BugTarget-QuestionTarget compatibility ====================================== Bugs can be converted into questions when a person ascertains that that is the nature of the issue. The bug's target must be adaptable to IQuestionTarget. BugTargets can be adapted to QuestionTargets -------------------------------------------- Valid BugTargets except for Projects can be adapted to QuestionTargets. The test fixture (test_bugtarget.py) provides bugtarget that is used in this interface test for creating the bug. The target may be a: Product, Distribution, ProductSeries, DistributionSeries, SourcePackage, or DistributionSourcePackages. >>> from lp.answers.interfaces.questiontarget import IQuestionTarget >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtarget import IBugTarget >>> login('foo.bar@canonical.com') >>> IBugTarget.providedBy(bugtarget) True >>> IQuestionTarget.providedBy(IQuestionTarget(bugtarget)) True Create a question from a bug ---------------------------- The primary use case for converting a bug into a question is when a bug contact recognises a bug is really a question. No Privileges Person create a a new bug on the bugtarget. It will be converted to a question. >>> login('no-priv@canonical.com') >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import BugTaskStatus >>> bug = filebug(bugtarget, "Print is broken", status=BugTaskStatus.NEW) canBeAQuestion() ---------------- The canBeAQuestion() method can be used to check if a question can be created from a bug (but it will not state why). The most important prerequisite for a bug to become a question is that the bugtarget's pillar must use Launchpad to track bugs. >>> bug.affected_pillars[0].bug_tracking_usage >>> bug.canBeAQuestion() True A Firefox bug in Debian cannot be converted to a question because the distribution does not use Launchpad to track bugs. >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import IBugSet >>> firefox_bug = getUtility(IBugSet).get(8) >>> firefox = firefox_bug.bugtasks[0].target >>> IQuestionTarget.providedBy(firefox) True >>> firefox.distribution.bug_tracking_usage >>> firefox_bug.canBeAQuestion() False convertToQuestion() ------------------- Sample Person recognises that this bug is a question while reviewing the bugtarget's bugs, and choose to make it into a question. The UI would pass Sample Person as the Person changing the status. He may provide a message about why the report is a question. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> login('test@canonical.com') >>> sample_person = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('name12') >>> bug_subscription = bug.subscribe(sample_person, sample_person) >>> question = bug.convertToQuestion( ... sample_person, "This is a question.") The bug and the question share identical attributes. >>> question.target == question_target True >>> question.owner == bug.owner True >>> question.title == bug.title True >>> question.description == bug.description True >>> question.datecreated == bug.datecreated True >>> question.owner.displayname u'No Privileges Person' >>> question.title u'Print is broken' >>> question.description u'Print is broken' The bug's messages are copied to the question. The comment parameter for convertToQuestion is optional. When it is provided, it is added to the bug. # Bugs save the Bug.description as the first message; # questions do not. >>> question.messages.count() == bug.messages.count() - 1 True >>> question.messages[-1].text_contents == bug.messages[-1].text_contents True >>> question.messages[-1].text_contents u'This is a question.' Once converted to a question, the bugtask status is Invalid. >>> bug.bugtasks[-1].status.title 'Invalid' Subscribers to the bug are notified that the bug was made into a question and that the bugtasks are Invalid. >>> recipients = bug.getBugNotificationRecipients() >>> 'no-priv@canonical.com' in recipients.getEmails() True >>> 'test@canonical.com' in recipients.getEmails() True >>> from lp.bugs.model.bugnotification import BugNotification >>> bug_notifications = BugNotification.select(orderBy='-id') >>> for notification in bug_notifications: ... print notification.message.text_contents ** Converted to question: http://answers.launchpad.dev/.../+question/... ** Changed in: ... Status: New => Invalid This is a question. Print is broken A bug can only be converted to a question once. >>> question = bug.convertToQuestion(sample_person, "Fail.") Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: This bug was already converted to question #... getQuestionCreatedFromBug() --------------------------- The question created from the bug is automatically linked to the original bug. A bug can also retrieve all the questions that link to it to, and vice versa. The getQuestionCreatedFromBug() method will return just the question created from the bug. >>> question == bug.getQuestionCreatedFromBug() True >>> question in bug.questions True >>> bug.title u'Print is broken' >>> [bug_link.question.title for bug_link in question.bug_links] [u'Print is broken'] >>> [question.title for question in bug.questions] [u'Print is broken'] Only one bugtask must be valid ------------------------------ In the rare instance where a bug has more than one bugtask, there must be exactly one bugtask having a non-Invalid status. The question's target come from the bugtask's target. >>> login('no-priv@canonical.com') >>> big_bug = filebug( ... bugtarget, "Print is borked", status=BugTaskStatus.NEW) >>> evo_project = factory.makeProduct() >>> evo_bugtask = factory.makeBugTask(bug=big_bug, target=evo_project) >>> bugtasks = big_bug.bugtasks >>> len(bugtasks) > 1 True >>> len([bt for bt in bugtasks if bt.status.title != 'Invalid']) > 1 True >>> big_bug.canBeAQuestion() False The user can choose to Invalidate one or more bugtasks so that only one bugtask can provide the QuestionTarget. Note that the comment is not provided >>> evo_bugtask.transitionToStatus(BugTaskStatus.INVALID, sample_person) >>> len([bt for bt in bugtasks ... if bt.status.title == 'New' and bt.conjoined_master is None]) 1 >>> big_bug.canBeAQuestion() True >>> question = big_bug.convertToQuestion(sample_person) >>> question.title u'Print is borked' >>> len(bugtasks) == len([ ... bt for bt in bugtasks if bt.status.title == 'Invalid']) True