= Package copy requests = Populating a copy archive from some other source archive is a potentially long-lasting operation. Thus the population parameters are specified using package copy requests and these requests are carried out in asynchronous fashion. Let's prepare a few things we'll need for the subsequent tests. >>> from lp.soyuz.adapters.packagelocation import ( ... build_package_location) >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.packagecopyrequest import ( ... IPackageCopyRequest, IPackageCopyRequestSet) >>> from lp.soyuz.enums import ArchivePurpose, PackageCopyStatus >>> from lp.services.webapp.testing import verifyObject >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> from lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive import IArchiveSet In order to instantiate a package copy request we require a source and target package location. >>> source = build_package_location('ubuntutest', suite='breezy-autotest') >>> target = build_package_location('ubuntutest', suite='breezy-autotest') We'll be using Celso's identity along with the 'ubuntutest' distribution and a copy archive for rebuilds. >>> ubuntutest = getUtility(IDistributionSet)['ubuntutest'] >>> cprov = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('cprov') >>> rebuild_archive = getUtility(IArchiveSet).new( ... owner=cprov, purpose=ArchivePurpose.COPY, ... distribution=ubuntutest, name='our-sample-copy-archive') >>> target.archive = rebuild_archive As well as Mark's identity and the 'ubuntu' distribution.. >>> ubuntu = getUtility(IDistributionSet)['ubuntu'] >>> mark = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('mark') >>> snapshot_archive = getUtility(IArchiveSet).new( ... owner=mark, purpose=ArchivePurpose.COPY, ... distribution=ubuntu, name='our-sample-sbapshot-archive') .. and a package location targeting ubuntu/warty and a different copy archive (for snaphots). >>> snapshot_target = build_package_location('ubuntu', 'warty') >>> snapshot_target.archive = snapshot_archive Finally, we have all that's needed to instantiate the package copy request. >>> pcr_set = getUtility(IPackageCopyRequestSet) >>> new_pcr = pcr_set.new( ... source, target, cprov, reason=u'We need to test this stuff!') Let's have a look at it. Please note that the source and the target components are not set by default. Also, the date started and completed are not set either since this is a new package copy request. >>> print new_pcr Package copy request source = primary/breezy-autotest/-/RELEASE target = our-sample-copy-archive/breezy-autotest/-/RELEASE copy binaries: False requester: cprov status: NEW date created: ... date started: - date completed: - >>> verifyObject(IPackageCopyRequest, new_pcr) True >>> new_pcr.date_started is None True >>> new_pcr.date_completed is None True Now let's instantiate more package copy requests in order to check some of the filtering capabilities of the IPackageCopyRequestSet component. >>> inprogress_pcr = pcr_set.new(source, snapshot_target, mark) >>> inprogress_pcr.markAsInprogress() Make sure the 'in progress' package copy request has its 'date_started' property set. >>> inprogress_pcr.status == PackageCopyStatus.INPROGRESS True >>> inprogress_pcr.date_started is not None True It should not have a "date completed" yet. >>> inprogress_pcr.date_completed is not None False The completed package copy request will have a "date completed" set. >>> completed_pcr = pcr_set.new(source, target, cprov) >>> completed_pcr.markAsInprogress() >>> completed_pcr.markAsCompleted() >>> completed_pcr.status == PackageCopyStatus.COMPLETE True >>> completed_pcr.date_completed is not None True The cancelled package copy request will have a "date completed" set as well. >>> cancelled_pcr = pcr_set.new(source, snapshot_target, mark) >>> cancelled_pcr.markAsCancelled() >>> cancelled_pcr.status == PackageCopyStatus.CANCELLED True >>> cancelled_pcr.date_completed is not None True Now let's query for Celso's package copy requests regardless of their status. >>> cprov_pcrs = pcr_set.getByPersonAndStatus(cprov) >>> cprov_pcrs.count() == 2 True Make sure that the returned package copy requests do belong to Celso. >>> len([pcr for pcr in cprov_pcrs if pcr.requester != cprov]) == 0 True A package copy request in state "canceling" is somewhat similar to one in state "in progress" i.e. it has a 'date_started' set but its status is 'CANCELING'. >>> canceling_pcr = pcr_set.new(source, snapshot_target, mark) The package copy request has just been instantiated, has status "new" and no 'date_started' value yet. >>> canceling_pcr.status == PackageCopyStatus.NEW True >>> canceling_pcr.date_started is None True Now we change its status to 'canceling'. >>> canceling_pcr.markAsCanceling() >>> canceling_pcr.status == PackageCopyStatus.CANCELING True Please note that marking a package copy requests as 'canceling' does not affect its 'date_started' value. >>> canceling_pcr.date_started is None True Now let's query for package copy requests belonging to a particular person and being in a certain state. >>> cancelled_pcrs = pcr_set.getByPersonAndStatus( ... mark, PackageCopyStatus.CANCELLED) >>> cancelled_pcrs.count() == 1 True >>> cancelled_pcrs[0].status == PackageCopyStatus.CANCELLED True Make sure that the returned package copy requests do belong to Mark. >>> len([pcr for pcr in cancelled_pcrs if pcr.requester != mark]) == 0 True Now let's exercise some of the other package copy request filtering methods. First we select all package copy requests with a matching source distroseries. >>> breezy = ubuntutest['breezy-autotest'] >>> breezy_source_pcrs = pcr_set.getBySourceDistroSeries(breezy) All five package copy requests have 'breezy-autotest' as their source distroseries. >>> breezy_source_pcrs.count() == 5 True Make sure that the returned package copy requests do have the proper source distroseries. >>> len([pcr for pcr in breezy_source_pcrs ... if pcr.source_distroseries != breezy]) == 0 True Now for the target distroseries, we are interested in package copy requests that target 'warty'. >>> warty = ubuntu['warty'] >>> warty_target_pcrs = pcr_set.getByTargetDistroSeries(warty) Three out of five package copy requests have 'warty' as their target distroseries. >>> warty_target_pcrs.count() == 3 True Make sure that the returned package copy requests do have the proper target distroseries. >>> len([pcr for pcr in warty_target_pcrs ... if pcr.target_distroseries != warty]) == 0 True Last but not least we want to see the package copy requests that target the rebuild archive. >>> rebuild_pcrs = pcr_set.getByTargetArchive(rebuild_archive) >>> rebuild_pcrs.count() == 2 True >>> len([pcr for pcr in rebuild_pcrs ... if pcr.target_archive != rebuild_archive]) == 0 True The archive must be set in both the source and the target location. Otherwise the instantiation of the package copy request will fail. >>> target.archive = None >>> will_fail = pcr_set.new(source, target, cprov) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: target archive must be set in package location >>> source.archive = None >>> will_fail_as_well = pcr_set.new(source, snapshot_target, mark) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: source archive must be set in package location