/* Copyright (C) 2000-2006 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Remove a row from a MyISAM table */ #include "myisamdef.h" #include #include static int d_search(MI_INFO *info,MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uint32_t comp_flag, unsigned char *key,uint32_t key_length,my_off_t page,unsigned char *anc_buff); static int del(MI_INFO *info,MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,unsigned char *key,unsigned char *anc_buff, my_off_t leaf_page,unsigned char *leaf_buff,unsigned char *keypos, my_off_t next_block,unsigned char *ret_key); static int underflow(MI_INFO *info,MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,unsigned char *anc_buff, my_off_t leaf_page,unsigned char *leaf_buff,unsigned char *keypos); static uint32_t remove_key(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uint32_t nod_flag,unsigned char *keypos, unsigned char *lastkey,unsigned char *page_end, my_off_t *next_block); static int _mi_ck_real_delete(register MI_INFO *info,MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_length, my_off_t *root); int mi_delete(MI_INFO *info,const unsigned char *record) { uint32_t i; unsigned char *old_key; int save_errno; char lastpos[8]; MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s; /* Test if record is in datafile */ if (!(info->update & HA_STATE_AKTIV)) { return(my_errno=HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND); /* No database read */ } if (share->options & HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA) { return(my_errno=EACCES); } if (_mi_readinfo(info,F_WRLCK,1)) return(my_errno); if (info->s->calc_checksum) info->checksum=(*info->s->calc_checksum)(info,record); if ((*share->compare_record)(info,record)) goto err; /* Error on read-check */ if (_mi_mark_file_changed(info)) goto err; /* Remove all keys from the .ISAM file */ old_key=info->lastkey2; for (i=0 ; i < share->base.keys ; i++ ) { if (mi_is_key_active(info->s->state.key_map, i)) { info->s->keyinfo[i].version++; { if (info->s->keyinfo[i].ck_delete(info,i,old_key, _mi_make_key(info,i,old_key,record,info->lastpos))) goto err; } /* The above changed info->lastkey2. Inform mi_rnext_same(). */ info->update&= ~HA_STATE_RNEXT_SAME; } } if ((*share->delete_record)(info)) goto err; /* Remove record from database */ info->state->checksum-=info->checksum; info->update= HA_STATE_CHANGED+HA_STATE_DELETED+HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED; info->state->records--; mi_sizestore(lastpos,info->lastpos); _mi_writeinfo(info,WRITEINFO_UPDATE_KEYFILE); return(0); err: save_errno=my_errno; mi_sizestore(lastpos,info->lastpos); if (save_errno != HA_ERR_RECORD_CHANGED) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); mi_mark_crashed(info); /* mark table crashed */ } _mi_writeinfo(info,WRITEINFO_UPDATE_KEYFILE); info->update|=HA_STATE_WRITTEN; /* Buffer changed */ my_errno=save_errno; if (save_errno == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; } return(my_errno); } /* mi_delete */ /* Remove a key from the btree index */ int _mi_ck_delete(register MI_INFO *info, uint32_t keynr, unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_length) { return _mi_ck_real_delete(info, info->s->keyinfo+keynr, key, key_length, &info->s->state.key_root[keynr]); } /* _mi_ck_delete */ static int _mi_ck_real_delete(register MI_INFO *info, MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_length, my_off_t *root) { int error; uint32_t nod_flag; my_off_t old_root; unsigned char *root_buff; if ((old_root=*root) == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); return(my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED); } if (!(root_buff= (unsigned char*) malloc(keyinfo->block_length+ MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF*2))) { return(my_errno=ENOMEM); } if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,old_root,DFLT_INIT_HITS,root_buff,0)) { error= -1; goto err; } if ((error=d_search(info,keyinfo, (SEARCH_SAME), key,key_length,old_root,root_buff)) > 0) { if (error == 2) { error=_mi_enlarge_root(info,keyinfo,key,root); } else /* error == 1 */ { if (mi_getint(root_buff) <= (nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(root_buff))+3) { error=0; if (nod_flag) *root=_mi_kpos(nod_flag,root_buff+2+nod_flag); else *root=HA_OFFSET_ERROR; if (_mi_dispose(info,keyinfo,old_root,DFLT_INIT_HITS)) error= -1; } else error=_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,old_root, DFLT_INIT_HITS,root_buff); } } err: free(root_buff); return(error); } /* _mi_ck_real_delete */ /* ** Remove key below key root ** Return values: ** 1 if there are less buffers; In this case anc_buff is not saved ** 2 if there are more buffers ** -1 on errors */ static int d_search(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uint32_t comp_flag, unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_length, my_off_t page, unsigned char *anc_buff) { int flag,ret_value,save_flag; uint32_t length,nod_flag,search_key_length; bool last_key; unsigned char *leaf_buff,*keypos; my_off_t leaf_page= 0, next_block; unsigned char lastkey[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF]; search_key_length= (comp_flag & SEARCH_FIND) ? key_length : USE_WHOLE_KEY; flag=(*keyinfo->bin_search)(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,key, search_key_length, comp_flag, &keypos, lastkey, &last_key); if (flag == MI_FOUND_WRONG_KEY) { return(-1); } nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(anc_buff); leaf_buff= 0; if (nod_flag) { leaf_page=_mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos); if (!(leaf_buff= (unsigned char*) malloc(keyinfo->block_length+ MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF*2))) { my_errno=ENOMEM; return(-1); } if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,leaf_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,leaf_buff,0)) goto err; } if (flag != 0) { if (!nod_flag) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; /* This should newer happend */ goto err; } save_flag=0; ret_value=d_search(info,keyinfo,comp_flag,key,key_length, leaf_page,leaf_buff); } else { /* Found key */ uint32_t tmp; length=mi_getint(anc_buff); if (!(tmp= remove_key(keyinfo,nod_flag,keypos,lastkey,anc_buff+length, &next_block))) goto err; length-= tmp; mi_putint(anc_buff,length,nod_flag); if (!nod_flag) { /* On leaf page */ if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,anc_buff)) { return(-1); } /* Page will be update later if we return 1 */ return(test(length <= (info->quick_mode ? MI_MIN_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH : (uint) keyinfo->underflow_block_length))); } save_flag=1; ret_value=del(info,keyinfo,key,anc_buff,leaf_page,leaf_buff,keypos, next_block,lastkey); } if (ret_value >0) { save_flag=1; if (ret_value == 1) ret_value= underflow(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,leaf_page,leaf_buff,keypos); else { /* This happens only with packed keys */ if (!_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,lastkey,keypos,&length)) { goto err; } ret_value=_mi_insert(info,keyinfo,key,anc_buff,keypos,lastkey, (unsigned char*) 0,(unsigned char*) 0,(my_off_t) 0,(bool) 0); } } if (ret_value == 0 && mi_getint(anc_buff) > keyinfo->block_length) { save_flag=1; ret_value=_mi_split_page(info,keyinfo,key,anc_buff,lastkey,0) | 2; } if (save_flag && ret_value != 1) ret_value|=_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,anc_buff); free(leaf_buff); return(ret_value); err: free(leaf_buff); return (-1); } /* d_search */ /* Remove a key that has a page-reference */ static int del(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *anc_buff, my_off_t leaf_page, unsigned char *leaf_buff, unsigned char *keypos, /* Pos to where deleted key was */ my_off_t next_block, unsigned char *ret_key) /* key before keypos in anc_buff */ { int ret_value,length; uint32_t a_length,nod_flag,tmp; my_off_t next_page; unsigned char keybuff[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF],*endpos,*next_buff,*key_start, *prev_key; MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s; MI_KEY_PARAM s_temp; endpos=leaf_buff+mi_getint(leaf_buff); if (!(key_start=_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,leaf_buff,keybuff,endpos, &tmp))) return(-1); if ((nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(leaf_buff))) { next_page= _mi_kpos(nod_flag,endpos); if (!(next_buff= (unsigned char*) malloc(keyinfo->block_length+ MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF*2))) return(-1); if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,next_buff,0)) ret_value= -1; else { if ((ret_value=del(info,keyinfo,key,anc_buff,next_page,next_buff, keypos,next_block,ret_key)) >0) { endpos=leaf_buff+mi_getint(leaf_buff); if (ret_value == 1) { ret_value=underflow(info,keyinfo,leaf_buff,next_page, next_buff,endpos); if (ret_value == 0 && mi_getint(leaf_buff) > keyinfo->block_length) { ret_value=_mi_split_page(info,keyinfo,key,leaf_buff,ret_key,0) | 2; } } else { if (!_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,leaf_buff,keybuff,endpos, &tmp)) goto err; ret_value=_mi_insert(info,keyinfo,key,leaf_buff,endpos,keybuff, (unsigned char*) 0,(unsigned char*) 0,(my_off_t) 0,0); } } if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,leaf_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,leaf_buff)) goto err; } free(next_buff); return(ret_value); } /* Remove last key from leaf page */ mi_putint(leaf_buff,key_start-leaf_buff,nod_flag); if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,leaf_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,leaf_buff)) goto err; /* Place last key in ancestor page on deleted key position */ a_length=mi_getint(anc_buff); endpos=anc_buff+a_length; if (keypos != anc_buff+2+share->base.key_reflength && !_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,ret_key,keypos,&tmp)) goto err; prev_key=(keypos == anc_buff+2+share->base.key_reflength ? 0 : ret_key); length=(*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo,share->base.key_reflength, keypos == endpos ? (unsigned char*) 0 : keypos, prev_key, prev_key, keybuff,&s_temp); if (length > 0) bmove_upp((unsigned char*) endpos+length,(unsigned char*) endpos,(uint) (endpos-keypos)); else memmove(keypos,keypos-length, (int) (endpos-keypos)+length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,keypos,&s_temp); /* Save pointer to next leaf */ if (!(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,share->base.key_reflength,&keypos,ret_key)) goto err; _mi_kpointer(info,keypos - share->base.key_reflength,next_block); mi_putint(anc_buff,a_length+length,share->base.key_reflength); return( mi_getint(leaf_buff) <= (info->quick_mode ? MI_MIN_KEYBLOCK_LENGTH : (uint) keyinfo->underflow_block_length)); err: return(-1); } /* del */ /* Balances adjacent pages if underflow occours */ static int underflow(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, unsigned char *anc_buff, my_off_t leaf_page,/* Ancestor page and underflow page */ unsigned char *leaf_buff, unsigned char *keypos) /* Position to pos after key */ { int t_length; uint32_t length,anc_length,buff_length,leaf_length,p_length,s_length,nod_flag, key_reflength,key_length; my_off_t next_page; unsigned char anc_key[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF],leaf_key[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF], *buff,*endpos,*next_keypos,*anc_pos,*half_pos,*temp_pos,*prev_key, *after_key; MI_KEY_PARAM s_temp; MYISAM_SHARE *share=info->s; buff=info->buff; info->buff_used=1; next_keypos=keypos; nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(leaf_buff); p_length=nod_flag+2; anc_length=mi_getint(anc_buff); leaf_length=mi_getint(leaf_buff); key_reflength=share->base.key_reflength; if (info->s->keyinfo+info->lastinx == keyinfo) info->page_changed=1; if ((keypos < anc_buff+anc_length && (info->state->records & 1)) || keypos == anc_buff+2+key_reflength) { /* Use page right of anc-page */ if (keyinfo->flag & HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY) { if (!(next_keypos=_mi_get_key(info, keyinfo, anc_buff, buff, keypos, &length))) goto err; } else { /* Got to end of found key */ buff[0]=buff[1]=0; /* Avoid length error check if packed key */ if (!(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,key_reflength,&next_keypos, buff)) goto err; } next_page= _mi_kpos(key_reflength,next_keypos); if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,buff,0)) goto err; buff_length=mi_getint(buff); /* find keys to make a big key-page */ memmove(next_keypos - key_reflength, buff + 2, key_reflength); if (!_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,anc_key,next_keypos,&length) || !_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,leaf_buff,leaf_key, leaf_buff+leaf_length,&length)) goto err; /* merge pages and put parting key from anc_buff between */ prev_key=(leaf_length == p_length ? (unsigned char*) 0 : leaf_key); t_length=(*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,buff+p_length, prev_key, prev_key, anc_key, &s_temp); length=buff_length-p_length; endpos=buff+length+leaf_length+t_length; /* buff will always be larger than before !*/ bmove_upp((unsigned char*) endpos, (unsigned char*) buff+buff_length,length); memcpy(buff, leaf_buff, leaf_length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,buff+leaf_length,&s_temp); buff_length=(uint) (endpos-buff); mi_putint(buff,buff_length,nod_flag); /* remove key from anc_buff */ if (!(s_length=remove_key(keyinfo,key_reflength,keypos,anc_key, anc_buff+anc_length,(my_off_t *) 0))) goto err; anc_length-=s_length; mi_putint(anc_buff,anc_length,key_reflength); if (buff_length <= keyinfo->block_length) { /* Keys in one page */ memcpy(leaf_buff, buff, buff_length); if (_mi_dispose(info,keyinfo,next_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS)) goto err; } else { /* Page is full */ endpos=anc_buff+anc_length; if (keypos != anc_buff+2+key_reflength && !_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,anc_key,keypos,&length)) goto err; if (!(half_pos=_mi_find_half_pos(nod_flag, keyinfo, buff, leaf_key, &key_length, &after_key))) goto err; length=(uint) (half_pos-buff); memcpy(leaf_buff, buff, length); mi_putint(leaf_buff,length,nod_flag); /* Correct new keypointer to leaf_page */ half_pos=after_key; _mi_kpointer(info,leaf_key+key_length,next_page); /* Save key in anc_buff */ prev_key=(keypos == anc_buff+2+key_reflength ? (unsigned char*) 0 : anc_key), t_length=(*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo,key_reflength, (keypos == endpos ? (unsigned char*) 0 : keypos), prev_key, prev_key, leaf_key, &s_temp); if (t_length >= 0) bmove_upp((unsigned char*) endpos+t_length,(unsigned char*) endpos, (uint) (endpos-keypos)); else memmove(keypos,keypos-t_length,(uint) (endpos-keypos)+t_length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,keypos,&s_temp); mi_putint(anc_buff,(anc_length+=t_length),key_reflength); /* Store key first in new page */ if (nod_flag) memmove(buff + 2, half_pos - nod_flag, nod_flag); if (!(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&half_pos,leaf_key)) goto err; t_length=(int) (*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo, nod_flag, (unsigned char*) 0, (unsigned char*) 0, (unsigned char *) 0, leaf_key, &s_temp); /* t_length will always be > 0 for a new page !*/ length=(uint) ((buff+mi_getint(buff))-half_pos); memmove(buff + p_length + t_length, half_pos, length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,buff+p_length,&s_temp); mi_putint(buff,length+t_length+p_length,nod_flag); if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,buff)) goto err; } if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,leaf_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,leaf_buff)) goto err; return(anc_length <= ((info->quick_mode ? MI_MIN_BLOCK_LENGTH : (uint) keyinfo->underflow_block_length))); } keypos=_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,anc_key,keypos,&length); if (!keypos) goto err; next_page= _mi_kpos(key_reflength,keypos); if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,buff,0)) goto err; buff_length=mi_getint(buff); endpos=buff+buff_length; /* find keys to make a big key-page */ memmove(next_keypos - key_reflength, leaf_buff+2, key_reflength); next_keypos=keypos; if (!(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,key_reflength,&next_keypos, anc_key)) goto err; if (!_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,buff,leaf_key,endpos,&length)) goto err; /* merge pages and put parting key from anc_buff between */ prev_key=(leaf_length == p_length ? (unsigned char*) 0 : leaf_key); t_length=(*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag, (leaf_length == p_length ? (unsigned char*) 0 : leaf_buff+p_length), prev_key, prev_key, anc_key, &s_temp); if (t_length >= 0) memmove(endpos+t_length,leaf_buff+p_length, leaf_length-p_length); else /* We gained space */ memmove(endpos, leaf_buff+((int) p_length-t_length), leaf_length - p_length + t_length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,endpos,&s_temp); buff_length=buff_length+leaf_length-p_length+t_length; mi_putint(buff,buff_length,nod_flag); /* remove key from anc_buff */ if (!(s_length= remove_key(keyinfo,key_reflength,keypos,anc_key, anc_buff+anc_length,(my_off_t *) 0))) goto err; anc_length-=s_length; mi_putint(anc_buff,anc_length,key_reflength); if (buff_length <= keyinfo->block_length) { /* Keys in one page */ if (_mi_dispose(info,keyinfo,leaf_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS)) goto err; } else { /* Page is full */ if (keypos == anc_buff+2+key_reflength) anc_pos=0; /* First key */ else if (!_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,anc_buff,anc_pos=anc_key,keypos, &length)) goto err; endpos=_mi_find_half_pos(nod_flag,keyinfo,buff,leaf_key, &key_length, &half_pos); if (!endpos) goto err; _mi_kpointer(info,leaf_key+key_length,leaf_page); /* Save key in anc_buff */ temp_pos=anc_buff+anc_length; t_length=(*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo,key_reflength, keypos == temp_pos ? (unsigned char*) 0 : keypos, anc_pos, anc_pos, leaf_key,&s_temp); if (t_length > 0) bmove_upp((unsigned char*) temp_pos+t_length,(unsigned char*) temp_pos, (uint) (temp_pos-keypos)); else memmove(keypos,keypos-t_length,(uint) (temp_pos-keypos)+t_length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,keypos,&s_temp); mi_putint(anc_buff,(anc_length+=t_length),key_reflength); /* Store first key on new page */ if (nod_flag) memmove(leaf_buff+2, half_pos - nod_flag, nod_flag); if (!(length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&half_pos,leaf_key))) goto err; t_length=(*keyinfo->pack_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag, (unsigned char*) 0, (unsigned char*) 0, (unsigned char*) 0, leaf_key, &s_temp); length=(uint) ((buff+buff_length)-half_pos); memmove(leaf_buff + p_length + t_length, half_pos, length); (*keyinfo->store_key)(keyinfo,leaf_buff+p_length,&s_temp); mi_putint(leaf_buff,length+t_length+p_length,nod_flag); if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,leaf_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,leaf_buff)) goto err; mi_putint(buff,endpos-buff,nod_flag); } if (_mi_write_keypage(info,keyinfo,next_page,DFLT_INIT_HITS,buff)) goto err; return(anc_length <= (uint) keyinfo->block_length/2); err: return(-1); } /* underflow */ /* remove a key from packed buffert The current code doesn't handle the case that the next key may be packed better against the previous key if there is a case difference returns how many chars was removed or 0 on error */ static uint32_t remove_key(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uint32_t nod_flag, unsigned char *keypos, /* Where key starts */ unsigned char *lastkey, /* key to be removed */ unsigned char *page_end, /* End of page */ my_off_t *next_block) /* ptr to next block */ { int s_length; unsigned char *start; start=keypos; if (!(keyinfo->flag & (HA_PACK_KEY | HA_SPACE_PACK_USED | HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY))) { s_length=(int) (keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag); if (next_block && nod_flag) *next_block= _mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos+s_length); } else { /* Let keypos point at next key */ /* Calculate length of key */ if (!(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&keypos,lastkey)) return(0); /* Error */ if (next_block && nod_flag) *next_block= _mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos); s_length=(int) (keypos-start); if (keypos != page_end) { if (keyinfo->flag & HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY) { unsigned char *old_key=start; uint32_t next_length,prev_length,prev_pack_length; get_key_length(next_length,keypos); get_key_pack_length(prev_length,prev_pack_length,old_key); if (next_length > prev_length) { /* We have to copy data from the current key to the next key */ bmove_upp(keypos, (lastkey+next_length), (next_length-prev_length)); keypos-=(next_length-prev_length)+prev_pack_length; store_key_length(keypos,prev_length); s_length=(int) (keypos-start); } } else { /* Check if a variable length first key part */ if ((keyinfo->seg->flag & HA_PACK_KEY) && *keypos & 128) { /* Next key is packed against the current one */ uint32_t next_length,prev_length,prev_pack_length,lastkey_length, rest_length; if (keyinfo->seg[0].length >= 127) { if (!(prev_length=mi_uint2korr(start) & 32767)) goto end; next_length=mi_uint2korr(keypos) & 32767; keypos+=2; prev_pack_length=2; } else { if (!(prev_length= *start & 127)) goto end; /* Same key as previous*/ next_length= *keypos & 127; keypos++; prev_pack_length=1; } if (!(*start & 128)) prev_length=0; /* prev key not packed */ if (keyinfo->seg[0].flag & HA_NULL_PART) lastkey++; /* Skip null marker */ get_key_length(lastkey_length,lastkey); if (!next_length) /* Same key after */ { next_length=lastkey_length; rest_length=0; } else get_key_length(rest_length,keypos); if (next_length >= prev_length) { /* Key after is based on deleted key */ uint32_t pack_length,tmp; bmove_upp(keypos, (lastkey+next_length), tmp=(next_length-prev_length)); rest_length+=tmp; pack_length= prev_length ? get_pack_length(rest_length): 0; keypos-=tmp+pack_length+prev_pack_length; s_length=(int) (keypos-start); if (prev_length) /* Pack against prev key */ { *keypos++= start[0]; if (prev_pack_length == 2) *keypos++= start[1]; store_key_length(keypos,rest_length); } else { /* Next key is not packed anymore */ if (keyinfo->seg[0].flag & HA_NULL_PART) { rest_length++; /* Mark not null */ } if (prev_pack_length == 2) { mi_int2store(keypos,rest_length); } else *keypos= rest_length; } } } } } } end: assert(page_end-start >= s_length); memmove(start, start + s_length, page_end-start-s_length); return s_length; } /* remove_key */