Answer Contacts =============== Each product and distros can have answer contacts. Answer contacts receive notifications for new questions as well as changes to existing ones. The list of answer contacts is displayed in the 'Answer Contact' portlet which is available on the 'Answers' facet of the product or distribution. >>> browser.addHeader('Authorization', 'Basic') >>> browser.addHeader('Accept-Language', 'en, es') >>>'') >>> print extract_text( ... find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'portlet-answer-contacts')) Answer contacts for Ubuntu There are no answer contacts. Anybody can become an answer contact. To register as an answer contact, the user clicks on the 'Set answer Contact' link: >>> browser.getLink('Set answer contact').click() >>> print browser.title Answer contact for... >>> description = find_main_content(browser.contents).p >>> print extract_text(description) An answer contact...will receive changes related to all questions (written in one of your preferred languages)... That page displays a series of checkboxes. One for the user and one for each team that user is an administrator of. >>> browser.getControl( ... name='field.answer_contact_teams').options ['landscape-developers', 'launchpad-users'] The user can select any of these checkboxes to register as an answer contact himself or one of the team for which he's an administrator. In our case, the user decides to register himself and the Landscape Developers team. >>> browser.getControl( ... "I want to be an answer contact for Ubuntu").selected = True >>> browser.getControl("Landscape Developers").selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Continue').click() Confirmation of the answer contact registrations are displayed and the new answer contacts appear in the 'Answer Contacts' portlet. In this example Sample Person sees two additional notifications about preferred languages (more on this below). >>> for message in find_tags_by_class(browser.contents, 'message'): ... print extract_text(message) Your preferred languages were updated to include your browser languages: English (en), Spanish (es). You have been added as an answer contact for Ubuntu. English was added to Landscape Developers's preferred languages. Landscape Developers has been added as an answer contact for Ubuntu. >>> print extract_text( ... find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'portlet-answer-contacts')) Answer contacts for Ubuntu Landscape Developers Sample Person Answer contacts must tell Launchpad which languages they provide help in. As a convenience, the Answer Tracker will set the Person's preferred languages for him. The browser languages are used for a Person. In the case of a Team, only English is added. Sample Person reads the notice that his preferred languages were set, and uses the link to in the notice to review the changes. Sample Person's browser sends the accept- languages header with English and Spanish. >>> browser.getLink('Your preferred languages').click() >>> print browser.title Language preferences... >>> browser.getControl('English', index=0).selected True >>> browser.getControl('Spanish').selected True To remove oneself from the answer contacts, the user uses the same 'Set answer contact' link and uncheck himself or the team he want to remove from the answer contact list. >>>'') >>> browser.getLink('Set answer contact').click() >>> browser.getControl( ... "I want to be an answer contact for Ubuntu").selected True >>> browser.getControl("Landscape Developers").selected True >>> browser.getControl("Landscape Developers").selected = False >>> browser.getControl('Continue').click() A confirmation message is displayed: >>> for tag in find_tags_by_class(browser.contents, 'message'): ... print tag.renderContents() Landscape Developers has been removed as an answer contact for Ubuntu. Since answer contacts are notified of changes to questions, they are also listed in the 'Also notified' list in the 'Subscribers' portlet on a question. >>> ... '') >>> portlet = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'subscribers') >>> also_notified = portlet.find('b') >>> also_notified Also notified: >>> print extract_text(also_notified.findNextSibling('ul')) Sample Person Product Answer Contacts ----------------------- The 'Set answer contact' action is also available on products: >>>'') >>> browser.getLink('Set answer contact').click() >>> print browser.title Answer contact for... >>> print browser.url Answer Contact teams and preferred languages -------------------------------------------- Answer contacts support questions written in their preferred languages. Team, may have preferred languages, but do not normally configure them. So teams are given English language by default when a team becomes an answer contact. Team admins may configure a team's preferred languages to set exactly which languages the team supports. Sample Person visits the Answers facet of Ubuntu as described in the main story above. He wants Landscape Developers team to be answer contacts for Ubuntu, but only for Spanish questions to keep the email traffic to a manageable volume. >>>'') >>> print browser.title Questions : Ubuntu >>> browser.getLink('Set answer contact').click() >>> browser.getControl("Landscape Developers").selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Continue').click() >>> for message in find_tags_by_class(browser.contents, 'message'): ... print extract_text(message) Landscape Developers has been added as an answer contact for Ubuntu. Sample Person navigates to the team page to set it's preferred languages. He must add Spanish to the team's preferred languages. >>>'') >>> browser.title 'Landscape Developers in Launchpad' >>> browser.getLink('Set preferred languages').click() >>> print browser.title Language preferences... Sample Person may be surprised to see English is already selected. Per the notification issued in the first example above, English was added to the team's preferred languages. We did not see the notification this time since the languages are set. Sample Person unselects English, and selects Spanish. >>> browser.getControl('English', index=0).selected True >>> browser.getControl('English', index=0).selected = False >>> browser.getControl('Spanish').selected = True >>> browser.getControl('Save').click() Sample Person then checks a few questions to see that the Landscape Developers Team is not subscribed to English questions, and is subscribed to Spanish questions. >>>'') >>> print browser.title Questions : Ubuntu >>> browser.getLink('Play DVDs in Totem').click() >>> print extract_text(browser.title) Question #10 : ... >>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'question-lang')) Language: English ... >>> portlet = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'subscribers') >>> print extract_text(portlet) Subscribers Sample Person Also notified: Sample Person The English question is correct, so Sample Person locates a Spanish Question: >>>'') >>> print browser.title Question #12 : ... >>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'question-lang')) Language: Spanish ... >>> portlet = find_tag_by_id(browser.contents, 'subscribers') >>> print extract_text(portlet).encode('ASCII', 'backslashreplace') Subscribers Carlos Perell\xf3 Mar\xedn Also notified: Landscape Developers Sample Person