/***************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 1996, 2010, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file include/lock0lock.h The transaction lock system Created 5/7/1996 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #pragma once #ifndef lock0lock_h #define lock0lock_h #include "univ.i" #include "buf0types.h" #include "trx0types.h" #include "mtr0types.h" #include "rem0types.h" #include "dict0types.h" #include "que0types.h" #include "lock0types.h" #include "read0types.h" #include "hash0hash.h" #include "ut0vec.h" #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG extern ibool lock_print_waits; #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /* Buffer for storing information about the most recent deadlock error */ extern FILE* lock_latest_err_file; /*********************************************************************//** Gets the size of a lock struct. @return size in bytes */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_get_size(void); /*===============*/ /*********************************************************************//** Creates the lock system at database start. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_sys_create( /*============*/ ulint n_cells); /*!< in: number of slots in lock hash table */ /*********************************************************************//** Closes the lock system at database shutdown. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_sys_close(void); /*================*/ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if some transaction has an implicit x-lock on a record in a clustered index. @return transaction which has the x-lock, or NULL */ UNIV_INLINE trx_t* lock_clust_rec_some_has_impl( /*=========================*/ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: clustered index */ const ulint* offsets);/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */ /*********************************************************************//** Gets the heap_no of the smallest user record on a page. @return heap_no of smallest user record, or PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM */ UNIV_INLINE ulint lock_get_min_heap_no( /*=================*/ const buf_block_t* block); /*!< in: buffer block */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when we have reorganized a page. NOTE: we copy also the locks set on the infimum of the page; the infimum may carry locks if an update of a record is occurring on the page, and its locks were temporarily stored on the infimum. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_move_reorganize_page( /*======================*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: old index page, now reorganized */ const buf_block_t* oblock);/*!< in: copy of the old, not reorganized page */ /*************************************************************//** Moves the explicit locks on user records to another page if a record list end is moved to another page. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_move_rec_list_end( /*===================*/ const buf_block_t* new_block, /*!< in: index page to move to */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page */ const rec_t* rec); /*!< in: record on page: this is the first record moved */ /*************************************************************//** Moves the explicit locks on user records to another page if a record list start is moved to another page. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_move_rec_list_start( /*=====================*/ const buf_block_t* new_block, /*!< in: index page to move to */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record on page: this is the first record NOT copied */ const rec_t* old_end); /*!< in: old previous-to-last record on new_page before the records were copied */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a page is split to the right. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_split_right( /*====================*/ const buf_block_t* right_block, /*!< in: right page */ const buf_block_t* left_block); /*!< in: left page */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a page is merged to the right. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_merge_right( /*====================*/ const buf_block_t* right_block, /*!< in: right page to which merged */ const rec_t* orig_succ, /*!< in: original successor of infimum on the right page before merge */ const buf_block_t* left_block); /*!< in: merged index page which will be discarded */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when the root page is copied to another in btr_root_raise_and_insert. Note that we leave lock structs on the root page, even though they do not make sense on other than leaf pages: the reason is that in a pessimistic update the infimum record of the root page will act as a dummy carrier of the locks of the record to be updated. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_root_raise( /*===================*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: index page to which copied */ const buf_block_t* root); /*!< in: root page */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a page is copied to another and the original page is removed from the chain of leaf pages, except if page is the root! */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_copy_and_discard( /*=========================*/ const buf_block_t* new_block, /*!< in: index page to which copied */ const buf_block_t* block); /*!< in: index page; NOT the root! */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a page is split to the left. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_split_left( /*===================*/ const buf_block_t* right_block, /*!< in: right page */ const buf_block_t* left_block); /*!< in: left page */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a page is merged to the left. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_merge_left( /*===================*/ const buf_block_t* left_block, /*!< in: left page to which merged */ const rec_t* orig_pred, /*!< in: original predecessor of supremum on the left page before merge */ const buf_block_t* right_block); /*!< in: merged index page which will be discarded */ /*************************************************************//** Resets the original locks on heir and replaces them with gap type locks inherited from rec. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_rec_reset_and_inherit_gap_locks( /*=================================*/ const buf_block_t* heir_block, /*!< in: block containing the record which inherits */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block containing the record from which inherited; does NOT reset the locks on this record */ ulint heir_heap_no, /*!< in: heap_no of the inheriting record */ ulint heap_no); /*!< in: heap_no of the donating record */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a page is discarded. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_discard( /*================*/ const buf_block_t* heir_block, /*!< in: index page which will inherit the locks */ ulint heir_heap_no, /*!< in: heap_no of the record which will inherit the locks */ const buf_block_t* block); /*!< in: index page which will be discarded */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a new user record is inserted. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_insert( /*===============*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block containing rec */ const rec_t* rec); /*!< in: the inserted record */ /*************************************************************//** Updates the lock table when a record is removed. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_update_delete( /*===============*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block containing rec */ const rec_t* rec); /*!< in: the record to be removed */ /*********************************************************************//** Stores on the page infimum record the explicit locks of another record. This function is used to store the lock state of a record when it is updated and the size of the record changes in the update. The record is in such an update moved, perhaps to another page. The infimum record acts as a dummy carrier record, taking care of lock releases while the actual record is being moved. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_rec_store_on_page_infimum( /*===========================*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block containing rec */ const rec_t* rec); /*!< in: record whose lock state is stored on the infimum record of the same page; lock bits are reset on the record */ /*********************************************************************//** Restores the state of explicit lock requests on a single record, where the state was stored on the infimum of the page. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_rec_restore_from_page_infimum( /*===============================*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block containing rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record whose lock state is restored */ const buf_block_t* donator);/*!< in: page (rec is not necessarily on this page) whose infimum stored the lock state; lock bits are reset on the infimum */ /*********************************************************************//** Returns TRUE if there are explicit record locks on a page. @return TRUE if there are explicit record locks on the page */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_rec_expl_exist_on_page( /*========================*/ ulint space, /*!< in: space id */ ulint page_no);/*!< in: page number */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate insert of a record. If they do, first tests if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some reason; if not, then puts the transaction and the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a waiting request for a gap x-lock to the lock queue. @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock( /*===========================*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record after which to insert */ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in/out: buffer block of rec */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */ mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */ ibool* inherit);/*!< out: set to TRUE if the new inserted record maybe should inherit LOCK_GAP type locks from the successor record */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate modify (update, delete mark, or delete unmark) of a clustered index record. If they do, first tests if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some reason; if not, then puts the transaction and the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a waiting request for a record x-lock to the lock queue. @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_clust_rec_modify_check_and_lock( /*=================================*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block of rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record which should be modified */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: clustered index */ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */ que_thr_t* thr); /*!< in: query thread */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate modify (delete mark or delete unmark) of a secondary index record. @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_sec_rec_modify_check_and_lock( /*===============================*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in/out: buffer block of rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record which should be modified; NOTE: as this is a secondary index, we always have to modify the clustered index record first: see the comment below */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: secondary index */ que_thr_t* thr, /*!< in: query thread */ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in/out: mini-transaction */ /*********************************************************************//** Like lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(), but reads a secondary index record. @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_SUCCESS_LOCKED_REC, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN enum db_err lock_sec_rec_read_check_and_lock( /*=============================*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block of rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record or page supremum record which should be read or passed over by a read cursor */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: secondary index */ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */ enum lock_mode mode, /*!< in: mode of the lock which the read cursor should set on records: LOCK_S or LOCK_X; the latter is possible in SELECT FOR UPDATE */ ulint gap_mode,/*!< in: LOCK_ORDINARY, LOCK_GAP, or LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP */ que_thr_t* thr); /*!< in: query thread */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate read, or passing over by a read cursor, of a clustered index record. If they do, first tests if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some reason; if not, then puts the transaction and the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a waiting request for a record lock to the lock queue. Sets the requested mode lock on the record. @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_SUCCESS_LOCKED_REC, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN enum db_err lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock( /*===============================*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block of rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record or page supremum record which should be read or passed over by a read cursor */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: clustered index */ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */ enum lock_mode mode, /*!< in: mode of the lock which the read cursor should set on records: LOCK_S or LOCK_X; the latter is possible in SELECT FOR UPDATE */ ulint gap_mode,/*!< in: LOCK_ORDINARY, LOCK_GAP, or LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP */ que_thr_t* thr); /*!< in: query thread */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate read, or passing over by a read cursor, of a clustered index record. If they do, first tests if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some reason; if not, then puts the transaction and the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a waiting request for a record lock to the lock queue. Sets the requested mode lock on the record. This is an alternative version of lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock() that does not require the parameter "offsets". @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock_alt( /*===================================*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block of rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record or page supremum record which should be read or passed over by a read cursor */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: clustered index */ enum lock_mode mode, /*!< in: mode of the lock which the read cursor should set on records: LOCK_S or LOCK_X; the latter is possible in SELECT FOR UPDATE */ ulint gap_mode,/*!< in: LOCK_ORDINARY, LOCK_GAP, or LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP */ que_thr_t* thr); /*!< in: query thread */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks that a record is seen in a consistent read. @return TRUE if sees, or FALSE if an earlier version of the record should be retrieved */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_clust_rec_cons_read_sees( /*==========================*/ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record which should be read or passed over by a read cursor */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: clustered index */ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */ read_view_t* view); /*!< in: consistent read view */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks that a non-clustered index record is seen in a consistent read. NOTE that a non-clustered index page contains so little information on its modifications that also in the case FALSE, the present version of rec may be the right, but we must check this from the clustered index record. @return TRUE if certainly sees, or FALSE if an earlier version of the clustered index record might be needed */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_sec_rec_cons_read_sees( /*========================*/ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record which should be read or passed over by a read cursor */ const read_view_t* view); /*!< in: consistent read view */ /*********************************************************************//** Locks the specified database table in the mode given. If the lock cannot be granted immediately, the query thread is put to wait. @return DB_SUCCESS, DB_LOCK_WAIT, DB_DEADLOCK, or DB_QUE_THR_SUSPENDED */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_table( /*=======*/ ulint flags, /*!< in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set, does nothing */ dict_table_t* table, /*!< in: database table in dictionary cache */ enum lock_mode mode, /*!< in: lock mode */ que_thr_t* thr); /*!< in: query thread */ /*************************************************************//** Removes a granted record lock of a transaction from the queue and grants locks to other transactions waiting in the queue if they now are entitled to a lock. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_rec_unlock( /*============*/ trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction that has set a record lock */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block containing rec */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record */ enum lock_mode lock_mode);/*!< in: LOCK_S or LOCK_X */ /*********************************************************************//** Releases transaction locks, and releases possible other transactions waiting because of these locks. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_release_off_kernel( /*====================*/ trx_t* trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*********************************************************************//** Cancels a waiting lock request and releases possible other transactions waiting behind it. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_cancel_waiting_and_release( /*============================*/ lock_t* lock); /*!< in: waiting lock request */ /*********************************************************************//** Removes locks on a table to be dropped or truncated. If remove_also_table_sx_locks is TRUE then table-level S and X locks are also removed in addition to other table-level and record-level locks. No lock, that is going to be removed, is allowed to be a wait lock. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_remove_all_on_table( /*=====================*/ dict_table_t* table, /*!< in: table to be dropped or truncated */ ibool remove_also_table_sx_locks);/*!< in: also removes table S and X locks */ /*********************************************************************//** Calculates the fold value of a page file address: used in inserting or searching for a lock in the hash table. @return folded value */ UNIV_INLINE ulint lock_rec_fold( /*==========*/ ulint space, /*!< in: space */ ulint page_no)/*!< in: page number */ __attribute__((const)); /*********************************************************************//** Calculates the hash value of a page file address: used in inserting or searching for a lock in the hash table. @return hashed value */ UNIV_INLINE ulint lock_rec_hash( /*==========*/ ulint space, /*!< in: space */ ulint page_no);/*!< in: page number */ /**********************************************************************//** Looks for a set bit in a record lock bitmap. Returns ULINT_UNDEFINED, if none found. @return bit index == heap number of the record, or ULINT_UNDEFINED if none found */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_rec_find_set_bit( /*==================*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: record lock with at least one bit set */ /*********************************************************************//** Gets the source table of an ALTER TABLE transaction. The table must be covered by an IX or IS table lock. @return the source table of transaction, if it is covered by an IX or IS table lock; dest if there is no source table, and NULL if the transaction is locking more than two tables or an inconsistency is found */ UNIV_INTERN dict_table_t* lock_get_src_table( /*===============*/ trx_t* trx, /*!< in: transaction */ dict_table_t* dest, /*!< in: destination of ALTER TABLE */ enum lock_mode* mode); /*!< out: lock mode of the source table */ /*********************************************************************//** Determine if the given table is exclusively "owned" by the given transaction, i.e., transaction holds LOCK_IX and possibly LOCK_AUTO_INC on the table. @return TRUE if table is only locked by trx, with LOCK_IX, and possibly LOCK_AUTO_INC */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_is_table_exclusive( /*====================*/ dict_table_t* table, /*!< in: table */ trx_t* trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks if a lock request lock1 has to wait for request lock2. @return TRUE if lock1 has to wait for lock2 to be removed */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_has_to_wait( /*=============*/ const lock_t* lock1, /*!< in: waiting lock */ const lock_t* lock2); /*!< in: another lock; NOTE that it is assumed that this has a lock bit set on the same record as in lock1 if the locks are record locks */ /*********************************************************************//** Checks that a transaction id is sensible, i.e., not in the future. @return TRUE if ok */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_check_trx_id_sanity( /*=====================*/ trx_id_t trx_id, /*!< in: trx id */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: user record */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: clustered index */ const ulint* offsets, /*!< in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */ ibool has_kernel_mutex);/*!< in: TRUE if the caller owns the kernel mutex */ /*********************************************************************//** Prints info of a table lock. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_table_print( /*=============*/ FILE* file, /*!< in: file where to print */ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: table type lock */ /*********************************************************************//** Prints info of a record lock. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_rec_print( /*===========*/ FILE* file, /*!< in: file where to print */ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: record type lock */ /*********************************************************************//** Prints info of locks for all transactions. @return FALSE if not able to obtain kernel mutex and exits without printing info */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_print_info_summary( /*====================*/ FILE* file, /*!< in: file where to print */ ibool nowait);/*!< in: whether to wait for the kernel mutex */ /************************************************************************* Prints info of locks for each transaction. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_print_info_all_transactions( /*=============================*/ FILE* file); /*!< in: file where to print */ /*********************************************************************//** Return approximate number or record locks (bits set in the bitmap) for this transaction. Since delete-marked records may be removed, the record count will not be precise. */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_number_of_rows_locked( /*=======================*/ const trx_t* trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*******************************************************************//** Check if a transaction holds any autoinc locks. @return TRUE if the transaction holds any AUTOINC locks. */ UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_trx_holds_autoinc_locks( /*=========================*/ const trx_t* trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*******************************************************************//** Release all the transaction's autoinc locks. */ UNIV_INTERN void lock_release_autoinc_locks( /*=======================*/ trx_t* trx); /*!< in/out: transaction */ /*******************************************************************//** Gets the type of a lock. Non-inline version for using outside of the lock module. @return LOCK_TABLE or LOCK_REC */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_get_type( /*==========*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** Gets the id of the transaction owning a lock. @return transaction id */ UNIV_INTERN trx_id_t lock_get_trx_id( /*============*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** Gets the mode of a lock in a human readable string. The string should not be free()'d or modified. @return lock mode */ UNIV_INTERN const char* lock_get_mode_str( /*==============*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** Gets the type of a lock in a human readable string. The string should not be free()'d or modified. @return lock type */ UNIV_INTERN const char* lock_get_type_str( /*==============*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** Gets the id of the table on which the lock is. @return id of the table */ UNIV_INTERN table_id_t lock_get_table_id( /*==============*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** Gets the name of the table on which the lock is. The string should not be free()'d or modified. @return name of the table */ UNIV_INTERN const char* lock_get_table_name( /*================*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** For a record lock, gets the index on which the lock is. @return index */ UNIV_INTERN const dict_index_t* lock_rec_get_index( /*===============*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** For a record lock, gets the name of the index on which the lock is. The string should not be free()'d or modified. @return name of the index */ UNIV_INTERN const char* lock_rec_get_index_name( /*====================*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** For a record lock, gets the tablespace number on which the lock is. @return tablespace number */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_rec_get_space_id( /*==================*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /*******************************************************************//** For a record lock, gets the page number on which the lock is. @return page number */ UNIV_INTERN ulint lock_rec_get_page_no( /*=================*/ const lock_t* lock); /*!< in: lock */ /** Lock modes and types */ /* @{ */ #define LOCK_MODE_MASK 0xFUL /*!< mask used to extract mode from the type_mode field in a lock */ /** Lock types */ /* @{ */ #define LOCK_TABLE 16 /*!< table lock */ #define LOCK_REC 32 /*!< record lock */ #define LOCK_TYPE_MASK 0xF0UL /*!< mask used to extract lock type from the type_mode field in a lock */ #if LOCK_MODE_MASK & LOCK_TYPE_MASK # error "LOCK_MODE_MASK & LOCK_TYPE_MASK" #endif #define LOCK_WAIT 256 /*!< Waiting lock flag; when set, it means that the lock has not yet been granted, it is just waiting for its turn in the wait queue */ /* Precise modes */ #define LOCK_ORDINARY 0 /*!< this flag denotes an ordinary next-key lock in contrast to LOCK_GAP or LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP */ #define LOCK_GAP 512 /*!< when this bit is set, it means that the lock holds only on the gap before the record; for instance, an x-lock on the gap does not give permission to modify the record on which the bit is set; locks of this type are created when records are removed from the index chain of records */ #define LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP 1024 /*!< this bit means that the lock is only on the index record and does NOT block inserts to the gap before the index record; this is used in the case when we retrieve a record with a unique key, and is also used in locking plain SELECTs (not part of UPDATE or DELETE) when the user has set the READ COMMITTED isolation level */ #define LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION 2048 /*!< this bit is set when we place a waiting gap type record lock request in order to let an insert of an index record to wait until there are no conflicting locks by other transactions on the gap; note that this flag remains set when the waiting lock is granted, or if the lock is inherited to a neighboring record */ #if (LOCK_WAIT|LOCK_GAP|LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP|LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION)&LOCK_MODE_MASK # error #endif #if (LOCK_WAIT|LOCK_GAP|LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP|LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION)&LOCK_TYPE_MASK # error #endif /* @} */ /** Lock operation struct */ typedef struct lock_op_struct lock_op_t; /** Lock operation struct */ struct lock_op_struct{ dict_table_t* table; /*!< table to be locked */ enum lock_mode mode; /*!< lock mode */ }; /** The lock system struct */ struct lock_sys_struct{ hash_table_t* rec_hash; /*!< hash table of the record locks */ }; /** The lock system */ extern lock_sys_t* lock_sys; #ifndef UNIV_NONINL #include "lock0lock.ic" #endif #endif