Answer Tracker Pages ==================== Several views are used to handle the various operations on a question. >>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter >>> from import LaunchpadTestRequest >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet >>> ubuntu = getUtility(IDistributionSet).getByName('ubuntu') >>> question_three = ubuntu.getQuestion(3) >>> firefox = getUtility(IProductSet).getByName('firefox') >>> firefox_question = firefox.getQuestion(2) # The firefox_question doesn't have any subscribers, let's subscribe # the owner. >>> login('') >>> firefox_question.subscribe(firefox_question.owner) QuestionSubscriptionView ------------------------ This view is used to subscribe and unsubscribe from a question. Subscription is done when the user click on the 'Subscribe' button. >>> view = create_initialized_view(question_three, name='+subscribe') >>> print view.label Subscribe to question >>> print view.page_title Subscription >>> form = {'subscribe': 'Subscribe'} >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... question_three, name='+subscribe', form=form) >>> question_three.isSubscribed(getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True A notification message is displayed and the view redirect to the question view page. >>> for notice in view.request.notifications: ... print notice.message You have subscribed to this question. >>> view.request.response.getHeader('Location') '.../+question/3' Unsubscription works in a similar manner. >>> view = create_initialized_view(question_three, name='+subscribe') >>> print view.label Unsubscribe from question >>> form = {'subscribe': 'Unsubscribe'} >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... question_three, name='+subscribe', form=form) >>> question_three.isSubscribed(getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) False >>> for notice in view.request.notifications: ... print notice.message You have unsubscribed from this question. >>> view.request.response.getHeader('Location') '.../+question/3' QuestionWorkflowView -------------------- QuestionWorkflowView is the view used to handle the comments submitted by users on the question. The actions available on it always depends on the current state of the question and the identify of the user viewing the form. # Setup a harness to easily test the view. >>> from lp.answers.browser.question import QuestionWorkflowView >>> from lp.testing.deprecated import LaunchpadFormHarness >>> workflow_harness = LaunchpadFormHarness( ... firefox_question, QuestionWorkflowView) # Let's define a helper method that will return the names of the # available actions. >>> def getAvailableActionNames(view): ... names = [action.__name__.split('.')[-1] ... for action in view.actions ... if action.available()] ... return sorted(names) Unlogged-in users cannot post any comments on the question: >>> login(ANONYMOUS) >>> workflow_harness.submit('', {}) >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) [] When question is in the OPEN state, the owner can comment, answer his own question or provide more information. >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit('', {}) >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['comment', 'giveinfo', 'selfanswer'] But when another user sees the question, he can comment, provide an answer or request more information. >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit('', {}) >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['answer', 'comment', 'requestinfo'] When the other user requests for more information, a confirmation is displayed, the question status is changed to NEEDSINFO and the user is redirected back to the question page. >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'requestinfo', { ... 'field.message': 'Can you provide an example of an URL' ... 'displaying the problem?'}) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Thanks for your information request. >>> print NEEDSINFO >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' The available actions for that other user are still comment, give an answer or request more information: >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['answer', 'comment', 'requestinfo'] And the question owner still has the same possibilities as at first: >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit('', {}) >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['comment', 'giveinfo', 'selfanswer'] If he replies with the requested information, the question is moved back to the OPEN state. >>> form = { ... 'field.message': "The following SVG doesn't display properly:" ... "\n" ... } >>> workflow_harness.submit('giveinfo', form) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Thanks for adding more information to your question. >>> print OPEN >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' The other user can come back and gives an answer: >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'answer', { ... 'field.message': "New version of the firefox package are " ... "available with SVG support enabled. Using apt-get or " ... "adept you should be able to upgrade."}) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Thanks for your answer. >>> print ANSWERED >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' Once the question is answered, the set of possible actions for the question owner changes. He can now either comment, confirm the answer, answer the problem himself, or reopen the request because that answer isn't working. >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit('', {}) >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['comment', 'confirm', 'reopen', 'selfanswer'] Let's say he confirms the previous answer, in this case, the question will move to the 'SOLVED' state. Note that the UI doesn't enable the user to enter a confirmation message at that stage. >>> answer_message_number = firefox_question.messages.count() - 1 >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'confirm', {'answer_id': answer_message_number, ... 'field.message': ''}) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Thanks for your feedback. >>> print SOLVED >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' Since no confirmation message was given, a default one was used. >>> print firefox_question.messages[-1].text_contents Thanks No Privileges Person, that solved my question. Once in the SOLVED state, when the answerer is a person other than the question owner, the owner can now only either add a comment or reopen the question: >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['comment', 'reopen'] Adding a comment doesn't change the status: >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'comment', { ... 'field.message': "The example now displays " ... "correctly. Thanks."}) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Thanks for your comment. >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' >>> print SOLVED And the other user can only comment on the question: >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit('', {}) >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['comment'] If the question owner reopens the question, its status is changed back to 'OPEN'. >>> login('') >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'reopen', { ... 'field.message': "Actually, there are still SVG " ... "that do not display correctly. For example, the following " ... " doesn't " ... "display correctly."}) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Your question was reopened. >>> print OPEN >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' When the question owner answers his own question, it is moved straight to the SOLVED state. The question owner is attributed as the answerer, but no answer message is assigned to the answer. >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'selfanswer', { ... 'field.message': "OK, this example requires some " ... "SVG features that will only be available in Firefox 2.0."}) >>> for notification in workflow_harness.request.response.notifications: ... print notification.message Your question is solved. If a particular message helped you solve the problem, use the 'This solved my problem' button. >>> print SOLVED >>> print firefox_question.answerer.displayname Sample Person >>> firefox_question.answer is None True >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' When the answerer is the question owner, the owner can still confirm an answer, in addition to adding a comment or reopening the question. This path permits the question owner to state how the problem was solved, then attribute an answerer as a contributor to the solution. The answerer's message is attributed as the answer in this case. >>> getAvailableActionNames(workflow_harness.view) ['comment', 'confirm', 'reopen'] >>> workflow_harness.submit( ... 'confirm', {'answer_id': answer_message_number, ... 'field.message': ''}) >>> print SOLVED >>> print firefox_question.answerer.displayname No Privileges Person >>> print firefox_question.answer.owner.displayname No Privileges Person >>> answer_id = firefox_question.messages[answer_message_number].id >>> == answer_id True >>> workflow_harness.redirectionTarget() '.../+question/2' QuestionMakeBugView ------------------- The QuestionMakeBugView is used to handle the creation of a bug from a question. In addition to creating a bug, this operation will also link the bug to the question. >>> login('') >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... form={'field.actions.create': 'Create', ... 'field.title': 'Bug title', ... 'field.description': 'Bug description.'}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> makebug = getMultiAdapter((question_three, request), name='+makebug') >>> question_three.bugs.count() == 0 True >>> makebug.initialize() >>> print question_three.bugs[0].title Bug title >>> print question_three.bugs[0].description Bug description. >>> print name16 >>> question_three.bugs[0].isSubscribed(makebug.user) True >>> new_bug_id = int(question_three.bugs[0].id) >>> message = [n.message for n in request.notifications] >>> message [u'Thank you! Bug #... created.'] >>> 'Bug #%s created.' % new_bug_id in message[0] True If the question already has bugs linked to it, no new bug can be created. >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... form={'field.actions.create': 'create'}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> makebug = getMultiAdapter((question_three, request), name='+makebug') >>> makebug.initialize() >>> for n in request.notifications: ... print n.message You cannot create a bug report... BugLinkView and BugsUnlinkView ------------------------------ Linking bug (+linkbug) to the question is managed through the BugLinkView. Unlinking bugs from the question is managed through the BugsUnlinkView. See 'buglinktarget-pages.txt' for their documentation. The notifications sent along linking and unlinking bugs can be found in 'answer-tracker-notifications.txt'. QuestionRejectView ------------------ That view is used by administrator and answer contacts to reject a question. >>> login('') >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... form={'field.actions.reject': 'Reject', ... 'field.message': 'Rejecting for the fun of it.'}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> view = getMultiAdapter((firefox_question, request), name='+reject') >>> view.initialize() >>> for notice in request.notifications: ... print notice.message You have rejected this question. >>> print firefox_question.status.title Invalid QuestionChangeStatusView ------------------------ QuestionChangeStatusView is used by administrator to change the status outside of the comment workflow. >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... form={'field.actions.change-status': 'Change Status', ... 'field.status': 'SOLVED', ... 'field.message': 'Previous rejection was an error.'}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> view = getMultiAdapter( ... (firefox_question, request), name='+change-status') >>> view.initialize() >>> for notice in request.notifications: ... print notice.message Question status updated. >>> print firefox_question.status.title Solved QuestionEditView ---------------- QuestionEditView available through '+edit' is used to edit most question fields. It can be used to edit the question title and description and also its metadata like language, assignee, distribution, source package, product and whiteboard. >>> login('') >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest(form={ ... 'field.actions.change': 'Continue', ... 'field.title': 'Better Title', ... 'field.language': 'en', ... 'field.description': 'A better description.', ... '': 'package', ... '': 'ubuntu', ... '': 'mozilla-firefox', ... 'field.assignee': 'name16', ... 'field.whiteboard': 'Some note'}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> view = getMultiAdapter((question_three, request), name='+edit') >>> view.initialize() >>> question_three.title u'Better Title' >>> question_three.description u'A better description.' >>> print ubuntu >>> print mozilla-firefox >>> print question_three.product None Since a user must have launchpad.Moderator privilege to change the assignee and launchpad.Admin privilege to change status whiteboard, the values are unchanged. >>> question_three.assignee is None True >>> question_three.whiteboard is None True If the user has the required permission, the assignee and whiteboard fields will be updated: >>> login('') >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest(form={ ... 'field.actions.change': 'Continue', ... 'field.language': 'en', ... 'field.title': 'Better Title', ... 'field.description': 'A better description.', ... '': 'package', ... '': 'ubuntu', ... '': 'mozilla-firefox', ... 'field.assignee': 'name16', ... 'field.whiteboard': 'Some note'}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> view = getMultiAdapter((question_three, request), name='+edit') >>> view.initialize() >>> print question_three.assignee.displayname Foo Bar >>> print question_three.whiteboard Some note The question language can be set to any language registered with Launchpad--it is not restricted to the user's preferred languages. >>> view = create_initialized_view(question_three, name='+edit') >>> view.widgets['language'].vocabulary In a similar manner, the sourcepackagename field can only be updated on a distribution question: >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest(form={ ... 'field.actions.change': 'Continue', ... 'field.language': 'en', ... 'field.title': 'Better Title', ... 'field.description': 'A better description.', ... '': 'product', ... '': '', ... '': 'mozilla-firefox', ... '': 'firefox', ... 'field.assignee': '', ... 'field.whiteboard': ''}) >>> request.method = 'POST' >>> view = getMultiAdapter((question_three, request), name='+edit') >>> view.initialize() >>> view.errors [] >>> question_three.sourcepackagename is None True >>> print question_three.distribution None >>> print question_three.sourcepackagename None >>> print firefox # Reassign back the question to ubuntu >>> = ubuntu The QuestionLanguage vocabulary ------------------------------- The QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory is an IContextSourceBinder which is used in browser forms to create a vocabulary containing only the languages that are likely to interest the user. When the user has not configured his preferred languages, the vocabulary will contain languages from the HTTP request, or the most likely interesting languages based on GeoIP information. For example, if the user doesn't log in and his browser is configured to accept brazilian Portuguese, the vocabulary will contain the languages spoken in South Africa (because the IP address is mapped to South Africa in the tests). >>> login(ANONYMOUS) >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='pt_BR') >>> from lp.answers.browser.question import ( ... QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory) >>> view = getMultiAdapter((firefox, request), name='+addticket') >>> vocab = QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory(view)(None) >>> languages = [term.value for term in vocab] >>> sorted([lang.code for lang in languages]) [u'af', u'en', u'pt_BR', u'st', u'xh', u'zu'] If the user logs in but didn't configure his preferred languages, the same logic is used to find the languages: >>> login('') >>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user >>> len(user.languages) 0 >>> vocab = QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory(view)(None) >>> languages = [term.value for term in vocab] >>> sorted(lang.code for lang in languages) [u'af', u'en', u'pt_BR', u'st', u'xh', u'zu'] But if the user configured his preferred languages, only these are used: >>> login('') >>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user >>> sorted(lang.code for lang in user.languages) [u'ca', u'en', u'es'] >>> vocab = QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory(view)(None) >>> languages = [term.value for term in vocab] >>> sorted(lang.code for lang in languages) [u'ca', u'en', u'es'] Note that all variants of English are always excluded from the vocabulary (since we don't want to confuse people by providing multiple English options). Daf has en_GB listed among his languages: >>> login('') >>> user = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user >>> sorted(lang.code for lang in user.languages) [u'cy', u'en_GB', u'ja'] But the vocabulary made from this languages has substituted the English variant with English: >>> vocab = QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory(view)(None) >>> languages = [term.value for term in vocab] >>> sorted(lang.code for lang in languages) [u'cy', u'en', u'ja'] Note also that the vocabulary will always contain the current question's language in the vocabulary, even if this language would not be selected by the previous rules. >>> from import ILanguageSet >>> afar = getUtility(ILanguageSet)['aa_DJ'] >>> question_three.language = afar >>> vocab = QuestionLanguageVocabularyFactory(view)(question_three) >>> afar in vocab True # Clean up. >>> question_three.language = getUtility(ILanguageSet)['en'] UserSupportLanguagesMixin ------------------------- The UserSupportLanguagesMixin can be used by views that needs to retrieve the set of languages in which the user is assumed to be interested. >>> from lp.answers.browser.questiontarget import ( ... UserSupportLanguagesMixin) >>> from import LaunchpadView >>> class UserSupportLanguagesView(UserSupportLanguagesMixin, ... LaunchpadView): ... """View to test UserSupportLanguagesMixin.""" The set of languages to use for support is defined in the 'user_support_languages' attribute. Like all operations involving languages in the Answer Tracker, we ignore all other English variants. When the user is not logged in, or didn't define his preferred languages, the set will be initialized from the request. That's the languages configured in the browser, plus other inferred from the GeoIP database. >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE='fr, en_CA') >>> login(ANONYMOUS) >>> view = UserSupportLanguagesView(None, request) For this request, the set of support languages contains French (from the request), and the languages spoken in South Africa (inferred from the GeoIP location of the request). >>> sorted(language.code for language in view.user_support_languages) [u'af', u'en', u'fr', u'st', u'xh', u'zu'] Same thing if the logged in user didn't have any preferred languages set: >>> login('') >>> view = UserSupportLanguagesView(None, request) >>> sorted(language.code for language in view.user_support_languages) [u'af', u'en', u'fr', u'st', u'xh', u'zu'] But when the user has some preferred languages set, these will be used instead of the ones inferred from the request: >>> login('') >>> view = UserSupportLanguagesView(None, request) >>> sorted(language.code for language in view.user_support_languages) [u'ca', u'en', u'es'] English variants included in the user's preferred languages are excluded: >>> login('') >>> view = UserSupportLanguagesView(None, request) >>> sorted(language.code for language in view.user_support_languages) [u'cy', u'en', u'ja'] SearchQuestionsView ------------------- This view is used as a base class to search for questions. It is intended to be easily customizable to offer more specific reports, while keeping those searchable. # Define a subclass to demonstrate the customizability of the base # view. >>> from lp.answers.browser.questiontarget import SearchQuestionsView >>> class MyCustomSearchQuestionsView(SearchQuestionsView): ... ... default_filter = {} ... ... def getDefaultFilter(self): ... return dict(**self.default_filter) >>> search_view_harness = LaunchpadFormHarness( ... ubuntu, MyCustomSearchQuestionsView) By default, that class provides widgets to search by text and by status. >>> search_view = search_view_harness.view >>> search_view.widgets.get('search_text') is not None True >>> search_view.widgets.get('language') is not None True >>> search_view.widgets.get('status') is not None True It also includes a widget to select the sort order. >>> search_view.widgets.get('sort') is not None True The questions matching the search are available by using the searchResults() method. The returned results are batched. >>> questions = search_view.searchResults() >>> questions >>> for question in questions.batch: ... print question.title.encode('us-ascii', 'backslashreplace') Problema al recompilar kernel con soporte smp (doble-n\xfacleo) Continue playing after shutdown Play DVDs in Totem mailto: problem in webpage Installation of Java Runtime Environment for Mozilla These were the default results when no search is entered. The user can tweak the search and filter the results: >>> search_view_harness.submit('search', { ... 'field.status': ['SOLVED', 'OPEN'], ... 'field.search_text': 'firefox', ... 'field.language': ['en'], ... 'field.sort': 'by relevancy'}) >>> search_view = search_view_harness.view >>> questions = search_view.searchResults() >>> for question in questions.batch: ... print question.title, question.status.title mailto: problem in webpage Solved Specific views can provide a default filter by returning the default search parameters to use in the getDefaultFilter() method: >>> from lp.answers.enums import QuestionStatus >>> MyCustomSearchQuestionsView.default_filter = { ... 'status': [QuestionStatus.SOLVED, QuestionStatus.INVALID], ... 'language' : search_view.user_support_languages} >>> search_view_harness.submit('', {}) In this example, only the solved and invalid questions are listed by default. >>> search_view = search_view_harness.view >>> questions = search_view.searchResults() >>> for question in questions.batch: ... print question.title mailto: problem in webpage Better Title The status widget displays the default criteria used: >>> for status in search_view.widgets['status']._getFormValue(): ... print status.title Solved Invalid The user selected search parameters will override these default criteria. >>> search_view_harness.submit('search', { ... 'field.status': ['SOLVED'], ... 'field.search_text': 'firefox', ... 'field.language': ['en'], ... 'field.sort': 'by relevancy'}) >>> search_view = search_view_harness.view >>> questions = search_view.searchResults() >>> for question in questions.batch: ... print question.title mailto: problem in webpage >>> for status in search_view.widgets['status']._getFormValue(): ... print status.title Solved The base view computes the page heading and the message displayed when no results are found based on the selected search filter: >>> from zope.i18n import translate >>> search_view_harness.submit('', {}) >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.page_title) Questions for Ubuntu >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.empty_listing_message) There are no questions for Ubuntu with the requested statuses. >>> MyCustomSearchQuestionsView.default_filter = dict( ... status=[QuestionStatus.OPEN], search_text='Firefox') >>> search_view_harness.submit('', {}) >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.page_title) Open questions matching "Firefox" for Ubuntu >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.empty_listing_message) There are no open questions matching "Firefox" for Ubuntu. It works also with user submitted values: >>> search_view_harness.submit('search', { ... 'field.status': ['EXPIRED'], ... 'field.search_text': '', ... 'field.language': ['en'], ... 'field.sort': 'by relevancy'}) >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.page_title) Expired questions for Ubuntu >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.empty_listing_message) There are no expired questions for Ubuntu. >>> search_view_harness.submit('search', { ... 'field.status': ['OPEN', 'ANSWERED'], ... 'field.search_text': 'evolution', ... 'field.language': ['en'], ... 'field.sort': 'by relevancy'}) >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.page_title) Questions matching "evolution" for Ubuntu >>> print translate(search_view_harness.view.empty_listing_message) There are no questions matching "evolution" for Ubuntu with the requested statuses. Question listing table ...................... The SearchQuestionsView has two attributes that control the columns of the question listing table. Products display the default columns of Summary, Created, Submitter, Assignee, and Status. >>> from lp.answers.publisher import AnswersLayer >>> from lp.testing.pages import ( ... extract_text, find_tag_by_id) >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... firefox, name="+questions", layer=AnswersLayer, ... principal=question_three.owner) >>> view.display_sourcepackage_column False >>> view.display_target_column False >>> table = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'question-listing') >>> for row in table.findAll('tr'): ... print extract_text(row) Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status 6 Newly installed... 2005-10-14 Sample Person — Answered ... Distribution display the "Source Package" column. The name of the source package is displayed if it exists. >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... ubuntu, name="+questions", layer=AnswersLayer, ... principal=question_three.owner) >>> view.display_sourcepackage_column True >>> view.display_target_column False >>> table = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'question-listing') >>> for row in table.findAll('tr'): ... print extract_text(row) Summary Created Submitter Source Package Assignee Status ... 8 ... 2006-07-20 Sample Person mozilla-firefox — Answered 7 ... 2005-10-14 Foo Bar — — Needs ... ProjectGroups display the "In" column to show the product name. >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.projectgroup import IProjectGroupSet >>> mozilla = getUtility(IProjectGroupSet).getByName('mozilla') >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... mozilla, name="+questions", layer=AnswersLayer, ... principal=question_three.owner) >>> view.display_sourcepackage_column False >>> view.display_target_column True >>> table = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'question-listing') >>> for row in table.findAll('tr'): ... print extract_text(row) Summary Created Submitter In Assignee Status 6 ... 2005-10-14 Sample Person Mozilla Firefox — Answered... The Assignee column is always displayed. It contains The person assigned to the question, or an m-dash if there is no assignee. >>> question_six = firefox.getQuestion(6) >>> question_six.assignee = factory.makePerson( ... name="bob", displayname="Bob") >>> view = create_initialized_view( ... firefox, name="+questions", layer=AnswersLayer, ... principal=question_three.owner) >>> view.display_sourcepackage_column False >>> view.display_target_column False >>> table = find_tag_by_id(view.render(), 'question-listing') >>> for row in table.findAll('tr'): ... print extract_text(row) Summary Created Submitter Assignee Status 6 ... 2005-10-14 Sample Person Bob Answered 4 ... 2005-09-05 Foo Bar — Open ... QuestionCollectionOpenCountView ------------------------------- There is a helper view that is available on all IQuestionCollection that returns the number of questions in the Open and Needs information states on that target. >>> view = getMultiAdapter( ... (firefox, LaunchpadTestRequest()), name='+open_questions_count') >>> view() u'3' ManageAnswerContactView ----------------------- That view is used by a user to register himself or any team he administrates as an answer contact for the project. Jeff Waugh is an administrator for the Ubuntu Team. Thus he can register himself or the Ubuntu Team as answer contact for ubuntu: >>> list(ubuntu.answer_contacts) [] >>> login('') >>> jeff_waugh = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> ubuntu_team = getUtility(IPersonSet).getByName('ubuntu-team') >>> jeff_waugh in ubuntu_team.getDirectAdministrators() True >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method='POST', form={ ... 'field.actions.update': 'Continue', ... 'field.want_to_be_answer_contact': 'on', ... 'field.answer_contact_teams': 'ubuntu-team'}) >>> view = getMultiAdapter((ubuntu, request), name="+answer-contact") >>> view.initialize() >>> sorted( ... [person.displayname for person in ubuntu.direct_answer_contacts]) [u'Jeff Waugh', u'Ubuntu Team'] The view adds notifications about the answer contacts added: >>> for notification in request.notifications: ... print notification.message <...Your preferred languages... were updated to include ...English (en). You have been added as an answer contact for Ubuntu. English was added to Ubuntu Team's ...preferred languages... Ubuntu Team has been added as an answer contact for Ubuntu. But Daniel Silverstone is only a regular member of Ubuntu Team, so he can only subscribe himself: >>> login('') >>> kinnison = getUtility(ILaunchBag).user >>> kinnison in ubuntu_team.getDirectAdministrators() False >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method='POST', form={ ... 'field.actions.update': 'Continue', ... 'field.want_to_be_answer_contact': 'on'}) >>> view = getMultiAdapter((ubuntu, request), name="+answer-contact") >>> view.initialize() >>> sorted( ... [person.displayname for person in ubuntu.direct_answer_contacts]) [u'Daniel Silverstone', u'Jeff Waugh', u'Ubuntu Team'] >>> for notification in request.notifications: ... print notification.message <...Your preferred languages... were updated to include ...English (en). You have been added as an answer contact for Ubuntu. The same view is used to remove answer contact registrations. The user can only remove his own registration. >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method='POST', form={ ... 'field.actions.update': 'Continue', ... 'field.want_to_be_answer_contact': 'off'}) >>> view = getMultiAdapter((ubuntu, request), name="+answer-contact") >>> view.initialize() >>> sorted( ... [person.displayname for person in ubuntu.direct_answer_contacts]) [u'Jeff Waugh', u'Ubuntu Team'] >>> for notification in request.notifications: ... print notification.message You have been removed as an answer contact for Ubuntu. It can also be used to remove a team registration when the user is a team administrator: >>> login('') >>> request = LaunchpadTestRequest( ... method='POST', form={ ... 'field.actions.update': 'Continue', ... 'field.want_to_be_answer_contact': 'on', ... 'field.answer_contact_teams-empty_marker': '1'}) >>> view = getMultiAdapter((ubuntu, request), name="+answer-contact") >>> view.initialize() >>> sorted( ... [person.displayname for person in ubuntu.direct_answer_contacts]) [u'Jeff Waugh'] >>> for notification in request.notifications: ... print notification.message Ubuntu Team has been removed as an answer contact for Ubuntu.