/* Copyright (C) 2000-2006 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* key handling functions */ #include "myisamdef.h" #include "m_ctype.h" static my_bool _mi_get_prev_key(MI_INFO *info, MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *key, uchar *keypos, uint *return_key_length); /* Check index */ int _mi_check_index(MI_INFO *info, int inx) { if (inx == -1) /* Use last index */ inx=info->lastinx; if (inx < 0 || ! mi_is_key_active(info->s->state.key_map, inx)) { my_errno=HA_ERR_WRONG_INDEX; return -1; } if (info->lastinx != inx) /* Index changed */ { info->lastinx = inx; info->page_changed=1; info->update= ((info->update & (HA_STATE_CHANGED | HA_STATE_ROW_CHANGED)) | HA_STATE_NEXT_FOUND | HA_STATE_PREV_FOUND); } if (info->opt_flag & WRITE_CACHE_USED && flush_io_cache(&info->rec_cache)) return(-1); return(inx); } /* mi_check_index */ /* ** Search after row by a key ** Position to row is stored in info->lastpos ** Return: -1 if not found ** 1 if one should continue search on higher level */ int _mi_search(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *key, uint key_len, uint nextflag, register my_off_t pos) { my_bool last_key; int error,flag; uint nod_flag; uchar *keypos,*maxpos; uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF],*buff; if (pos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { my_errno=HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; /* Didn't find key */ info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; if (!(nextflag & (SEARCH_SMALLER | SEARCH_BIGGER | SEARCH_LAST))) return(-1); /* Not found ; return error */ return(1); /* Search at upper levels */ } if (!(buff=_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,pos,DFLT_INIT_HITS,info->buff, test(!(nextflag & SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF))))) goto err; flag=(*keyinfo->bin_search)(info,keyinfo,buff,key,key_len,nextflag, &keypos,lastkey, &last_key); if (flag == MI_FOUND_WRONG_KEY) return(-1); nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(buff); maxpos=buff+mi_getint(buff)-1; if (flag) { if ((error=_mi_search(info,keyinfo,key,key_len,nextflag, _mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos))) <= 0) return(error); if (flag >0) { if (nextflag & (SEARCH_SMALLER | SEARCH_LAST) && keypos == buff+2+nod_flag) return(1); /* Bigger than key */ } else if (nextflag & SEARCH_BIGGER && keypos >= maxpos) return(1); /* Smaller than key */ } else { if ((nextflag & SEARCH_FIND) && nod_flag && ((keyinfo->flag & (HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART)) != HA_NOSAME || key_len != USE_WHOLE_KEY)) { if ((error=_mi_search(info,keyinfo,key,key_len,SEARCH_FIND, _mi_kpos(nod_flag,keypos))) >= 0 || my_errno != HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) return(error); info->last_keypage= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; /* Buffer not in mem */ } } if (pos != info->last_keypage) { uchar *old_buff=buff; if (!(buff=_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,pos,DFLT_INIT_HITS,info->buff, test(!(nextflag & SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF))))) goto err; keypos=buff+(keypos-old_buff); maxpos=buff+(maxpos-old_buff); } if ((nextflag & (SEARCH_SMALLER | SEARCH_LAST)) && flag != 0) { uint not_used[2]; if (_mi_get_prev_key(info,keyinfo, buff, info->lastkey, keypos, &info->lastkey_length)) goto err; if (!(nextflag & SEARCH_SMALLER) && ha_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg, info->lastkey, key, key_len, SEARCH_FIND, not_used)) { my_errno=HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; /* Didn't find key */ goto err; } } else { info->lastkey_length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&keypos,lastkey); if (!info->lastkey_length) goto err; memcpy(info->lastkey,lastkey,info->lastkey_length); } info->lastpos=_mi_dpos(info,0,info->lastkey+info->lastkey_length); /* Save position for a possible read next / previous */ info->int_keypos=info->buff+ (keypos-buff); info->int_maxpos=info->buff+ (maxpos-buff); info->int_nod_flag=nod_flag; info->int_keytree_version=keyinfo->version; info->last_search_keypage=info->last_keypage; info->page_changed=0; info->buff_used= (info->buff != buff); /* If we have to reread buff */ return(0); err: info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; info->page_changed=1; return (-1); } /* _mi_search */ /* Search after key in page-block */ /* If packed key puts smaller or identical key in buff */ /* ret_pos point to where find or bigger key starts */ /* ARGSUSED */ int _mi_bin_search(MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *key, uint key_len, uint comp_flag, uchar **ret_pos, uchar *buff __attribute__((unused)), my_bool *last_key) { register int start,mid,end,save_end; int flag; uint totlength,nod_flag,not_used[2]; totlength=keyinfo->keylength+(nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(page)); start=0; mid=1; save_end=end=(int) ((mi_getint(page)-2-nod_flag)/totlength-1); page+=2+nod_flag; while (start != end) { mid= (start+end)/2; if ((flag=ha_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg,page+(uint) mid*totlength,key,key_len, comp_flag, not_used)) >= 0) end=mid; else start=mid+1; } if (mid != start) flag=ha_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg,page+(uint) start*totlength,key,key_len, comp_flag, not_used); if (flag < 0) start++; /* point at next, bigger key */ *ret_pos=page+(uint) start*totlength; *last_key= end == save_end; return(flag); } /* _mi_bin_search */ /* Locate a packed key in a key page. SYNOPSIS _mi_seq_search() info Open table information. keyinfo Key definition information. page Key page (beginning). key Search key. key_len Length to use from search key or USE_WHOLE_KEY comp_flag Search flags like SEARCH_SAME etc. ret_pos RETURN Position in key page behind this key. buff RETURN Copy of previous or identical unpacked key. last_key RETURN If key is last in page. DESCRIPTION Used instead of _mi_bin_search() when key is packed. Puts smaller or identical key in buff. Key is searched sequentially. RETURN > 0 Key in 'buff' is smaller than search key. 0 Key in 'buff' is identical to search key. < 0 Not found. */ int _mi_seq_search(MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *key, uint key_len, uint comp_flag, uchar **ret_pos, uchar *buff, my_bool *last_key) { int flag=0; uint nod_flag,length=0,not_used[2]; uchar t_buff[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF],*end; end= page+mi_getint(page); nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(page); page+=2+nod_flag; *ret_pos=page; t_buff[0]=0; /* Avoid bugs */ while (page < end) { length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&page,t_buff); if (length == 0 || page > end) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(MI_FOUND_WRONG_KEY); } if ((flag=ha_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg,t_buff,key,key_len,comp_flag, not_used)) >= 0) break; memcpy(buff,t_buff,length); *ret_pos=page; } if (flag == 0) memcpy(buff,t_buff,length); /* Result is first key */ *last_key= page == end; return(flag); } /* _mi_seq_search */ int _mi_prefix_search(MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *key, uint key_len, uint nextflag, uchar **ret_pos, uchar *buff, my_bool *last_key) { /* my_flag is raw comparison result to be changed according to SEARCH_NO_FIND,SEARCH_LAST and HA_REVERSE_SORT flags. flag is the value returned by ha_key_cmp and as treated as final */ int flag=0, my_flag=-1; uint nod_flag, length=0, len, matched, cmplen, kseg_len; uint prefix_len=0,suffix_len; int key_len_skip, seg_len_pack=0, key_len_left; uchar *end, *kseg, *vseg; uchar *sort_order=keyinfo->seg->charset->sort_order; uchar tt_buff[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF+2], *t_buff=tt_buff+2; uchar *saved_from=NULL, *saved_to=NULL, *saved_vseg=NULL; uint saved_length=0, saved_prefix_len=0; uint length_pack; t_buff[0]=0; /* Avoid bugs */ end= page+mi_getint(page); nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(page); page+=2+nod_flag; *ret_pos=page; kseg=key; get_key_pack_length(kseg_len,length_pack,kseg); key_len_skip=length_pack+kseg_len; key_len_left=(int) key_len- (int) key_len_skip; /* If key_len is 0, then lenght_pack is 1, then key_len_left is -1. */ cmplen=(key_len_left>=0) ? kseg_len : key_len-length_pack; /* Keys are compressed the following way: If the max length of first key segment <= 127 bytes the prefix is 1 byte else it's 2 byte (prefix) length The high bit is set if this is a prefix for the prev key. [suffix length] Packed length of suffix if the previous was a prefix. (suffix) data Key data bytes (past the common prefix or whole segment). [next-key-seg] Next key segments (([packed length], data), ...) pointer Reference to the data file (last_keyseg->length). */ matched=0; /* how many char's from prefix were alredy matched */ len=0; /* length of previous key unpacked */ while (page < end) { uint packed= *page & 128; vseg=page; if (keyinfo->seg->length >= 127) { suffix_len=mi_uint2korr(vseg) & 32767; vseg+=2; } else suffix_len= *vseg++ & 127; if (packed) { if (suffix_len == 0) { /* == 0x80 or 0x8000, same key, prefix length == old key length. */ prefix_len=len; } else { /* > 0x80 or 0x8000, this is prefix lgt, packed suffix lgt follows. */ prefix_len=suffix_len; get_key_length(suffix_len,vseg); } } else { /* Not packed. No prefix used from last key. */ prefix_len=0; } len=prefix_len+suffix_len; seg_len_pack=get_pack_length(len); t_buff=tt_buff+3-seg_len_pack; store_key_length(t_buff,len); if (prefix_len > saved_prefix_len) memcpy(t_buff+seg_len_pack+saved_prefix_len,saved_vseg, prefix_len-saved_prefix_len); saved_vseg=vseg; saved_prefix_len=prefix_len; { uchar *from=vseg+suffix_len; HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; uint l; for (keyseg=keyinfo->seg+1 ; keyseg->type ; keyseg++ ) { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) { if (!(*from++)) continue; } if (keyseg->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART | HA_BLOB_PART | HA_SPACE_PACK)) { get_key_length(l,from); } else l=keyseg->length; from+=l; } from+=keyseg->length; page=from+nod_flag; length=from-vseg; } if (page > end) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(MI_FOUND_WRONG_KEY); } if (matched >= prefix_len) { /* We have to compare. But we can still skip part of the key */ uint left; uchar *k=kseg+prefix_len; /* If prefix_len > cmplen then we are in the end-space comparison phase. Do not try to acces the key any more ==> left= 0. */ left= ((len <= cmplen) ? suffix_len : ((prefix_len < cmplen) ? cmplen - prefix_len : 0)); matched=prefix_len+left; if (sort_order) { for (my_flag=0;left;left--) if ((my_flag= (int) sort_order[*vseg++] - (int) sort_order[*k++])) break; } else { for (my_flag=0;left;left--) if ((my_flag= (int) *vseg++ - (int) *k++)) break; } if (my_flag>0) /* mismatch */ break; if (my_flag==0) /* match */ { /* ** len cmplen seg_left_len more_segs ** < matched=len; continue search ** > = prefix ? found : (matched=len; continue search) ** > < - ok, found ** = < - ok, found ** = = - ok, found ** = = + next seg */ if (len < cmplen) { if ((keyinfo->seg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT && keyinfo->seg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1 && keyinfo->seg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2)) my_flag= -1; else { /* We have to compare k and vseg as if they were space extended */ uchar *k_end= k+ (cmplen - len); for ( ; k < k_end && *k == ' '; k++) ; if (k == k_end) goto cmp_rest; /* should never happen */ if (*k < (uchar) ' ') { my_flag= 1; /* Compared string is smaller */ break; } my_flag= -1; /* Continue searching */ } } else if (len > cmplen) { uchar *vseg_end; if ((nextflag & SEARCH_PREFIX) && key_len_left == 0) goto fix_flag; /* We have to compare k and vseg as if they were space extended */ for (vseg_end= vseg + (len-cmplen) ; vseg < vseg_end && *vseg == (uchar) ' '; vseg++, matched++) ; assert(vseg < vseg_end); if (*vseg > (uchar) ' ') { my_flag= 1; /* Compared string is smaller */ break; } my_flag= -1; /* Continue searching */ } else { cmp_rest: if (key_len_left>0) { uint not_used[2]; if ((flag = ha_key_cmp(keyinfo->seg+1,vseg, k, key_len_left, nextflag, not_used)) >= 0) break; } else { /* at this line flag==-1 if the following lines were already visited and 0 otherwise, i.e. flag <=0 here always !!! */ fix_flag: assert(flag <= 0); if (nextflag & (SEARCH_NO_FIND | SEARCH_LAST)) flag=(nextflag & (SEARCH_BIGGER | SEARCH_LAST)) ? -1 : 1; if (flag>=0) break; } } } matched-=left; } /* else (matched < prefix_len) ---> do nothing. */ memcpy(buff,t_buff,saved_length=seg_len_pack+prefix_len); saved_to=buff+saved_length; saved_from=saved_vseg; saved_length=length; *ret_pos=page; } if (my_flag) flag=(keyinfo->seg->flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT) ? -my_flag : my_flag; if (flag == 0) { memcpy(buff,t_buff,saved_length=seg_len_pack+prefix_len); saved_to=buff+saved_length; saved_from=saved_vseg; saved_length=length; } if (saved_length) memcpy(saved_to,saved_from,saved_length); *last_key= page == end; return(flag); } /* _mi_prefix_search */ /* Get pos to a key_block */ my_off_t _mi_kpos(uint nod_flag, uchar *after_key) { after_key-=nod_flag; switch (nod_flag) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 case 7: return mi_uint7korr(after_key)*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; case 6: return mi_uint6korr(after_key)*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; case 5: return mi_uint5korr(after_key)*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; #else case 7: after_key++; case 6: after_key++; case 5: after_key++; #endif case 4: return ((my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(after_key))*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; case 3: return ((my_off_t) mi_uint3korr(after_key))*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; case 2: return (my_off_t) (mi_uint2korr(after_key)*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH); case 1: return (uint) (*after_key)*MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; case 0: /* At leaf page */ default: /* Impossible */ return(HA_OFFSET_ERROR); } } /* _kpos */ /* Save pos to a key_block */ void _mi_kpointer(register MI_INFO *info, register uchar *buff, my_off_t pos) { pos/=MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; switch (info->s->base.key_reflength) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 case 7: mi_int7store(buff,pos); break; case 6: mi_int6store(buff,pos); break; case 5: mi_int5store(buff,pos); break; #else case 7: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ case 6: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ case 5: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ #endif case 4: mi_int4store(buff,pos); break; case 3: mi_int3store(buff,pos); break; case 2: mi_int2store(buff,(uint) pos); break; case 1: buff[0]= (uchar) pos; break; default: abort(); /* impossible */ } } /* _mi_kpointer */ /* Calc pos to a data-record from a key */ my_off_t _mi_dpos(MI_INFO *info, uint nod_flag, uchar *after_key) { my_off_t pos; after_key-=(nod_flag + info->s->rec_reflength); switch (info->s->rec_reflength) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 case 8: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint8korr(after_key); break; case 7: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint7korr(after_key); break; case 6: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint6korr(after_key); break; case 5: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint5korr(after_key); break; #else case 8: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(after_key+4); break; case 7: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(after_key+3); break; case 6: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(after_key+2); break; case 5: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(after_key+1); break; #endif case 4: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(after_key); break; case 3: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint3korr(after_key); break; case 2: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint2korr(after_key); break; default: pos=0L; /* Shut compiler up */ } return (info->s->options & (HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD | HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)) ? pos : pos*info->s->base.pack_reclength; } /* Calc position from a record pointer ( in delete link chain ) */ my_off_t _mi_rec_pos(MYISAM_SHARE *s, uchar *ptr) { my_off_t pos; switch (s->rec_reflength) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 case 8: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint8korr(ptr); if (pos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; /* end of list */ break; case 7: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint7korr(ptr); if (pos == (((my_off_t) 1) << 56) -1) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; /* end of list */ break; case 6: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint6korr(ptr); if (pos == (((my_off_t) 1) << 48) -1) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; /* end of list */ break; case 5: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint5korr(ptr); if (pos == (((my_off_t) 1) << 40) -1) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; /* end of list */ break; #else case 8: case 7: case 6: case 5: ptr+= (s->rec_reflength-4); /* fall through */ #endif case 4: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint4korr(ptr); if (pos == (my_off_t) (uint32_t) ~0L) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; break; case 3: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint3korr(ptr); if (pos == (my_off_t) (1 << 24) -1) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; break; case 2: pos= (my_off_t) mi_uint2korr(ptr); if (pos == (my_off_t) (1 << 16) -1) return HA_OFFSET_ERROR; break; default: abort(); /* Impossible */ } return ((s->options & (HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD | HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)) ? pos : pos*s->base.pack_reclength); } /* save position to record */ void _mi_dpointer(MI_INFO *info, uchar *buff, my_off_t pos) { if (!(info->s->options & (HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD | HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD)) && pos != HA_OFFSET_ERROR) pos/=info->s->base.pack_reclength; switch (info->s->rec_reflength) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T > 4 case 8: mi_int8store(buff,pos); break; case 7: mi_int7store(buff,pos); break; case 6: mi_int6store(buff,pos); break; case 5: mi_int5store(buff,pos); break; #else case 8: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ case 7: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ case 6: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ case 5: *buff++=0; /* fall trough */ #endif case 4: mi_int4store(buff,pos); break; case 3: mi_int3store(buff,pos); break; case 2: mi_int2store(buff,(uint) pos); break; default: abort(); /* Impossible */ } } /* _mi_dpointer */ /* Get key from key-block */ /* page points at previous key; its advanced to point at next key */ /* key should contain previous key */ /* Returns length of found key + pointers */ /* nod_flag is a flag if we are on nod */ /* same as _mi_get_key but used with fixed length keys */ uint _mi_get_static_key(register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uint nod_flag, register uchar **page, register uchar *key) { memcpy((uchar*) key,(uchar*) *page, (size_t) (keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag)); *page+=keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag; return(keyinfo->keylength); } /* _mi_get_static_key */ /* get key witch is packed against previous key or key with a NULL column. SYNOPSIS _mi_get_pack_key() keyinfo key definition information. nod_flag If nod: Length of node pointer, else zero. page_pos RETURN position in key page behind this key. key IN/OUT in: prev key, out: unpacked key. RETURN key_length + length of data pointer */ uint _mi_get_pack_key(register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uint nod_flag, register uchar **page_pos, register uchar *key) { register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; uchar *start_key,*page=*page_pos; uint length; start_key=key; for (keyseg=keyinfo->seg ; keyseg->type ;keyseg++) { if (keyseg->flag & HA_PACK_KEY) { /* key with length, packed to previous key */ uchar *start=key; uint packed= *page & 128,tot_length,rest_length; if (keyseg->length >= 127) { length=mi_uint2korr(page) & 32767; page+=2; } else length= *page++ & 127; if (packed) { if (length > (uint) keyseg->length) { mi_print_error(keyinfo->share, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return 0; /* Error */ } if (length == 0) /* Same key */ { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) *key++=1; /* Can't be NULL */ get_key_length(length,key); key+= length; /* Same diff_key as prev */ if (length > keyseg->length) { mi_print_error(keyinfo->share, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return 0; } continue; } if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) { key++; /* Skip null marker*/ start++; } get_key_length(rest_length,page); tot_length=rest_length+length; /* If the stored length has changed, we must move the key */ if (tot_length >= 255 && *start != 255) { /* length prefix changed from a length of one to a length of 3 */ bmove_upp(key+length+3, key+length+1, length); *key=255; mi_int2store(key+1,tot_length); key+=3+length; } else if (tot_length < 255 && *start == 255) { bmove(key+1,key+3,length); *key=tot_length; key+=1+length; } else { store_key_length_inc(key,tot_length); key+=length; } memcpy(key,page,rest_length); page+=rest_length; key+=rest_length; continue; } else { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) { if (!length--) /* Null part */ { *key++=0; continue; } *key++=1; /* Not null */ } } if (length > (uint) keyseg->length) { mi_print_error(keyinfo->share, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return 0; /* Error */ } store_key_length_inc(key,length); } else { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) { if (!(*key++ = *page++)) continue; } if (keyseg->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART | HA_BLOB_PART | HA_SPACE_PACK)) { uchar *tmp=page; get_key_length(length,tmp); length+=(uint) (tmp-page); } else length=keyseg->length; } memcpy((uchar*) key,(uchar*) page,(size_t) length); key+=length; page+=length; } length=keyseg->length+nod_flag; bmove((uchar*) key,(uchar*) page,length); *page_pos= page+length; return ((uint) (key-start_key)+keyseg->length); } /* _mi_get_pack_key */ /* key that is packed relatively to previous */ uint _mi_get_binary_pack_key(register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uint nod_flag, register uchar **page_pos, register uchar *key) { register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; uchar *start_key,*page,*page_end,*from,*from_end; uint length,tmp; page= *page_pos; page_end=page+MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF+1; start_key=key; /* Keys are compressed the following way: prefix length Packed length of prefix common with prev key (1 or 3 bytes) for each key segment: [is null] Null indicator if can be null (1 byte, zero means null) [length] Packed length if varlength (1 or 3 bytes) key segment 'length' bytes of key segment value pointer Reference to the data file (last_keyseg->length). get_key_length() is a macro. It gets the prefix length from 'page' and puts it into 'length'. It increments 'page' by 1 or 3, depending on the packed length of the prefix length. */ get_key_length(length,page); if (length) { if (length > keyinfo->maxlength) { mi_print_error(keyinfo->share, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(0); /* Wrong key */ } /* Key is packed against prev key, take prefix from prev key. */ from= key; from_end= key + length; } else { /* Key is not packed against prev key, take all from page buffer. */ from= page; from_end= page_end; } /* The trouble is that key can be split in two parts: The first part (prefix) is in from .. from_end - 1. The second part starts at page. The split can be at every byte position. So we need to check for the end of the first part before using every byte. */ for (keyseg=keyinfo->seg ; keyseg->type ;keyseg++) { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) { /* If prefix is used up, switch to rest. */ if (from == from_end) { from=page; from_end=page_end; } if (!(*key++ = *from++)) continue; /* Null part */ } if (keyseg->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART | HA_BLOB_PART | HA_SPACE_PACK)) { /* If prefix is used up, switch to rest. */ if (from == from_end) { from=page; from_end=page_end; } /* Get length of dynamic length key part */ if ((length= (*key++ = *from++)) == 255) { /* If prefix is used up, switch to rest. */ if (from == from_end) { from=page; from_end=page_end; } length= (uint) ((*key++ = *from++)) << 8; /* If prefix is used up, switch to rest. */ if (from == from_end) { from=page; from_end=page_end; } length+= (uint) ((*key++ = *from++)); } } else length=keyseg->length; if ((tmp=(uint) (from_end-from)) <= length) { key+=tmp; /* Use old key */ length-=tmp; from=page; from_end=page_end; } memmove((uchar*) key, (uchar*) from, (size_t) length); key+=length; from+=length; } /* Last segment (type == 0) contains length of data pointer. If we have mixed key blocks with data pointer and key block pointer, we have to copy both. */ length=keyseg->length+nod_flag; if ((tmp=(uint) (from_end-from)) <= length) { /* Remaining length is less or equal max possible length. */ memcpy(key+tmp,page,length-tmp); /* Get last part of key */ *page_pos= page+length-tmp; } else { /* Remaining length is greater than max possible length. This can happen only if we switched to the new key bytes already. 'page_end' is calculated with MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF. So it can be far behind the real end of the key. */ if (from_end != page_end) { mi_print_error(keyinfo->share, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(0); /* Error */ } /* Copy data pointer and, if appropriate, key block pointer. */ memcpy((uchar*) key,(uchar*) from,(size_t) length); *page_pos= from+length; } return((uint) (key-start_key)+keyseg->length); } /* Get key at position without knowledge of previous key */ /* Returns pointer to next key */ uchar *_mi_get_key(MI_INFO *info, MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *key, uchar *keypos, uint *return_key_length) { uint nod_flag; nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(page); if (! (keyinfo->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY))) { bmove((uchar*) key,(uchar*) keypos,keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag); return(keypos+keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag); } else { page+=2+nod_flag; key[0]=0; /* safety */ while (page <= keypos) { *return_key_length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&page,key); if (*return_key_length == 0) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(0); } } } return(page); } /* _mi_get_key */ /* Get key at position without knowledge of previous key */ /* Returns 0 if ok */ static my_bool _mi_get_prev_key(MI_INFO *info, MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *key, uchar *keypos, uint *return_key_length) { uint nod_flag; nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(page); if (! (keyinfo->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY))) { *return_key_length=keyinfo->keylength; bmove((uchar*) key,(uchar*) keypos- *return_key_length-nod_flag, *return_key_length); return(0); } else { page+=2+nod_flag; key[0]=0; /* safety */ while (page < keypos) { *return_key_length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&page,key); if (*return_key_length == 0) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(1); } } } return(0); } /* _mi_get_key */ /* Get last key from key-page */ /* Return pointer to where key starts */ uchar *_mi_get_last_key(MI_INFO *info, MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *page, uchar *lastkey, uchar *endpos, uint *return_key_length) { uint nod_flag; uchar *lastpos; nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(page); if (! (keyinfo->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY))) { lastpos=endpos-keyinfo->keylength-nod_flag; *return_key_length=keyinfo->keylength; if (lastpos > page) bmove((uchar*) lastkey,(uchar*) lastpos,keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag); } else { lastpos=(page+=2+nod_flag); lastkey[0]=0; while (page < endpos) { lastpos=page; *return_key_length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&page,lastkey); if (*return_key_length == 0) { mi_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; return(0); } } } return(lastpos); } /* _mi_get_last_key */ /* Calculate length of key */ uint _mi_keylength(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, register uchar *key) { register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; uchar *start; if (! (keyinfo->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY))) return (keyinfo->keylength); start=key; for (keyseg=keyinfo->seg ; keyseg->type ; keyseg++) { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) if (!*key++) continue; if (keyseg->flag & (HA_SPACE_PACK | HA_BLOB_PART | HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART)) { uint length; get_key_length(length,key); key+=length; } else key+= keyseg->length; } return((uint) (key-start)+keyseg->length); } /* _mi_keylength */ /* Calculate length of part key. Used in mi_rkey() to find the key found for the key-part that was used. This is needed in case of multi-byte character sets where we may search after '0xDF' but find 'ss' */ uint _mi_keylength_part(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, register uchar *key, HA_KEYSEG *end) { register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; uchar *start= key; for (keyseg=keyinfo->seg ; keyseg != end ; keyseg++) { if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) if (!*key++) continue; if (keyseg->flag & (HA_SPACE_PACK | HA_BLOB_PART | HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART)) { uint length; get_key_length(length,key); key+=length; } else key+= keyseg->length; } return (uint) (key-start); } /* Move a key */ uchar *_mi_move_key(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *to, uchar *from) { register uint length; memcpy((uchar*) to, (uchar*) from, (size_t) (length=_mi_keylength(keyinfo,from))); return to+length; } /* Find next/previous record with same key */ /* This can't be used when database is touched after last read */ int _mi_search_next(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *key, uint key_length, uint nextflag, my_off_t pos) { int error; uint nod_flag; uchar lastkey[MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF]; /* Force full read if we are at last key or if we are not on a leaf and the key tree has changed since we used it last time Note that even if the key tree has changed since last read, we can use the last read data from the leaf if we haven't used the buffer for something else. */ if (((nextflag & SEARCH_BIGGER) && info->int_keypos >= info->int_maxpos) || info->page_changed || (info->int_keytree_version != keyinfo->version && (info->int_nod_flag || info->buff_used))) return(_mi_search(info,keyinfo,key, USE_WHOLE_KEY, nextflag | SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF, pos)); if (info->buff_used) { if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,info->last_search_keypage, DFLT_INIT_HITS,info->buff,0)) return(-1); info->buff_used=0; } /* Last used buffer is in info->buff */ nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(info->buff); if (nextflag & SEARCH_BIGGER) /* Next key */ { my_off_t tmp_pos=_mi_kpos(nod_flag,info->int_keypos); if (tmp_pos != HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { if ((error=_mi_search(info,keyinfo,key, USE_WHOLE_KEY, nextflag | SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF, tmp_pos)) <=0) return(error); } memcpy(lastkey,key,key_length); if (!(info->lastkey_length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag, &info->int_keypos,lastkey))) return(-1); } else /* Previous key */ { uint length; /* Find start of previous key */ info->int_keypos=_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,info->buff,lastkey, info->int_keypos, &length); if (!info->int_keypos) return(-1); if (info->int_keypos == info->buff+2) return(_mi_search(info,keyinfo,key, USE_WHOLE_KEY, nextflag | SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF, pos)); if ((error=_mi_search(info,keyinfo,key, USE_WHOLE_KEY, nextflag | SEARCH_SAVE_BUFF, _mi_kpos(nod_flag,info->int_keypos))) <= 0) return(error); /* QQ: We should be able to optimize away the following call */ if (! _mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,info->buff,lastkey, info->int_keypos,&info->lastkey_length)) return(-1); } memcpy(info->lastkey,lastkey,info->lastkey_length); info->lastpos=_mi_dpos(info,0,info->lastkey+info->lastkey_length); return(0); } /* _mi_search_next */ /* Search after position for the first row in an index */ /* This is stored in info->lastpos */ int _mi_search_first(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, register my_off_t pos) { uint nod_flag; uchar *page; if (pos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { my_errno=HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; return(-1); } do { if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,pos,DFLT_INIT_HITS,info->buff,0)) { info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; return(-1); } nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(info->buff); page=info->buff+2+nod_flag; } while ((pos=_mi_kpos(nod_flag,page)) != HA_OFFSET_ERROR); if (!(info->lastkey_length=(*keyinfo->get_key)(keyinfo,nod_flag,&page, info->lastkey))) return(-1); /* Crashed */ info->int_keypos=page; info->int_maxpos=info->buff+mi_getint(info->buff)-1; info->int_nod_flag=nod_flag; info->int_keytree_version=keyinfo->version; info->last_search_keypage=info->last_keypage; info->page_changed=info->buff_used=0; info->lastpos=_mi_dpos(info,0,info->lastkey+info->lastkey_length); return(0); } /* _mi_search_first */ /* Search after position for the last row in an index */ /* This is stored in info->lastpos */ int _mi_search_last(register MI_INFO *info, register MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, register my_off_t pos) { uint nod_flag; uchar *buff,*page; if (pos == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { my_errno=HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; /* Didn't find key */ info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; return(-1); } buff=info->buff; do { if (!_mi_fetch_keypage(info,keyinfo,pos,DFLT_INIT_HITS,buff,0)) { info->lastpos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; return(-1); } page= buff+mi_getint(buff); nod_flag=mi_test_if_nod(buff); } while ((pos=_mi_kpos(nod_flag,page)) != HA_OFFSET_ERROR); if (!_mi_get_last_key(info,keyinfo,buff,info->lastkey,page, &info->lastkey_length)) return(-1); info->lastpos=_mi_dpos(info,0,info->lastkey+info->lastkey_length); info->int_keypos=info->int_maxpos=page; info->int_nod_flag=nod_flag; info->int_keytree_version=keyinfo->version; info->last_search_keypage=info->last_keypage; info->page_changed=info->buff_used=0; return(0); } /* _mi_search_last */ /**************************************************************************** ** ** Functions to store and pack a key in a page ** ** mi_calc_xx_key_length takes the following arguments: ** nod_flag If nod: Length of nod-pointer ** next_key Position to pos after the new key in buffer ** org_key Key that was before the next key in buffer ** prev_key Last key before current key ** key Key that will be stored ** s_temp Information how next key will be packed ****************************************************************************/ /* Static length key */ int _mi_calc_static_key_length(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uint nod_flag, uchar *next_pos __attribute__((unused)), uchar *org_key __attribute__((unused)), uchar *prev_key __attribute__((unused)), uchar *key, MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { s_temp->key=key; return (int) (s_temp->totlength=keyinfo->keylength+nod_flag); } /* Variable length key */ int _mi_calc_var_key_length(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uint nod_flag, uchar *next_pos __attribute__((unused)), uchar *org_key __attribute__((unused)), uchar *prev_key __attribute__((unused)), uchar *key, MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { s_temp->key=key; return (int) (s_temp->totlength=_mi_keylength(keyinfo,key)+nod_flag); } /* length of key with a variable length first segment which is prefix compressed (myisamchk reports 'packed + stripped') Keys are compressed the following way: If the max length of first key segment <= 127 bytes the prefix is 1 byte else it's 2 byte prefix byte(s) The high bit is set if this is a prefix for the prev key length Packed length if the previous was a prefix byte [length] data bytes ('length' bytes) next-key-seg Next key segments If the first segment can have NULL: The length is 0 for NULLS and 1+length for not null columns. */ int _mi_calc_var_pack_key_length(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uint nod_flag,uchar *next_key, uchar *org_key, uchar *prev_key, uchar *key, MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { register HA_KEYSEG *keyseg; int length; uint key_length,ref_length,org_key_length=0, length_pack,new_key_length,diff_flag,pack_marker; uchar *start,*end,*key_end,*sort_order; my_bool same_length; length_pack=s_temp->ref_length=s_temp->n_ref_length=s_temp->n_length=0; same_length=0; keyseg=keyinfo->seg; key_length=_mi_keylength(keyinfo,key)+nod_flag; sort_order=0; /* diff flag contains how many bytes is needed to pack key */ if (keyseg->length >= 127) { diff_flag=2; pack_marker=32768; } else { diff_flag= 1; pack_marker=128; } s_temp->pack_marker=pack_marker; /* Handle the case that the first part have NULL values */ if (keyseg->flag & HA_NULL_PART) { if (!*key++) { s_temp->key=key; s_temp->key_length= 0; s_temp->totlength=key_length-1+diff_flag; s_temp->next_key_pos=0; /* No next key */ return (s_temp->totlength); } s_temp->store_not_null=1; key_length--; /* We don't store NULL */ if (prev_key && !*prev_key++) org_key=prev_key=0; /* Can't pack against prev */ else if (org_key) org_key++; /* Skip NULL */ } else s_temp->store_not_null=0; s_temp->prev_key=org_key; /* The key part will start with a packed length */ get_key_pack_length(new_key_length,length_pack,key); end=key_end= key+ new_key_length; start=key; /* Calc how many characters are identical between this and the prev. key */ if (prev_key) { get_key_length(org_key_length,prev_key); s_temp->prev_key=prev_key; /* Pointer at data */ /* Don't use key-pack if length == 0 */ if (new_key_length && new_key_length == org_key_length) same_length=1; else if (new_key_length > org_key_length) end=key + org_key_length; if (sort_order) /* SerG */ { while (key < end && sort_order[*key] == sort_order[*prev_key]) { key++; prev_key++; } } else { while (key < end && *key == *prev_key) { key++; prev_key++; } } } s_temp->key=key; s_temp->key_length= (uint) (key_end-key); if (same_length && key == key_end) { /* identical variable length key */ s_temp->ref_length= pack_marker; length=(int) key_length-(int) (key_end-start)-length_pack; length+= diff_flag; if (next_key) { /* Can't combine with next */ s_temp->n_length= *next_key; /* Needed by _mi_store_key */ next_key=0; } } else { if (start != key) { /* Starts as prev key */ ref_length= (uint) (key-start); s_temp->ref_length= ref_length + pack_marker; length= (int) (key_length - ref_length); length-= length_pack; length+= diff_flag; length+= ((new_key_length-ref_length) >= 255) ? 3 : 1;/* Rest_of_key */ } else { s_temp->key_length+=s_temp->store_not_null; /* If null */ length= key_length - length_pack+ diff_flag; } } s_temp->totlength=(uint) length; s_temp->prev_length=0; /* If something after that hasn't length=0, test if we can combine */ if ((s_temp->next_key_pos=next_key)) { uint packed,n_length; packed = *next_key & 128; if (diff_flag == 2) { n_length= mi_uint2korr(next_key) & 32767; /* Length of next key */ next_key+=2; } else n_length= *next_key++ & 127; if (!packed) n_length-= s_temp->store_not_null; if (n_length || packed) /* Don't pack 0 length keys */ { uint next_length_pack, new_ref_length=s_temp->ref_length; if (packed) { /* If first key and next key is packed (only on delete) */ if (!prev_key && org_key) { get_key_length(org_key_length,org_key); key=start; if (sort_order) /* SerG */ { while (key < end && sort_order[*key] == sort_order[*org_key]) { key++; org_key++; } } else { while (key < end && *key == *org_key) { key++; org_key++; } } if ((new_ref_length= (uint) (key - start))) new_ref_length+=pack_marker; } if (!n_length) { /* We put a different key between two identical variable length keys Extend next key to have same prefix as this key */ if (new_ref_length) /* prefix of previus key */ { /* make next key longer */ s_temp->part_of_prev_key= new_ref_length; s_temp->prev_length= org_key_length - (new_ref_length-pack_marker); s_temp->n_ref_length= s_temp->part_of_prev_key; s_temp->n_length= s_temp->prev_length; n_length= get_pack_length(s_temp->prev_length); s_temp->prev_key+= (new_ref_length - pack_marker); length+= s_temp->prev_length + n_length; } else { /* Can't use prev key */ s_temp->part_of_prev_key=0; s_temp->prev_length= org_key_length; s_temp->n_ref_length=s_temp->n_length= org_key_length; length+= org_key_length; } return (int) length; } ref_length=n_length; /* Get information about not packed key suffix */ get_key_pack_length(n_length,next_length_pack,next_key); /* Test if new keys has fewer characters that match the previous key */ if (!new_ref_length) { /* Can't use prev key */ s_temp->part_of_prev_key= 0; s_temp->prev_length= ref_length; s_temp->n_ref_length= s_temp->n_length= n_length+ref_length; return (int) length+ref_length-next_length_pack; } if (ref_length+pack_marker > new_ref_length) { uint new_pack_length=new_ref_length-pack_marker; /* We must copy characters from the original key to the next key */ s_temp->part_of_prev_key= new_ref_length; s_temp->prev_length= ref_length - new_pack_length; s_temp->n_ref_length=s_temp->n_length=n_length + s_temp->prev_length; s_temp->prev_key+= new_pack_length; length-= (next_length_pack - get_pack_length(s_temp->n_length)); return (int) length + s_temp->prev_length; } } else { /* Next key wasn't a prefix of previous key */ ref_length=0; next_length_pack=0; } { uint tmp_length; key=(start+=ref_length); if (key+n_length < key_end) /* Normalize length based */ key_end=key+n_length; if (sort_order) /* SerG */ { while (key < key_end && sort_order[*key] == sort_order[*next_key]) { key++; next_key++; } } else { while (key < key_end && *key == *next_key) { key++; next_key++; } } if (!(tmp_length=(uint) (key-start))) { /* Key can't be re-packed */ s_temp->next_key_pos=0; return length; } ref_length+=tmp_length; n_length-=tmp_length; length-=tmp_length+next_length_pack; /* We gained these chars */ } if (n_length == 0 && ref_length == new_key_length) { s_temp->n_ref_length=pack_marker; /* Same as prev key */ } else { s_temp->n_ref_length=ref_length | pack_marker; length+= get_pack_length(n_length); s_temp->n_length=n_length; } } } return length; } /* Length of key which is prefix compressed */ int _mi_calc_bin_pack_key_length(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo,uint nod_flag,uchar *next_key, uchar *org_key, uchar *prev_key, uchar *key, MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { uint length,key_length,ref_length; s_temp->totlength=key_length=_mi_keylength(keyinfo,key)+nod_flag; #ifdef HAVE_purify s_temp->n_length= s_temp->n_ref_length=0; /* For valgrind */ #endif s_temp->key=key; s_temp->prev_key=org_key; if (prev_key) /* If not first key in block */ { /* pack key against previous key */ /* As keys may be identical when running a sort in myisamchk, we have to guard against the case where keys may be identical */ uchar *end; end=key+key_length; for ( ; *key == *prev_key && key < end; key++,prev_key++) ; s_temp->ref_length= ref_length=(uint) (key-s_temp->key); length=key_length - ref_length + get_pack_length(ref_length); } else { /* No previous key */ s_temp->ref_length=ref_length=0; length=key_length+1; } if ((s_temp->next_key_pos=next_key)) /* If another key after */ { /* pack key against next key */ uint next_length,next_length_pack; get_key_pack_length(next_length,next_length_pack,next_key); /* If first key and next key is packed (only on delete) */ if (!prev_key && org_key && next_length) { uchar *end; for (key= s_temp->key, end=key+next_length ; *key == *org_key && key < end; key++,org_key++) ; ref_length= (uint) (key - s_temp->key); } if (next_length > ref_length) { /* We put a key with different case between two keys with the same prefix Extend next key to have same prefix as this key */ s_temp->n_ref_length= ref_length; s_temp->prev_length= next_length-ref_length; s_temp->prev_key+= ref_length; return (int) (length+ s_temp->prev_length - next_length_pack + get_pack_length(ref_length)); } /* Check how many characters are identical to next key */ key= s_temp->key+next_length; while (*key++ == *next_key++) ; if ((ref_length= (uint) (key - s_temp->key)-1) == next_length) { s_temp->next_key_pos=0; return length; /* can't pack next key */ } s_temp->prev_length=0; s_temp->n_ref_length=ref_length; return (int) (length-(ref_length - next_length) - next_length_pack + get_pack_length(ref_length)); } return (int) length; } /* ** store a key packed with _mi_calc_xxx_key_length in page-buffert */ /* store key without compression */ void _mi_store_static_key(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo __attribute__((unused)), register uchar *key_pos, register MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { memcpy((uchar*) key_pos,(uchar*) s_temp->key,(size_t) s_temp->totlength); } /* store variable length key with prefix compression */ #define store_pack_length(test,pos,length) { \ if (test) { *((pos)++) = (uchar) (length); } else \ { *((pos)++) = (uchar) ((length) >> 8); *((pos)++) = (uchar) (length); } } void _mi_store_var_pack_key(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo __attribute__((unused)), register uchar *key_pos, register MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { uint length; uchar *start; start=key_pos; if (s_temp->ref_length) { /* Packed against previous key */ store_pack_length(s_temp->pack_marker == 128,key_pos,s_temp->ref_length); /* If not same key after */ if (s_temp->ref_length != s_temp->pack_marker) store_key_length_inc(key_pos,s_temp->key_length); } else { /* Not packed against previous key */ store_pack_length(s_temp->pack_marker == 128,key_pos,s_temp->key_length); } bmove((uchar*) key_pos,(uchar*) s_temp->key, (length=s_temp->totlength-(uint) (key_pos-start))); if (!s_temp->next_key_pos) /* No following key */ return; key_pos+=length; if (s_temp->prev_length) { /* Extend next key because new key didn't have same prefix as prev key */ if (s_temp->part_of_prev_key) { store_pack_length(s_temp->pack_marker == 128,key_pos, s_temp->part_of_prev_key); store_key_length_inc(key_pos,s_temp->n_length); } else { s_temp->n_length+= s_temp->store_not_null; store_pack_length(s_temp->pack_marker == 128,key_pos, s_temp->n_length); } memcpy(key_pos, s_temp->prev_key, s_temp->prev_length); } else if (s_temp->n_ref_length) { store_pack_length(s_temp->pack_marker == 128,key_pos,s_temp->n_ref_length); if (s_temp->n_ref_length == s_temp->pack_marker) return; /* Identical key */ store_key_length(key_pos,s_temp->n_length); } else { s_temp->n_length+= s_temp->store_not_null; store_pack_length(s_temp->pack_marker == 128,key_pos,s_temp->n_length); } } /* variable length key with prefix compression */ void _mi_store_bin_pack_key(MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo __attribute__((unused)), register uchar *key_pos, register MI_KEY_PARAM *s_temp) { store_key_length_inc(key_pos,s_temp->ref_length); memcpy((char*) key_pos,(char*) s_temp->key+s_temp->ref_length, (size_t) s_temp->totlength-s_temp->ref_length); if (s_temp->next_key_pos) { key_pos+=(uint) (s_temp->totlength-s_temp->ref_length); store_key_length_inc(key_pos,s_temp->n_ref_length); if (s_temp->prev_length) /* If we must extend key */ { memcpy(key_pos,s_temp->prev_key,s_temp->prev_length); } } }