Merging ======= For many reasons (i.e. a gina run) we could have duplicated accounts in Launchpad. Once a duplicated account is identified, we need to allow the user to merge two accounts into a single one, because both represent the same person and they're there just because each of those was created using a different email address. >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from canonical.database.sqlbase import sqlvalues >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> from canonical.launchpad.ftests import login, ANONYMOUS >>> login(ANONYMOUS) >>> personset = getUtility(IPersonSet) >>> name16 = personset.getByName('name16') >>> sample = personset.getByName('name12') >>> admins = personset.getByName('admins') >>> marilize = personset.getByName('marilize') Sanity checks ------------- We can't merge an account that still has email addresses attached to it >>> personset.merge(marilize, sample) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: ... Preparing test person for the merge ----------------------------------- Merging people involves updating the merged person relationships. Let's put the person we will merge into some of those. # To assign marilize as the ubuntu team owner, we must log on as the # previous owner. >>> login('') >>> ubuntu_team = personset.getByName('ubuntu-team') >>> ubuntu_team.teamowner = marilize >>> ubuntu_translators = personset.getByName('ubuntu-translators') >>> ignored = ubuntu_translators.addMember(marilize, marilize) >>> rosetta_admins = personset.getByName('rosetta-admins') >>> ignored = rosetta_admins.addMember(marilize, marilize) Karma gets reassigned to the person we merge into. Let's assign karma to Marilize and save it for later comparison. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet >>> firefox = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName('firefox') >>> marilize_karma = marilize.assignKarma('bugfixed', product=firefox) >>> saved_marilize_karma_id = >>> print marilize >>> sampleperson_old_karma = sample.karma Branches whose owner is being merged are uniquified by appending '-N' where N is a unique integer. We create "peoplemerge" and "peoplemerge-1" branches owned by marilize, and a "peoplemerge" and "peoplemerge-1" branches owned by 'Sample Person' to test that branch name uniquifying works. Branches with smaller IDs will be processed first, so we create "peoplemerge" first, and it will be renamed "peoplemerge-2". The extant "peoplemerge-1" branch will be renamed "peoplemerge-1-1". The "peoplemerge-0" branch will not be renamed since it will not conflict. That is not a particularly sensible way of renaming branches, but it is simple to implement, and it be should extremely rare for the case to occur. >>> peoplemerge = factory.makePersonalBranch( ... name='peoplemerge', owner=sample) >>> peoplemerge1 = factory.makePersonalBranch( ... name='peoplemerge-1', owner=sample) >>> peoplemerge0 = factory.makePersonalBranch( ... name='peoplemerge-0', owner=marilize) >>> peoplemerge2 = factory.makePersonalBranch( ... name='peoplemerge', owner=marilize) >>> peoplemerge11 = factory.makePersonalBranch( ... name='peoplemerge-1', owner=marilize) 'Sample Person' is a deactivated member of the 'Ubuntu Translators' team, while marilize is an active member. After the merge, 'Sample Person' will be an active member of that team. >>> sample in ubuntu_translators.inactivemembers True >>> marilize in ubuntu_translators.activemembers True Do the merge! ------------- # Now we remove the only email address marilize had, so that we can merge # it. First we need to change its status, though, because we can't delete # a person's preferred email. >>> from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.emailaddress import ( ... EmailAddressStatus) >>> from canonical.launchpad.interfaces.lpstorm import IMasterObject >>> email = IMasterObject(marilize.preferredemail) >>> email.status = EmailAddressStatus.VALIDATED >>> email.destroySelf() >>> import transaction >>> transaction.commit() >>> personset.merge(marilize, sample) Merge results ------------- Check that 'Sample Person' has indeed become an active member of 'Ubuntu Translators' >>> sample in ubuntu_translators.activemembers True >>> sample.inTeam(ubuntu_translators) True Check that the branches have been renamed properly. >>> from lp.code.interfaces.branchnamespace import ( ... get_branch_namespace) >>> sample_junk = get_branch_namespace(sample) >>> sample_junk.getByName('peoplemerge') == peoplemerge True >>> sample_junk.getByName('peoplemerge-0') == peoplemerge0 True >>> sample_junk.getByName('peoplemerge-1') == peoplemerge1 True >>> sample_junk.getByName('peoplemerge-2') == peoplemerge2 True >>> sample_junk.getByName('peoplemerge-1-1') == peoplemerge11 True The Karma that was previously assigned to marilize is now assigned to name12 (Sample Person). >>> from canonical.database.sqlbase import flush_database_caches >>> flush_database_caches() >>> saved_marilize_karma_id == True >>> print name12 Note that we don't bother migrating karma caches - it will just be reset next time the caches are rebuilt. >>> sample.karma == sampleperson_old_karma True A merged person gets a -merged suffix on its name. >>> from import Store >>> store = Store.of(marilize) >>> results = store.execute( ... "SELECT id FROM Person WHERE name='marilize-merged'") >>> results.get_one()[0] == True >>> results = store.execute( ... "SELECT person, team, status from TeamMembership WHERE " ... "person = %s and team = %s" % sqlvalues( ..., >>> results.get_one() (12, 30, 2) >>> sample.inTeam(rosetta_admins) True >>> results = store.execute( ... "SELECT FROM Person as p1, Person as p2 " ... "WHERE = p2.teamowner and = 'ubuntu-team'") >>> results.get_one()[0] u'name12' The person that has been merged is flagged. We can use this to eliminate merged persons from lists etc. >>> results = store.execute( ... "SELECT merged FROM Person WHERE name='marilize-merged'") >>> results.get_one()[0] 12 >>> results = store.execute( ... "SELECT merged FROM Person WHERE name='name12'") >>> results.get_one()[0] is None True An email is sent to the user informing him that he should review his email and mailing list subscription settings. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.personnotification import ( ... IPersonNotificationSet) >>> notification_set = getUtility(IPersonNotificationSet) >>> notifications = notification_set.getNotificationsToSend() >>> notifications.count() 1 >>> notification = notifications[0] >>> print name12 >>> print notification.subject Launchpad accounts merged >>> print notification.body The Launchpad account named 'marilize-merged' was merged into the account named 'name12'. ... You can review and update your email and subscription settings at: ... Person decoration ----------------- Several tables "extend" the Person table by having additional information that is UNIQUEly keyed to We have a utility function that merges information in those tables, we test it here. We will use PersonLocation as an example. There are many permutations and combinations, we will exercise them all, and in each case we'll create, and then delete, the needed two people. >>> from lp.registry.model.person import PersonSet, Person >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import PersonCreationRationale >>> personset = PersonSet() >>> skip = [] >>> def decorator_refs(store, winner, loser): ... results = store.execute( ... "SELECT person, last_modified_by FROM PersonLocation " ... "WHERE person IN (%(loser)d, %(winner)d)" ... " OR last_modified_by IN (%(loser)d, %(winner)d)" ... "ORDER BY date_created" % { ... 'winner':, 'loser':}) ... result = '' ... for line in results.get_all(): ... for item in line: ... if item == result += 'winner, ' ... elif item == result += 'loser, ' ... else: result += str(item) + ', ' ... result += '\n' ... return result.strip() >>> def new_players(): ... lead = 99 ... while True: ... lead += 1 ... name = str(lead) ... lp = PersonCreationRationale.OWNER_CREATED_LAUNCHPAD ... winner = Person(name=name+'.winner', displayname='Merge Winner', ... creation_rationale=lp) ... loser = Person(name=name+'.loser', displayname='Merge Loser', ... creation_rationale=lp) ... yield winner, loser >>> endless_supply_of_players = new_players() First, we will test a merge where there is no decoration. >>> winner, loser = >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) >>> personset._merge_person_decoration(winner, loser, skip, ... 'PersonLocation', 'person', ['last_modified_by',]) "Skip" should have been updated with the table and unique reference column name. >>> print skip [('personlocation', 'person')] There should still be no columns that reference the winner or loser. >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) OK, now, this time, we will add some decorator information to the winner but not the loser. >>> winner, loser = >>> winner.setLocation(None, None, 'America/Santiago', winner) >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) winner, winner, >>> personset._merge_person_decoration(winner, loser, skip, ... 'PersonLocation', 'person', ['last_modified_by',]) There should now still be one decorator, with all columns pointing to the winner: >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) winner, winner, This time, we will have a decorator for the person that is being merged INTO another person, but nothing on the target person. >>> winner, loser = >>> loser.setLocation(None, None, 'America/Santiago', loser) >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) loser, loser, >>> personset._merge_person_decoration(winner, loser, skip, ... 'PersonLocation', 'person', ['last_modified_by',]) There should now still be one decorator, with all columns pointing to the winner: >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) winner, winner, Now, we want to show what happens when there is a decorator for both the to_person and the from_person. We expect that the from_person record will remain as noise but non-unique columns will have been updated to point to the winner, and the to_person will be unaffected. >>> winner, loser = >>> winner.setLocation(None, None, 'America/Santiago', winner) >>> loser.setLocation(None, None, 'America/New_York', loser) >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) winner, winner, loser, loser, >>> personset._merge_person_decoration(winner, loser, skip, ... 'PersonLocation', 'person', ['last_modified_by',]) >>> print decorator_refs(store, winner, loser) winner, winner, loser, winner, Merging teams ------------- Merging of teams is also possible and uses the same API used for merging people. Note, though, that when merging teams, its polls will not be carried over to the remaining team. Team memberships, on the other hand, are carried over just like when merging people. >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> import pytz >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.poll import IPollSubset, PollSecrecy >>> test_team = personset.newTeam(sample, 'test-team', 'Test team') >>> launchpad_devs = personset.getByName('launchpad') >>> ignored = launchpad_devs.addMember( ... test_team, reviewer=launchpad_devs.teamowner, force_team_add=True) >>> today ='UTC')) >>> tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) >>> poll = IPollSubset(test_team).new( ... 'test-poll', 'Title', 'Proposition', today, tomorrow, ... PollSecrecy.OPEN, allowspoilt=True) # test_team has a superteam, one active member and a poll. >>> [ for team in test_team.super_teams] [u'launchpad'] >>> u'name12' >>> [ for member in test_team.allmembers] [u'name12'] >>> list(IPollSubset(test_team).getAll()) [>> landscape = personset.getByName('landscape-developers') >>> [ for team in landscape.super_teams] [] >>> u'name12' >>> [ for member in landscape.allmembers] [u'salgado', u'name12'] >>> list(IPollSubset(landscape).getAll()) []