Milestone pages =============== Users can directly see and edit milestones through the milestone views. >>> person = factory.makePerson(name='puffin-owner') >>> product = factory.makeProduct(name="puffin", owner=person) >>> series = factory.makeProductSeries(product=product, name="awk") >>> milestone = factory.makeMilestone(productseries=series, name="kakapo") The default url for a milestone is to the main site. >>> from canonical.launchpad.ftests import test_tales >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.servers import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest(SERVER_URL='') >>> login(ANONYMOUS, request) >>> print test_tales("milestone/fmt:url", milestone=milestone) Milestone defines several menus. >>> from lp.registry.browser.milestone import ( ... MilestoneContextMenu, MilestoneInlineNavigationMenu, ... MilestoneOverviewMenu, MilestoneOverviewNavigationMenu) >>> from import check_menu_links >>> check_menu_links(MilestoneContextMenu(milestone)) True >>> check_menu_links(MilestoneOverviewMenu(milestone)) True >>> check_menu_links(MilestoneOverviewNavigationMenu(milestone)) True >>> check_menu_links(MilestoneInlineNavigationMenu(milestone)) True The MilestoneView used can be adapted to a MilestoneInlineNavigationMenu for use with inline presentation of milestones. >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.interfaces import INavigationMenu >>> from canonical.lazr.canonicalurl import nearest_adapter >>> view = create_view(milestone, name='+productseries-table-row') >>> nearest_adapter(view, INavigationMenu, name='overview') The MilestoneView provides access to the milestone and to its release if it has one. >>> login_person(person) >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> print kakapo >>> print kakapo >>> print view.release None >>> release = factory.makeProductRelease(milestone) >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> print view.release.version kakapo The view makes the HTML page title. >>> print view.page_title Puffin kakapo Bugs and specifications targeted to the milestone are accessible too. The has_bugs_or_specs boolean property can be used to verify if the milestone has any bugs or specifications. >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import BugTaskStatus >>> view.has_bugs_or_specs False >>> bug = factory.makeBug(title="kiwi") >>> bugtask = factory.makeBugTask(bug=bug, target=milestone.product) >>> bugtask.transitionToStatus(BugTaskStatus.FIXCOMMITTED, person) >>> bugtask.transitionToAssignee(person) >>> bugtask.milestone = milestone >>> spec = factory.makeSpecification( ... product=milestone.product, title='dodo') >>> spec.milestone = milestone >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> view.has_bugs_or_specs True >>> for bugtask in view.bugtasks: ... print bugtask.bug.title kiwi >>> for spec in view.specifications: ... print spec.title dodo On a IDistroSeries/IProductSeries main page, we use this view to list detailed information about the context's milestones. However, generating the summary of bugs/blueprints for a milestone is rather expensive, so we only do that for active milestones. >>> True >>> view.should_show_bugs_and_blueprints True >>> = False >>> view.should_show_bugs_and_blueprints False The bugtasks are decorated. They are wrapped by the BugTaskListingItem that has cached information to create badges quickly. The _bug_badge_properties property provides the additional information that is used by the decorator. >>> view.bugtasks [<...BugTaskListingItem ...>] >>> for bugtask in view._bug_badge_properties: ... bugtask ... badge_dict = view._bug_badge_properties[bugtask] ... for key in sorted(badge_dict): ... print '%s: %s' % (key, badge_dict[key]) has_branch: False has_patch: False has_specification: False >>> view.bugtasks[0].last_significant_change_date datetime.datetime(...) There bugtask_count_text and specification_count_text properties provide formatted text descriptions of the bugtasks and specifications. The text supports plural descriptions. >>> print view.bugtask_count_text 1 bug >>> print view.specification_count_text 1 blueprint >>> bug = factory.makeBug(title="emo") >>> bugtask = factory.makeBugTask(bug=bug, target=milestone.product) >>> bugtask.transitionToAssignee(person) >>> bugtask.milestone = milestone >>> spec = factory.makeSpecification( ... product=milestone.product, title='ostrich') >>> spec.milestone = milestone >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> print view.bugtask_count_text 2 bugs >>> print view.specification_count_text 2 blueprints Bugtasks are ordered by status (fix released last), and importance (critical first). >>> for bugtask in view.bugtasks: ... assignee = bugtask.assignee ... print bugtask.bug.title,, bugtask.status.title emo puffin-owner New kiwi puffin-owner Fix Committed The view provides a list of StatusCounts that summarise the targeted specifications and bugtasks. >>> from lp.blueprints.enums import SpecificationImplementationStatus >>> bugtask.transitionToAssignee(person) >>> engineer = factory.makePerson(name='engineer') >>> spec.assignee = engineer >>> status = spec.updateLifecycleStatus(person) >>> spec.implementation_status = SpecificationImplementationStatus.GOOD >>> status = spec.updateLifecycleStatus(person) >>> for status_count in view.specification_status_counts: ... print '%s: %s' % (status_count.status.title, status_count.count) Unknown: 1 Good progress: 1 >>> for status_count in view.bugtask_status_counts: ... print '%s: %s' % (status_count.status.title, status_count.count) New: 1 Fix Committed: 1 The assignment_counts property returns all the users and count of bugs and specifications assigned to them. >>> for status_count in view.assignment_counts: ... print '%s: %s' % (, status_count.count) engineer: 1 puffin-owner: 2 The user_counts property is the count items assigned to the current user. >>> for status_count in view.user_counts: ... print '%s: %s' % (status_count.status, status_count.count) bugs: 2 The user_counts property is an empty list if the user is None. >>> logout() >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> view.user_counts [] The view uses ProductDownloadFileMixin to provide access to downloadable files. It implements getReleases() that always returns the view's release as a set. >>> login_person(person) >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> view.getReleases() set([]) >>> [release.version for release in view.getReleases()] [u'kakapo'] The download_files property returns a decorated list of IProductRelease files. If there is no release, or no files, None is returned. >>> print view.download_files None If there are files, these files will be returned as a list. >>> release_file = release.addReleaseFile( ... 'test.txt', 'test', 'text/plain', person, ... signature_filename='test.txt.asc', signature_content='123', ... description="test file") >>> view = create_view(milestone, '+index') >>> [file.libraryfile.filename for file in view.download_files] [u'test.txt'] Milestone product release data ------------------------------ The +productrelease-data named view uses the same view as +index to display the product release data for a milestone. >>> from canonical.launchpad.testing.pages import ( ... extract_text, find_tag_by_id) >>> view = create_view( ... milestone, '+productrelease-data', principal=person) >>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'release-data') >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'how-to-verify').a['href'] /+help/verify-downloads.html >>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'downloads')) File Description Downloads Delete test.txt (md5, sig) test file ... >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'delete-files')['type'] submit This release does not not have release notes or a change log. >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'release-notes') None >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'changelog') None This release notes and change log do appear when the release has them. >>> release.release_notes = 'My release notes' >>> release.changelog = 'My changelog' >>> view = create_view( ... milestone, '+productrelease-data', principal=person) >>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'release-data') >>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'release-notes')) My release notes >>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'changelog')) My changelog The delete column and delete submit are not rendered if the user does not have edit permission. >>> login_person(engineer) >>> view = create_view( ... milestone, '+productrelease-data', principal=engineer) >>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'release-data') >>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'downloads')) File Description Downloads test.txt (md5, sig) test file ... >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'delete-files') None >>> login_person(person) ProjectGroup milestones ----------------------- The projectgroup milestones are virtual and cannot be modified. The template generates CSS that hides the space occupied by the side portlets. >>> projectgroup = factory.makeProject(name='flock') >>> product.project = projectgroup >>> project_milestone = projectgroup.getMilestone('kakapo') >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... project_milestone, '+index', principal=person) >>> print find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'hide-side-portlets')['type'] text/css A normal milestone does not have the CSS rule. >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... milestone, '+index', principal=person) >>> print find_tag_by_id(content, 'hide-side-portlets') None Editing milestones ------------------ Persons with launchpad.Edit permissions for milestones may edit them. The MilestoneEditView is responsible for controlling the fields that the user may edit. >>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.authorization import check_permission >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet >>> firefox = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName('firefox') >>> login_person(firefox.owner) >>> firefox_1_0 = firefox.getSeries('1.0') >>> milestone = firefox_1_0.newMilestone('1.0.8') >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) True The view allows the user to modify the mutable milestone fields. The cancel_url property can be used to return to the milestone. >>> print view.label Modify milestone details >>> view.field_names ['name', 'code_name', 'active', 'dateexpected', 'summary', 'productseries'] >>> print view.cancel_url This milestone belongs to a product, so the productseries field is included in the list of field names. The user can change the field values. >>> print 1.0.8 >>> print milestone.dateexpected None >>> print milestone.summary None >>> True >>> print 1.0 >>> form = { ... '': '1.0.9', ... 'field.dateexpected': '2007-05-11', ... 'field.summary': 'a summary', ... '': 'False', ... 'field.productseries': '1', ... 'field.actions.update': 'Update', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit', form=form) >>> print 1.0.9 >>> print milestone.dateexpected 2007-05-11 >>> print milestone.summary a summary >>> False >>> print trunk The milestone's name is unique to the product or series. >>> transaction.commit() >>> form = { ... '': '1.0', ... 'field.dateexpected': '2007-05-11', ... 'field.summary': 'a summary', ... '': 'True', ... 'field.productseries': '1', ... 'field.actions.update': 'Update', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit', form=form) >>> for error in view.errors: ... print error.errors The name 1.0 is already used by a milestone in Mozilla Firefox. >>> for milestone in ... print, milestone.code_name 1.0 None The view restricts the productseries field to series that belong to the product. A series from another product is rejected. >>> transaction.commit() >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> '100' in view.widgets['productseries'].vocabulary False >>> form['field.productseries'] = '100' >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit', form=form) >>> print trunk A milestone that belongs to the distroseries has a distroseries field instead of a productseries field. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import ( ... IDistributionSet) >>> ubuntu_distro = getUtility(IDistributionSet).getByName('ubuntu') >>> login_person(ubuntu_distro.owner.teamowner) >>> hoary_series = ubuntu_distro.getSeries('hoary') >>> milestone = hoary_series.newMilestone('alpha') >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> view.field_names ['name', 'code_name', 'active', 'dateexpected', 'summary', 'distroseries'] The distroseries milestone can be updated too. >>> form = { ... '': 'omega', ... 'field.code_name': 'omega-licious', ... 'field.dateexpected': '2007-05-11', ... 'field.summary': 'a summary', ... '': 'False', ... 'field.distroseries': '5', ... 'field.actions.update': 'Update', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit', form=form) >>> print omega >>> print milestone.code_name omega-licious >>> print milestone.dateexpected 2007-05-11 >>> print milestone.summary a summary >>> False >>> print grumpy Like the productseries field, the distroseries field only accepts series that belong to the distribution. >>> transaction.commit() >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> '100' in view.widgets['distroseries'].vocabulary False >>> form['field.distroseries'] = '100' >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit', form=form) >>> print grumpy Users without launchpad.Edit permissions cannot access the view. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> no_priv = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('no-priv') >>> login_person(no_priv) >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) False Adding milestones ----------------- The AddMilestoneView is used to create a new milestone. >>> owner = firefox.owner >>> login_person(owner) >>> view = create_view(firefox_1_0, '+addmilestone') >>> print view.label Register a new milestone >>> view.field_names ['name', 'code_name', 'dateexpected', 'summary'] The view provides an action_url and cancel_url properties that form submitting the form or aborting the action. >>> print view.action_url >>> print view.cancel_url Only the name of the milestone is required. >>> form = { ... '': '1.1', ... 'field.actions.register': 'Register Milestone', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... firefox_1_0, '+addmilestone', form=form) >>> for milestone in firefox_1_0.milestones: ... print, milestone.code_name 1.1 None The milestone name is unique to a product or distribution. The view cannot create a duplicate milestone. >>> transaction.commit() >>> form = { ... '': '1.1', ... 'field.code_name': 'impossible', ... 'field.actions.register': 'Register Milestone', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... firefox_1_0, '+addmilestone', form=form) >>> for error in view.errors: ... print error.errors The name 1.1 is already used by a milestone in Mozilla Firefox. >>> for milestone in firefox_1_0.milestones: ... print, milestone.code_name 1.1 None An empty code_name or summary (submitted via AJAX) is converted to None. >>> form = { ... '': '2.1', ... 'field.code_name': ' ', ... 'field.summary': ' ', ... 'field.actions.register': 'Register Milestone', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... firefox_1_0, '+addmilestone', form=form) >>> for milestone in firefox_1_0.milestones: ... print, milestone.code_name, milestone.summary 2.1 None None 1.1 None None Distroseries driver and milestones ---------------------------------- The driver of a series that belongs to an `IDerivativeDistribution` is a release manager and can create milestones. >>> distroseries = factory.makeDistroRelease(name='pumpkin') >>> driver = factory.makePerson(name='a-driver') >>> login_person(distroseries.distribution.owner) >>> distroseries.driver = driver >>> login_person(driver) >>> form = { ... '': 'pie', ... 'field.actions.register': 'Register Milestone', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... distroseries, '+addmilestone', form=form) >>> milestone = distroseries.milestones[0] >>> print pie The driver has access to the milestone. >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) True The driver of an `IBaseDistribution` such as Ubuntu cannot create a milestone. >>> login_person(ubuntu_distro.owner.teamowner) >>> hoary_series.driver = driver >>> login_person(driver) >>> view = create_initialized_view(hoary_series, '+addmilestone') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) False Nor can the driver edit it. >>> milestone = factory.makeMilestone(distribution=ubuntu_distro) >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+edit') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) False Deleting milestones ------------------- The DeleteMilestoneView allows users to edit permissions to delete Milestones. The view is restricted to owners of the project and drivers of the series. >>> login_person(owner) >>> milestone = firefox_1_0.newMilestone('1.0.10') >>> print 1.0.10 >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) True The view provides a few properties to access the dependent artifacts. This milestone does not have any bugtasks, specifications, a product release or product release files. >>> view.bugtasks [] >>> view.specifications [] >>> print view.product_release None >>> view.product_release_files [] The milestone is deleted when the delete action is called. >>> form = { ... 'field.actions.delete': 'Delete Milestone', ... } >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete', form=form) >>> for notification in view.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Milestone 1.0.10 deleted. >>> print firefox.getMilestone('1.0.10') None The view will delete the dependent product release and release files if they exist. It will also untarget bugtasks and specifications from the milestone. >>> from datetime import datetime >>> from pytz import UTC >>> milestone = firefox_1_0.newMilestone('1.0.11') >>> release = milestone.createProductRelease( ... owner, >>> release_file = release.addReleaseFile( ... 'test', 'test', 'text/plain', owner, description="test file") >>> specification = factory.makeSpecification(product=firefox) >>> specification.milestone = milestone >>> bug = factory.makeBug(product=firefox) >>> bugtask = bug.bugtasks[0] >>> bugtask.milestone = milestone >>> subscription = milestone.addSubscription(owner, owner) >>> [subscription for subscription in owner.structural_subscriptions] [<...StructuralSubscription ...>] >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete') >>> [ for bugtask in view.bugtasks] [u'1.0.11'] >>> [ for spec in view.specifications] [u'1.0.11'] >>> view.product_release.version u'1.0.11' >>> [file_.description for file_ in view.product_release_files] [u'test file'] >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete', form=form) >>> for notification in view.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Milestone 1.0.11 deleted. >>> print firefox.getMilestone('1.0.11') None >>> print firefox_1_0.getRelease('1.0.11') None >>> print specification.milestone None >>> print bugtask.milestone None >>> [subscription for subscription in owner.structural_subscriptions] [] No Privileges Person cannot access this view because he is neither the project owner or series driver.. >>> milestone = firefox_1_0.newMilestone('1.0.12') >>> login_person(no_priv) >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete') >>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view) False Milestones with private bugs can be deleted. There is one caveate, the person deleting the milestone must have permssion to access the bug for it to be untargeted. It is possible for the owner or release manager to not have access to a private bug that was targeted to a milestone by a driver. >>> login_person(owner) >>> milestone = firefox_1_0.newMilestone('1.0.13') >>> private_bug = factory.makeBug(product=firefox, private=True) >>> private_bugtask = bug.bugtasks[0] >>> private_bugtask.milestone = milestone >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete') >>> [ for bugtask in view.bugtasks] [u'1.0.13'] >>> view = create_initialized_view(milestone, '+delete', form=form) >>> for notification in view.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Milestone 1.0.13 deleted. >>> transaction.commit() >>> print private_bugtask.milestone None