People and Team Search ====================== Searching for people -------------------- >>>'') >>> print browser.title People and teams in Launchpad Search for all people and teams with the string "foo bar". There should just be the one person named "Foo Bar" found. >>> browser.getControl(name='name').value = 'foo bar' >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> listing = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'people-results') >>> print extract_text(listing) Name Launchpad ID Karma Foo Bar name16 241 The listing is sortable. >>> print listing['class'] listing sortable Search for all people and teams like "launchpad" the users sees three columns of people and teams.. >>> browser.getControl(name='name').value = 'launchpad' >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> listing = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'people-results') >>> print extract_text(listing) Name Launchpad ID Karma Julian Edwards launchpad-julian-edwards 0 Launchpad Administrators admins — Launchpad Beta Testers Owner launchpad-beta-owner 0 Launchpad Beta Testers launchpad-beta-testers — Launchpad Buildd Admins launchpad-buildd-admins — Restrict the search to teams and the individuals are no longer listed. Due to batching teams that were not displayed before are now shown. There are only two columns because teams cannot have karma. >>> browser.getControl(name='name').value = 'launchpad' >>> browser.getControl(name='searchfor').value = ['teamsonly'] >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> listing = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'people-results') >>> print extract_text(listing) Name Launchpad ID Launchpad Administrators admins Launchpad Beta Testers launchpad-beta-testers Launchpad Buildd Admins launchpad-buildd-admins Launchpad Developers launchpad Launchpad Users launchpad-users Restrict the search to people and only individuals are listed. >>> browser.getControl(name='name').value = 'launchpad' >>> browser.getControl(name='searchfor').value = ['peopleonly'] >>> browser.getControl('Search').click() >>> listing = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'people-results') >>> print extract_text(listing) Name Launchpad ID Karma Julian Edwards launchpad-julian-edwards 0 Launchpad Beta Testers Owner launchpad-beta-owner 0 Launchpad Janitor janitor 0