/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Test of hash library: big test */ #include #include #include #include #define MAX_RECORDS 100000 #define MAX_KEYS 3 static int get_options(int argc, char *argv[]); static int do_test(); static int rnd(int max_value); static uint testflag=0,recant=10000,reclength=37; static uint16 key1[1000]; void free_record(void *record); static uchar *hash2_key(const uchar *rec,uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length=(uint) (uchar) rec[reclength-1]; return (uchar*) rec; } /* main program */ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { MY_INIT(argv[0]); get_options(argc,argv); exit(do_test()); } static int do_test() { register uint i,j; uint n1,n2,n3; uint write_count,update,delete; ulong pos; unsigned long key_check; char *record,*recpos,oldrecord[120],key[10]; HASH hash,hash2; write_count=update=delete=0; key_check=0; bzero((char*) key1,sizeof(key1[0])*1000); printf("- Creating hash\n"); if (hash_init(&hash, default_charset_info, recant/2, 0, 6, 0, free_record, 0)) goto err; printf("- Writing records:\n"); for (i=0 ; i < recant ; i++) { n1=rnd(1000); n2=rnd(100); n3=rnd(min(recant*5,MAX_RECORDS)); record= (char*) my_malloc(reclength,MYF(MY_FAE)); sprintf(record,"%6d:%4d:%8d:Pos: %4d ",n1,n2,n3,write_count); if (my_hash_insert(&hash,record)) { printf("Error: %d in write at record: %d\n",my_errno,i); goto err; } key1[n1]++; key_check+=n1; write_count++; } printf("- Delete\n"); for (i=0 ; i < write_count/10 ; i++) { for (j=rnd(1000) ; j>0 && key1[j] == 0 ; j--) ; if (j != 0) { sprintf(key,"%6d",j); if (!(recpos=hash_search(&hash,key,0))) { printf("can't find key1: \"%s\"\n",key); goto err; } key1[atoi(recpos)]--; key_check-=atoi(recpos); memcpy(oldrecord,recpos,reclength); if (hash_delete(&hash,recpos)) { printf("error: %d; can't delete record: \"%s\"\n", my_errno,oldrecord); goto err; } delete++; if (testflag == 2) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } } } printf("- Update\n"); for (i=0 ; i < write_count/10 ; i++) { n1=rnd(1000); n2=rnd(100); n3=rnd(min(recant*2,MAX_RECORDS)); for (j=rnd(1000) ; j>0 && key1[j] == 0 ; j--) ; if (j) { sprintf(key,"%6d",j); if (!(recpos=hash_search(&hash,key,0))) { printf("can't find key1: \"%s\"\n",key); goto err; } key1[atoi(recpos)]--; key_check=key_check-atoi(recpos)+n1; key1[n1]++; sprintf(recpos,"%6d:%4d:%8d:XXX: %4d ",n1,n2,n3,update); update++; if (hash_update(&hash,recpos,key,0)) { printf("can't update key1: \"%s\"\n",key); goto err; } if (testflag == 3) { printf("Heap keys crashed for %d update\n",update); goto err; } } } for (j=0 ; j < 1000 ; j++) if (key1[j] > 1) break; if (key1[j] > 1) { HASH_SEARCH_STATE state; printf("- Testing identical read\n"); sprintf(key,"%6d",j); pos=1; if (!(recpos= hash_first(&hash, key, 0, &state))) { printf("can't find key1: \"%s\"\n",key); goto err; } while (hash_next(&hash, key, 0, &state) && pos < (ulong) (key1[j]+10)) pos++; if (pos != (ulong) key1[j]) { printf("Found %ld copies of key: %s. Should be %d",pos,key,key1[j]); goto err; } } printf("- Creating output heap-file 2\n"); if (hash_init(&hash2, default_charset_info, hash.records, 0, 0, hash2_key, free_record,0)) goto err; printf("- Copying and removing records\n"); pos=0; while ((recpos=hash_element(&hash,0))) { record=(uchar*) my_malloc(reclength,MYF(MY_FAE)); memcpy(record,recpos,reclength); record[reclength-1]=rnd(5)+1; if (my_hash_insert(&hash2,record)) { printf("Got error when inserting record: %*s",reclength,record); goto err; } key_check-=atoi(record); write_count++; if (hash_delete(&hash,recpos)) { printf("Got error when deleting record: %*s",reclength,recpos); goto err; } pos++; } if (key_check != 0) { printf("Key check didn't get to 0 (%ld)\n",key_check); } printf("\nFollowing test have been made:\n"); printf("Write records: %d\nUpdate records: %d\nDelete records: %d\n", write_count, update,delete); hash_free(&hash); hash_free(&hash2); my_end(MY_GIVE_INFO); return(0); err: printf("Got error: %d when using hashing\n",my_errno); return(-1); } /* main */ /* read options */ static int get_options(int argc, char **argv) { char *pos,*progname; progname= argv[0]; while (--argc >0 && *(pos = *(++argv)) == '-' ) { switch(*++pos) { case 'm': /* records */ recant=atoi(++pos); break; case 't': testflag=atoi(++pos); /* testmod */ break; case 'V': case 'I': case '?': printf("%s Ver 1.0 for %s at %s\n",progname,SYSTEM_TYPE,MACHINE_TYPE); printf("MySQL AB, by Monty\n\n"); printf("Usage: %s [-?ABIKLWv] [-m#] [-t#]\n",progname); exit(0); } } return 0; } /* get_options */ /* Get a random number in the interval 0 <= x <= n */ static int rnd(int max_value) { return (int) ((rand() & 32767)/32767.0*max_value); } /* rnd */ void free_record(void *record) { my_free(record,MYF(0)); }