/****************************************************** Data dictionary system (c) 1996 Innobase Oy Created 1/8/1996 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #ifndef dict0dict_h #define dict0dict_h #include "univ.i" #include "dict0types.h" #include "dict0mem.h" #include "data0type.h" #include "data0data.h" #include "sync0sync.h" #include "sync0rw.h" #include "mem0mem.h" #include "rem0types.h" #include "btr0types.h" #include "ut0mem.h" #include "ut0lst.h" #include "hash0hash.h" #include "ut0rnd.h" #include "ut0byte.h" #include "trx0types.h" #ifndef UNIV_HOTBACKUP /********************************************************************** Makes all characters in a NUL-terminated UTF-8 string lower case. */ void dict_casedn_str( /*============*/ char* a); /* in/out: string to put in lower case */ #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */ /************************************************************************ Get the database name length in a table name. */ ulint dict_get_db_name_len( /*=================*/ /* out: database name length */ const char* name); /* in: table name in the form dbname '/' tablename */ /************************************************************************ Return the end of table name where we have removed dbname and '/'. */ const char* dict_remove_db_name( /*================*/ /* out: table name */ const char* name); /* in: table name in the form dbname '/' tablename */ /************************************************************************ Decrements the count of open MySQL handles to a table. */ void dict_table_decrement_handle_count( /*==============================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************** Inits the data dictionary module. */ void dict_init(void); /*===========*/ /************************************************************************ Gets the space id of every table of the data dictionary and makes a linear list and a hash table of them to the data dictionary cache. This function can be called at database startup if we did not need to do a crash recovery. In crash recovery we must scan the space id's from the .ibd files in MySQL database directories. */ void dict_load_space_id_list(void); /*=========================*/ /************************************************************************* Gets the column data type. */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_col_copy_type( /*===============*/ const dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ dtype_t* type); /* out: data type */ /************************************************************************* Gets the column data type. */ void dict_col_copy_type_noninline( /*=========================*/ const dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ dtype_t* type); /* out: data type */ #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG /************************************************************************* Assert that a column and a data type match. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool dict_col_type_assert_equal( /*=======================*/ /* out: TRUE */ const dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ const dtype_t* type); /* in: data type */ #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /*************************************************************************** Returns the minimum size of the column. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_col_get_min_size( /*==================*/ /* out: minimum size */ const dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /*************************************************************************** Returns the maximum size of the column. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_col_get_max_size( /*==================*/ /* out: maximum size */ const dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /*************************************************************************** Returns the size of a fixed size column, 0 if not a fixed size column. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_col_get_fixed_size( /*====================*/ /* out: fixed size, or 0 */ const dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /*************************************************************************** Returns the ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT stored SQL NULL size of a column. For fixed length types it is the fixed length of the type, otherwise 0. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_col_get_sql_null_size( /*=======================*/ /* out: SQL null storage size in ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT */ const dict_col_t* col); /* in: column */ /************************************************************************* Gets the column number. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_col_get_no( /*============*/ const dict_col_t* col); /************************************************************************* Gets the column position in the clustered index. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_col_get_clust_pos( /*===================*/ const dict_col_t* col, /* in: table column */ const dict_index_t* clust_index); /* in: clustered index */ /************************************************************************* Gets the column position in the clustered index. */ ulint dict_col_get_clust_pos_noninline( /*=============================*/ const dict_col_t* col, /* in: table column */ const dict_index_t* clust_index); /* in: clustered index */ /******************************************************************** If the given column name is reserved for InnoDB system columns, return TRUE. */ ibool dict_col_name_is_reserved( /*======================*/ /* out: TRUE if name is reserved */ const char* name); /* in: column name */ /************************************************************************ Acquire the autoinc lock.*/ void dict_table_autoinc_lock( /*====================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Initializes the autoinc counter. It is not an error to initialize an already initialized counter. */ void dict_table_autoinc_initialize( /*==========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ib_longlong value); /* in: next value to assign to a row */ /************************************************************************ Reads the next autoinc value (== autoinc counter value), 0 if not yet initialized. */ ib_longlong dict_table_autoinc_read( /*====================*/ /* out: value for a new row, or 0 */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Updates the autoinc counter if the value supplied is equal or bigger than the current value. If not inited, does nothing. */ void dict_table_autoinc_update( /*======================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ib_longlong value); /* in: value which was assigned to a row */ /************************************************************************ Release the autoinc lock.*/ void dict_table_autoinc_unlock( /*======================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************** Adds system columns to a table object. */ void dict_table_add_system_columns( /*==========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in/out: table */ mem_heap_t* heap); /* in: temporary heap */ /************************************************************************** Adds a table object to the dictionary cache. */ void dict_table_add_to_cache( /*====================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ mem_heap_t* heap); /* in: temporary heap */ /************************************************************************** Removes a table object from the dictionary cache. */ void dict_table_remove_from_cache( /*=========================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in, own: table */ /************************************************************************** Renames a table object. */ ibool dict_table_rename_in_cache( /*=======================*/ /* out: TRUE if success */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ const char* new_name, /* in: new name */ ibool rename_also_foreigns);/* in: in ALTER TABLE we want to preserve the original table name in constraints which reference it */ /************************************************************************** Change the id of a table object in the dictionary cache. This is used in DISCARD TABLESPACE. */ void dict_table_change_id_in_cache( /*==========================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table object already in cache */ dulint new_id);/* in: new id to set */ /************************************************************************** Adds a foreign key constraint object to the dictionary cache. May free the object if there already is an object with the same identifier in. At least one of foreign table or referenced table must already be in the dictionary cache! */ ulint dict_foreign_add_to_cache( /*======================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */ dict_foreign_t* foreign, /* in, own: foreign key constraint */ ibool check_charsets);/* in: TRUE=check charset compatibility */ /************************************************************************* Checks if a table is referenced by foreign keys. */ ibool dict_table_referenced_by_foreign_key( /*=================================*/ /* out: TRUE if table is referenced by a foreign key */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: InnoDB table */ /************************************************************************** Determines whether a string starts with the specified keyword. */ ibool dict_str_starts_with_keyword( /*=========================*/ /* out: TRUE if str starts with keyword */ void* mysql_thd, /* in: MySQL thread handle */ const char* str, /* in: string to scan for keyword */ const char* keyword); /* in: keyword to look for */ /************************************************************************* Scans a table create SQL string and adds to the data dictionary the foreign key constraints declared in the string. This function should be called after the indexes for a table have been created. Each foreign key constraint must be accompanied with indexes in bot participating tables. The indexes are allowed to contain more fields than mentioned in the constraint. */ ulint dict_create_foreign_constraints( /*============================*/ /* out: error code or DB_SUCCESS */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ const char* sql_string, /* in: table create statement where foreign keys are declared like: FOREIGN KEY (a, b) REFERENCES table2(c, d), table2 can be written also with the database name before it: test.table2; the default database id the database of parameter name */ const char* name, /* in: table full name in the normalized form database_name/table_name */ ibool reject_fks); /* in: if TRUE, fail with error code DB_CANNOT_ADD_CONSTRAINT if any foreign keys are found. */ /************************************************************************** Parses the CONSTRAINT id's to be dropped in an ALTER TABLE statement. */ ulint dict_foreign_parse_drop_constraints( /*================================*/ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or DB_CANNOT_DROP_CONSTRAINT if syntax error or the constraint id does not match */ mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: heap from which we can allocate memory */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint* n, /* out: number of constraints to drop */ const char*** constraints_to_drop); /* out: id's of the constraints to drop */ /************************************************************************** Returns a table object and optionally increment its MySQL open handle count. NOTE! This is a high-level function to be used mainly from outside the 'dict' directory. Inside this directory dict_table_get_low is usually the appropriate function. */ dict_table_t* dict_table_get( /*===========*/ /* out: table, NULL if does not exist */ const char* table_name, /* in: table name */ ibool inc_mysql_count); /* in: whether to increment the open handle count on the table */ /************************************************************************** Returns a table object based on table id. */ dict_table_t* dict_table_get_on_id( /*=================*/ /* out: table, NULL if does not exist */ dulint table_id, /* in: table id */ trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction handle */ /************************************************************************** Returns a table object based on table id. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_table_t* dict_table_get_on_id_low( /*=====================*/ /* out: table, NULL if does not exist */ dulint table_id); /* in: table id */ /************************************************************************** Checks if a table is in the dictionary cache. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_table_t* dict_table_check_if_in_cache_low( /*=============================*/ /* out: table, NULL if not found */ const char* table_name); /* in: table name */ /************************************************************************** Gets a table; loads it to the dictionary cache if necessary. A low-level function. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_table_t* dict_table_get_low( /*===============*/ /* out: table, NULL if not found */ const char* table_name); /* in: table name */ /************************************************************************** A noninlined version of dict_table_get_low. */ dict_table_t* dict_table_get_low_noninlined( /*==========================*/ /* out: table, NULL if not found */ const char* table_name); /* in: table name */ /************************************************************************** Returns an index object. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_index_t* dict_table_get_index( /*=================*/ /* out: index, NULL if does not exist */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ const char* name); /* in: index name */ /************************************************************************** Returns an index object. */ dict_index_t* dict_table_get_index_noninline( /*===========================*/ /* out: index, NULL if does not exist */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ const char* name); /* in: index name */ /************************************************************************** Returns a column's name. */ const char* dict_table_get_col_name( /*====================*/ /* out: column name. NOTE: not guaranteed to stay valid if table is modified in any way (columns added, etc.). */ const dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint col_nr);/* in: column number */ /************************************************************************** Prints a table definition. */ void dict_table_print( /*=============*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************** Prints a table data. */ void dict_table_print_low( /*=================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************** Prints a table data when we know the table name. */ void dict_table_print_by_name( /*=====================*/ const char* name); /************************************************************************** Outputs info on foreign keys of a table. */ void dict_print_info_on_foreign_keys( /*============================*/ ibool create_table_format, /* in: if TRUE then print in a format suitable to be inserted into a CREATE TABLE, otherwise in the format of SHOW TABLE STATUS */ FILE* file, /* in: file where to print */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************** Outputs info on a foreign key of a table in a format suitable for CREATE TABLE. */ void dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format( /*============================================*/ FILE* file, /* in: file where to print */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ dict_foreign_t* foreign, /* in: foreign key constraint */ ibool add_newline); /* in: whether to add a newline */ /************************************************************************ Displays the names of the index and the table. */ void dict_index_name_print( /*==================*/ FILE* file, /* in: output stream */ trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */ const dict_index_t* index); /* in: index to print */ /************************************************************************ Gets the first index on the table (the clustered index). */ UNIV_INLINE dict_index_t* dict_table_get_first_index( /*=======================*/ /* out: index, NULL if none exists */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Gets the first index on the table (the clustered index). */ dict_index_t* dict_table_get_first_index_noninline( /*=================================*/ /* out: index, NULL if none exists */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Gets the next index on the table. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_index_t* dict_table_get_next_index( /*======================*/ /* out: index, NULL if none left */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************ Gets the next index on the table. */ dict_index_t* dict_table_get_next_index_noninline( /*================================*/ /* out: index, NULL if none left */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of user-defined columns in a table in the dictionary cache. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_table_get_n_user_cols( /*=======================*/ /* out: number of user-defined (e.g., not ROW_ID) columns of a table */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of system columns in a table in the dictionary cache. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_table_get_n_sys_cols( /*======================*/ /* out: number of system (e.g., ROW_ID) columns of a table */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of all columns (also system) in a table in the dictionary cache. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_table_get_n_cols( /*==================*/ /* out: number of columns of a table */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Gets the nth column of a table. */ UNIV_INLINE const dict_col_t* dict_table_get_nth_col( /*===================*/ /* out: pointer to column object */ const dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint pos); /* in: position of column */ /************************************************************************ Gets the nth column of a table. */ const dict_col_t* dict_table_get_nth_col_noninline( /*=============================*/ /* out: pointer to column object */ const dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint pos); /* in: position of column */ /************************************************************************ Gets the given system column of a table. */ UNIV_INLINE const dict_col_t* dict_table_get_sys_col( /*===================*/ /* out: pointer to column object */ const dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint sys); /* in: DATA_ROW_ID, ... */ /************************************************************************ Gets the given system column number of a table. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_table_get_sys_col_no( /*======================*/ /* out: column number */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint sys); /* in: DATA_ROW_ID, ... */ /************************************************************************ Check whether the table uses the compact page format. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool dict_table_is_comp( /*===============*/ /* out: TRUE if table uses the compact page format */ const dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Check whether the table uses the compact page format. */ ibool dict_table_is_comp_noninline( /*=========================*/ /* out: TRUE if table uses the compact page format */ const dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Checks if a column is in the ordering columns of the clustered index of a table. Column prefixes are treated like whole columns. */ ibool dict_table_col_in_clustered_key( /*============================*/ /* out: TRUE if the column, or its prefix, is in the clustered key */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint n); /* in: column number */ /*********************************************************************** Copies types of columns contained in table to tuple. */ void dict_table_copy_types( /*==================*/ dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: data tuple */ dict_table_t* table); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************** Looks for an index with the given id. NOTE that we do not reserve the dictionary mutex: this function is for emergency purposes like printing info of a corrupt database page! */ dict_index_t* dict_index_find_on_id_low( /*======================*/ /* out: index or NULL if not found from cache */ dulint id); /* in: index id */ /************************************************************************** Adds an index to the dictionary cache. */ void dict_index_add_to_cache( /*====================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table on which the index is */ dict_index_t* index, /* in, own: index; NOTE! The index memory object is freed in this function! */ ulint page_no);/* in: root page number of the index */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of fields in the internal representation of an index, including fields added by the dictionary system. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_n_fields( /*====================*/ /* out: number of fields */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: an internal representation of index (in the dictionary cache) */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of fields in the internal representation of an index that uniquely determine the position of an index entry in the index, if we do not take multiversioning into account: in the B-tree use the value returned by dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_n_unique( /*====================*/ /* out: number of fields */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: an internal representation of index (in the dictionary cache) */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of fields in the internal representation of an index which uniquely determine the position of an index entry in the index, if we also take multiversioning into account. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_n_unique_in_tree( /*============================*/ /* out: number of fields */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: an internal representation of index (in the dictionary cache) */ /************************************************************************ Gets the number of user-defined ordering fields in the index. In the internal representation we add the row id to the ordering fields to make all indexes unique, but this function returns the number of fields the user defined in the index as ordering fields. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_n_ordering_defined_by_user( /*======================================*/ /* out: number of fields */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: an internal representation of index (in the dictionary cache) */ /************************************************************************ Gets the nth field of an index. */ UNIV_INLINE dict_field_t* dict_index_get_nth_field( /*=====================*/ /* out: pointer to field object */ const dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint pos); /* in: position of field */ /************************************************************************ Gets pointer to the nth column in an index. */ UNIV_INLINE const dict_col_t* dict_index_get_nth_col( /*===================*/ /* out: column */ const dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint pos); /* in: position of the field */ /************************************************************************ Gets the column number of the nth field in an index. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_nth_col_no( /*======================*/ /* out: column number */ const dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint pos); /* in: position of the field */ /************************************************************************ Looks for column n in an index. */ ulint dict_index_get_nth_col_pos( /*=======================*/ /* out: position in internal representation of the index; if not contained, returns ULINT_UNDEFINED */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint n); /* in: column number */ /************************************************************************ Returns TRUE if the index contains a column or a prefix of that column. */ ibool dict_index_contains_col_or_prefix( /*==============================*/ /* out: TRUE if contains the column or its prefix */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint n); /* in: column number */ /************************************************************************ Looks for a matching field in an index. The column has to be the same. The column in index must be complete, or must contain a prefix longer than the column in index2. That is, we must be able to construct the prefix in index2 from the prefix in index. */ ulint dict_index_get_nth_field_pos( /*=========================*/ /* out: position in internal representation of the index; if not contained, returns ULINT_UNDEFINED */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index from which to search */ dict_index_t* index2, /* in: index */ ulint n); /* in: field number in index2 */ /************************************************************************ Looks for column n position in the clustered index. */ ulint dict_table_get_nth_col_pos( /*=======================*/ /* out: position in internal representation of the clustered index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ulint n); /* in: column number */ /************************************************************************ Returns the position of a system column in an index. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_sys_col_pos( /*=======================*/ /* out: position, ULINT_UNDEFINED if not contained */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint type); /* in: DATA_ROW_ID, ... */ /*********************************************************************** Adds a column to index. */ void dict_index_add_col( /*===============*/ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ dict_col_t* col, /* in: column */ ulint prefix_len); /* in: column prefix length */ /*********************************************************************** Copies types of fields contained in index to tuple. */ void dict_index_copy_types( /*==================*/ dtuple_t* tuple, /* in: data tuple */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint n_fields); /* in: number of field types to copy */ /************************************************************************* Gets the field column. */ UNIV_INLINE const dict_col_t* dict_field_get_col( /*===============*/ const dict_field_t* field); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG /************************************************************************** Returns an index object if it is found in the dictionary cache. */ dict_index_t* dict_index_get_if_in_cache( /*=======================*/ /* out: index, NULL if not found */ dulint index_id); /* in: index id */ /************************************************************************** Checks that a tuple has n_fields_cmp value in a sensible range, so that no comparison can occur with the page number field in a node pointer. */ ibool dict_index_check_search_tuple( /*==========================*/ /* out: TRUE if ok */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ dtuple_t* tuple); /* in: tuple used in a search */ #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /************************************************************************** Builds a node pointer out of a physical record and a page number. */ dtuple_t* dict_index_build_node_ptr( /*======================*/ /* out, own: node pointer */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ rec_t* rec, /* in: record for which to build node pointer */ ulint page_no,/* in: page number to put in node pointer */ mem_heap_t* heap, /* in: memory heap where pointer created */ ulint level); /* in: level of rec in tree: 0 means leaf level */ /************************************************************************** Copies an initial segment of a physical record, long enough to specify an index entry uniquely. */ rec_t* dict_index_copy_rec_order_prefix( /*=============================*/ /* out: pointer to the prefix record */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ rec_t* rec, /* in: record for which to copy prefix */ ulint* n_fields,/* out: number of fields copied */ byte** buf, /* in/out: memory buffer for the copied prefix, or NULL */ ulint* buf_size);/* in/out: buffer size */ /************************************************************************** Builds a typed data tuple out of a physical record. */ dtuple_t* dict_index_build_data_tuple( /*========================*/ /* out, own: data tuple */ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ rec_t* rec, /* in: record for which to build data tuple */ ulint n_fields,/* in: number of data fields */ mem_heap_t* heap); /* in: memory heap where tuple created */ /************************************************************************* Gets the space id of the root of the index tree. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_space( /*=================*/ /* out: space id */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************* Sets the space id of the root of the index tree. */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_index_set_space( /*=================*/ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint space); /* in: space id */ /************************************************************************* Gets the page number of the root of the index tree. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_page( /*================*/ /* out: page number */ dict_index_t* tree); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************* Sets the page number of the root of index tree. */ UNIV_INLINE void dict_index_set_page( /*================*/ dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */ ulint page); /* in: page number */ /************************************************************************* Gets the type of the index tree. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_type( /*================*/ /* out: type */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************* Gets the read-write lock of the index tree. */ UNIV_INLINE rw_lock_t* dict_index_get_lock( /*================*/ /* out: read-write lock */ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************ Returns free space reserved for future updates of records. This is relevant only in the case of many consecutive inserts, as updates which make the records bigger might fragment the index. */ UNIV_INLINE ulint dict_index_get_space_reserve(void); /*==============================*/ /* out: number of free bytes on page, reserved for updates */ /************************************************************************* Calculates the minimum record length in an index. */ ulint dict_index_calc_min_rec_len( /*========================*/ dict_index_t* index); /* in: index */ /************************************************************************* Calculates new estimates for table and index statistics. The statistics are used in query optimization. */ void dict_update_statistics_low( /*=======================*/ dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */ ibool has_dict_mutex);/* in: TRUE if the caller has the dictionary mutex */ /************************************************************************* Calculates new estimates for table and index statistics. The statistics are used in query optimization. */ void dict_update_statistics( /*===================*/ dict_table_t* table); /* in: table */ /************************************************************************ Reserves the dictionary system mutex for MySQL. */ void dict_mutex_enter_for_mysql(void); /*============================*/ /************************************************************************ Releases the dictionary system mutex for MySQL. */ void dict_mutex_exit_for_mysql(void); /*===========================*/ /************************************************************************ Checks if the database name in two table names is the same. */ ibool dict_tables_have_same_db( /*=====================*/ /* out: TRUE if same db name */ const char* name1, /* in: table name in the form dbname '/' tablename */ const char* name2); /* in: table name in the form dbname '/' tablename */ /************************************************************************* Scans from pointer onwards. Stops if is at the start of a copy of 'string' where characters are compared without case sensitivity. Stops also at '\0'. */ const char* dict_scan_to( /*=========*/ /* out: scanned up to this */ const char* ptr, /* in: scan from */ const char* string);/* in: look for this */ /* Buffers for storing detailed information about the latest foreign key and unique key errors */ extern FILE* dict_foreign_err_file; extern mutex_t dict_foreign_err_mutex; /* mutex protecting the buffers */ extern dict_sys_t* dict_sys; /* the dictionary system */ extern rw_lock_t dict_operation_lock; /* Dictionary system struct */ struct dict_sys_struct{ mutex_t mutex; /* mutex protecting the data dictionary; protects also the disk-based dictionary system tables; this mutex serializes CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE, as well as reading the dictionary data for a table from system tables */ dulint row_id; /* the next row id to assign; NOTE that at a checkpoint this must be written to the dict system header and flushed to a file; in recovery this must be derived from the log records */ hash_table_t* table_hash; /* hash table of the tables, based on name */ hash_table_t* table_id_hash; /* hash table of the tables, based on id */ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(dict_table_t) table_LRU; /* LRU list of tables */ ulint size; /* varying space in bytes occupied by the data dictionary table and index objects */ dict_table_t* sys_tables; /* SYS_TABLES table */ dict_table_t* sys_columns; /* SYS_COLUMNS table */ dict_table_t* sys_indexes; /* SYS_INDEXES table */ dict_table_t* sys_fields; /* SYS_FIELDS table */ }; #ifndef UNIV_NONINL #include "dict0dict.ic" #endif #endif