/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef DRIZZLED_PLUGIN_STORAGE_ENGINE_H #define DRIZZLED_PLUGIN_STORAGE_ENGINE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "drizzled/plugin/plugin.h" #include "drizzled/sql_string.h" #include "drizzled/schema_identifier.h" #include "drizzled/table_identifier.h" #include "drizzled/cached_directory.h" #include "drizzled/plugin/monitored_in_transaction.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace drizzled { class TableList; class Session; class Cursor; typedef struct st_hash HASH; class TableShare; typedef drizzle_lex_string LEX_STRING; typedef bool (stat_print_fn)(Session *session, const char *type, uint32_t type_len, const char *file, uint32_t file_len, const char *status, uint32_t status_len); /* Possible flags of a StorageEngine (there can be 32 of them) */ enum engine_flag_bits { HTON_BIT_ALTER_NOT_SUPPORTED, // Engine does not support alter HTON_BIT_HIDDEN, // Engine does not appear in lists HTON_BIT_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE, HTON_BIT_TEMPORARY_NOT_SUPPORTED, // Having temporary tables not supported HTON_BIT_TEMPORARY_ONLY, HTON_BIT_DOES_TRANSACTIONS, HTON_BIT_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT, HTON_BIT_NULL_IN_KEY, HTON_BIT_CAN_INDEX_BLOBS, HTON_BIT_PRIMARY_KEY_IN_READ_INDEX, HTON_BIT_PARTIAL_COLUMN_READ, HTON_BIT_TABLE_SCAN_ON_INDEX, HTON_BIT_FAST_KEY_READ, HTON_BIT_NO_BLOBS, HTON_BIT_HAS_RECORDS, HTON_BIT_NO_AUTO_INCREMENT, HTON_BIT_DUPLICATE_POS, HTON_BIT_AUTO_PART_KEY, HTON_BIT_REQUIRE_PRIMARY_KEY, HTON_BIT_REQUIRES_KEY_COLUMNS_FOR_DELETE, HTON_BIT_PRIMARY_KEY_REQUIRED_FOR_DELETE, HTON_BIT_NO_PREFIX_CHAR_KEYS, HTON_BIT_HAS_CHECKSUM, HTON_BIT_SKIP_STORE_LOCK, HTON_BIT_SCHEMA_DICTIONARY, HTON_BIT_FOREIGN_KEYS, HTON_BIT_SIZE }; static const std::bitset HTON_NO_FLAGS(0); static const std::bitset HTON_ALTER_NOT_SUPPORTED(1 << HTON_BIT_ALTER_NOT_SUPPORTED); static const std::bitset HTON_HIDDEN(1 << HTON_BIT_HIDDEN); static const std::bitset HTON_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE(1 << HTON_BIT_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE); static const std::bitset HTON_TEMPORARY_NOT_SUPPORTED(1 << HTON_BIT_TEMPORARY_NOT_SUPPORTED); static const std::bitset HTON_TEMPORARY_ONLY(1 << HTON_BIT_TEMPORARY_ONLY); static const std::bitset HTON_HAS_DOES_TRANSACTIONS(1 << HTON_BIT_DOES_TRANSACTIONS); static const std::bitset HTON_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT(1 << HTON_BIT_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT); static const std::bitset HTON_NULL_IN_KEY(1 << HTON_BIT_NULL_IN_KEY); static const std::bitset HTON_CAN_INDEX_BLOBS(1 << HTON_BIT_CAN_INDEX_BLOBS); static const std::bitset HTON_PRIMARY_KEY_IN_READ_INDEX(1 << HTON_BIT_PRIMARY_KEY_IN_READ_INDEX); static const std::bitset HTON_PARTIAL_COLUMN_READ(1 << HTON_BIT_PARTIAL_COLUMN_READ); static const std::bitset HTON_TABLE_SCAN_ON_INDEX(1 << HTON_BIT_TABLE_SCAN_ON_INDEX); static const std::bitset HTON_FAST_KEY_READ(1 << HTON_BIT_FAST_KEY_READ); static const std::bitset HTON_NO_BLOBS(1 << HTON_BIT_NO_BLOBS); static const std::bitset HTON_HAS_RECORDS(1 << HTON_BIT_HAS_RECORDS); static const std::bitset HTON_NO_AUTO_INCREMENT(1 << HTON_BIT_NO_AUTO_INCREMENT); static const std::bitset HTON_DUPLICATE_POS(1 << HTON_BIT_DUPLICATE_POS); static const std::bitset HTON_AUTO_PART_KEY(1 << HTON_BIT_AUTO_PART_KEY); static const std::bitset HTON_REQUIRE_PRIMARY_KEY(1 << HTON_BIT_REQUIRE_PRIMARY_KEY); static const std::bitset HTON_REQUIRES_KEY_COLUMNS_FOR_DELETE(1 << HTON_BIT_REQUIRES_KEY_COLUMNS_FOR_DELETE); static const std::bitset HTON_PRIMARY_KEY_REQUIRED_FOR_DELETE(1 << HTON_BIT_PRIMARY_KEY_REQUIRED_FOR_DELETE); static const std::bitset HTON_NO_PREFIX_CHAR_KEYS(1 << HTON_BIT_NO_PREFIX_CHAR_KEYS); static const std::bitset HTON_HAS_CHECKSUM(1 << HTON_BIT_HAS_CHECKSUM); static const std::bitset HTON_SKIP_STORE_LOCK(1 << HTON_BIT_SKIP_STORE_LOCK); static const std::bitset HTON_HAS_SCHEMA_DICTIONARY(1 << HTON_BIT_SCHEMA_DICTIONARY); static const std::bitset HTON_HAS_FOREIGN_KEYS(1 << HTON_BIT_FOREIGN_KEYS); class Table; class NamedSavepoint; namespace plugin { typedef unordered_map EngineMap; typedef std::vector EngineVector; typedef std::set TableNameList; extern const std::string UNKNOWN_STRING; extern const std::string DEFAULT_DEFINITION_FILE_EXT; /* StorageEngine is a singleton structure - one instance per storage engine - to provide access to storage engine functionality that works on the "global" level (unlike Cursor class that works on a per-table basis) usually StorageEngine instance is defined statically in ha_xxx.cc as static StorageEngine { ... } xxx_engine; */ class StorageEngine : public Plugin, public MonitoredInTransaction { public: typedef uint64_t Table_flags; private: const std::bitset flags; /* global Cursor flags */ static EngineVector &getSchemaEngines(); virtual void setTransactionReadWrite(Session& session); /* * Indicates to a storage engine the start of a * new SQL statement. */ virtual void doStartStatement(Session *session) { (void) session; } /* * Indicates to a storage engine the end of * the current SQL statement in the supplied * Session. */ virtual void doEndStatement(Session *session) { (void) session; } protected: std::string table_definition_ext; public: const std::string& getTableDefinitionFileExtension() { return table_definition_ext; } private: std::vector aliases; public: const std::vector& getAliases() const { return aliases; } void addAlias(std::string alias) { aliases.push_back(alias); } protected: /** @brief Used as a protobuf storage currently by TEMP only engines. */ typedef std::map ProtoCache; ProtoCache proto_cache; pthread_mutex_t proto_cache_mutex; public: StorageEngine(const std::string name_arg, const std::bitset &flags_arg= HTON_NO_FLAGS); virtual ~StorageEngine(); virtual int doGetTableDefinition(Session &session, TableIdentifier &identifier, message::Table &table_message) { (void)session; (void)identifier; (void)table_message; return ENOENT; } /* Old style cursor errors */ protected: void print_keydup_error(uint32_t key_nr, const char *msg, Table &table); void print_error(int error, myf errflag, Table *table= NULL); virtual bool get_error_message(int error, String *buf); public: virtual void print_error(int error, myf errflag, Table& table); bool is_user_selectable() const { return not flags.test(HTON_BIT_NOT_USER_SELECTABLE); } bool check_flag(const engine_flag_bits flag) const { return flags.test(flag); } // @todo match check_flag interface virtual uint32_t index_flags(enum ha_key_alg) const { return 0; } virtual void startStatement(Session *session) { doStartStatement(session); } virtual void endStatement(Session *session) { doEndStatement(session); } /* * Called during Session::cleanup() for all engines */ virtual int close_connection(Session *) { return 0; } virtual Cursor *create(TableShare &, memory::Root *)= 0; /* args: path */ virtual bool flush_logs() { return false; } virtual bool show_status(Session *, stat_print_fn *, enum ha_stat_type) { return false; } /** If frm_error() is called then we will use this to find out what file extentions exist for the storage engine. This is also used by the default rename_table and delete_table method in Cursor.cc. For engines that have two file name extentions (separate meta/index file and data file), the order of elements is relevant. First element of engine file name extentions array should be meta/index file extention. Second element - data file extention. This order is assumed by prepare_for_repair() when REPAIR Table ... USE_FRM is issued. */ virtual const char **bas_ext() const =0; protected: virtual int doCreateTable(Session &session, Table &table_arg, TableIdentifier &identifier, message::Table &message)= 0; virtual int doRenameTable(Session &session, TableIdentifier &from, TableIdentifier &to)= 0; public: int renameTable(Session &session, TableIdentifier &from, TableIdentifier &to); // @todo move these to protected virtual void doGetTableNames(CachedDirectory &directory, drizzled::SchemaIdentifier &schema_identifier, TableNameList &set_of_names)= 0; virtual void doGetTableIdentifiers(CachedDirectory &directory, drizzled::SchemaIdentifier &schema_identifier, TableIdentifiers &set_of_identifiers)= 0; virtual int doDropTable(Session &session, TableIdentifier &identifier)= 0; /* Class Methods for operating on plugin */ static bool addPlugin(plugin::StorageEngine *engine); static void removePlugin(plugin::StorageEngine *engine); static int getTableDefinition(Session& session, TableIdentifier &identifier, message::Table &table_proto, bool include_temporary_tables= true); static bool doesTableExist(Session &session, TableIdentifier &identifier, bool include_temporary_tables= true); virtual bool doDoesTableExist(Session& session, TableIdentifier &identifier); static plugin::StorageEngine *findByName(const std::string &find_str); static plugin::StorageEngine *findByName(Session& session, const std::string &find_str); static void closeConnection(Session* session); static void dropDatabase(char* path); static bool flushLogs(plugin::StorageEngine *db_type); static int dropTable(Session& session, TableIdentifier &identifier); static int dropTable(Session& session, StorageEngine &engine, TableIdentifier &identifier); static void getTableNames(Session &session, drizzled::SchemaIdentifier& schema_identifier, TableNameList &set_of_names); static void getTableIdentifiers(Session &session, SchemaIdentifier &schema_identifier, TableIdentifiers &set_of_identifiers); // Check to see if any SE objects to creation. static bool canCreateTable(drizzled::TableIdentifier &identifier); virtual bool doCanCreateTable(drizzled::TableIdentifier &identifier) { (void)identifier; return true; } // @note All schema methods defined here static void getSchemaIdentifiers(Session &session, SchemaIdentifierList &schemas); static bool getSchemaDefinition(TableIdentifier &identifier, message::Schema &proto); static bool getSchemaDefinition(drizzled::SchemaIdentifier &identifier, message::Schema &proto); static bool doesSchemaExist(drizzled::SchemaIdentifier &identifier); static const CHARSET_INFO *getSchemaCollation(drizzled::SchemaIdentifier &identifier); static bool createSchema(const drizzled::message::Schema &schema_message); static bool dropSchema(drizzled::SchemaIdentifier &identifier); static bool alterSchema(const drizzled::message::Schema &schema_message); // @note make private/protected virtual void doGetSchemaIdentifiers(SchemaIdentifierList&) { } virtual bool doGetSchemaDefinition(drizzled::SchemaIdentifier&, drizzled::message::Schema&) { return false; } virtual bool doCreateSchema(const drizzled::message::Schema&) { return false; } virtual bool doAlterSchema(const drizzled::message::Schema&) { return false; } virtual bool doDropSchema(drizzled::SchemaIdentifier&) { return false; } static inline const std::string &resolveName(const StorageEngine *engine) { return engine == NULL ? UNKNOWN_STRING : engine->getName(); } static int createTable(Session& session, TableIdentifier &identifier, bool update_create_info, message::Table& table_proto); static void removeLostTemporaryTables(Session &session, const char *directory); Cursor *getCursor(TableShare &share, memory::Root *alloc); uint32_t max_record_length() const { return std::min((unsigned int)HA_MAX_REC_LENGTH, max_supported_record_length()); } uint32_t max_keys() const { return std::min((unsigned int)MAX_KEY, max_supported_keys()); } uint32_t max_key_parts() const { return std::min((unsigned int)MAX_REF_PARTS, max_supported_key_parts()); } uint32_t max_key_length() const { return std::min((unsigned int)MAX_KEY_LENGTH, max_supported_key_length()); } uint32_t max_key_part_length(void) const { return std::min((unsigned int)MAX_KEY_LENGTH, max_supported_key_part_length()); } virtual uint32_t max_supported_record_length(void) const { return HA_MAX_REC_LENGTH; } virtual uint32_t max_supported_keys(void) const { return 0; } virtual uint32_t max_supported_key_parts(void) const { return MAX_REF_PARTS; } virtual uint32_t max_supported_key_length(void) const { return MAX_KEY_LENGTH; } virtual uint32_t max_supported_key_part_length(void) const { return 255; } /* TODO-> Make private */ static int deleteDefinitionFromPath(TableIdentifier &identifier); static int renameDefinitionFromPath(TableIdentifier &dest, TableIdentifier &src); static int writeDefinitionFromPath(TableIdentifier &identifier, message::Table &proto); static bool readTableFile(const std::string &path, message::Table &table_message); public: /* * The below are simple virtual overrides for the plugin::MonitoredInTransaction * interface. */ virtual bool participatesInSqlTransaction() const { return false; /* plugin::StorageEngine is non-transactional in terms of SQL */ } virtual bool participatesInXaTransaction() const { return false; /* plugin::StorageEngine is non-transactional in terms of XA */ } virtual bool alwaysRegisterForXaTransaction() const { return false; } }; } /* namespace plugin */ } /* namespace drizzled */ #endif /* DRIZZLED_PLUGIN_STORAGE_ENGINE_H */