= Launchpad configs = This directory defines the configurations used to run Launchpad applications in specific environments. == Environments == This directory stores configs. The config used is selected on startup using the LPCONFIG environment variable. Each config directory contains a launchpad-lazr.conf file, and optionally a number of .zcml files. These .zcml files are processed as ZCML overrides allowing you to change behavior not yet configurable in launchpad-lazr.conf. If you want to create a temporary config, prefix the directory name with '+' so that bzr ignores it and you won't accidentally commit it (this pattern is listed in the top level .bzrignore in this tree). If you need to make changes to the production, staging or dogfood configs make sure you inform the people in charge of those systems. You may wish to do this if you are adding a new required config option to launchpad-lazr.conf. The old ZConfig-based launchpad.conf files are still used to define servers and log files. These will be replaced when lazr.config is bootstrapped into the Zope startup process. == CanonicalConfig == Launchpad uses a singleton CanonicalConfig object to select the config to load and manage its state. === Instance directories and process files === The directories in configs/ represent environment's config `instance`. Environment and instance are synonymous in this case. The instance is often set by the LPCONFIG environment variable, but an app may override this. The test.py calls: config.setInstance('testrunner') to force the testrunner configuration to be loaded. An instance directory may contain several lazr.config conf files. CanonicalConfig loads the config file named for the process that is running, eg. if the processes name is 'test', CanonicalConfig looks for test-lazr.conf. launchpad-lazr.conf is loaded if not a lazr config files named for the process. All this information is available in the config object. >>> config.instance_name 'testrunner' >>> config.process_name 'test' >>> config.filename '.../configs/testrunner/launchpad-lazr.conf' >>> config.extends.filename '.../configs/development/launchpad-lazr.conf' === Accessing the CanonicalConfig in code === The CanonicalConfig singleton is exposed as config in its module. from canonical.config import config The config can be accessed as a dictionary... >>> 'launchpad' in config True >>> config['launchpad']['default_batch_size'] 5 ...though it is commonly accessed as an object. >>> config.librarian.download_host 'localhost' >>> config.librarian.download_port 58000 You can learn more about canonical.config in the doctest located at lib/canonical/launchpad/doc/canonical-config.txt === Testing with CanonicalConfig === Configurations are meant to be immutable--applications should never alter the config. Nor should tests. Older code and tests assumed that because the keys looked like attributes of the config, they could be set. This was *wrong*. The code was actually adding an attribute to the CanonicalConfig instance rather that updating to underlying config object. While the code intended to reset the key's value to the original value, it would have to delete the new attribute to really restore the config singleton. CanonicalConfig supports testing by exposing lazr.config's push() and pop() methods to add and remove configurations to the stack of ConfigData. The configuration can be modified and safely restored. Tests can call push() with the configuration name and data to update the config singleton. >>> test_data = (""" ... [answertracker] ... email_domain: answers.launchpad.dev""") >>> config.push('test_data', test_data) >>> config.answertracker.email_domain 'answers.launchpad.dev' And tests can remove the data with pop() when they are done to restore the config. >>> config.pop('test_data') (,) >>> config.answertracker.email_domain 'answers.launchpad.net' == lazr.conf schema and confs == All Launchpad configs inherit from the Launchpad schema defined in ../lib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf (it is symlinked as ./schema-lazr.conf for convenience). lazr.config conf and schema files look like ini-based conf files, but supports a number of features that make it easy for us to run multiple versions of the application: 1. The [meta] section's extends: key points to a file that defines the inherited sections, keys, and values. 2. All config automatically inherit the default sections and key values from the schema. configs need only to define the keys that are unique to itself. Shared confs can be created to define a common set of key values for many configs. 3. Except for optional sections ([
.optional]) which must be declared in a conf file for all the keys and values to be inherited. 4. Schema's may define a template for a category of sections ([.template]) to define a common set of keys and values. 5. The schema and configs are validated. Configs cannot add sections or keys that are not defined in the schema. Sections and keys cannot be defined twice in a file. 6. Launchpad uses implicit typing. The default value of a key is a str. If the vales looks like a int, it will be cast as an int. the tokens 'true', 'false', and 'none' (in any case) will map to Python types. When adding sections and keys to the schema, include a comment that documents their purpose. The schema should define the default value for a key when the value is safe for all environments. Values that enable a common feature, or set the size of a list for example, should be in the schema. Values like cause email to be sent, or development features should be disabled in the schema--each environment that wants the enabled feature may do so in its local conf file. You can learn more about lazr.config in the doctest located at lib/canonical/lazr/doc/config.txt === schema template and optional sections === The schema can contain [.template] sections that define a common set of keys and default value for category of sections. For example: [vhost.template] # Host name of this virtual host. # This is matched from the incoming Host header, and # also used to put together URLs if rooturl is not provided. # Example: launchpad.net # datatype: string hostname: none # Alternative host names to match, in addition to # the one given in hostname, comma separated. # Example: wwwww.launchpad.net, www.launchpad.net # datatype: string althostnames: none # Explicit root URL for this virtual host. # If this is not provided, the root URL is calculated # based on the host name. # Example: https://launchpad.net/ # datatype: string rooturl: none The [vhost.template] defines the keys and default values of a vhost. "vhost" is a category, any section whose name is prefixed "vhost" will inherit the keys and default values of the [vhost.template]. [vhost.answers] is an empty section in the schema... [vhost.answers] ...and lpnet-lazr.conf defines this: [vhost.answers] hostname: answers.launchpad.net ./lpnet1/launchpad-lazr.conf does not define anything for [vhost.answers], yet when it is loaded, it has the all the keys and default values of [vhost.template] from the schema, with the hostname change defined in lpnet-lazr.conf: [vhost.answers] althostnames: None hostname: answers.launchpad.net rooturl: None The schema may contain [
.optional] to define a section that may declared in a conf, but is not automatically inherited. This allows the application to define process configuration data without exposing that information in every environment. For example: [vhost.xmlrpc_private.optional] is defined in the schema. It has the default keys and values defined in [vhost.template]. The [vhost.xmlrpc_private] is not visible in most confs because they do not declare that they use the section. The production-xmlrpc-private/launchpad-lazr.conf file does though, by including [vhost.xmlrpc_private] section: [vhost.xmlrpc_private] hostname: xmlrpc.lp.internal rooturl: https://launchpad.net/ Including just the section ([vhost.xmlrpc_private]) will suffice. In this case, the two keys were redefined. === Implicit typing === lazr.config support implicit typing so that the application does not need to coerce the config values: Integers: any value that is only made up of numbers, optionally prefixed with +/- is cast as an int: 0, 2001, -55, +404, 100. True, False, or None: any value that matches the boolean and None keywords is treated as the prescribed type. The match is case-insensitive: none, nOne, true, and False are all matched. Strings: any value that is not an int, bool, or None is treated as a str. Multi-line strings can be included by indenting the continuation lines to show that they are subordinate to the key: mykey: this line has a line break in it. Implicit typing does not support lists, or compound types. Code must split and unpack the value to make the desired object. For example, the callsite must split the host:port compound object and coerce the port to an int. === Config inheritance === The lazr configurations in this directory descend from the Launchpad schema. This is a general outline of inheritance: ../lib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf | + development/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + testrunner/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + authserver-lazr.conf | | | + testrunner-appserver/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + authserver-lazr.conf | + staging-lazr.conf | | | + bazaar-staging/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + staging/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | | | + authserver-lazr.conf | | | + staging-mailman/launchpad-lazr.conf | + edge-lazr.conf | | | + edge<1-4>/launchpad-lazr.conf | + lpnet-lazr.conf | | | + lpnet<1-8>/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + wildcherry/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + librarian/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + librarian-restricted/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + production/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + production-mailman/launchpad-lazr.conf | | | + production-xmlrpc-private/launchpad-lazr.conf | + demo-lazr.conf | | | + demo<1-4>/launchpad-lazr.conf | + beta-lazr.conf | | | + beta<1-3>/launchpad-lazr.conf | + dogfood/launchpad-lazr.conf | + ... There are other configuration in this directory that are not listed here === Viewing a configuration with lsconf.py === You can view the complete configuration for an process using the lsconf.py utility to assemble the configuration from the lazr conf file. eg: ./utilities/lsconf.py ./configs/production/launchpad-lazr.conf The output looks like a lazr.conf file that lists all the sections and keys in the configuration. The heading lists the order the conf files were processed from child to ancestor. Two useful options are -v and -s. The verbose option (-v) will annotate each key with a comment explaining which conf file set the value. The section name option (-s) will limit the output to the named section. eg: ./utilities/lsconf.py -v -s answertracker \ ./configs/production/launchpad-lazr.conf # This configuration derives from: # ./configs/production/launchpad-lazr.conf # ./configs/lpnet-lazr.conf # ./lib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf [answertracker] # Defined in: lib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf days_before_expiration: 15 # Defined in: lib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf dbuser: answertracker # Defined in: lib/canonical/config/schema-lazr.conf email_domain: answers.launchpad.net