DistributionMirror Pages
Registering a mirror
Only full functionality distributions may have mirrors.
IDerivativeDistributions cannot use the form.
>>> from canonical.launchpad.testing.pages import (
... extract_text, find_tag_by_id)
>>> distribution = factory.makeDistribution(name='youbuntu')
>>> distribution.full_functionality
>>> login_person(distribution.owner)
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... distribution, '+newmirror', principal=distribution.owner)
>>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'not-full-functionality')
>>> print extract_text(content)
This functionality is not yet available...
Ubuntu is an IBaseDistributions and is full functionality. It can have
>>> from lp.app.interfaces.launchpad import ILaunchpadCelebrities
>>> ubuntu = getUtility(ILaunchpadCelebrities).ubuntu
>>> owner = ubuntu.owner.teamowner
>>> login_person(owner)
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', principal=owner)
>>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'full-functionality')
>>> print extract_text(content)
To register a new mirror...
The view provides a label, page_title, and cancel_url
>>> print view.label
Register a new mirror for Ubuntu Linux
>>> print view.page_title
Register a new mirror for Ubuntu Linux
>>> print view.cancel_url
A HTTP or FTP URL is required to register a mirror.
>>> view.field_names
['displayname', 'description', 'whiteboard', 'http_base_url',
'ftp_base_url', 'rsync_base_url', 'speed', 'country', 'content',
>>> form = {
... 'field.displayname': 'Illuminati',
... 'field.description': 'description',
... 'field.whiteboard': 'whiteboard',
... 'field.http_base_url': 'http://secret.me/',
... 'field.ftp_base_url': '',
... 'field.rsync_base_url': '',
... 'field.speed': 'S128K',
... 'field.country': '1',
... 'field.content': 'ARCHIVE',
... 'field.official_candidate': 'on',
... 'field.actions.create': 'Register Mirror',
... }
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=form)
>>> view.errors
>>> print view.next_url
>>> transaction.commit()
Registration constraints
A mirror can only be registered once for a HTTP URL (the trailing slash is
not significant).
>>> mirror = ubuntu.getMirrorByName('secret.me-archive')
>>> print mirror.http_base_url
>>> bad_form = dict(form)
>>> bad_form['field.http_base_url'] = 'http://secret.me'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=bad_form)
>>> for error in view.errors:
... print error[2]
The distribution mirror ... is already registered with this URL.
The same is true for a FTP URL.
>>> mirror.ftp_base_url = 'ftp://now-here.me/'
>>> bad_form['field.http_base_url'] = ''
>>> bad_form['field.ftp_base_url'] = 'ftp://now-here.me'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=bad_form)
>>> for error in view.errors:
... print error[2]
The distribution mirror ... is already registered with this URL.
The same is true for a rsync URL.
>>> mirror.rsync_base_url = 'rsync://nowhere.me/'
>>> bad_form['field.ftp_base_url'] = 'ftp://no-where.me'
>>> bad_form['field.rsync_base_url'] = 'rsync://nowhere.me'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=bad_form)
>>> for error in view.errors:
... print error[2]
The distribution mirror ... is already registered with this URL.
A mirror must have an ftp or http URL.
>>> bad_form['field.http_base_url'] = ''
>>> bad_form['field.ftp_base_url'] = ''
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=bad_form)
>>> for message in view.errors:
... print message
A mirror must have at least an HTTP or FTP URL.
The URL cannot contain a fragment.
>>> bad_form['field.http_base_url'] = 'http://secret.me/#fragement'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=bad_form)
>>> for error in view.errors:
... print error[2]
URIs with fragment identifiers are not allowed.
The URL cannot contain a query string.
>>> bad_form['field.http_base_url'] = 'http://secret.me/?query=string'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(ubuntu, '+newmirror', form=bad_form)
>>> for error in view.errors:
... print error[2]
URIs with query strings are not allowed.
Reviewing a distribution mirror
The +review view allows mirror admins to set the status of a given mirror. The
status can be PENDING_REVIEW, UNOFFICIAL and OFFICIAL. When the status is
changed the person who changed it and the date it was changed.
Only official mirrors are probed.
>>> print mirror.status.name
>>> print mirror.date_reviewed, mirror.reviewer
None None
The view provides a label, page_title, and cancel_url.
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+review')
>>> print view.label
Review mirror Illuminati
>>> print view.page_title
Review mirror Illuminati
>>> print view.cancel_url
If the status is not changed, the reviewer and date_reviewed won't be
changed either.
>>> login('karl@canonical.com')
>>> review_form = {
... 'field.status': mirror.status.name,
... 'field.whiteboard': 'The site fell off the net.',
... 'field.actions.save': 'Save',
... }
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+review', form=review_form)
>>> view.errors
>>> print mirror.status.name
>>> print mirror.date_reviewed, mirror.reviewer
None None
When the status is changed, though, both reviewer and date_reviewed are
>>> review_form['field.status'] = 'OFFICIAL'
>>> review_form['field.whiteboard'] = 'This site is good.'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+review', form=review_form)
>>> view.errors
>>> print view.next_url
>>> print mirror.status.name
>>> print mirror.reviewer.name
>>> print mirror.whiteboard
This site is good.
# This is to check that the mirror's date_reviewed has just been updated,
# but since this test could run at 23:59:59 of any given day we can only
# reliably check that the timedelta from now to the date it was reviewed
# is less than or equal to 1 day.
>>> import pytz
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> utc_now = datetime.now(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
>>> abs((mirror.date_reviewed.date() - utc_now.date()).days) <= 1
Only users with launchpad.Admin can access the view.
>>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.authorization import check_permission
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Admin', view)
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Admin', view)
Edit distribution mirror
The +edit view provides a label, page_title, and cancel_url.
>>> login('karl@canonical.com')
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+edit')
>>> print view.label
Edit mirror Illuminati
>>> print view.page_title
Edit mirror Illuminati
>>> print view.cancel_url
The user can edit the mirror fields.
>>> view.field_names
['name', 'displayname', 'description', 'whiteboard', 'http_base_url',
'ftp_base_url', 'rsync_base_url', 'speed', 'country', 'content',
>>> print mirror.ftp_base_url
>>> form['field.ftp_base_url'] = 'ftp://secret.me/'
>>> form['field.actions.save'] = 'Save'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+edit', form=form)
>>> view.errors
>>> print view.next_url
>>> print mirror.ftp_base_url
Only users with launchpad.Edit can access the view.
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view)
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view)
Reassign distribution mirror
The mirror owner can reassign the mirror to another user. (The view
is the common object reassignment view.)
>>> login('karl@canonical.com')
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+reassign')
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view)
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Edit', view)
Delete distribution mirror
The +delete view provides a label, page_title, and cancel_url.
>>> login('karl@canonical.com')
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+delete')
>>> print view.label
Delete mirror Illuminati
>>> print view.page_title
Delete mirror Illuminati
>>> print view.cancel_url
A mirror that have been probed cannot be deleted.
>>> probed_mirror = ubuntu.getMirrorByName('archive-mirror2')
>>> probed_mirror.last_probe_record is not None
>>> form = {
... 'field.actions.delete': 'Delete Mirror',
... }
>>> view = create_initialized_view(probed_mirror, '+delete', form=form)
>>> view.errors
>>> for notification in view.request.response.notifications:
... print notification.message
This mirror has been probed and thus can't be deleted.
Deletion is permanent.
>>> form = {
... 'field.actions.delete': 'Delete Mirror',
... }
>>> view = create_initialized_view(mirror, '+delete', form=form)
>>> view.errors
>>> print view.next_url
>>> transaction.commit()
>>> print ubuntu.getMirrorByName('secret.me-archive')
Only users with launchpad.Admin can access the view.
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Admin', view)
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> check_permission('launchpad.Admin', view)
Viewing a mirror
The archive mirror page summarizes the current state of the mirror.
>>> from canonical.launchpad.webapp.interfaces import ILaunchBag
>>> from canonical.launchpad.testing.pages import (
... extract_text, find_tag_by_id)
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
>>> archive_mirror = ubuntu.getMirrorByName('archive-mirror2')
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... archive_mirror, '+index', principal=user)
>>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'maincontent')
The page shows the mirror's owner:
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'owner'))
Mark Shuttleworth
The page shows the mirror status
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'status'))
The page shows which country the mirror is in:
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'country'))
The page shows which kind of mirror a mirror is:
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'type'))
And which organisation runs a mirror:
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'organisation'))
The page contains a source list...
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'sources-list-entries'))
deb http://localhost:11375/valid-mirror2/ YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main
deb-src http://localhost:11375/valid-mirror2/ YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main
and the select control that lets you update them.
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'field.series'))
Choose your Ubuntu version
Hoary (5.04)
Warty (4.10)
The last probed information is present.
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'last-probe'))
Last probe
This mirror was last verified ...
The information found is also shown.
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'arches'))
Version Architecture Status
The Hoary Hedgehog Release i386 One hour behind
The Warty Warthog Release i386 Two hours behind
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'sources'))
Version Status
The Hoary Hedgehog Release Up to date
The Warty Warthog Release Six hours behind
The cd mirror page summarizes the current state of the mirror.
The last probed information is present.
>>> cd_mirror = ubuntu.getMirrorByName('releases-mirror2')
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... cd_mirror, '+index', principal=user)
>>> content = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'maincontent')
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'last-probe'))
Last probe
This mirror was last verified ...
The information found is also shown.
>>> print extract_text(find_tag_by_id(content, 'series'))
Version Flavours
The Hoary Hedgehog Release Ubuntu, Edubuntu
The Warty Warthog Release Ubuntu, Kubuntu
Mirror admins can also see a whiteboard
>>> login('karl@canonical.com')
>>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
>>> cd_mirror.whiteboard = 'This is a good mirror.'
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... cd_mirror, '+index', principal=user)
>>> whiteboard = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'whiteboard')
>>> print extract_text(whiteboard.find('dd'))
This is a good mirror.
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... cd_mirror, '+index', principal=user)
>>> print find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'whiteboard')
Distribution mirror RSS
Any user can see the RSS for an archive mirror
>>> login('no-priv@canonical.com')
>>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... ubuntu, '+archivemirrors-rss', principal=user,
... server_url='http://launchpad.dev/ubuntu/+archivemirrors-rss')
>>> print view()
Ubuntu Archive Mirrors Status
Status of Ubuntu Archive Mirrors
>>> print view.request.response.getHeader('content-type')
Any user can see the RSS for an CD mirror
>>> view = create_initialized_view(
... ubuntu, '+cdmirrors-rss', principal=user,
... server_url='http://launchpad.dev/ubuntu/+cdmirrors-rss')
>>> print view()
Ubuntu CD Mirrors Status
>>> print view.request.response.getHeader('content-type')