BuildFarmJobBehavior ==================== The Launchpad build farm was originally designed for building binary packages from source packages, but was subsequently generalised to support other types of build farm jobs. The `BuildFarmJobBehavior` class encapsulates job-type-specific behavior with a standard interface to which our generic IBuilder class delegates. The result is that neither our generic IBuilder class or any call-sites (such as the build master) need any knowledge of different job types or how to handle them. Creating a new behavior ----------------------- A new behavior should implement the `IBuildFarmJobBehavior` interface and extend BuildFarmJobBehaviorBase. A new behavior will only be required to define one method - dispatchBuildToSlave() - to correctly implement the interface, but will usually want to customise the other properties and methods as well. >>> from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjobbehavior import ( ... IBuildFarmJobBehavior) >>> from lp.buildmaster.model.buildfarmjobbehavior import ( ... BuildFarmJobBehaviorBase) >>> from zope.interface import implements >>> class MyNewBuildBehavior(BuildFarmJobBehaviorBase): ... """A custom build behavior for building blah.""" ... implements(IBuildFarmJobBehavior) ... ... def dispatchBuildToSlave(self, build_queue_item_id, logger): ... print "Did something special to dispatch MySpecialBuild." For this documentation, we'll also need a dummy new build farm job. >>> from lp.buildmaster.interfaces.buildfarmjob import IBuildFarmJob >>> class IMyNewBuildFarmJob(IBuildFarmJob): ... "Normally defines job-type specific database fields.""" >>> class MyNewBuildFarmJob(object): ... implements(IMyNewBuildFarmJob) Custom behaviors are not normally instantiated directly, instead an adapter is specified for the specific IBuildFarmJob. Normaly we'd add some ZCML to adapt our specific build farm job to its behavior like: But for the sake of this documentation we'll add the adapter manually. >>> from import ztapi >>> ztapi.provideAdapter( ... MyNewBuildFarmJob, IBuildFarmJobBehavior, MyNewBuildBehavior) This will then allow the builder to request and set the required behavior from the current job. Bob the builder currently has a binary package job and so finds itself with a binary package build behavior which defines binary-build specific information. >>> from lp.buildmaster.model.builder import Builder >>> from import ( ... IStoreSelector, MAIN_STORE, DEFAULT_FLAVOR) >>> store = getUtility(IStoreSelector).get(MAIN_STORE, DEFAULT_FLAVOR) >>> bob = store.find(Builder, == 'bob').one() Once the builder has the relevant behavior, it is able to provide both general builder functionality of its own accord, while delegating any build-type specific functionality to the behavior. The IBuildFarmJobBehavior interface currently provides customisation points throughout the build life-cycle, from logging the start of a build, verifying that the provided queue item is ready to be built, dispatching the build etc., and allows further customisation to be added easily. Please refer to the IBuildFarmJobBehavior interface to see the currently provided build-type specific customisation points. The IdleBuildBehavior --------------------- If a Builder does not have a currentjob (and therefore an appropriate build behavior) it will automatically get the special IdleBuildBehavior to ensure that it fulfills its contract to implement IBuildFarmJobBehavior. First, we'll reset the current build behavior and destroy the current job. >>> bob.current_build_behavior = None >>> bob.currentjob.destroySelf() Attempting to use any other build-related functionality when a builder is idle, such as making a call to log the start of a build, will raise an appropriate exception. >>> bob.current_build_behavior.logStartBuild(None) Traceback (most recent call last): ... BuildBehaviorMismatch: Builder was idle when asked to log the start of a build. If a slave is working on a job while we think it is idle, it will always be aborted. >>> bob.current_build_behavior.verifySlaveBuildCookie('foo') Traceback (most recent call last): ... CorruptBuildCookie: No job assigned to builder