#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 # USA use lib 'lib'; use lib "$ENV{RQG_HOME}/lib"; use strict; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use GenTest; use GenTest::Properties; use GenTest::Constants; use GenTest::App::Gendata; use GenTest::App::GendataSimple; use GenTest::IPC::Channel; use GenTest::IPC::Process; use GenTest::ErrorFilter; $| = 1; my $ctrl_c = 0; $SIG{INT} = sub { $ctrl_c = 1 }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit(0) }; $SIG{CHLD} = "IGNORE" if windows(); if (defined $ENV{RQG_HOME}) { $ENV{RQG_HOME} = windows() ? $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'\\' : $ENV{RQG_HOME}.'/'; } use constant PROCESS_TYPE_PARENT => 0; use constant PROCESS_TYPE_PERIODIC => 1; use constant PROCESS_TYPE_CHILD => 2; use POSIX; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes; use GenTest::XML::Report; use GenTest::XML::Test; use GenTest::XML::BuildInfo; use GenTest::Constants; use GenTest::Result; use GenTest::Validator; use GenTest::Generator::FromGrammar; use GenTest::Executor; use GenTest::Mixer; use GenTest::Reporter; use GenTest::ReporterManager; use GenTest::Filter::Regexp; my $DEFAULT_THREADS = 10; my $DEFAULT_QUERIES = 1000; my $DEFAULT_DURATION = 3600; my $DEFAULT_DSN = 'dbi:mysql:host='; my @ARGV_saved = @ARGV; my $options = {}; my $opt_result = GetOptions($options, 'config=s', 'dsn=s@', 'dsn1=s', 'dsn2=s', 'dsn3=s', 'engine=s', 'gendata:s', 'grammar=s', 'redefine=s', 'threads=i', 'queries=s', 'duration=s', 'help', 'debug', 'rpl_mode=s', 'validators:s@', 'reporters:s@', 'seed=s', 'mask=i', 'mask-level=i', 'rows=i', 'varchar-length=i', 'xml_output=s', 'views', 'start-dirty', 'filter=s', 'valgrind'); backwardCompatability($options); my $config = GenTest::Properties->new( options => $options, defaults => {dsn=>[$DEFAULT_DSN], seed => 1, queries => $DEFAULT_QUERIES, duration => $DEFAULT_DURATION, threads => $DEFAULT_THREADS}, required => ['grammar'], legal => ['dsn', 'engine', 'gendata', 'redefine', 'threads', 'queries', 'duration', 'help', 'debug', 'rpl_mode', 'validators', 'reporters', 'seed', 'mask', 'mask-level', 'rows', 'varchar-length', 'xml-output', 'views', 'start-dirty', 'filter', 'valgrind'], help => \&help); my $seed = $config->seed; if ($seed eq 'time') { $seed = time(); say("Converting --seed=time to --seed=$seed"); } $ENV{RQG_DEBUG} = 1 if $config->debug; my $queries = $config->queries; $queries =~ s{K}{000}so; $queries =~ s{M}{000000}so; help() if !$opt_result || $config->help; say("Starting \n $0 \\ \n ".join(" \\ \n ", @ARGV_saved)); say("-------------------------------\nConfiguration"); $config->printProps; if ((defined $config->gendata) && (not defined $config->property('start-dirty'))) { foreach my $dsn (@{$config->dsn}) { next if $dsn eq ''; my $gendata_result; my $datagen; if ($config->gendata eq '') { $datagen = GenTest::App::GendataSimple->new(dsn => $dsn, views => $config->views, engine => $config->engine); } else { $datagen = GenTest::App::Gendata->new(spec_file => $config->gendata, dsn => $dsn, engine => $config->engine, seed => $seed, debug => $config->debug, rows => $config->rows, views => $config->views, varchar_length => $config->property('varchar-length')); } $gendata_result = $datagen->run(); safe_exit ($gendata_result >> 8) if $gendata_result > STATUS_OK; } } my $test_start = time(); my $test_end = $test_start + $config->duration; my $grammar = GenTest::Grammar->new( grammar_file => $config->grammar ); exit(STATUS_ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE) if not defined $grammar; if (defined $config->redefine) { my $patch_grammar = GenTest::Grammar->new( grammar_file => $config->redefine); $grammar = $grammar->patch($patch_grammar); } exit(STATUS_ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE) if not defined $grammar; my $channel = GenTest::IPC::Channel->new(); my @executors; foreach my $i (0..2) { next if $config->dsn->[$i] eq ''; push @executors, GenTest::Executor->newFromDSN($config->dsn->[$i], windows()?undef:$channel); } my $drizzle_only = $executors[0]->type == DB_DRIZZLE; $drizzle_only = $drizzle_only && $executors[1]->type == DB_DRIZZLE if $#executors > 0; my $mysql_only = $executors[0]->type == DB_MYSQL; $mysql_only = $mysql_only && $executors[1]->type == DB_MYSQL if $#executors > 0; if (not defined $config->reporters or $#{$config->reporters} < 0) { $config->reporters([]); if ($mysql_only || $drizzle_only) { $config->reporters(['ErrorLog', 'Backtrace']); } } else { ## Remove the "None" reporter foreach my $i (0..$#{$config->reporters}) { delete $config->reporters->[$i] if $config->reporters->[$i] eq "None" or $config->reporters->[$i] eq ''; } } say("Reporters: ".($#{$config->reporters} > -1 ? join(', ', @{$config->reporters}) : "(none)")); my $reporter_manager = GenTest::ReporterManager->new(); if ($mysql_only ) { foreach my $i (0..2) { next if $config->dsn->[$i] eq ''; foreach my $reporter (@{$config->reporters}) { my $add_result = $reporter_manager->addReporter($reporter, { dsn => $config->dsn->[$i], test_start => $test_start, test_end => $test_end, test_duration => $config->duration } ); exit($add_result) if $add_result > STATUS_OK; } } } if (not defined $config->validators or $#{$config->validators} < 0) { $config->validators([]); push(@{$config->validators}, 'ErrorMessageCorruption') if ($mysql_only || $drizzle_only); if ($config->dsn->[2] ne '') { push @{$config->validators}, 'ResultsetComparator3'; } elsif ($config->dsn->[1] ne '') { push @{$config->validators}, 'ResultsetComparator'; } push @{$config->validators}, 'ReplicationSlaveStatus' if $config->rpl_mode ne '' && ($mysql_only || $drizzle_only); push @{$config->validators}, 'MarkErrorLog' if (defined $config->valgrind) && ($mysql_only || $drizzle_only); push @{$config->validators}, 'QueryProperties' if $grammar->hasProperties() && ($mysql_only || $drizzle_only); } else { ## Remove the "None" validator foreach my $i (0..$#{$config->validators}) { delete $config->validators->[$i] if $config->validators->[$i] eq "None" or $config->validators->[$i] eq ''; } } say("Validators: ".($config->validators and $#{$config->validators} > -1 ? join(', ', @{$config->validators}) : "(none)")); my $filter_obj; $filter_obj = GenTest::Filter::Regexp->new( file => $config->filter ) if defined $config->filter; say("Starting ".$config->threads." processes, ". $config->queries." queries each, duration ". $config->duration." seconds."); my $buildinfo; if (defined $config->property('xml-output')) { $buildinfo = GenTest::XML::BuildInfo->new( dsns => $config->dsn ); } my $test = GenTest::XML::Test->new( id => Time::HiRes::time(), attributes => { engine => $config->engine, gendata => $config->gendata, grammar => $config->grammar, threads => $config->threads, queries => $config->queries, validators => join (',', @{$config->validators}), reporters => join (',', @{$config->reporters}), seed => $seed, mask => $config->mask, mask_level => $config->property('mask-level'), rows => $config->rows, 'varchar-length' => $config->property('varchar-length') } ); my $report = GenTest::XML::Report->new( buildinfo => $buildinfo, tests => [ $test ] ); my $errorfilter = GenTest::ErrorFilter->new(channel=>$channel); my $errorfilter_p = GenTest::IPC::Process->new(object=>$errorfilter); if (!windows()) { $errorfilter_p->start(); } my $process_type; my %child_pids; my $id = 1; my $periodic_pid = fork(); if ($periodic_pid == 0) { Time::HiRes::sleep(($config->threads + 1) / 10); say("Started periodic reporting process..."); $process_type = PROCESS_TYPE_PERIODIC; $id = 0; } else { foreach my $i (1..$config->threads) { my $child_pid = fork(); $channel->writer; if ($child_pid == 0) { # This is a child $process_type = PROCESS_TYPE_CHILD; last; } else { $child_pids{$child_pid} = 1; $process_type = PROCESS_TYPE_PARENT; $seed++; $id++; Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1); # fork slowly for more predictability next; } } } if ($process_type == PROCESS_TYPE_PARENT) { if (windows()) { ## Important that this is done here in the parent after the last ## fork since on windows Process.pm uses threads $errorfilter_p->start(); } # We are the parent process, wait for for all spawned processes to terminate my $children_died = 0; my $total_status = STATUS_OK; my $periodic_died = 0; ## Parent thread does not use channel $channel->close; while (1) { my $child_pid = wait(); my $exit_status = $? > 0 ? ($? >> 8) : 0; $total_status = $exit_status if $exit_status > $total_status; if ($child_pid == $periodic_pid) { $periodic_died = 1; last; } else { $children_died++; delete $child_pids{$child_pid}; } last if $exit_status >= STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE; last if $children_died == $config->threads; last if $child_pid == -1; } foreach my $child_pid (keys %child_pids) { say("Killing child process with pid $child_pid..."); kill(15, $child_pid); } if ($periodic_died == 0) { # Wait for periodic process to return the status of its last execution Time::HiRes::sleep(1); say("Killing periodic reporting process with pid $periodic_pid..."); kill(15, $periodic_pid); if (windows()) { # We use sleep() + non-blocking waitpid() due to a bug in ActiveState Perl Time::HiRes::sleep(1); waitpid($periodic_pid, &POSIX::WNOHANG() ); } else { waitpid($periodic_pid, 0); } if ($? > -1 ) { my $periodic_status = $? > 0 ? $? >> 8 : 0; $total_status = $periodic_status if $periodic_status > $total_status; } } $errorfilter_p->kill(); my @report_results; if ($total_status == STATUS_OK) { @report_results = $reporter_manager->report(REPORTER_TYPE_SUCCESS | REPORTER_TYPE_ALWAYS); } elsif ( ($total_status == STATUS_LENGTH_MISMATCH) || ($total_status == STATUS_CONTENT_MISMATCH) ) { @report_results = $reporter_manager->report(REPORTER_TYPE_DATA); } elsif ($total_status == STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED) { say("Server crash reported, initiating post-crash analysis..."); @report_results = $reporter_manager->report(REPORTER_TYPE_CRASH | REPORTER_TYPE_ALWAYS); } elsif ($total_status == STATUS_SERVER_DEADLOCKED) { say("Server deadlock reported, initiating analysis..."); @report_results = $reporter_manager->report(REPORTER_TYPE_DEADLOCK | REPORTER_TYPE_ALWAYS); } elsif ($total_status == STATUS_SERVER_KILLED) { @report_results = $reporter_manager->report(REPORTER_TYPE_SERVER_KILLED | REPORTER_TYPE_ALWAYS); } else { @report_results = $reporter_manager->report(REPORTER_TYPE_ALWAYS); } my $report_status = shift @report_results; $total_status = $report_status if $report_status > $total_status; $total_status = STATUS_OK if $total_status == STATUS_SERVER_KILLED; foreach my $incident (@report_results) { $test->addIncident($incident); } $test->end($total_status == STATUS_OK ? "pass" : "fail"); if (defined $config->property('xml-output')) { open (XML , ">$config->property('xml-output')") or say("Unable to open $config->property('xml-output'): $!"); print XML $report->xml(); close XML; } if ($total_status == STATUS_OK) { say("Test completed successfully."); safe_exit(0); } else { say("Test completed with failure status $total_status."); safe_exit($total_status); } } elsif ($process_type == PROCESS_TYPE_PERIODIC) { ## Periodic does not use channel $channel->close(); while (1) { my $reporter_status = $reporter_manager->monitor(REPORTER_TYPE_PERIODIC); exit($reporter_status) if $reporter_status > STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE; sleep(10); } } elsif ($process_type == PROCESS_TYPE_CHILD) { # We are a child process, execute the desired queries and terminate my $generator = GenTest::Generator::FromGrammar->new( grammar => $grammar, varchar_length => $config->property('varchar-length'), seed => $seed + $id, thread_id => $id, mask => $config->mask, mask_level => $config->property('mask-level') ); exit (STATUS_ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE) if not defined $generator; my $mixer = GenTest::Mixer->new( generator => $generator, executors => \@executors, validators => $config->validators, filters => defined $filter_obj ? [ $filter_obj ] : undef ); exit (STATUS_ENVIRONMENT_FAILURE) if not defined $mixer; my $max_result = 0; foreach my $i (1..$queries) { my $result = $mixer->next(); exit($result) if $result > STATUS_CRITICAL_FAILURE; $max_result = $result if $result > $max_result && $result > STATUS_TEST_FAILURE; last if $result == STATUS_EOF; last if $ctrl_c == 1; last if time() > $test_end; } if ($max_result > 0) { say("Child process completed with error code $max_result."); exit($max_result); } else { say("Child process completed successfully."); exit(0); } } else { croak ("Unknown process type $process_type"); } sub help { print <{dsn}) { croak ("Do not combine --dsn and --dsnX") if defined $options->{dsn1} or defined $options->{dsn2} or defined $options->{dsn3}; } else { my @dsns; foreach my $i (1..3) { if (defined $options->{'dsn'.$i}) { push @dsns, $options->{'dsn'.$i}; delete $options->{'dsn'.$i}; } } $options->{dsn} = \@dsns; } if (grep (/,/,@{$options->{reporters}})) { my $newreporters = []; map {push(@$newreporters,split(/,/,$_))} @{$options->{reporters}}; $options->{reporters}=$newreporters ; } if (grep (/,/,@{$options->{validators}})) { my $newvalidators = []; map {push(@$newvalidators,split(/,/,$_))} @{$options->{validators}}; $options->{validators}=$newvalidators ; } }