/* - mode: c; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "libdrizzle_priv.h" #include "libdrizzle.h" #include "errmsg.h" #include "pack.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_POLL #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H #include #endif #ifndef INADDR_NONE #define INADDR_NONE -1 #endif #include #include /* Borrowed from libicu header */ #define U8_IS_SINGLE(c) (((c)&0x80)==0) #define U8_LENGTH(c) \ ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7f ? 1 : \ ((uint32_t)(c)<=0x7ff ? 2 : \ ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xd7ff ? 3 : \ ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xdfff || (uint32_t)(c)>0x10ffff ? 0 : \ ((uint32_t)(c)<=0xffff ? 3 : 4)\ ) \ ) \ ) \ ) #undef net_buffer_length #undef max_allowed_packet uint32_t net_buffer_length= 8192; uint32_t max_allowed_packet= 1024L*1024L*1024L; unsigned int drizzle_port=0; #include static DRIZZLE_PARAMETERS drizzle_internal_parameters= {&max_allowed_packet, &net_buffer_length, 0}; const DRIZZLE_PARAMETERS * drizzle_get_parameters(void) { return &drizzle_internal_parameters; } unsigned int drizzle_get_default_port(void) { return drizzle_port; } void drizzle_set_default_port(unsigned int port) { drizzle_port= port; } /* Expand wildcard to a sql string */ static void append_wild(char *to, char *end, const char *wild) { end-=5; /* Some extra */ if (wild && wild[0]) { to= strcpy(to," like '"); to+= 7; /* strlen(" like '"); */ while (*wild && to < end) { if (*wild == '\\' || *wild == '\'') *to++='\\'; *to++= *wild++; } if (*wild) /* Too small buffer */ *to++='%'; /* Nicer this way */ to[0]='\''; to[1]=0; } } /************************************************************************** Change user and database **************************************************************************/ int cli_read_change_user_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { uint32_t pkt_length; pkt_length= cli_safe_read(drizzle); if (pkt_length == packet_error) return 1; return 0; } bool drizzle_change_user(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db) { char buff[USERNAME_LENGTH+SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH+NAME_LEN+2]; char *end= buff; int rc; /* Use an empty string instead of NULL. */ if (!user) user=""; if (!passwd) passwd=""; /* Store user into the buffer */ end= strncpy(end, user, USERNAME_LENGTH) + USERNAME_LENGTH + 1; /* write scrambled password according to server capabilities */ if (passwd[0]) { { *end++= SCRAMBLE_LENGTH; end+= SCRAMBLE_LENGTH; } } else *end++= '\0'; /* empty password */ /* Add database if needed */ end= strncpy(end, db ? db : "", NAME_LEN) + NAME_LEN + 1; /* Add character set number. */ if (drizzle->server_capabilities & CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION) { int2store(end, (uint16_t) 45); // utf8mb4 number from mystrings/ctype-utf8.c end+= 2; } /* Write authentication package */ (void)simple_command(drizzle,COM_CHANGE_USER, (unsigned char*) buff, (uint32_t) (end-buff), 1); rc= (*drizzle->methods->read_change_user_result)(drizzle); if (rc == 0) { /* Free old connect information */ if(drizzle->user) free(drizzle->user); if(drizzle->passwd) free(drizzle->passwd); if(drizzle->db) free(drizzle->db); /* alloc new connect information */ drizzle->user= strdup(user); drizzle->passwd= strdup(passwd); drizzle->db= db ? strdup(db) : 0; } return(rc); } #if defined(HAVE_GETPWUID) && defined(NO_GETPWUID_DECL) struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t); char* getlogin(void); #endif /************************************************************************** Do a query. If query returned rows, free old rows. Read data by drizzle_store_result or by repeat call of drizzle_fetch_row **************************************************************************/ int drizzle_query(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *query) { return drizzle_real_query(drizzle,query, (uint32_t) strlen(query)); } /************************************************************************** Return next field of the query results **************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_FIELD * drizzle_fetch_field(DRIZZLE_RES *result) { if (result->current_field >= result->field_count) return(NULL); return &result->fields[result->current_field++]; } /************************************************************************** Move to a specific row and column **************************************************************************/ void drizzle_data_seek(DRIZZLE_RES *result, uint64_t row) { DRIZZLE_ROWS *tmp=0; if (result->data) for (tmp=result->data->data; row-- && tmp ; tmp = tmp->next) ; result->current_row=0; result->data_cursor = tmp; } /************************************************************************* put the row or field cursor one a position one got from DRIZZLE_ROW_tell() This doesn't restore any data. The next drizzle_fetch_row or drizzle_fetch_field will return the next row or field after the last used *************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET drizzle_row_seek(DRIZZLE_RES *result, DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET row) { DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET return_value=result->data_cursor; result->current_row= 0; result->data_cursor= row; return return_value; } DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET drizzle_field_seek(DRIZZLE_RES *result, DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET field_offset) { DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET return_value=result->current_field; result->current_field=field_offset; return return_value; } /***************************************************************************** List all tables in a database If wild is given then only the tables matching wild is returned *****************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_list_tables(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *wild) { char buff[255]; char *ptr= strcpy(buff, "show tables"); ptr+= 11; /* strlen("show tables"); */ append_wild(ptr,buff+sizeof(buff),wild); if (drizzle_query(drizzle,buff)) return(0); return (drizzle_store_result(drizzle)); } DRIZZLE_FIELD *cli_list_fields(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { DRIZZLE_DATA *query; if (!(query= cli_read_rows(drizzle,(DRIZZLE_FIELD*) 0, 8))) return NULL; drizzle->field_count= (uint32_t) query->rows; return unpack_fields(query, drizzle->field_count, 1); } /************************************************************************** List all fields in a table If wild is given then only the fields matching wild is returned Instead of this use query: show fields in 'table' like "wild" **************************************************************************/ DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_list_fields(DRIZZLE *drizzle, const char *table, const char *wild) { DRIZZLE_RES *result; DRIZZLE_FIELD *fields; char buff[257], *end; end= strncpy(buff, table, 128) + 128; end= strncpy(end+1, wild ? wild : "", 128) + 128; free_old_query(drizzle); if (simple_command(drizzle, COM_FIELD_LIST, (unsigned char*) buff, (uint32_t) (end-buff), 1) || !(fields= (*drizzle->methods->list_fields)(drizzle))) return(NULL); if (!(result = (DRIZZLE_RES *) malloc(sizeof(DRIZZLE_RES)))) return(NULL); memset(result, 0, sizeof(DRIZZLE_RES)); result->methods= drizzle->methods; drizzle->fields=0; result->field_count = drizzle->field_count; result->fields= fields; result->eof=1; return(result); } /* List all running processes (threads) in server */ DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_list_processes(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { DRIZZLE_DATA *fields; uint32_t field_count; unsigned char *pos; if (simple_command(drizzle,COM_PROCESS_INFO,0,0,0)) return(0); free_old_query(drizzle); pos=(unsigned char*) drizzle->net.read_pos; field_count=(uint32_t) net_field_length(&pos); if (!(fields = (*drizzle->methods->read_rows)(drizzle,(DRIZZLE_FIELD*) 0, 7))) return(NULL); if (!(drizzle->fields=unpack_fields(fields, field_count, 0))) return(0); drizzle->status=DRIZZLE_STATUS_GET_RESULT; drizzle->field_count=field_count; return(drizzle_store_result(drizzle)); } int drizzle_shutdown(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return(simple_command(drizzle, COM_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0, 0)); } int drizzle_refresh(DRIZZLE *drizzle, uint32_t options) { unsigned char bits[1]; bits[0]= (unsigned char) options; return(simple_command(drizzle, COM_REFRESH, bits, 1, 0)); } int32_t drizzle_kill(DRIZZLE *drizzle, uint32_t pid) { unsigned char buff[4]; int4store(buff,pid); return(simple_command(drizzle,COM_PROCESS_KILL,buff,sizeof(buff),0)); } int drizzle_set_server_option(DRIZZLE *drizzle, enum enum_drizzle_set_option option) { unsigned char buff[2]; int2store(buff, (uint32_t) option); return(simple_command(drizzle, COM_SET_OPTION, buff, sizeof(buff), 0)); } const char *cli_read_statistics(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { drizzle->net.read_pos[drizzle->packet_length]=0; /* End of stat string */ if (!drizzle->net.read_pos[0]) { drizzle_set_error(drizzle, CR_WRONG_HOST_INFO, sqlstate_get_unknown()); return drizzle->net.last_error; } return (char*) drizzle->net.read_pos; } int drizzle_ping(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { int res; res= simple_command(drizzle,COM_PING,0,0,0); if (res == CR_SERVER_LOST && drizzle->reconnect) res= simple_command(drizzle,COM_PING,0,0,0); return(res); } const char * drizzle_get_server_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return((char*) drizzle->server_version); } const char * drizzle_get_host_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return(drizzle->host_info); } uint32_t drizzle_get_proto_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (drizzle->protocol_version); } const char * drizzle_get_client_info(void) { return (char*) VERSION; } uint32_t drizzle_get_client_version(void) { return DRIZZLE_VERSION_ID; } bool drizzle_eof(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->eof; } const DRIZZLE_FIELD * drizzle_fetch_field_direct(const DRIZZLE_RES *res, unsigned int fieldnr) { return &(res)->fields[fieldnr]; } const DRIZZLE_FIELD * drizzle_fetch_fields(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->fields; } DRIZZLE_ROW_OFFSET drizzle_row_tell(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->data_cursor; } DRIZZLE_FIELD_OFFSET drizzle_field_tell(const DRIZZLE_RES *res) { return res->current_field; } /* DRIZZLE */ unsigned int drizzle_field_count(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->field_count; } uint64_t drizzle_affected_rows(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->affected_rows; } uint64_t drizzle_insert_id(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->insert_id; } const char * drizzle_sqlstate(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle ? drizzle->net.sqlstate : sqlstate_get_cant_connect(); } uint32_t drizzle_warning_count(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->warning_count; } const char * drizzle_info(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->info; } uint32_t drizzle_thread_id(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return drizzle->thread_id; } /**************************************************************************** Some support functions ****************************************************************************/ /* Functions called my my_net_init() to set some application specific variables */ void my_net_local_init(NET *net) { net->max_packet= (uint32_t) net_buffer_length; my_net_set_read_timeout(net, CLIENT_NET_READ_TIMEOUT); my_net_set_write_timeout(net, CLIENT_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT); net->retry_count= 1; net->max_packet_size= (net_buffer_length > max_allowed_packet) ? net_buffer_length : max_allowed_packet; } /* Add escape characters to a string (blob?) to make it suitable for a insert to should at least have place for length*2+1 chars Returns the length of the to string */ uint32_t drizzle_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, uint32_t length) { const char *to_start= to; const char *end, *to_end=to_start + 2*length; bool overflow= false; for (end= from + length; from < end; from++) { uint32_t tmp_length; char escape= 0; if (!U8_IS_SINGLE(*from)) { tmp_length= U8_LENGTH(*(uint32_t*)from); if (to + tmp_length > to_end) { overflow= true; break; } while (tmp_length--) *to++= *from++; from--; continue; } switch (*from) { case 0: /* Must be escaped for 'mysql' */ escape= '0'; break; case '\n': /* Must be escaped for logs */ escape= 'n'; break; case '\r': escape= 'r'; break; case '\\': escape= '\\'; break; case '\'': escape= '\''; break; case '"': /* Better safe than sorry */ escape= '"'; break; case '\032': /* This gives problems on Win32 */ escape= 'Z'; break; } if (escape) { if (to + 2 > to_end) { overflow= true; break; } *to++= '\\'; *to++= escape; } else { if (to + 1 > to_end) { overflow= true; break; } *to++= *from; } } *to= 0; return overflow ? (size_t) -1 : (size_t) (to - to_start); } int cli_unbuffered_fetch(DRIZZLE *drizzle, char **row) { if (packet_error == cli_safe_read(drizzle)) return 1; *row= ((drizzle->net.read_pos[0] == DRIZZLE_PROTOCOL_NO_MORE_DATA) ? NULL : (char*) (drizzle->net.read_pos+1)); return 0; } /******************************************************************** Transactional APIs *********************************************************************/ /* Commit the current transaction */ bool drizzle_commit(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return((bool) drizzle_real_query(drizzle, "commit", 6)); } /* Rollback the current transaction */ bool drizzle_rollback(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return((bool) drizzle_real_query(drizzle, "rollback", 8)); } /* Set autocommit to either true or false */ bool drizzle_autocommit(DRIZZLE *drizzle, bool auto_mode) { return((bool) drizzle_real_query(drizzle, auto_mode ? "set autocommit=1":"set autocommit=0", 16)); } /******************************************************************** Multi query execution + SPs APIs *********************************************************************/ /* Returns true/false to indicate whether any more query results exist to be read using drizzle_next_result() */ bool drizzle_more_results(const DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (drizzle->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) ? true:false; } /* Reads and returns the next query results */ int drizzle_next_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { if (drizzle->status != DRIZZLE_STATUS_READY) { drizzle_set_error(drizzle, CR_COMMANDS_OUT_OF_SYNC, sqlstate_get_unknown()); return(1); } net_clear_error(&drizzle->net); drizzle->affected_rows= ~(uint64_t) 0; if (drizzle->server_status & SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS) return((*drizzle->methods->next_result)(drizzle)); return(-1); /* No more results */ } DRIZZLE_RES * drizzle_use_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (*drizzle->methods->use_result)(drizzle); } bool drizzle_read_query_result(DRIZZLE *drizzle) { return (*drizzle->methods->read_query_result)(drizzle); }