/* Copyright (c) 2008 PrimeBase Technologies GmbH, Germany * * PrimeBase Media Stream for MySQL * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Barry Leslie * * 2008-12-30 * * H&G2JCtL * * BLOB alias index. * */ #ifndef __ALIAS_MS_H__ #define __ALIAS_MS_H__ #include #include "defs_ms.h" #include "cslib/CSStorage.h" #define MS_ALIAS_FILE_MAGIC 0x5954228A #define MS_ALIAS_FILE_VERSION 1 #define BLOB_ALIAS_LENGTH 1024 #define INVALID_ALIAS_HASH ((uint32_t)-1) #ifdef HAVE_ALIAS_SUPPORT class MSOpenTable; class MSDatabase; class CSHTTPOutputStream; class MSMetaDataTable; #define ACTIVE_ALIAS_INDEX "ms_blob_alias.idx" #define NUM_RECORDS_PER_BUCKET 254 // 254 = bucket size of 4 K #define BUCKET_LIST_SIZE 1024 typedef struct MSAliasHead { CSDiskValue4 ah_magic_4; /* Table magic number. */ CSDiskValue2 ah_version_2; /* The header version. */ CSDiskValue2 ah_head_size_2; /* The size of the header. */ CSDiskValue8 ah_file_size_8; /* The size of the file. */ CSDiskValue8 ah_free_list_8; /* The offset of the first bucket in the free list. */ CSDiskValue2 ah_num_buckets_2; /* The number of bucket chains in the index. (BUCKET_LIST_SIZE when created)*/ CSDiskValue4 ah_bucket_size_4; /* The size of each bucket. (NUM_RECORDS_PER_BUCKET when created)*/ } MSAliasHeadRec, *MSAliasHeadPtr; /* * When a record is freed ba_repo_id_4 is set to zero */ typedef struct MSDiskAliasRec { CSDiskValue4 ar_repo_id_4; /* File ID. Not zero when allocated. */ CSDiskValue8 ar_offset_8; /* Offset into the file of the BLOB. */ CSDiskValue4 ar_hash_4; /* The hash value of the alias string. (Is assumed to be at the end of the structure.*/ } MSDiskAliasRec, *MSDiskAliasPtr; typedef struct MSADiskBucketHead { CSDiskValue8 ab_prev_bucket_8; /* The file offset of the previouse bucket in the chain. */ CSDiskValue8 ab_next_bucket_8; /* The file offset of the next bucket in the chain. */ CSDiskValue4 ab_num_recs_4; /* The number of used record in the bucket. */ CSDiskValue4 ab_eor_rec_4; /* (End Of Records) The position of the first free record after all the records in the bucket. */ } MSADiskBucketHeadRec, *MSADiskBucketHeadPtr; typedef struct MSADiskBucket { MSADiskBucketHeadRec ab_heaher; MSDiskAliasRec ab_records[NUM_RECORDS_PER_BUCKET]; /* The start of the records in the bucket. */ } MSADiskBucketRec, *MSADiskBucketPtr; /* * MSABucketInfo stores bucket information in RAM. */ class MSABucketInfo: public CSOrderKey { public: MSABucketInfo(uint64_t offset, uint32_t num, uint32_t end_of_records): bi_bucket_offset(offset), bi_records_offset(offset + offsetof(MSADiskBucketRec, ab_records)), bi_num_recs(num), bi_end_of_records(end_of_records), bi_NextLink(NULL), bi_PrevLink(NULL) {} uint64_t bi_bucket_offset; /* The file offset of the bucket. */ uint64_t bi_records_offset; /* The file offset of the first record in the bucket. */ // Required method for item in a CSLinkedList. virtual MSABucketInfo *getNextLink() { return bi_NextLink; } virtual MSABucketInfo *getPrevLink() { return bi_PrevLink; } virtual void setNextLink(CSObject *link) { bi_NextLink = (MSABucketInfo*)link; } virtual void setPrevLink(CSObject *link) { bi_PrevLink = (MSABucketInfo*)link; } virtual CSObject *getKey() { return this;} virtual int compareKey(CSOrderKey *x) { MSABucketInfo *key = (MSABucketInfo *) x; if (bi_bucket_offset != key->bi_bucket_offset) return 0; return (bi_bucket_offset < key->bi_bucket_offset)? -1: 1; } static MSABucketInfo *newMSABucketInfo(uint64_t offset, uint32_t num = 0, uint32_t last = 0); uint32_t getSize() { return bi_num_recs;} uint32_t getEndOfRecords() { return bi_end_of_records;} void recAdded(CSFile *iFile, uint32_t idx); void recRemoved(CSFile *iFile, uint32_t idx, MSDiskAliasRec bucket[]); private: // (bi_end_of_records -1) is the index of the last valid record in the bucket. // free records can actually appear any where in the bucket unless it has // just been compressed. uint32_t bi_num_recs; /* The number of records in the bucket. */ uint32_t bi_end_of_records; /* The index of the start of the free records in the bucket. */ MSABucketInfo *bi_NextLink; MSABucketInfo *bi_PrevLink; }; class MSABucketLinkedList: public CSLinkedList { public: /* Value is returned referenced. */ MSABucketInfo *removeBack() { return (MSABucketInfo*) CSLinkedList::removeBack();} /* Value is returned NOT referenced. */ MSABucketInfo *getBack(){ return (MSABucketInfo*) CSLinkedList::getBack();} /* Value is returned NOT referenced. */ MSABucketInfo *getFront(){ return (MSABucketInfo*) CSLinkedList::getFront();} /* Value is returned referenced. */ MSABucketInfo *removeFront(){ return (MSABucketInfo*) CSLinkedList::removeFront();} }; typedef struct MSAliasRec { uint32_t repo_id; uint64_t repo_offset; uint32_t alias_hash; } MSAliasRec, *MSAliasPtr; class MSAliasFile : public CSPooled, public CSRefObject { public: class MSAliasFileShare *ba_share; bool ba_isFileInUse; MSAliasFile *ba_nextFile; /* Next file available in the pool */ MSAliasFile(MSAliasFileShare *share); virtual ~MSAliasFile(); // Required method for CSPool item. virtual void returnToPool(); // Required method for item in a CSLinkedList. virtual CSObject *getNextLink() { return ba_NextLink; } virtual CSObject *getPrevLink() { return ba_PrevLink; } virtual void setNextLink(CSObject *link) { ba_NextLink = link; } virtual void setPrevLink(CSObject *link) { ba_PrevLink = link; } // Index file operations. MSDiskAliasPtr findRec(uint32_t hash); MSDiskAliasPtr nextRec(); void addRec(MSDiskAliasPtr rec); void deleteCurrentRec(); void updateCurrentRec(MSDiskAliasPtr rec); bool findRec(MSDiskAliasPtr rec); /* When a load is inprogress locks are not required and writes are batched. */ void startLoad(); void finishLoad(); private: bool nextBucket(bool with_space); bool scanBucket() { while (iCurrentRec) { iCurrentRec--; if ( CS_EQ_DISK_4(iDiskHash_4, iBucket[iCurrentRec].ar_hash_4) && !CS_IS_NULL_DISK_4(iBucket[iCurrentRec].ar_repo_id_4)) return true; } return false; } CSFile *iFile; // The index file. bool iLoading; MSADiskBucketRec *iBucketCache; // The bucket cache is used during index loading in single thread mode. MSDiskAliasRec iBucket[NUM_RECORDS_PER_BUCKET];// The current bucket loaded from disk. MSABucketLinkedList *iBucketChain; // The bucket list for the current hash value. MSABucketInfo *iStartBucket; // The file offset of the bucket the search started at. MSABucketInfo *iCurrentBucket;// The currnet bucket, NULL if no bucket is loaded. CSDiskValue4 iDiskHash_4; // The current hash value we are looking for in disk byte order. uint32_t iCurrentRec; // The current record position in the current bucket. CSObject *ba_NextLink; CSObject *ba_PrevLink; }; //=========================================== class MSAliasFileShare: public CSObject { public: MSAliasFileShare(CSPath *path): msa_filePath(path), msa_fileSize(0), msa_pool(NULL), msa_closing(false) { bool isdir = false; if (path->exists(&isdir)) msa_fileSize = path->getSize(); } ~MSAliasFileShare() { msa_poolFiles.clear(); if (msa_filePath) msa_filePath->release(); for (uint32_t i =0; i < BUCKET_LIST_SIZE; i++) msa_buckets[i].clear(); msa_empty_buckets.clear(); } void close() { msa_poolFiles.clear();} MSABucketLinkedList *getBucketChain(uint32_t hash) { return msa_buckets + (hash % BUCKET_LIST_SIZE); } MSAliasFile *getPoolFile(); CSLinkedList msa_poolFiles; /* A list of all files in this pool */ uint64_t msa_fileSize; CSPath *msa_filePath; CSLock msa_writeLock; MSAliasFile *msa_pool; /* A list of files currently not in use. */ CSLock msa_poolLock; bool msa_closing; MSABucketLinkedList msa_empty_buckets; /* A list of unused buckets. */ MSABucketLinkedList msa_buckets[BUCKET_LIST_SIZE]; /* An array of bucket chains. */ }; //=========================================== class MSSysMeta : public CSRefObject, public CSPooled { public: class MSAlias *md_myMSAlias; bool md_isFileInUse; MSSysMeta *md_nextFile; /* Next file available in the pool */ MSSysMeta(MSAlias *msa); virtual ~MSSysMeta(); virtual void returnToPool(); virtual CSObject *getNextLink() { return md_NextLink; } virtual CSObject *getPrevLink() { return md_PrevLink; } virtual void setNextLink(CSObject *link) { md_NextLink = link; } virtual void setPrevLink(CSObject *link) { md_PrevLink = link; } bool matchAlias(uint32_t repo_id, uint64_t repo_offset, const char *alias); private: MSMetaDataTable *mtab; CSObject *md_NextLink; CSObject *md_PrevLink; }; //=========================================== class MSAlias : public CSSharedRefObject { public: MSAlias(MSDatabase *db_noref); ~MSAlias(); void ma_open(const char *file_name = ACTIVE_ALIAS_INDEX); void ma_close(); void ma_delete() {iDelete = true;} uint32_t addAlias(uint32_t repo_id, uint64_t repo_offset, const char *alias); private: void addAlias(MSAliasFile *af, MSAliasRec *rec); public: void deleteAlias(MSDiskAliasPtr diskRec); void deleteAlias(uint32_t repo_id, uint64_t repo_offset, uint32_t alias_hash); void resetAlias(uint32_t old_repo_id, uint64_t old_repo_offset, uint32_t alias_hash, uint32_t new_repo_id, uint64_t new_repo_offset); bool findBlobByAlias(const char *alias, bool *referenced, uint32_t *repo_id = NULL, uint64_t *repo_offset = NULL); bool blobAliasExists(uint32_t repo_id, uint64_t repo_offset, uint32_t alias_hash); private: bool findBlobByAlias(MSAliasFile *af, const char *alias, bool *referenced, uint32_t *repo_id = NULL, uint64_t *repo_offset = NULL); public: static uint32_t hashAlias(const char *ptr); void MSAliasBuild(); friend class MSAliasFile; friend class MSSysMeta; private: MSDatabase *iDatabase_br; // This is a back reference so this reference is not counted. CSPath *iFilePath; bool iClosing; bool iDelete; // true when the alias index file should be deleted. MSAliasFileShare *iFileShare; // File information shared between all files in the pool. CSLock iSysTablePoolLock; MSSysMeta *iSysTablePool; /* A list of files currently not in use. */ CSLinkedList iPoolSysTables; /* A list of all files in this pool */ MSAliasFile *getAliasFile() { return iFileShare->getPoolFile();} void buildAliasIndex(); void MSAliasCompress(CSFile *fa, CSSortedList *freeList, MSABucketLinkedList *bucketChain); void MSAliasLoad(); bool hasBlobAlias(uint32_t repo_id, uint64_t repo_offset, const char *alias, bool *referenced); }; #endif //HAVE_ALIAS_SUPPORT #endif // __ALIAS_MS_H__