; # Push the number of "worker" threads into the environment. # lib/GenTest/Generator/FromGrammar.pm will generate a corresponding grammar element. $ENV{RQG_THREADS}= $threads; my $gentest_result = system("perl $ENV{RQG_HOME}gentest.pl ".join(' ', @gentest_options)) >> 8; say("gentest.pl exited with exit status ".status2text($gentest_result). " ($gentest_result)"); if ($lcov) { say("Trying to generate a genhtml lcov report in ".tmpdir()."/rqg-lcov-$$ ..."); system("lcov --quiet --directory $basedirs[0] --capture --output-file ".tmpdir()."/lcov-rqg.info"); system("genhtml --quiet --no-sort --output-directory=".tmpdir()."/rqg-lcov-$$ ".tmpdir()."/lcov-rqg.info"); say("genhtml lcov report may have been generated in ".tmpdir()."/rqg-lcov-$$ ."); } exit_test($gentest_result); sub help { print <