/* Copyright (C) 2009 PrimeBase Technologies GmbH, Germany * * PrimeBase Media Stream for MySQL * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Barry Leslie * * 2009-06-10 * * H&G2JCtL * * PBMS transaction cache. * */ #pragma once #ifndef __TRANSCACHE_MS_H__ #define __TRANSCACHE_MS_H__ #include "cslib/CSDefs.h" #include "trans_log_ms.h" #define TRANS_CACHE_NEW_REF ((TRef)-1) #define TRANS_CACHE_UNKNOWN_REF ((TRef)-2) class MSTransCache : public CSSharedRefObject { public: MSTransCache(); ~MSTransCache(); // Prepare to add another record to a tansaction // This will preallocate anything required so that the call // to tc_AddRec() cannot fail. //void tc_PrepAddRec(TRef tref, uint32_t tr_id); // Add a transaction record to an already existing transaction // or possible creating a new one. Depending on the record added this may // also commit or rollback the transaction. // Returns false if the list is full. //void tc_AddRec(uint64_t log_position, MSTransPtr rec); void tc_AddRec(uint64_t log_position, MSTransPtr rec, TRef tref = TRANS_CACHE_UNKNOWN_REF); void tc_LoadRec(uint64_t log_position, MSTransPtr rec) { tc_AddRec(log_position, rec);} // Get the transaction ref of the first transaction in the list. // Sets terminated to true or false depending on if the transaction is terminated. // If there is no trsansaction then false is returned. bool tc_GetTransaction(TRef *ref, bool *terminated); uint32_t tc_GetTransactionID(TRef ref); // Get the state of the terminated transaction. MS_TxnState tc_TransactionState(TRef ref); // Remove the transaction and all record associated with it. void tc_FreeTransaction(TRef tref); // Get the log position of the first transaction in the list. // Returns false if there is no transaction. bool tc_GetTransactionStartPosition(uint64_t *log_position); // Get the nth record for the specified transaction. A pointer to the // storage location is passed in. If there is no nth record 'false' is returned // otherwise the passed in record buffer is filled out and the pointer to // it is returned. bool tc_GetRecAt(TRef tref, size_t index, MSTransPtr rec, MS_TxnState *state); uint32_t tc_GetCacheUsed() { return tc_Used;} uint32_t tc_GetPercentCacheUsed() { return (tc_Used * 100)/(tc_Size-1);} uint32_t tc_GetPercentCacheHit() { return (tc_TotalCacheCount * 100)/tc_TotalTransCount;} // Notify the cache that recovery is in progress. // In this case transaction records are not cached. void tc_SetRecovering(bool recovering) {tc_Recovering = recovering;} // Methods used to update the cache from disk. bool tc_ShoulReloadCache(); // Test to see if the cache needs to be reloaded. uint64_t tc_StartCacheReload(bool startup = false); // Initialize the cache for reload. bool tc_ContinueCacheReload(); // Returns false when the cache is full. void tc_CompleteCacheReload(); // Signal the end of the cache reload operation. void tc_UpdateCacheVersion() {tc_CacheVersion++;} void tc_SetSize(uint32_t cache_size); // Chang the size of the cache. void tc_dropDatabase(uint32_t db_id); // clears records from ther cache for a dropped database. static MSTransCache *newMSTransCache(uint32_t cache_size); private: void tc_Initialize(uint32_t size); TRef tc_NewTransaction(uint32_t tid); void tc_FindTXNRef(uint32_t tid, TRef *tref); struct TransList *tc_List; // The transaction list, One entry per transaction. struct TransList *tc_OverFlow; // The first transaction to overflow. uint32_t tc_Size; // The current size of the list uint32_t tc_EOL; // The index of the first unused transaction list record uint32_t tc_First; // The index of the first used transaction list record uint32_t tc_Used; // The number of used transaction list records uint64_t tc_TotalTransCount; // The number of transaction to be cached uint64_t tc_TotalCacheCount; // The number of transaction cached CSThread *tc_ReLoadingThread; // The thread performing a reload. uint32_t tc_OverFlowTID; // The transaction id of the first transaction in th reload. bool tc_Full; uint32_t tc_CacheVersion; bool tc_Recovering; #ifdef DEBUG uint32_t tc_ReloadCnt; #endif }; #endif // __TRANSCACHE_MS_H__