/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2010 Toru Maesaka * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef PLUGIN_BLITZDB_HA_BLITZ_H #define PLUGIN_BLITZDB_HA_BLITZ_H #include "drizzled/session.h" #include "drizzled/cursor.h" #include "drizzled/table.h" #include "drizzled/field.h" #include "drizzled/field/blob.h" #include "drizzled/atomics.h" #include "drizzled/error.h" #include "drizzled/gettext.h" #include "drizzled/cached_directory.h" #include "drizzled/internal/my_sys.h" #include #include #include #include #define BLITZ_DATA_EXT ".bzd" #define BLITZ_INDEX_EXT ".bzx" #define BLITZ_SYSTEM_EXT ".bzs" #define BLITZ_LOCK_SLOTS 16 #define BLITZ_MAX_INDEX 8 #define BLITZ_MAX_META_LEN 128 #define BLITZ_MAX_ROW_STACK 2048 #define BLITZ_MAX_KEY_LEN 1024 #define BLITZ_WORST_CASE_RANGE 4 const std::string BLITZ_TABLE_PROTO_KEY = "table_definition"; const std::string BLITZ_TABLE_PROTO_COMMENT_KEY = "table_definition_comment"; /* Class Prototype */ class BlitzLock; class BlitzData; class BlitzKeyPart; class BlitzCursor; class BlitzTree; class BlitzShare; /* Multi Reader-Writer lock responsible for controlling concurrency at the handler level. This class is implemented in blitzlock.cc */ class BlitzLock { private: int scanner_count; int updater_count; pthread_cond_t condition; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_mutex_t slots[BLITZ_LOCK_SLOTS]; public: BlitzLock(); ~BlitzLock(); /* Slotted Lock Mechanism for Concurrently and Atomically updating the index and data dictionary at the same time. */ uint32_t slot_id(const void *data, size_t len); int slotted_lock(const uint32_t slot_id); int slotted_unlock(const uint32_t slot_id); /* Multi Reader-Writer Lock Mechanism. */ void update_begin(); void update_end(); void scan_begin(); void scan_end(); void scan_update_begin(); void scan_update_end(); }; /* Handler that takes care of all I/O to the data dictionary that holds actual rows. */ class BlitzData { private: TCHDB *data_table; /* Where the actual row data lives */ TCHDB *system_table; /* Keeps track of system info */ char *tc_meta_buffer; /* Tokyo Cabinet's Persistent Meta Buffer */ drizzled::atomic current_hidden_row_id; public: BlitzData() { current_hidden_row_id = 0; } ~BlitzData() {} int startup(const char *table_path); int shutdown(void); /* DATA DICTIONARY CREATION RELATED */ int create_data_table(drizzled::message::Table &proto, drizzled::Table &table, const drizzled::TableIdentifier &identifier); int open_data_table(const char *path, const int mode); int close_data_table(void); bool rename_table(const char *from, const char *to); /* DATA DICTIONARY METADATA RELATED */ uint64_t nrecords(void); uint64_t table_size(void); uint64_t read_meta_row_id(void); uint64_t read_meta_autoinc(void); uint32_t read_meta_keycount(void); void write_meta_row_id(uint64_t row_id); void write_meta_autoinc(uint64_t num); void write_meta_keycount(uint32_t nkeys); /* DATA DICTIONARY READ RELATED*/ char *get_row(const char *key, const size_t klen, int *value_len); char *next_key_and_row(const char *key, const size_t klen, int *next_key_len, const char **value, int *value_len); char *first_row(int *row_len); /* DATA DICTIONARY WRITE RELATED */ uint64_t next_hidden_row_id(void); int write_row(const char *key, const size_t klen, const unsigned char *row, const size_t rlen); int write_unique_row(const char *key, const size_t klen, const unsigned char *row, const size_t rlen); int delete_row(const char *key, const size_t klen); bool delete_all_rows(void); /* SYSTEM TABLE RELATED */ int create_system_table(const std::string &path); int open_system_table(const std::string &path, const int mode); int close_system_table(void); bool write_table_definition(drizzled::message::Table &proto); char *get_system_entry(const char *key, const size_t klen, int *vlen); }; /* This class is only used by the BlitzTree object which has a long life span. In general we use the Cursor's local KeyPartInfo array for obtaining key information. We create our own array of key information because there is no guarantee that the pointer to the internal key_info array will always be alive. */ class BlitzKeyPart { public: BlitzKeyPart() : offset(0), null_pos(0), flag(0), length(0), type(0), null_bitmask(0) {} ~BlitzKeyPart() {} uint32_t offset; /* Offset of the key in the row */ uint32_t null_pos; /* Offset of the NULL indicator in the row */ uint16_t flag; uint16_t length; /* Length of the key */ uint8_t type; /* Type of the key */ uint8_t null_bitmask; /* Bitmask to test for NULL */ }; class BlitzCursor { public: BlitzCursor() : tree(NULL), cursor(NULL), moved(false), active(false) {} ~BlitzCursor() {} BlitzTree *tree; /* Tree that this instance works on */ BDBCUR *cursor; /* Raw cursor to TC */ bool moved; /* Whether the key was implicitly moved */ bool active; /* Whether this cursor is active */ /* B+TREE READ RELATED */ char *first_key(int *key_len); char *final_key(int *key_len); char *next_key(int *key_len); char *prev_key(int *key_ken); char *next_logical_key(int *key_len); char *prev_logical_key(int *key_len); char *find_key(const int search_mode, const char *key, const int klen, int *rv_len); /* B+TREE UPDATE RELATED */ int delete_position(void); }; /* Class that reprensents a BTREE index. Takes care of all I/O to the B+Tree index structure */ class BlitzTree { private: TCBDB *btree; public: BlitzTree() : length(0), nparts(0), type(0), unique(false) {} ~BlitzTree() {} /* METADATA */ BlitzKeyPart *parts; /* Array of Key Part(s) */ int length; /* Length of the entire key */ int nparts; /* Number of parts in this key */ int type; /* Type of the key */ bool unique; /* Whether this key is unique */ /* BTREE INDEX CREATION RELATED */ int open(const char *path, const int key_num, int mode); int create(const char *path, const int key_num); int drop(const char *path, const int key_num); int rename(const char *from, const char *to, const int key_num); int close(void); /* KEY HANDLING */ bool create_cursor(BlitzCursor *cursor); void destroy_cursor(BlitzCursor *cursor); /* BTREE INDEX WRITE RELATED */ int write(const char *key, const size_t klen); int write_unique(const char *key, const size_t klen); int delete_key(const char *key, const int klen); int delete_all(void); /* BTREE METADATA RELATED */ uint64_t records(void); }; /* Callback function for TC's B+Tree key comparison. */ extern int blitz_keycmp_cb(const char *a, int alen, const char *b, int blen, void *opaque); /* Comparison function for Drizzle types. */ extern int packed_key_cmp(BlitzTree *, const char *a, const char *b, int *a_real_len, int *b_real_len); /* Object shared among all worker threads. Try to only add data that will not be updated at runtime or those that do not require locking. */ class BlitzShare { public: BlitzShare() : blitz_lock(), use_count(0), nkeys(0) {} ~BlitzShare() {} drizzled::atomic auto_increment_value; BlitzLock blitz_lock; /* Handler level lock for BlitzDB */ BlitzData dict; /* Utility class of BlitzDB */ BlitzTree *btrees; /* Array of BTREE indexes */ std::string table_name; /* Name and Length of the table */ uint32_t use_count; /* Reference counter of this object */ uint32_t nkeys; /* Number of indexes in this table */ bool fixed_length_table; /* Whether the table is fixed length */ bool primary_key_exists; /* Whether a PK exists in this table */ }; class ha_blitz: public drizzled::Cursor { private: BlitzShare *share; /* Shared object among all threads */ BlitzCursor *btree_cursor; /* Array of B+Tree Cursor */ drizzled::THR_LOCK_DATA lock; /* Drizzle Lock */ /* THREAD STATE */ bool table_scan; /* Whether a table scan is occuring */ bool table_based; /* Whether the query involves rnd_xxx() */ bool thread_locked; /* Whether the thread is locked */ uint32_t sql_command_type; /* Type of SQL command to process */ /* RECORDED KEY IN TABLE OR INDEX READ */ char *held_key; /* Points to held_key_buf or an allocated key */ char *held_key_buf; /* Buffer used to copy an unallocated key */ int held_key_len; /* Length of the key being held */ /* TABLE SCANNER VARIABLES */ char *current_key; /* Current key in table scan */ const char *current_row; /* Current row in table scan */ int current_key_len; /* Length of the current key */ int current_row_len; /* Length of the current row */ /* KEY PROCESSING BUFFERS */ char *key_buffer; /* Key generation buffer */ char *key_merge_buffer; /* Key Merge buffer for B+Tree */ size_t key_merge_buffer_len; /* Size of the merge buffer */ /* ROW PROCESSING VARIABLES */ unsigned char pack_buffer[BLITZ_MAX_ROW_STACK]; /* Pack Buffer */ unsigned char *secondary_row_buffer; /* For big rows */ size_t secondary_row_buffer_size; /* Reserved buffer size */ int errkey_id; public: ha_blitz(drizzled::plugin::StorageEngine &engine_arg, drizzled::TableShare &table_arg); ~ha_blitz() {} /* TABLE CONTROL RELATED FUNCTIONS */ const char **bas_ext() const; const char *index_type(uint32_t key_num); int open(const char *name, int mode, uint32_t open_options); int close(void); int info(uint32_t flag); /* TABLE SCANNER RELATED FUNCTIONS */ int doStartTableScan(bool scan); int rnd_next(unsigned char *buf); int doEndTableScan(void); int rnd_pos(unsigned char *buf, unsigned char *pos); void position(const unsigned char *record); /* INDEX RELATED FUNCTIONS */ int doStartIndexScan(uint32_t key_num, bool sorted); int index_first(unsigned char *buf); int index_next(unsigned char *buf); int index_prev(unsigned char *buf); int index_last(unsigned char *buf); int index_read(unsigned char *buf, const unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_len, enum drizzled::ha_rkey_function find_flag); int index_read_idx(unsigned char *buf, uint32_t key_num, const unsigned char *key, uint32_t key_len, enum drizzled::ha_rkey_function find_flag); int doEndIndexScan(void); int enable_indexes(uint32_t mode); /* For ALTER ... ENABLE KEYS */ int disable_indexes(uint32_t mode); /* For ALTER ... DISABLE KEYS */ drizzled::ha_rows records_in_range(uint32_t key_num, drizzled::key_range *min_key, drizzled::key_range *max_key); /* UPDATE RELATED FUNCTIONS */ int doInsertRecord(unsigned char *buf); int doUpdateRecord(const unsigned char *old_data, unsigned char *new_data); int doDeleteRecord(const unsigned char *buf); int delete_all_rows(void); virtual void get_auto_increment(uint64_t offset, uint64_t increment, uint64_t nb_desired_values, uint64_t *first_value, uint64_t *nb_reserved_values); int reset_auto_increment(uint64_t value); /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS (BLITZDB SPECIFIC) */ BlitzShare *get_share(const char *table_name); int free_share(void); /* LOCK RELATED FUNCTIONS (BLITZDB SPECIFIC) */ int critical_section_enter(); int critical_section_exit(); uint32_t max_row_length(void); /* INDEX KEY RELATED FUNCTIONS (BLITZDB SPECIFIC) */ size_t make_primary_key(char *pack_to, const unsigned char *row); size_t make_index_key(char *pack_to, int key_num, const unsigned char *row); size_t btree_key_length(const char *key, const int key_num); char *native_to_blitz_key(const unsigned char *native_key, const int key_num, int *return_key_length); char *merge_key(const char *a, const size_t a_len, const char *b, const size_t b_len, size_t *merged_len); void keep_track_of_key(const char *key, const int klen); /* ROW RELATED FUNCTIONS (BLITZDB SPECIFIC) */ size_t pack_row(unsigned char *row_buffer, unsigned char *row_to_pack); bool unpack_row(unsigned char *to, const char *from, const size_t from_len); unsigned char *get_pack_buffer(const size_t size); /* COMAPARISON LOGIC (BLITZDB SPECIFIC) */ int compare_rows_for_unique_violation(const unsigned char *old_row, const unsigned char *new_row); }; #endif /* PLUGIN_BLITZDB_HA_BLITZ_H */