Components and Sections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Component refers to a group of packages within a DistroSeries that are related by their need, shipment condition and/or license. Zope auxiliary test toolchain: >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from import verifyObject Importing Component content class and its interface: >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.component import IComponent >>> from lp.soyuz.model.component import Component Get an Component instance from the current sampledata: >>> main = Component.get(1) Test some attributes: >>> print, 1 main Check if the instance corresponds to the declared interface: >>> verifyObject(IComponent, main) True Now perform the tests for the Component ContentSet class, ComponentSet. Check if it can be imported: >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.component import IComponentSet Check we can use the set as a utility: >>> component_set = getUtility(IComponentSet) Test iteration over the sampledata default components: >>> for c in component_set: ... print main restricted universe multiverse partner by default, they are ordered by 'id'. Test __getitem__ method, retrieving a component by name: >>> print component_set['universe'].name universe Test get method, retrieving a component by its id: >>> print component_set.get(2).name restricted New component creation for a given name: >>> new_comp ='test') >>> print, 6 test Ensuring a component (if not found, create it): >>> component_set.ensure('test').id 6 >>> component_set.ensure('test2').id 7 Importing Section content class and its interface: >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.section import ISection >>> from lp.soyuz.model.section import Section Get a Section instance from the current sampledata: >>> base = Section.get(1) Test some attributes: >>> print, 1 base Check if the instance corresponds to the declared interface: >>> verifyObject(ISection, base) True Now perform the tests for the Section ContentSet class, SectionSet. Check if it can be imported: >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.section import ISectionSet Check we can use the set as a utility: >>> section_set = getUtility(ISectionSet) Test iteration over the sampledata default sections: >>> for s in section_set: ... print base web editors admin comm debian-installer devel doc games gnome graphics interpreters kde libdevel libs mail math misc net news oldlibs otherosfs perl python shells sound tex text translations utils x11 electronics embedded hamradio science by default they are ordered by 'id'. Test __getitem__ method, retrieving a section by name: >>> print section_set['science'].name science Test get method, retrieving a section by its id: >>> print section_set.get(2).name web New section creation for a given name: >>> new_sec ='test') >>> print, 36 test Ensuring a section (if not found, create it): >>> section_set.ensure('test').id 36 >>> section_set.ensure('test2').id 37