/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 DRIZZLE AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. There are special exceptions to the terms and conditions of the GPL as it is applied to this software. View the full text of the exception in file EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT in the directory of this software distribution. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "drizzle.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_POLL #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H #include #endif #ifndef INADDR_NONE #define INADDR_NONE -1 #endif #include #include "client_settings.h" #include #undef net_buffer_length #undef max_allowed_packet uint32_t net_buffer_length= 8192; uint32_t max_allowed_packet= 1024L*1024L*1024L; #include #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 /* If allowed through some configuration, then this needs to be changed */ #define MAX_LONG_DATA_LENGTH 8192 #define unsigned_field(A) ((A)->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG) static DRIZZLE_PARAMETERS drizzle_internal_parameters= {&max_allowed_packet, &net_buffer_length, 0}; const DRIZZLE_PARAMETERS * drizzle_get_parameters(void) { return &drizzle_internal_parameters; } bool drizzle_thread_init() { return my_thread_init(); } void drizzle_thread_end() { my_thread_end(); } /* Expand wildcard to a sql string */ static void append_wild(char *to, char *end, const char *wild) { end-=5; /* Some extra */ if (wild && wild[0]) { to= strcpy(to," like '"); to+= 7; /* strlen(" like '"); */ while (*wild && to < end) { if (*wild == '\\' || *wild == '\'') *to++='\\'; *to++= *wild++; } if (*wild) /* Too small buffer */ *to++='%'; /* Nicer this way */ to[0]='\''; to[1]=0; } } /************************************************************************** Ignore SIGPIPE handler ARGSUSED **************************************************************************/ sig_handler my_pipe_sig_handler(int sig __attribute__((unused))) { #ifdef DONT_REMEMBER_SIGNAL (void) signal(SIGPIPE, my_pipe_sig_handler); #endif } /************************************************************************** Change user and database **************************************************************************/ int cli_read_change_user_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { uint32_t pkt_length; pkt_length= cli_safe_read(drizzle); if (pkt_length == packet_error) return 1; return 0; } bool drizzle_change_user(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db) { char buff[USERNAME_LENGTH+SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH+NAME_LEN+2]; char *end= buff; int rc; const CHARSET_INFO *saved_cs= drizzle->charset; /* Get the connection-default character set. */ if (drizzle_init_character_set(drizzle)) { drizzle->charset= saved_cs; return(true); } /* Use an empty string instead of NULL. */ if (!user) user=""; if (!passwd) passwd=""; /* Store user into the buffer */ end= strncpy(end, user, USERNAME_LENGTH) + USERNAME_LENGTH + 1; /* write scrambled password according to server capabilities */ if (passwd[0]) { { *end++= SCRAMBLE_LENGTH; end+= SCRAMBLE_LENGTH; } } else *end++= '\0'; /* empty password */ /* Add database if needed */ end= strncpy(end, db ? db : "", NAME_LEN) + NAME_LEN + 1; /* Add character set number. */ if (drizzle->server_capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) { int2store(end, (ushort) drizzle->charset->number); end+= 2; } /* Write authentication package */ (void)simple_command(drizzle,COM_CHANGE_USER, (uchar*) buff, (uint32_t) (end-buff), 1); rc= (*drizzle->methods->read_change_user_result)(drizzle); if (rc == 0) { /* Free old connect information */ if(drizzle->user) free(drizzle->user); if(drizzle->passwd) free(drizzle->passwd); if(drizzle->db) free(drizzle->db); /* alloc new connect information */ drizzle->user= strdup(user); drizzle->passwd= strdup(passwd); drizzle->db= db ? strdup(db) : 0; } else { drizzle->charset= saved_cs; } return(rc); } #if defined(HAVE_GETPWUID) && defined(NO_GETPWUID_DECL) struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t); char* getlogin(void); #endif /************************************************************************** Do a query. If query returned rows, free old rows. Read data by drizzle_store_result or by repeat call of drizzle_fetch_row **************************************************************************/ int drizzle_query(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *query) { return drizzle_real_query(drizzle,query, (uint) strlen(query)); } /************************************************************************** Return next field of the query results **************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_FIELD * drizzle_fetch_field(DRIZZLE_RES *result) { if (result->current_field >= result->field_count) return(NULL); return &result->fields[result->current_field++]; } /************************************************************************** Move to a specific row and column **************************************************************************/ void drizzle_data_seek(DRIZZLE_RES *result, uint64_t row) { DRIZZLE_ROWS *tmp=0; if (result->data) for (tmp=result->data->data; row-- && tmp ; tmp = tmp->next) ; result->current_row=0; result->data_cursor = tmp; } /************************************************************************* put the row or field cursor one a position one got from DRIZZLE_ROW_tell() This doesn't restore any data. The next drizzle_fetch_row or drizzle_fetch_field will return the next row or field after the last used *************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET drizzle_row_seek(DRIZZLE_RES *result, DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET row) { DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET return_value=result->data_cursor; result->current_row= 0; result->data_cursor= row; return return_value; } DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET drizzle_field_seek(DRIZZLE_RES *result, DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET field_offset) { DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET return_value=result->current_field; result->current_field=field_offset; return return_value; } /***************************************************************************** List all tables in a database If wild is given then only the tables matching wild is returned *****************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_list_tables(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *wild) { char buff[255]; char *ptr= strcpy(buff, "show tables"); ptr+= 11; /* strlen("show tables"); */ append_wild(ptr,buff+sizeof(buff),wild); if (drizzle_query(drizzle,buff)) return(0); return (drizzle_store_result(drizzle)); } DRIZZLE_FIELD *cli_list_fields(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { DRIZZLE_DATA *query; if (!(query= cli_read_rows(drizzle,(DRIZZLE_FIELD*) 0, 8))) return NULL; drizzle->field_count= (uint) query->rows; return unpack_fields(query,&drizzle->field_alloc, drizzle->field_count, 1); } /************************************************************************** List all fields in a table If wild is given then only the fields matching wild is returned Instead of this use query: show fields in 'table' like "wild" **************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_list_fields(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *table, const char *wild) { DRIZZLE_RES *result; DRIZZLE_FIELD *fields; char buff[257], *end; end= strncpy(buff, table, 128) + 128; end= strncpy(end+1, wild ? wild : "", 128) + 128; free_old_query(drizzle); if (simple_command(drizzle, COM_FIELD_LIST, (uchar*) buff, (uint32_t) (end-buff), 1) || !(fields= (*drizzle->methods->list_fields)(drizzle))) return(NULL); if (!(result = (DRIZZLE_RES *) malloc(sizeof(DRIZZLE_RES)))) return(NULL); memset(result, 0, sizeof(DRIZZLE_RES)); result->methods= drizzle->methods; result->field_alloc=drizzle->field_alloc; drizzle->fields=0; result->field_count = drizzle->field_count; result->fields= fields; result->eof=1; return(result); } /* List all running processes (threads) in server */ DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_list_processes(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { DRIZZLE_DATA *fields; uint field_count; uchar *pos; if (simple_command(drizzle,COM_PROCESS_INFO,0,0,0)) return(0); free_old_query(drizzle); pos=(uchar*) drizzle->net.read_pos; field_count=(uint) net_field_length(&pos); if (!(fields = (*drizzle->methods->read_rows)(drizzle,(DRIZZLE_FIELD*) 0, 7))) return(NULL); if (!(drizzle->fields=unpack_fields(fields,&drizzle->field_alloc,field_count,0))) return(0); drizzle->status=DRIZZLE_STATUS_GET_RESULT; drizzle->field_count=field_count; return(drizzle_store_result(drizzle)); } int drizzle_shutdown(DRIZZLE *drizzle, enum drizzle_enum_shutdown_level shutdown_level) { uchar level[1]; level[0]= (uchar) shutdown_level; return(simple_command(drizzle, COM_SHUTDOWN, level, 1, 0)); } int drizzle_refresh(DRIZZLE *drizzle,uint options) { uchar bits[1]; bits[0]= (uchar) options; return(simple_command(drizzle, COM_REFRESH, bits, 1, 0)); } int32_t drizzle_kill(DRIZZLE *drizzle, uint32_t pid) { uchar buff[4]; int4store(buff,pid); return(simple_command(drizzle,COM_PROCESS_KILL,buff,sizeof(buff),0)); } int drizzle_set_server_option(DRIZZLE *drizzle, enum enum_drizzle_set_option option) { uchar buff[2]; int2store(buff, (uint) option); return(simple_command(drizzle, COM_SET_OPTION, buff, sizeof(buff), 0)); } const char *cli_read_statistics(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { drizzle->net.read_pos[drizzle->packet_length]=0; /* End of stat string */ if (!drizzle->net.read_pos[0]) { set_drizzle_error(drizzle, CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO, unknown_sqlstate); return drizzle->net.last_error; } return (char*) drizzle->net.read_pos; } int drizzle_ping(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { int res; res= simple_command(drizzle,COM_PING,0,0,0); if (res == CR_SERVER_LOST && drizzle->reconnect) res= simple_command(drizzle,COM_PING,0,0,0); return(res); } const char * drizzle_get_server_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return((char*) drizzle->server_version); } const char * drizzle_get_host_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return(drizzle->host_info); } uint drizzle_get_proto_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (drizzle->protocol_version); } const char * drizzle_get_client_info(void) { return (char*) DRIZZLE_SERVER_VERSION; } uint32_t drizzle_get_client_version(void) { return DRIZZLE_VERSION_ID; } bool drizzle_eof(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->eof; } const DRIZZLE_FIELD * drizzle_fetch_field_direct(const DRIZZLE_RES *res, unsigned int fieldnr) { return &(res)->fields[fieldnr]; } const DRIZZLE_FIELD * drizzle_fetch_fields(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->fields; } DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET drizzle_row_tell(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->data_cursor; } DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET drizzle_field_tell(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->current_field; } /* DRIZZLE */ unsigned int drizzle_field_count(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->field_count; } uint64_t drizzle_affected_rows(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->affected_rows; } uint64_t drizzle_insert_id(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->insert_id; } const char * drizzle_sqlstate(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle ? drizzle->net.sqlstate : cant_connect_sqlstate; } uint32_t drizzle_warning_count(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->warning_count; } const char * drizzle_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->info; } uint32_t drizzle_thread_id(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->thread_id; } const char * drizzle_character_set_name(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->charset->csname; } void drizzle_get_character_set_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle, MY_CHARSET_INFO *csinfo) { csinfo->number = drizzle->charset->number; csinfo->state = drizzle->charset->state; csinfo->csname = drizzle->charset->csname; csinfo->name = drizzle->charset->name; csinfo->comment = drizzle->charset->comment; csinfo->mbminlen = drizzle->charset->mbminlen; csinfo->mbmaxlen = drizzle->charset->mbmaxlen; if (drizzle->options.charset_dir) csinfo->dir = drizzle->options.charset_dir; else csinfo->dir = charsets_dir; } uint drizzle_thread_safe(void) { return 1; } bool drizzle_embedded(void) { return false; } /**************************************************************************** Some support functions ****************************************************************************/ /* Functions called my my_net_init() to set some application specific variables */ void my_net_local_init(NET *net) { net->max_packet= (uint) net_buffer_length; my_net_set_read_timeout(net, CLIENT_NET_READ_TIMEOUT); my_net_set_write_timeout(net, CLIENT_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT); net->retry_count= 1; net->max_packet_size= max(net_buffer_length, max_allowed_packet); } /* This function is used to create HEX string that you can use in a SQL statement in of the either ways: INSERT INTO blob_column VALUES (0xAABBCC); (any DRIZZLE version) INSERT INTO blob_column VALUES (X'AABBCC'); The string in "from" is encoded to a HEX string. The result is placed in "to" and a terminating null byte is appended. The string pointed to by "from" must be "length" bytes long. You must allocate the "to" buffer to be at least length*2+1 bytes long. Each character needs two bytes, and you need room for the terminating null byte. When drizzle_hex_string() returns, the contents of "to" will be a null-terminated string. The return value is the length of the encoded string, not including the terminating null character. The return value does not contain any leading 0x or a leading X' and trailing '. The caller must supply whichever of those is desired. */ uint32_t drizzle_hex_string(char *to, const char *from, uint32_t length) { char *to0= to; const char *end; for (end= from + length; from < end; from++) { *to++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *from) >> 4]; *to++= _dig_vec_upper[((unsigned char) *from) & 0x0F]; } *to= '\0'; return (uint32_t) (to-to0); } /* Add escape characters to a string (blob?) to make it suitable for a insert to should at least have place for length*2+1 chars Returns the length of the to string */ uint32_t drizzle_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, uint32_t length) { return escape_string_for_drizzle(default_charset_info, to, 0, from, length); } uint32_t drizzle_real_escape_string(DRIZZLE *drizzle, char *to,const char *from, uint32_t length) { if (drizzle->server_status & SERVER_STATUS_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES) return escape_quotes_for_drizzle(drizzle->charset, to, 0, from, length); return escape_string_for_drizzle(drizzle->charset, to, 0, from, length); } void myodbc_remove_escape(const DRIZZLE *drizzle, char *name) { char *to; #ifdef USE_MB bool use_mb_flag= use_mb(drizzle->charset); char *end=NULL; if (use_mb_flag) for (end=name; *end ; end++) ; #endif for (to=name ; *name ; name++) { #ifdef USE_MB int l; if (use_mb_flag && (l = my_ismbchar( drizzle->charset, name , end ) ) ) { while (l--) *to++ = *name++; name--; continue; } #endif if (*name == '\\' && name[1]) name++; *to++= *name; } *to=0; } int cli_unbuffered_fetch(DRIZZLE *drizzle, char **row) { if (packet_error == cli_safe_read(drizzle)) return 1; *row= ((drizzle->net.read_pos[0] == DRIZZLE_PROTOCOL_NO_MORE_DATA) ? NULL : (char*) (drizzle->net.read_pos+1)); return 0; } /******************************************************************** Transactional APIs *********************************************************************/ /* Commit the current transaction */ bool drizzle_commit(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return((bool) drizzle_real_query(drizzle, "commit", 6)); } /* Rollback the current transaction */ bool drizzle_rollback(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return((bool) drizzle_real_query(drizzle, "rollback", 8)); } /* Set autocommit to either true or false */ bool drizzle_autocommit(DRIZZLE *drizzle, bool auto_mode) { return((bool) drizzle_real_query(drizzle, auto_mode ? "set autocommit=1":"set autocommit=0", 16)); } /******************************************************************** Multi query execution + SPs APIs *********************************************************************/ /* Returns true/false to indicate whether any more query results exist to be read using drizzle_next_result() */ bool drizzle_more_results(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (drizzle->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) ? true:false; } /* Reads and returns the next query results */ int drizzle_next_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { if (drizzle->status != DRIZZLE_STATUS_READY) { set_drizzle_error(drizzle, CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC, unknown_sqlstate); return(1); } net_clear_error(&drizzle->net); drizzle->affected_rows= ~(uint64_t) 0; if (drizzle->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) return((*drizzle->methods->next_result)(drizzle)); return(-1); /* No more results */ } DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_use_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (*drizzle->methods->use_result)(drizzle); } bool drizzle_read_query_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (*drizzle->methods->read_query_result)(drizzle); }