Answer Tracker Karma ==================== To promote community contributions in the Launchpad Answer Tracker, it's very important that we acknowledge their work and give them some karma points. These karma points are assigned to a user when he performs one of the actions we consider to be a reasonable contribution. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet >>> from lp.registry.model.karma import KarmaCategory >>> answers_category = KarmaCategory.byName('answers') >>> answers_karma_actions = answers_category.karmaactions >>> sorted([action.title for action in answers_karma_actions]) [u'Answered question', u'Asked question', u'Comment made on a question', u'FAQ created', u'FAQ edited', u'Gave answer on a question', u'Gave more information on a question', u'Question description changed', u'Question linked to a bug', u'Question owner accepted answer', u'Question title changed', u'Rejected question', u'Reopened question', u'Requested for information on a question', u'Solved own question'] >>> person_set = getUtility(IPersonSet) >>> sample_person = person_set.getByEmail('') >>> foo_bar = person_set.getByEmail('') Setup an event listener to help ensure karma is assigned when it should. >>> from lp.testing.karma import KarmaAssignedEventListener >>> karma_helper = KarmaAssignedEventListener(show_person=True) >>> karma_helper.register_listener() Define a generator that always give a date higher than the previous one to order our messages. >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> from pytz import UTC >>> def timegenerator(origin): ... now = origin ... while True: ... now += timedelta(seconds=5) ... yield now >>> now = timegenerator( Karma Actions ------------- Creating a question ................... >>> login('') >>> from zope.event import notify >>> firefox = getUtility(IProductSet)['firefox'] >>> firefox_question = firefox.newQuestion( ... title='New question', description='Question description.', ... owner=sample_person, Karma added: action=questionasked, product=firefox, person=name12 Expiring a question ................... The expireQuestion() workflow method doesn't grant any karma because it will usually be called by an automated script. >>> msg = firefox_question.expireQuestion( ... foo_bar, 'Expiring because of inactivity. Reopen if you are ' ... 'still having the problem and provide additional information.', ... Reopening a question .................... >>> msg = firefox_question.reopen( ... "Firefox doesn't have any 'Quick Searches' in its bookmarks.", ... Karma added: action=questionreopened, product=firefox, person=name12 Requesting for more information ............................... >>> msg = firefox_question.requestInfo( ... foo_bar, 'What "Quick Searches" do you want?', ... Karma added: action=questionrequestedinfo, product=firefox, person=name16 Giving back more information ............................ >>> msg = firefox_question.giveInfo( ... 'The same one than shipped upstreams.', ... Karma added: action=questiongaveinfo, product=firefox, person=name12 Giving an answer to a question .............................. >>> msg = firefox_question.giveAnswer( ... foo_bar, "Ok, I see what you mean. You need to install them " ... "manually for now.", Karma added: action=questiongaveanswer, product=firefox, person=name16 Adding a comment ................ >>> msg = firefox_question.addComment( ... foo_bar, 'You could also fill a bug about that, if you like.', ... Karma added: action=questioncommentadded, product=firefox, person=name16 Confirming that the problem is solved ..................................... When the user confirms that his problem is solved, karma will be given for accepting an answer. The person whose answer was accepted will also receives karma. >>> msg = firefox_question.confirmAnswer( ... "Ok, thanks. I'll open a bug about this then.", ... answer=msg, Karma added: action=questionansweraccepted, product=firefox, person=name12 Karma added: action=questionanswered, product=firefox, person=name16 Rejecting a question .................... >>> msg = firefox_question.reject( ... foo_bar, 'This should really be a bug report.') Karma added: action=questionrejected, product=firefox, person=name16 Changing the status ................... We do not grant karma for status change made outside of workflow: >>> login('') >>> from lp.answers.enums import QuestionStatus >>> msg = firefox_question.setStatus( ... foo_bar, QuestionStatus.OPEN, 'That rejection was an error.', ... Changing the title of a question ................................ >>> from zope.interface import providedBy >>> from lazr.lifecycle.event import ObjectModifiedEvent >>> from lazr.lifecycle.snapshot import Snapshot >>> old_question = Snapshot( ... firefox_question, providing=providedBy(firefox_question)) >>> login('') >>> firefox_question.title = ('Firefox does not have any ' ... '"Quick Searches" installed by default') >>> notify(ObjectModifiedEvent(firefox_question, old_question, ['title'])) Karma added: action=questiontitlechanged, product=firefox, person=name12 Changing the description of a question ...................................... >>> old_question = Snapshot( ... firefox_question, providing=providedBy(firefox_question)) >>> firefox_question.description = ( ... 'Firefox does not have any "Quick Searches" installed ' ... 'in the bookmarks by default, like the official ones do.') >>> notify(ObjectModifiedEvent( ... firefox_question, old_question, ['description'])) Karma added: action=questiondescriptionchanged, product=firefox, person=name12 Linking to a bug ................ >>> from lp.bugs.model.bug import Bug >>> questionbug = firefox_question.linkBug(Bug.get(5)) Karma added: action=questionlinkedtobug, product=firefox, person=name12 Solving own problem ................... There is a special karma action to cover the case when the question owner comes back to provide an answer to his own problem. We no longer award karma for the questionownersolved action. It remains among the answers karma actions so that we can continue to calculate karma for persons who were awarded it in the past. # This test must have no output >>> msg = firefox_question.giveAnswer( ... sample_person, "I was able to import some by following the " ... "instructions on", ... Creating a FAQ .............. >>> firefox_faq = firefox.newFAQ( ... sample_person, 'A FAQ', 'About something important') Karma added: action=faqcreated, product=firefox, person=name12 Modifying a FAQ ............... >>> old_faq = Snapshot(firefox_faq, providing=providedBy(firefox_faq)) >>> firefox_faq.title = 'How can I make the Fnord appears?' >>> firefox_faq.content = 'Install the Fnords highlighter extensions.' >>> notify(ObjectModifiedEvent( ... firefox_faq, old_faq, ['title', 'content'])) Karma added: action=faqedited, product=firefox, person=name12 Final check and tear down ------------------------- Now we do a check to make sure all current Answer Tracker related karma actions have been tested. Only the obsolete methods remain. >>> added_karma_actions = karma_helper.added_karma_actions >>> obsolete_actions = set(answers_karma_actions) - added_karma_actions >>> [action.title for action in obsolete_actions] [u'Solved own question'] # Unregister the event listener to make sure we won't interfere in # other tests. >>> karma_helper.unregister_listener()