= Atom Feeds For Revisions =
Atom feeds produce XML not HTML. Therefore we must parse the output as XML
using BeautifulStoneSoup instead of BeautifulSoup or the helper functions.
>>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup as BSS
>>> from canonical.launchpad.ftests.feeds_helper import (
... parse_ids, parse_links, validate_feed)
== Create some specific branches to use for this test ==
>>> login(ANONYMOUS)
>>> from lp.testing import time_counter
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> import pytz
>>> # Since the feed only shows revisions from the last 30 days, we
>>> # need recent revisions.
>>> initial_revision_date = datetime.now(pytz.UTC) - timedelta(days=10)
>>> date_generator = time_counter(
... initial_revision_date, timedelta(days=1))
>>> mike = factory.makePerson(
... name='mike', displayname='Mike Murphy', email='mike@example.com')
>>> mary = factory.makePerson(
... name='mary', displayname='Mary Murphy', email='mary@example.com')
>>> fubar = factory.makeProject(name='fubar', displayname="Fubar")
>>> fooix = factory.makeProduct(
... name='fooix', displayname="Fooix", project=fubar)
>>> fooey = factory.makeProduct(
... name='fooey', displayname="Fooey", project=fubar)
>>> fooix_branch = factory.makeProductBranch(
... name='feature-x', product=fooix, owner=mike)
>>> fooey_branch = factory.makeProductBranch(
... name='feature-x', product=fooey, owner=mike)
>>> from zope.security.proxy import removeSecurityProxy
>>> def makeRevision(author, rev_id, log_body):
... global factory, date_generator
... return factory.makeRevision(
... author=removeSecurityProxy(author).preferredemail.email,
... revision_date=date_generator.next(),
... rev_id=rev_id, log_body=log_body)
>>> ignored = fooey_branch.createBranchRevision(
... 1, makeRevision(
... mike, 'rev1', 'This is a short log message'))
>>> ignored = fooix_branch.createBranchRevision(
... 2, makeRevision(
... mike, 'rev2', 'This is a much longer log message that will'
... ' be truncated due to length of a single line.'))
>>> ignored = fooix_branch.createBranchRevision(
... None, makeRevision(
... mike, 'rev2.1', 'This is a two\nline log message.'))
>>> ignored = fooey_branch.createBranchRevision(
... 3, makeRevision(
... mary, 'rev3', "Mary's revision"))
>>> login_person(mike)
>>> team = factory.makeTeam(mike, 'The M Team', name='m-team')
>>> ignored = team.addMember(mary, mike)
>>> from zope.component import getUtility
>>> from lp.code.interfaces.revision import IRevisionSet
>>> revision_set = getUtility(IRevisionSet)
>>> revision_set.updateRevisionCacheForBranch(fooey_branch)
>>> revision_set.updateRevisionCacheForBranch(fooix_branch)
>>> logout()
== Feed for a person's revisions ==
The feed for a person's revisions will show the most recent 25 revisions
that have been committed by that person (or attributed to that person).
>>> anon_browser.open('http://feeds.launchpad.dev/~mike/revisions.atom')
>>> def validate_browser_feed(browser):
... validate_feed(
... browser.contents, browser.headers['content-type'], browser.url)
>>> validate_browser_feed(anon_browser)
No Errors
>>> BSS(anon_browser.contents).title.contents
[u'Latest Revisions by Mike Murphy']
>>> def print_parse_ids(browser):
... for id in parse_ids(browser.contents):
... print id
Ignore the date associated with the id of 'mike' as this is the date created
of the person, which will be different each time the test is run.
>>> print_parse_ids(anon_browser)
Ensure the self link is correct and there is only one.
>>> def print_parse_links(browser):
... for link in parse_links(browser.contents, rel="self"):
... print link
>>> print_parse_links(anon_browser)
If we look at the feed for a team, we get revisions created by any member
of that team.
>>> browser.open('http://feeds.launchpad.dev/~m-team/revisions.atom')
>>> validate_browser_feed(browser)
No Errors
>>> BSS(browser.contents).title.contents
[u'Latest Revisions by members of The M Team']
>>> print_parse_ids(browser)
== Feed for a product's revisions ==
The feed for a product's revisions will show the most recent 25 revisions
that have been committed on branches for the product.
>>> anon_browser.open('http://feeds.launchpad.dev/fooix/revisions.atom')
>>> validate_browser_feed(anon_browser)
No Errors
>>> BSS(anon_browser.contents).title.contents
[u'Latest Revisions for Fooix']
Ignore the date associated with the id of 'fooix' as this is the date created
for the product, which will be different each time the test is run.
>>> print_parse_ids(anon_browser)
Ensure the self link points to the feed location and there is only one.
>>> print_parse_links(anon_browser)
== Feed for a project's revisions ==
A feed for a project will show the most recent 25 revisions across any
branch for any product that is associated with the project.
>>> anon_browser.open('http://feeds.launchpad.dev/fubar/revisions.atom')
>>> validate_browser_feed(anon_browser)
No Errors
>>> BSS(anon_browser.contents).title.contents
[u'Latest Revisions for Fubar']
Ignore the date associated with the id of 'fubar' as this is the date created
of the project, which will be different each time the test is run.
>>> print_parse_ids(anon_browser)
Ensure the self link points to the feed location and there is only one.
>>> print_parse_links(anon_browser)