/* Copyright (C) 2005 PrimeBase Technologies GmbH * * PrimeBase XT * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * 2004-01-03 Paul McCullagh * * H&G2JCtL * * Implementation of the PBXT internal data dictionary. */ #ifndef __datadic_xt_h__ #define __datadic_xt_h__ #include #include #include "ccutils_xt.h" #include "util_xt.h" struct XTDatabase; struct XTTable; struct XTIndex; struct XTOpenTable; struct XTIndex; struct XTDictionary; /* Constraint types: */ #define XT_DD_UNKNOWN ((u_int) -1) #define XT_DD_INDEX 0 #define XT_DD_INDEX_UNIQUE 1 #define XT_DD_KEY_PRIMARY 2 #define XT_DD_KEY_FOREIGN 3 #define XT_KEY_ACTION_RESTRICT 1 #define XT_KEY_ACTION_CASCADE 2 #define XT_KEY_ACTION_SET_NULL 3 #define XT_KEY_ACTION_SET_DEFAULT 4 #define XT_KEY_ACTION_NO_ACTION 5 /* Like RESTRICT, but check at end of statement. */ class XTDDEnumerableColumn; class XTDDColumnFactory; class XTDDColumn : public XTObject { protected: XTDDColumn() : XTObject(), dc_name(NULL), dc_data_type(NULL), dc_null_ok(true), dc_auto_inc(false) { } public: char *dc_name; char *dc_data_type; bool dc_null_ok; bool dc_auto_inc; virtual XTObject *factory(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject *new_obj; if (!(new_obj = new XTDDColumn())) xt_throw_errno(XT_CONTEXT, XT_ENOMEM); return new_obj; } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject::init(self); } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self, XTObject *obj); virtual void finalize(XTThreadPtr self); virtual void loadString(XTThreadPtr self, XTStringBufferPtr sb); virtual XTDDEnumerableColumn *castToEnumerable() { return NULL; } friend class XTDDColumnFactory; }; /* * subclass for ENUMs and SETs */ class XTDDEnumerableColumn : public XTDDColumn { protected: XTDDEnumerableColumn() : XTDDColumn(), enum_size(0), is_enum(0) { } public: int enum_size; /* number of elements in the ENUM or SET */ xtBool is_enum; /* TRUE if this is ENUM, FALSE if SET */ virtual XTObject *factory(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject *new_obj; if (!(new_obj = new XTDDEnumerableColumn())) xt_throw_errno(XT_CONTEXT, XT_ENOMEM); return new_obj; } virtual XTDDEnumerableColumn *castToEnumerable() { return this; } friend class XTDDColumnFactory; }; class XTDDColumnRef : public XTObject { public: char *cr_col_name; XTDDColumnRef() : XTObject(), cr_col_name(NULL) { } virtual XTObject *factory(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject *new_obj; if (!(new_obj = new XTDDColumnRef())) xt_throw_errno(XT_CONTEXT, XT_ENOMEM); return new_obj; } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject::init(self); } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self, XTObject *obj); virtual void finalize(XTThreadPtr self); }; class XTDDConstraint : public XTObject { public: class XTDDTable *co_table; /* The table of this constraint (non-referenced). */ u_int co_type; char *co_name; char *co_ind_name; XTList co_cols; XTDDConstraint(u_int t) : XTObject(), co_table(NULL), co_type(t), co_name(NULL), co_ind_name(NULL) { } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject::init(self); } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self, XTObject *obj); virtual void finalize(XTThreadPtr self) { if (co_name) xt_free(self, co_name); if (co_ind_name) xt_free(self, co_ind_name); co_cols.deleteAll(self); XTObject::finalize(self); } virtual void loadString(XTThreadPtr self, XTStringBufferPtr sb); virtual void alterColumnName(XTThreadPtr self, char *from_name, char *to_name); void getColumnList(char *buffer, size_t size); bool sameColumns(XTDDConstraint *co); bool samePrefixColumns(XTDDConstraint *co); bool attachColumns(); }; class XTDDTableRef : public XTObject { public: class XTDDTableRef *tr_next; /* The next reference in the list. */ class XTDDForeignKey *tr_fkey; /* The foreign key that references this table (if not-NULL). */ XTDDTableRef() : XTObject(), tr_next(NULL), tr_fkey(NULL) { } virtual void finalize(XTThreadPtr self); bool modifyRow(struct XTOpenTable *tab, xtWord1 *before, xtWord1 *after, XTThreadPtr thread); bool checkReference(xtWord1 *before, XTThreadPtr thread); void deleteAllRows(XTThreadPtr self); }; class XTDDIndex : public XTDDConstraint { public: u_int in_index; XTDDIndex(u_int type) : XTDDConstraint(type), in_index((u_int) -1) { } virtual XTObject *factory(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject *new_obj; if (!(new_obj = new XTDDIndex(XT_DD_UNKNOWN))) xt_throw_errno(XT_CONTEXT, XT_ENOMEM); return new_obj; } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self) { XTDDConstraint::init(self); } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self, XTObject *obj); struct XTIndex *getIndexPtr(); }; /* * A foreign key is based on a local index. */ class XTDDForeignKey : public XTDDIndex { public: XTPathStrPtr fk_ref_tab_name; XTDDTable *fk_ref_table; u_int fk_ref_index; /* The index on which this foreign key references. */ XTList fk_ref_cols; int fk_on_delete; int fk_on_update; XTDDForeignKey() : XTDDIndex(XT_DD_KEY_FOREIGN), fk_ref_tab_name(NULL), fk_ref_table(NULL), fk_ref_index(UINT_MAX), fk_on_delete(0), fk_on_update(0) { } virtual XTObject *factory(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject *new_obj; if (!(new_obj = new XTDDForeignKey())) xt_throw_errno(XT_CONTEXT, XT_ENOMEM); return new_obj; } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self) { XTDDIndex::init(self); } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self, XTObject *obj); virtual void finalize(XTThreadPtr self); virtual void loadString(XTThreadPtr self, XTStringBufferPtr sb); void getReferenceList(char *buffer, size_t size); struct XTIndex *getReferenceIndexPtr(); bool sameReferenceColumns(XTDDConstraint *co); bool samePrefixReferenceColumns(XTDDConstraint *co); bool checkReferencedTypes(XTDDTable *dt); void removeReference(XTThreadPtr self); bool insertRow(xtWord1 *before, xtWord1 *after, XTThreadPtr thread); bool updateRow(xtWord1 *before, xtWord1 *after, XTThreadPtr thread); static const char *actionTypeToString(int action); }; class XTDDTable : public XTObject { private: public: struct XTTable *dt_table; XTList dt_cols; XTList dt_indexes; XTRecurRWLockRec dt_ref_lock; /* The lock for adding and using references. */ XTList dt_fkeys; /* The foreign keys on this table. */ XTDDTableRef *dt_trefs; /* A list of tables that reference this table. */ virtual XTObject *factory(XTThreadPtr self) { XTObject *new_obj; if (!(new_obj = new XTDDTable())) xt_throw_errno(XT_CONTEXT, XT_ENOMEM); return new_obj; } virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self); virtual void init(XTThreadPtr self, XTObject *obj); virtual void finalize(XTThreadPtr self); XTDDColumn *findColumn(char *name); void loadString(XTThreadPtr self, XTStringBufferPtr sb); void loadForeignKeyString(XTThreadPtr self, XTStringBufferPtr sb); void checkForeignKeyReference(XTThreadPtr self, XTDDForeignKey *fk); void attachReferences(XTThreadPtr self, struct XTDatabase *db); void attachReference(XTThreadPtr self, XTDDForeignKey *fk); void alterColumnName(XTThreadPtr self, char *from_name, char *to_name); void attachReference(XTThreadPtr self, XTDDTable *dt); void removeReferences(XTThreadPtr self); void removeReference(XTThreadPtr self, XTDDForeignKey *fk); void checkForeignKeys(XTThreadPtr self, bool temp_table); XTDDIndex *findIndex(XTDDConstraint *co); XTDDIndex *findReferenceIndex(XTDDForeignKey *fk); bool insertRow(struct XTOpenTable *rec_ot, xtWord1 *buffer); bool checkNoAction(struct XTOpenTable *ot, xtRecordID rec_id); xtBool checkCanDrop(xtBool drop_db); bool deleteRow(struct XTOpenTable *rec_ot, xtWord1 *buffer); void deleteAllRows(XTThreadPtr self); bool updateRow(struct XTOpenTable *rec_ot, xtWord1 *before, xtWord1 *after); }; XTDDTable *xt_ri_create_table(XTThreadPtr self, bool convert, XTPathStrPtr tab_path, char *sql, XTDDTable *my_tab, struct XTDictionary *source_dic); #endif