#!/usr/bin/perl $| = 1; use strict; use lib 'lib'; use lib "$ENV{RQG_HOME}/lib"; use DBI; use Getopt::Long; use GenTest; use GenTest::Constants; use GenTest::Random; use GenTest::Executor; my $prng = GenTest::Random->new( seed => 0 ); my $default_dsn = my $dsn = 'dbi:mysql:host='; my ($engine, $help, $views); my @ARGV_saved = @ARGV; my $opt_result = GetOptions( 'dsn=s' => \$dsn, 'engine:s' => \$engine, 'help' => \$help, 'views' => \$views ); help() if !$opt_result || $help; say("Starting \n# $0 \\ \n# ".join(" \\ \n# ", @ARGV_saved)); my $executor = GenTest::Executor->newFromDSN($dsn); $executor->init(); help() if not defined $executor->dbh(); my @names = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'AA', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD'); my @sizes = (0, 1, 20, 100, 1000, 0, 1, 20, 100); my $varchar_length = 1; my $nullability = '/*! NULL */'; ### NULL is not a valid ANSI ### constraint, (but NOT NULL of ### course, is) foreach my $i (0..$#names) { gen_table ($names[$i], $sizes[$i]); } # Need to create a dummy supdstituion for non-protable DUAL $executor->execute("DROP TABLE /*! IF EXISTS */ DUMMY"); $executor->execute("CREATE TABLE DUMMY (I INTEGER)"); $executor->execute("INSERT INTO DUMMY VALUES(0)"); $executor->execute("SET SQL_MODE= 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'") if $executor->type == DB_MYSQL; sub gen_table { my ($name, $size) = @_; say("Creating table $name, size $size rows, engine $engine ."); if ( ($executor->type == DB_MYSQL) || ($executor->type == DB_DRIZZLE) ) { ### This variant is needed due to ### http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=47125 $executor->execute("DROP TABLE /*! IF EXISTS */ $name"); $executor->execute(" CREATE TABLE $name ( pk INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT, int_nokey INTEGER $nullability, int_key INTEGER $nullability, date_key DATE $nullability, date_nokey DATE $nullability, time_key TIME $nullability, time_nokey TIME $nullability, datetime_key DATETIME $nullability, datetime_nokey DATETIME $nullability, varchar_key VARCHAR($varchar_length) $nullability, varchar_nokey VARCHAR($varchar_length) $nullability, PRIMARY KEY (pk), KEY (int_key), KEY (date_key), KEY (time_key), KEY (datetime_key), KEY (varchar_key, int_key) ) ".(length($name) > 1 ? " AUTO_INCREMENT=".(length($name) * 5) : "").($engine ne '' ? " ENGINE=$engine" : "") # For tables named like CC and CCC, start auto_increment with some offset. This provides better test coverage since # joining such tables on PK does not produce only 1-to-1 matches. ); } elsif ($executor->type == DB_POSTGRES) { my $increment_size = (length($name) > 1 ? (length($name) * 5) : 1); $executor->execute("DROP TABLE /*! IF EXISTS */ $name"); $executor->execute("DROP SEQUENCE ".$name."_seq"); $executor->execute("CREATE SEQUENCE ".$name."_seq INCREMENT 1 START $increment_size"); $executor->execute(" CREATE TABLE $name ( pk INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('".$name."_seq') NOT NULL, int_nokey INTEGER $nullability, int_key INTEGER $nullability, date_key DATE $nullability, date_nokey DATE $nullability, time_key TIME $nullability, time_nokey TIME $nullability, datetime_key DATETIME $nullability, datetime_nokey DATETIME $nullability, varchar_key VARCHAR($varchar_length) $nullability, varchar_nokey VARCHAR($varchar_length) $nullability, PRIMARY KEY (pk))"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_int_key ON $name(int_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_date_key ON $name(date_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_time_key ON $name(time_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_datetime_key ON $name(datetime_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_varchar_key ON $name(varchar_key, int_key)"); } else { $executor->execute("DROP TABLE /*! IF EXISTS */ $name"); $executor->execute(" CREATE TABLE $name ( pk INTEGER AUTO_INCREMENT, int_nokey INTEGER $nullability, int_key INTEGER $nullability, date_key DATE $nullability, date_nokey DATE $nullability, time_key TIME $nullability, time_nokey TIME $nullability, datetime_key DATETIME $nullability, datetime_nokey DATETIME $nullability, varchar_key VARCHAR($varchar_length) $nullability, varchar_nokey VARCHAR($varchar_length) $nullability, PRIMARY KEY (pk) ) ".(length($name) > 1 ? " AUTO_INCREMENT=".(length($name) * 5) : "").($engine ne '' ? " ENGINE=$engine" : "") # For tables named like CC and CCC, start auto_increment with some offset. This provides better test coverage since # joining such tables on PK does not produce only 1-to-1 matches. ); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_int_key ON $name(int_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_date_key ON $name(date_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_time_key ON $name(time_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_datetime_key ON $name(datetime_key)"); $executor->execute("CREATE INDEX ".$name."_varchar_key ON $name(varchar_key, int_key)"); }; if (defined $views) { $executor->execute('CREATE VIEW view_'.$name.' AS SELECT * FROM '.$name); } my @values; foreach my $row (1..$size) { # 10% NULLs, 10% tinyint_unsigned, 80% digits my $pick1 = $prng->uint16(0,9); my $pick2 = $prng->uint16(0,9); my $rnd_int1 = $pick1 == 9 ? "NULL" : ($pick1 == 8 ? $prng->int(0,255) : $prng->digit() ); my $rnd_int2 = $pick2 == 9 ? "NULL" : ($pick1 == 8 ? $prng->int(0,255) : $prng->digit() ); # 10% NULLS, 10% '1900-01-01', pick real date/time/datetime for the rest my $rnd_date = "'".$prng->date()."'"; $rnd_date = ($rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, "NULL", "'1900-01-01'")[$prng->uint16(0,9)]; my $rnd_time = "'".$prng->time()."'"; $rnd_time = ($rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, "NULL", "'00:00:00'")[$prng->uint16(0,9)]; # 10% NULLS, 10% "1900-01-01 00:00:00', 20% date + " 00:00:00" my $rnd_datetime = $prng->datetime(); my $rnd_datetime_date_only = $prng->date(); $rnd_datetime = ($rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime_date_only." 00:00:00", $rnd_datetime_date_only." 00:00:00", "NULL", '1900-01-01 00:00:00')[$prng->uint16(0,9)]; $rnd_datetime = "'".$rnd_datetime."'" if not $rnd_datetime eq "NULL"; my $rnd_varchar = $prng->uint16(0,9) == 9 ? "NULL" : "'".$prng->string($varchar_length)."'"; push(@values, "($rnd_int1, $rnd_int2, $rnd_date, $rnd_date, $rnd_time, $rnd_time, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_datetime, $rnd_varchar, $rnd_varchar)"); ## We do one insert per 500 rows for speed if ($row % 500 == 0 || $row == $size) { $executor->execute(" INSERT /*! IGNORE */ INTO $name ( int_key, int_nokey, date_key, date_nokey, time_key, time_nokey, datetime_key, datetime_nokey, varchar_key, varchar_nokey ) VALUES " . join(",",@values)); @values = (); } } } sub help { print <