Security Teams ============== Responsibility for security-related bugs, are modelled in Launchpad with a "security contact" on a Distribution or a Product. >>> from itertools import chain >>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.securitycontact import IHasSecurityContact >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.distribution import IDistributionSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.person import IPersonSet >>> from lp.registry.interfaces.product import IProductSet >>> personset = getUtility(IPersonSet) >>> productset = getUtility(IProductSet) >>> ubuntu = getUtility(IDistributionSet).get(1) >>> firefox = productset.get(4) >>> IHasSecurityContact.providedBy(ubuntu) True >>> IHasSecurityContact.providedBy(firefox) True >>> mark = personset.get(1) >>> ubuntu_team = personset.get(17) Security contacts are set through properties. >>> login("") >>> ubuntu.security_contact = mark >>> firefox.security_contact = ubuntu_team >>> print mark >>> print ubuntu-team When creating a bug, use the security_related flag to indicate that the bug is a security vulnerability, and the security contact should be subscribed to the bug, even when it's marked private. >>> from import ILaunchBag >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import CreateBugParams >>> ubuntu_firefox = ubuntu.getSourcePackage("mozilla-firefox") >>> params = CreateBugParams( ... owner=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user, ... title="a security bug", ... comment="this is an example security bug", ... security_related=True, private=True) >>> bug = ubuntu.createBug(params) >>> bug.security_related True >>> bug.private True The reporter, Foo Bar, and the Ubuntu security contact, Mark Shuttleworth are both subscribed to the bug. >>> def subscriber_names(bug): ... subscribers = chain( ... bug.getDirectSubscribers(), ... bug.getIndirectSubscribers()) ... return sorted( for subscriber in subscribers) >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'mark', u'name16'] If the bug were not reported as security-related, only Foo Bar would have been subscribed: >>> from import ILaunchBag >>> ubuntu_firefox = ubuntu.getSourcePackage("mozilla-firefox") >>> params = CreateBugParams( ... owner=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user, ... title="a security bug", ... comment="this is an example security bug", ... security_related=False) >>> bug = ubuntu.createBug(params) >>> bug.security_related False >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name16', u'ubuntu-team'] Likewise, filing a security-related bug on Firefox will subscribe the security contact, the Ubuntu team, to the bug. >>> params = CreateBugParams( ... owner=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user, ... title="another security bug", ... comment="this is another security bug", ... security_related=True, private=True) >>> bug = firefox.createBug(params) >>> bug.security_related True >>> bug.private True >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name16', u'ubuntu-team'] Again, if the bug were not reported as security-related, the security contact, the Ubuntu Team, would not have been subscribed: >>> params = CreateBugParams( ... owner=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user, ... title="another security bug", ... comment="this is another security bug", ... security_related=False) >>> bug = firefox.createBug(params) >>> bug.security_related False >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] When no security contact exists, only the reporter and product registrant get subscribed. >>> firefox.security_contact = None >>> print name12 >>> params = CreateBugParams( ... owner=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user, ... title="another security bug", ... comment="this is another security bug", ... security_related=True, private=True) >>> bug = firefox.createBug(params) >>> bug.security_related True >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] When a bug is reported in another package or upstream, the security contact for that package or upstream is automatically subscribed to the bug, *if the bug is public*. Malone never auto-subscribes anyone to private bugs, except when the user chooses that option when filing a security bug. Let's first demonstrate adding a task to a public bug causing the security contact of the new product to be subscribed. >>> evolution = productset.get(5) We'll set lifeless as the security_contact for evolution. >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import IBugTaskSet (Make the bug public to ensure the security contact will get subscribed.) >>> bug.setPrivate(False, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> lifeless = personset.get(2) >>> print lifeless >>> evolution.security_contact = lifeless >>> foobar = personset.get(16) >>> print name16 >>> bugtaskset = getUtility(IBugTaskSet) >>> bug_in_evolution = bugtaskset.createTask(bug, foobar, evolution) lifeless is subscribed to the public security bug when a task is added for evolution. >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'lifeless', u'name12', u'name16'] But if we repeat the process, using a private bug, he won't be subscribed. >>> params = CreateBugParams( ... owner=getUtility(ILaunchBag).user, ... title="another security bug", ... comment="this is private security bug", ... private=True, security_related=True) >>> bug = firefox.createBug(params) >>> bug.security_related True >>> bug.private True >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] We are moving away from allowing private bugs to affect multiple projects. This is required still for some teams until they update their tools and processes. So we need to use a feature flag to perform the next tests. >>> from import FeatureFixture >>> feature_flag = { ... 'disclosure.allow_multipillar_private_bugs.enabled': 'on'} >>> privacy_flags = FeatureFixture(feature_flag) >>> privacy_flags.setUp() >>> bug_in_evolution = bugtaskset.createTask(bug, foobar, evolution) >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] Finally, reassigning a public bug to a different product will subscribe the new security contact, if present and if the original bug was marked as a security issue. Let's set stub to the security contact for thunderbird to see how this works. >>> thunderbird = productset.get(8) >>> print thunderbird >>> stub = personset.get(22) >>> print stub >>> thunderbird.security_contact = stub >>> from zope.event import notify >>> from lazr.lifecycle.event import ObjectModifiedEvent >>> from lazr.lifecycle.snapshot import Snapshot >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import IBugTask >>> old_state = Snapshot(bug_in_evolution, providing=IBugTask) >>> bug_in_evolution.transitionToTarget(thunderbird) >>> bug_product_changed = ObjectModifiedEvent( ... bug_in_evolution, old_state, ["product"]) First, let's set the bug to non security related with the bug still marked, private and notice that the subscription list doesn't change: >>> bug.private True >>> bug.setSecurityRelated(False, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] Now the bug is marked as security related, when also marked public does cause stub to get subscribed: >>> bug.setPrivate(False, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> bug.setSecurityRelated(True, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> bug.security_related True >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16', u'stub'] But if it is not a security issue originally, stub does not get subscribed when moving it to the new project. >>> bug.unsubscribe(stub, stub) >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] >>> bug.setSecurityRelated(False, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> bug.security_related False >>> notify(bug_product_changed) >>> subscriber_names(bug) [u'name12', u'name16'] When a bug becomes security-related, the security contacts for the pillars it affects are subscribed to it. This happens regardless of whether the feature flag is set. We currently use a feature flag to control who is subscribed when a bug is made security related. >>> feature_flag = { ... 'disclosure.enhanced_private_bug_subscriptions.enabled': 'on'} >>> security_flags = FeatureFixture(feature_flag) >>> security_flags.setUp() >>> from zope.event import notify >>> from lazr.lifecycle.event import ObjectModifiedEvent >>> from lazr.lifecycle.snapshot import Snapshot >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bug import IBug >>> product = factory.makeProduct() >>> product.security_contact = factory.makePerson( ... displayname='Product Security Contact') >>> distribution = factory.makeDistribution() >>> distribution.security_contact = factory.makePerson( ... displayname='Distribution Security Contact') >>> reporter = factory.makePerson(displayname=u'Bug Reporter') >>> bug = factory.makeBug(product=product, owner=reporter) >>> bug.addTask(owner=reporter, target=distribution) >>> old_state = Snapshot(bug, providing=IBug) >>> bug.setSecurityRelated(True, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> notify(ObjectModifiedEvent(bug, old_state, ['security_related'])) >>> for subscriber_name in sorted( ... s.displayname for s in bug.getDirectSubscribers()): ... print subscriber_name Bug Reporter Distribution Security Contact Product Security Contact Clean up the feature flags. >>> security_flags.cleanUp() >>> privacy_flags.cleanUp() And once more without the feature flag. >>> product = factory.makeProduct() >>> product.security_contact = factory.makePerson( ... displayname='Product Security Contact') >>> distribution = factory.makeDistribution() >>> distribution.security_contact = factory.makePerson( ... displayname='Distribution Security Contact') >>> reporter = factory.makePerson(displayname=u'Bug Reporter') >>> bug = factory.makeBug(product=product, owner=reporter) >>> bug.addTask(owner=reporter, target=distribution) >>> old_state = Snapshot(bug, providing=IBug) >>> bug.setSecurityRelated(True, getUtility(ILaunchBag).user) True >>> notify(ObjectModifiedEvent(bug, old_state, ['security_related'])) >>> for subscriber_name in sorted( ... s.displayname for s in bug.getDirectSubscribers()): ... print subscriber_name Bug Reporter Distribution Security Contact Product Security Contact