/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- * vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2:smarttab: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace drizzled { class Item_subselect : public Item_result_field { bool value_assigned; /* value already assigned to subselect */ public: /* thread handler, will be assigned in fix_fields only */ Session *session; /* substitution instead of subselect in case of optimization */ Item *substitution; /* unit of subquery */ Select_Lex_Unit *unit; protected: /* engine that perform execution of subselect (single select or union) */ subselect_engine *engine; /* old engine if engine was changed */ subselect_engine *old_engine; /* cache of used external tables */ table_map used_tables_cache; /* allowed number of columns (1 for single value subqueries) */ uint32_t max_columns; /* where subquery is placed */ enum_parsing_place parsing_place; /* work with 'substitution' */ bool have_to_be_excluded; /* cache of constant state */ bool const_item_cache; public: /* changed engine indicator */ bool engine_changed; /* subquery is transformed */ bool changed; /* TRUE <=> The underlying SELECT is correlated w.r.t some ancestor select */ bool is_correlated; enum trans_res {RES_OK, RES_REDUCE, RES_ERROR}; enum subs_type {UNKNOWN_SUBS, SINGLEROW_SUBS, EXISTS_SUBS, IN_SUBS, ALL_SUBS, ANY_SUBS}; Item_subselect(); virtual subs_type substype() { return UNKNOWN_SUBS; } /* We need this method, because some compilers do not allow 'this' pointer in constructor initialization list, but we need to pass a pointer to subselect Item class to select_result_interceptor's constructor. */ virtual void init (Select_Lex *select_lex, select_result_interceptor *result); ~Item_subselect(); void cleanup(); virtual void reset() { null_value= 1; } virtual trans_res select_transformer(Join *join); bool assigned() { return value_assigned; } void assigned(bool a) { value_assigned= a; } enum Type type() const; bool is_null() { update_null_value(); return null_value; } bool fix_fields(Session *session, Item **ref); virtual bool exec(); virtual void fix_length_and_dec(); table_map used_tables() const; table_map not_null_tables() const { return 0; } bool const_item() const; inline table_map get_used_tables_cache() { return used_tables_cache; } inline bool get_const_item_cache() { return const_item_cache; } Item *get_tmp_table_item(Session *session); void update_used_tables(); virtual void print(String *str); virtual bool have_guarded_conds() { return false; } bool change_engine(subselect_engine *eng) { old_engine= engine; engine= eng; engine_changed= 1; return eng == 0; } /* True if this subquery has been already evaluated. Implemented only for single select and union subqueries only. */ bool is_evaluated() const; bool is_uncacheable() const; /* Used by max/min subquery to initialize value presence registration mechanism. Engine call this method before rexecution query. */ virtual void reset_value_registration() {} enum_parsing_place place() { return parsing_place; } bool walk(Item_processor processor, bool walk_subquery, unsigned char *arg); /** Get the Select_Lex structure associated with this Item. @return the Select_Lex structure associated with this Item */ Select_Lex* get_select_lex(); friend class select_result_interceptor; friend class Item_in_optimizer; friend bool Item_field::fix_fields(Session *, Item **); friend int Item_field::fix_outer_field(Session *, Field **, Item **); friend bool Item_ref::fix_fields(Session *, Item **); friend void mark_select_range_as_dependent(Session*, Select_Lex*, Select_Lex*, Field*, Item*, Item_ident*); }; /* single value subselect */ class Item_singlerow_subselect :public Item_subselect { protected: Item_cache *value, **row; public: Item_singlerow_subselect(Select_Lex *select_lex); Item_singlerow_subselect() :Item_subselect(), value(0), row (0) {} void cleanup(); subs_type substype() { return SINGLEROW_SUBS; } void reset(); trans_res select_transformer(Join *join); void store(uint32_t i, Item* item); double val_real(); int64_t val_int (); String *val_str (String *); type::Decimal *val_decimal(type::Decimal *); bool val_bool(); enum Item_result result_type() const; enum_field_types field_type() const; void fix_length_and_dec(); uint32_t cols(); Item* element_index(uint32_t i) { return reinterpret_cast(row[i]); } Item** addr(uint32_t i) { return (Item**)row + i; } bool check_cols(uint32_t c); bool null_inside(); void bring_value(); /** This method is used to implement a special case of semantic tree rewriting, mandated by a SQL:2003 exception in the specification. The only caller of this method is handle_sql2003_note184_exception(), see the code there for more details. Note that this method breaks the object internal integrity, by removing it's association with the corresponding Select_Lex, making this object orphan from the parse tree. No other method, beside the destructor, should be called on this object, as it is now invalid. @return the Select_Lex structure that was given in the constructor. */ Select_Lex* invalidate_and_restore_select_lex(); friend class select_singlerow_subselect; }; /* used in static ALL/ANY optimization */ class Item_maxmin_subselect :public Item_singlerow_subselect { protected: bool max; bool was_values; // Set if we have found at least one row public: Item_maxmin_subselect(Session *session, Item_subselect *parent, Select_Lex *select_lex, bool max); virtual void print(String *str); void cleanup(); bool any_value() { return was_values; } void register_value() { was_values= true; } void reset_value_registration() { was_values= false; } }; /* exists subselect */ class Item_exists_subselect :public Item_subselect { protected: bool value; /* value of this item (boolean: exists/not-exists) */ public: Item_exists_subselect(Select_Lex *select_lex); Item_exists_subselect(): Item_subselect() {} subs_type substype() { return EXISTS_SUBS; } void reset() { value= 0; } enum Item_result result_type() const { return INT_RESULT;} int64_t val_int(); double val_real(); String *val_str(String*); type::Decimal *val_decimal(type::Decimal *); bool val_bool(); void fix_length_and_dec(); virtual void print(String *str); friend class select_exists_subselect; friend class subselect_uniquesubquery_engine; friend class subselect_indexsubquery_engine; }; /** Representation of IN subquery predicates of the form "left_expr IN (SELECT ...)". @detail This class has: - A "subquery execution engine" (as a subclass of Item_subselect) that allows it to evaluate subqueries. (and this class participates in execution by having was_null variable where part of execution result is stored. - Transformation methods (todo: more on this). This class is not used directly, it is "wrapped" into Item_in_optimizer which provides some small bits of subquery evaluation. */ class Item_in_subselect :public Item_exists_subselect { public: Item *left_expr; protected: /* Cache of the left operand of the subquery predicate. Allocated in the runtime memory root, for each execution, thus need not be freed. */ List *left_expr_cache; bool first_execution; /* expr & optimizer used in subselect rewriting to store Item for all JOIN in UNION */ Item *expr; Item_in_optimizer *optimizer; bool was_null; bool abort_on_null; public: /* Used to trigger on/off conditions that were pushed down to subselect */ bool *pushed_cond_guards; /* Priority of this predicate in the convert-to-semi-join-nest process. */ int sj_convert_priority; /* Location of the subquery predicate. It is either - pointer to join nest if the subquery predicate is in the ON expression - (TableList*)1 if the predicate is in the WHERE. */ TableList *expr_join_nest; /* The method chosen to execute the IN predicate. */ enum enum_exec_method { NOT_TRANSFORMED, /* No execution method was chosen for this IN. */ SEMI_JOIN, /* IN was converted to semi-join nest and should be removed. */ IN_TO_EXISTS, /* IN was converted to correlated EXISTS. */ MATERIALIZATION /* IN will be executed via subquery materialization. */ }; enum_exec_method exec_method; bool *get_cond_guard(int i) { return pushed_cond_guards ? pushed_cond_guards + i : NULL; } void set_cond_guard_var(int i, bool v) { if ( pushed_cond_guards) pushed_cond_guards[i]= v; } bool have_guarded_conds() { return test(pushed_cond_guards); } Item_func_not_all *upper_item; // point on NOT/NOP before ALL/SOME subquery Item_in_subselect(Item * left_expr, Select_Lex *select_lex); Item_in_subselect() : Item_exists_subselect(), left_expr(NULL), left_expr_cache(NULL), first_execution(true), optimizer(NULL), abort_on_null(false), pushed_cond_guards(NULL), sj_convert_priority(0), expr_join_nest(NULL), exec_method(NOT_TRANSFORMED), upper_item(NULL) {} void cleanup(); subs_type substype() { return IN_SUBS; } void reset() { value= 0; null_value= 0; was_null= 0; } trans_res select_transformer(Join *join); trans_res select_in_like_transformer(Join *join, const Comp_creator *func); trans_res single_value_transformer(Join *join, const Comp_creator *func); trans_res row_value_transformer(Join * join); trans_res single_value_in_to_exists_transformer(Join * join, const Comp_creator *func); trans_res row_value_in_to_exists_transformer(Join * join); virtual bool exec(); int64_t val_int(); double val_real(); String *val_str(String*); type::Decimal *val_decimal(type::Decimal *); void update_null_value () { (void) val_bool(); } bool val_bool(); void top_level_item() { abort_on_null=1; } inline bool is_top_level_item() { return abort_on_null; } bool test_limit(Select_Lex_Unit *unit); virtual void print(String *str); bool fix_fields(Session *session, Item **ref); bool setup_engine(); bool init_left_expr_cache(); bool is_expensive_processor(unsigned char *arg); friend class Item_ref_null_helper; friend class Item_is_not_null_test; friend class Item_in_optimizer; friend class subselect_indexsubquery_engine; friend class subselect_hash_sj_engine; }; /* ALL/ANY/SOME subselect */ class Item_allany_subselect :public Item_in_subselect { public: chooser_compare_func_creator func_creator; Comp_creator *func; bool all; Item_allany_subselect(Item * left_expr, chooser_compare_func_creator fc, Select_Lex *select_lex, bool all); // only ALL subquery has upper not subs_type substype() { return all?ALL_SUBS:ANY_SUBS; } trans_res select_transformer(Join *join); virtual void print(String *str); }; class subselect_engine: public memory::SqlAlloc { protected: select_result_interceptor *result; /* results storage class */ Session *session; /* pointer to current Session */ Item_subselect *item; /* item, that use this engine */ enum Item_result res_type; /* type of results */ enum_field_types res_field_type; /* column type of the results */ bool maybe_null; /* may be null (first item in select) */ public: enum enum_engine_type {ABSTRACT_ENGINE, SINGLE_SELECT_ENGINE, UNION_ENGINE, UNIQUESUBQUERY_ENGINE, INDEXSUBQUERY_ENGINE, HASH_SJ_ENGINE}; subselect_engine(Item_subselect *si, select_result_interceptor *res) :session(NULL) { result= res; item= si; res_type= STRING_RESULT; res_field_type= DRIZZLE_TYPE_VARCHAR; maybe_null= 0; } virtual ~subselect_engine() {} // to satisfy compiler virtual void cleanup()= 0; /* Also sets "session" for subselect_engine::result. Should be called before prepare(). */ void set_session(Session *session_arg); Session * get_session() { return session; } virtual int prepare()= 0; virtual void fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row)= 0; /* Execute the engine SYNOPSIS exec() DESCRIPTION Execute the engine. The result of execution is subquery value that is either captured by previously set up select_result-based 'sink' or stored somewhere by the exec() method itself. A required side effect: If at least one pushed-down predicate is disabled, subselect_engine->no_rows() must return correct result after the exec() call. RETURN 0 - OK 1 - Either an execution error, or the engine was "changed", and the caller should call exec() again for the new engine. */ virtual int exec()= 0; virtual uint32_t cols()= 0; /* return number of columns in select */ virtual bool uncacheable()= 0; /* query is uncacheable */ virtual bool uncacheable(uint32_t bit_pos)= 0; /* query is uncacheable */ enum Item_result type() { return res_type; } enum_field_types field_type() { return res_field_type; } virtual void exclude()= 0; virtual bool may_be_null() { return maybe_null; } virtual table_map upper_select_const_tables()= 0; static table_map calc_const_tables(TableList *); virtual void print(String *str)= 0; virtual bool change_result(Item_subselect *si, select_result_interceptor *result)= 0; virtual bool no_tables()= 0; virtual bool is_executed() const { return false; } /* Check if subquery produced any rows during last query execution */ virtual bool no_rows() = 0; virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return ABSTRACT_ENGINE; } protected: void set_row(List &item_list, Item_cache **row); }; class subselect_single_select_engine: public subselect_engine { bool prepared; /* simple subselect is prepared */ bool optimized; /* simple subselect is optimized */ bool executed; /* simple subselect is executed */ Select_Lex *select_lex; /* corresponding select_lex */ Join * join; /* corresponding JOIN structure */ public: subselect_single_select_engine(Select_Lex *select, select_result_interceptor *result, Item_subselect *item); void cleanup(); int prepare(); void fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row); int exec(); uint32_t cols(); bool uncacheable(); bool uncacheable(uint32_t bit_pos); void exclude(); table_map upper_select_const_tables(); virtual void print (String *str); bool change_result(Item_subselect *si, select_result_interceptor *result); bool no_tables(); bool may_be_null(); bool is_executed() const { return executed; } bool no_rows(); virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return SINGLE_SELECT_ENGINE; } void save_join_if_explain(); friend class subselect_hash_sj_engine; friend class Item_in_subselect; }; class subselect_union_engine: public subselect_engine { Select_Lex_Unit *unit; /* corresponding unit structure */ public: subselect_union_engine(Select_Lex_Unit *u, select_result_interceptor *result, Item_subselect *item); void cleanup(); int prepare(); void fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row); int exec(); uint32_t cols(); bool uncacheable(); bool uncacheable(uint32_t bit_pos); void exclude(); table_map upper_select_const_tables(); virtual void print (String *str); bool change_result(Item_subselect *si, select_result_interceptor *result); bool no_tables(); bool is_executed() const; bool no_rows(); virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return UNION_ENGINE; } }; /* A subquery execution engine that evaluates the subquery by doing one index lookup in a unique index. This engine is used to resolve subqueries in forms outer_expr IN (SELECT tbl.unique_key FROM tbl WHERE subq_where) or, tuple-based: (oe1, .. oeN) IN (SELECT uniq_key_part1, ... uniq_key_partK FROM tbl WHERE subqwhere) i.e. the subquery is a single table SELECT without GROUP BY, aggregate functions, etc. */ class subselect_uniquesubquery_engine: public subselect_engine { protected: JoinTable *tab; Item *cond; /* The WHERE condition of subselect */ /* TRUE<=> last execution produced empty set. Valid only when left expression is NULL. */ bool empty_result_set; bool null_keypart; /* TRUE <=> constructed search tuple has a NULL */ public: // constructor can assign Session because it will be called after Join::prepare subselect_uniquesubquery_engine(Session *session_arg, JoinTable *tab_arg, Item_subselect *subs, Item *where) :subselect_engine(subs, 0), tab(tab_arg), cond(where) { set_session(session_arg); } void cleanup(); int prepare(); void fix_length_and_dec(Item_cache** row); int exec(); uint32_t cols() { return 1; } bool uncacheable() { return true; } bool uncacheable(uint32_t) { return true; } void exclude(); table_map upper_select_const_tables() { return 0; } virtual void print (String *str); bool change_result(Item_subselect *si, select_result_interceptor *result); bool no_tables(); int scan_table(); bool copy_ref_key(); bool no_rows() { return empty_result_set; } virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return UNIQUESUBQUERY_ENGINE; } }; class subselect_indexsubquery_engine: public subselect_uniquesubquery_engine { /* FALSE for 'ref', TRUE for 'ref-or-null'. */ bool check_null; /* The "having" clause. This clause (further reffered to as "artificial having") was inserted by subquery transformation code. It contains Item(s) that have a side-effect: they record whether the subquery has produced a row with NULL certain components. We need to use it for cases like (oe1, oe2) IN (SELECT t.key, t.no_key FROM t1) where we do index lookup on t.key=oe1 but need also to check if there was a row such that t.no_key IS NULL. NOTE: This is currently here and not in the uniquesubquery_engine. Ideally it should have been in uniquesubquery_engine in order to allow execution of subqueries like (oe1, oe2) IN (SELECT primary_key, non_key_maybe_null_field FROM tbl) We could use uniquesubquery_engine for the first component and let Item_is_not_null_test( non_key_maybe_null_field) to handle the second. However, subqueries like the above are currently not handled by index lookup-based subquery engines, the engine applicability check misses them: it doesn't switch the engine for case of artificial having and [eq_]ref access (only for artifical having + ref_or_null or no having). The above example subquery is handled as a full-blown SELECT with eq_ref access to one table. Due to this limitation, the "artificial having" currently needs to be checked by only in indexsubquery_engine. */ Item *having; public: // constructor can assign Session because it will be called after Join::prepare subselect_indexsubquery_engine(Session *session_arg, JoinTable *tab_arg, Item_subselect *subs, Item *where, Item *having_arg, bool chk_null) :subselect_uniquesubquery_engine(session_arg, tab_arg, subs, where), check_null(chk_null), having(having_arg) {} int exec(); virtual void print (String *str); virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return INDEXSUBQUERY_ENGINE; } }; inline bool Item_subselect::is_evaluated() const { return engine->is_executed(); } inline bool Item_subselect::is_uncacheable() const { return engine->uncacheable(); } /** Compute an IN predicate via a hash semi-join. The subquery is materialized during the first evaluation of the IN predicate. The IN predicate is executed via the functionality inherited from subselect_uniquesubquery_engine. */ class subselect_hash_sj_engine: public subselect_uniquesubquery_engine { protected: /* TRUE if the subquery was materialized into a temp table. */ bool is_materialized; /* The old engine already chosen at parse time and stored in permanent memory. Through this member we can re-create and re-prepare materialize_join for each execution of a prepared statement. We akso resuse the functionality of subselect_single_select_engine::[prepare | cols]. */ subselect_single_select_engine *materialize_engine; /* QEP to execute the subquery and materialize its result into a temporary table. Created during the first call to exec(). */ Join *materialize_join; /* Temp table context of the outer select's JOIN. */ Tmp_Table_Param *tmp_param; public: subselect_hash_sj_engine(Session *session_in, Item_subselect *in_predicate, subselect_single_select_engine *old_engine) :subselect_uniquesubquery_engine(session_in, NULL, in_predicate, NULL), is_materialized(false), materialize_engine(old_engine), materialize_join(NULL), tmp_param(NULL) {} ~subselect_hash_sj_engine(); bool init_permanent(List *tmp_columns); void init_runtime(); void cleanup(); int prepare() { return 0; } int exec(); virtual void print (String *str); uint32_t cols() { return materialize_engine->cols(); } virtual enum_engine_type engine_type() { return HASH_SJ_ENGINE; } }; } /* namespace drizzled */